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学科会聚、交叉与科研平台建设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文首先以活动着的知识创造、传递、融合与应用组织系统,这一实践形态的学科含义,区别于知识形态的学科界定,得出实践形态的学科活动最重要的就是学科会聚和交叉的结论,接着阐释了会聚交叉情况下的三种学科发展模式、相应的科研平台,最后对协作组织科研平台、科研群体管理机制平台、实践导向平台建设作了论述。  相似文献   

In the last decade, there has been increasing pressure on academic laboratories to produce practical results. The last 10 years also have seen a growing interest in knowledge management, a management discipline believed to enhance organizations’ innovative capability by the sharing and creation of knowledge. While most knowledge management cases refer to the business setting, we believe that the introduction of these practices can also enhance knowledge creation and knowledge sharing within and among research units. This paper focuses on a pilot study being conducted at a Japanese public graduate university – JAIST – under a Center of Excellence (COE) program that was established to bring the performance of research laboratories up to a world class level in productivity by applying the theories and tools of knowledge science. This study is a cooperative effort between the School of Knowledge Science, doing research on knowledge management and systems, and two research laboratories in the School of Materials Science, doing basic and applied research on materials science. The goal of this project is to enhance materials science students’ capabilities so that they become successful creators of new scientific knowledge. A group of seven graduate research students volunteered for the study. As one of the first steps, we introduced a formal and periodic written reporting system that motivates students to think strategically about their experiments, helps them to improve their communications skills, and enables students to self-evaluate their skills and supervisors to evaluate the students’ skills as well as monitor their progress and developments in a formalized way. Since the project is relatively new, these preliminary results are associated with a generalized awareness and participation of the students in the project. However, we are expecting to obtain more concrete results, that is, quantifiable improvements in scientific production, in the near future.  相似文献   

在宏观科学能力和微观企业能力研究的基础上,本文从科学与技术的本质区别和相互联系出发,强调企业科学研究的重要性,开创性提出企业科学能力的概念,从内部科学能力,外部科学能力的纬度探索性界定科学能力的核心组成因素:科学研究投入、科学研究管理、内部科学研究成果、与外部的学术交流合作、外部基础研究成果的购买与转让。  相似文献   

空间资源学的学科定位及发展问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
资源学是一门尚在发展的交叉学科。近年来人类的空间活动日益频繁,空间资源的应用也日益广泛。因此,从资源学的角度研究空间资源问题,将空间资源学纳入到资源学的学科体系已成为大势所趋。探讨了空间资源学的研究对象和学科定位,提出空间资源学的研究范围及意义,并给出了一些建议,以此推动空间资源学的发展及完善。  相似文献   

Academic training, where senior scientists transfer their knowledge and skills to junior scientists through apprenticeship, plays a crucial role in the development of scientists. This study focuses on two aspects of academic training, autonomy and exploration, to investigate how different modes of training are incentivized and how they affect junior scientists’ performance and career prospects. Drawing on a sample of 162 supervising professors and their 791 PhD students in life science labs in Japanese universities, this study suggests two fundamental conflicts in academic training. First, autonomy granted to PhD students under apprenticeship improves their long-term performance but decreases short-term performance. Because the latter effect costs supervisors, while the former does not benefit them in general, this inter-temporal tradeoff creates an incentive conflict between supervisors and students, inducing non-autonomous training. The short-term cost for supervisors can be compensated in the form of labor input or reputation gain from previous students in the long term, but this typically happens when students are trained with limited scope of exploration, which hinders the originality of students’ knowledge production. This reduces the diversity of knowledge production, presenting another incentive conflict between individual scientists and the collective scientific community.  相似文献   

近年来,教育学科伴随着高等教育大众化的进程,在理工类院校逐渐发展起来.为了更好的促进教育学科在理工类院校的良性发展,通过查阅大量的文献资料和对理工类院校的实地调查,对教育学科在理工类院校发展的历史和现状作出分析,探究发展过程中仍然面临的问题,如学科建设基础薄弱、竞争力不足、可持续发展力不足等,并针对产生的问题探索新的发展途径.  相似文献   

我国管理科学领域机构学术合作网络分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
闫相斌  宋晓龙  宋晓红 《科研管理》2011,32(12):104-111
基于我国管理科学主流期刊上发表的论文,构建了管理科学领域的机构学术合作网络,应用社会网络分析方法分析了合作网络的特征和模式。研究发现我国管理科学领域的机构学术合作网络具有明显的核心-边缘结构,网络是稀疏的,并具有小世界和无标度特性;国内著名管理科学研究机构构成了网络的核心。通过派系分析发现研究机构之间的合作具有明显的区域特征。促使边缘机构与核心机构的学术合作、打破区域间合作障碍可以提高管理科学领域的整体合作程度。  相似文献   

对科学学的基本理论问题进行了回顾和新的思考。提出科学学的研究对象是"科学技术的社会形相";在不同视角下,科学学具有不同的学科归属;科学学的研究方法具有多样性,其特有的研究方法是"多元归一法"。  相似文献   

The history of science as a discipline took place in the period of the German Empire, but the historiography of its development insufficiently recognizes both its proto-institutionalization during this period and the critical role played by Germans in effecting its initial development. In this article, while alluding to the several areas in which Germans took the lead in establishing the discipline, the focus is on one representative area: the mounting of temporary and permanent exhibitions relating to the history of science during the Empire period. Reasons why Germans were motivators in these efforts include the importance of past and present excellence in science, eminence in and fascination with historical research to the new nation’s construction after German unification in 1871, and of the assertion of the nineteenth century German bourgeoisie in its role in advancing the culture of the nation. The larger argument, that subjects of the German Empire achieved critical institution-building in history of science, is supported by the incidence of displays organized by Germans, and buttressed by the fact that a number of these organizers also participated in the field’s enlarged late nineteenth and early twentieth century scholarship that was most marked among Germans of any national group.  相似文献   

Recruitment into the scientific community is one oft-stated goal of science education--in the post-Sputnik United States, for example--but this obscures the fact that science textbooks are often read by people who will never be scientists. It cannot be presupposed that science textbooks for younger audiences, students in primary and secondary schools, function in this way. For this reason, precollegiate-level science textbooks are sometimes discussed as a subset of literature popularizing science. The high school science classroom and the textbook are forums for exposing the public to science. The role of governments and educational institutions in regulating the consumption of these texts not only determines which books are used; it influences how they are written, read, and deemed authoritative. Therefore such science textbooks should not be seen as (at best) the disjunction of texts-for-training and books-for-popularization. A changing sense of what "textbooks" are compels a different understanding of their use in the history of science.  相似文献   

农业环境科学应用性强、学科交叉明显,过去没有很好的找到与自然基金重点支持领域的结合点,获得支持率一直不稳定。研究所通过抓学科建设、创新能力建设、管理服务,加强了结合点的实力,推动了国家自然科学基金申请工作,并取得了一定的成绩。  相似文献   

理工类研究型大学人文社会科学学科论文结构定量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜春林  刘则渊 《科研管理》2007,28(4):177-184
基于中文社会科学引文索引的检索数据,利用集中度指数、绝对优势指数、相对优势指数、比较优势指数等计量指标,对38所理工类研究型大学9个学科门类的论文产出进行测度分析,初步勾勒出近年来这一特定集合人文社会科学学科论文产出的特点:各大学之间、各学科之间论文产出存在较大差异,学科论文产出结构表现不均衡。认为,提升学科发展水平应思想上重视、结构上协调,加大人才引进和培养力度。  相似文献   

林菲  杨舰 《科学学研究》2016,34(9):1294-1300
本文立足于把握大数据时代为历史研究提供的新机遇,以四种环境科学中文核心期刊1994-2013年所发表的论文为数据来源,应用文献计量软件SATI,对20年间发表的期刊论文关键词进行了统计分析,利用其所构建的高频关键词共现矩阵和网络图谱,直观地展示了我国环境科领域研究工作的演变及其特征,并试图在此基础上探寻我国环境科学历史研究的分析框架。  相似文献   

The economic health of nations and regions is increasingly coming to rest on the scientific and technical labor force conducting scientific research. As such, enormous social resources are directed to educating and training those who will fire the engines of economic growth. In the first part of this paper, we compare recent investment in the scientific and technical labor forces by two giants of nationally-supported research endeavors: France and the United States. We find that France is more invested in scientific and technical training, but that both nations invest directly and indirectly in the scientific and technical labor force. French policy is more likely to support the individual graduate student directly through a national grant, while graduate students in the US tend to rely indirectly on federal support through research grants to other researchers. We then use duration models on individual data to predict entry into a permanent academic position within three years of completing a Ph.D. We do not find that industrial support of graduate training has any effect on later success in obtaining a position. There is, however, evidence of different academic labor markets operating in each country. In France, entry into a position has not depended on period factors, while in the US more recent cohorts have been more successful in obtaining permanent employment. Furthermore, postdoctoral positions in France delay or deter academic careers, but have no impact on entry in the US: this suggest that two different modes of scientific human resources management operate in France and in the USA. In the USA, Ph.D.s are seen as an essential element in the process of knowledge transfer, and early mobility does not affect entry into permanent academic careers. In France, few incentives are given to encourage mobility, which merely deters the access to permanent jobs. Finally, we found that graduates of the most prestigious undergraduate institutions were systematically advantaged in obtaining permanent academic employment, suggesting that academic stratification occurs very early in the training path in each country.  相似文献   

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