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This paper deals with the distribution of scientific knowledge through formal education in South Africa, and links it with the representation of the population in science-related occupations. Using a pipeline-mainline metaphor it traces how science education at the tertiary and secondary levels sifts out some students, and prepares others to form the pool of potential science-related workers. The conclusion is that these occupations are overwhelmingly dominated by white South Africans. The paper further analyses science classroom factors that may help us to understand why this is so.
Zusammenfassung Dieser Artikel behandelt die Verbreitung wissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse durch formale Erziehung in Südafrika und stellt eine Verbindung her zur Repräsentanz der Bevölkerung auf wissenschaftlich-orientierten Arbeitsplätzen. Mittels einer Pipeline-Mainline Metaphor (gehobener Bildungsweg, mittlerer Bildungsweg) weist er nach, wie eine wissenschaftlich orientierte Ausbildung auf Tertiar- und Sekundarebene einige Studenten aussiebt und andere darauf vorbereitet, das Sammelbecken für künftige wiesenschaftsbezogene Arbeitskräfte zu bilden. Das Ergebnis ist, daß diese Stellen fast ausschließlich mit weißen Südafrikanern besetzt sind. Der Artikel analysiert außerdem die Gestaltung der wissenschaftlich genutzten Unterrichtsräume was uns helfen könnte, die Gründe für diese Situation zu verstehen.

Résumé Le présent article traite de la distribution du savoir scientifique par l'éducation formelle en Afrique du Sud et établit un lien entre celle-ci et la représentation de la population dans les professions relatives à la science. En s'appuyant sur une métaphore de canalisation principale, il retrace la manière dont l'enseignement des sciences écarte certains élèves aux niveaux secondaire et tertiaire pour en préparer d'autres à former le pool des scientifiques potentiels. Cet article aboutit à la conclusion que les métiers en question sont, en grande majorité, exercés par des Blancs. On analyse ensuite les facteurs des classes de science qui peuvent nous aider à comprendre pourquoi il en est ainsi.

Since the 1970s, schools have been characterized as loosely coupled systems, meaning that the teachers’ work is weakly coordinated at the local level. Nonetheless, few studies have focused on the local variations of coordination modes, their sources and their nature. In this article, the process of local coordination of the teachers’ work is analyzed, using a sociocognitive approach. A longitudinal study of the framing process conducted during two years in one school is presented, in order to capture the parallel evolution of the teachers’ cognitive structures and the school’s social structures. The results show that: (1) the framing process is at the heart of political games, meaning that the local definition of teaching and its conditions represent an important issue for the teachers; and that (2) the cognitive structures that emerge from the framing process appear to some extent to be decoupled from the teachers’ actual practices, contributing only partially to the local process of the teachers’ work coordination.  相似文献   

Homework is an increasing yet under-researched part of young children’s everyday lives. Framed by the international agendas of starting strong and school accountability, homework in the lives of young children has been either overlooked or considered from the perspective of adults rather than from the perspective of children themselves. This paper redresses this situation by reporting on an Australian study of 120 young children, aged four to eight years, where homework emerges as a key part of their everyday lives. Children’s own accounts of their everyday decision-making, using audio-taped conversations and concurrent paper-based timeline activities, show homework as accomplishing the institutional purposes of the school, while affording the children opportunities to demonstrate their competence in operating in an adult-generated education regime.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, many universities attempted to improve their public image by changing their corporate visual identity (CVI) and/or name. Despite the prevalence of such practices, little research has been conducted into their effectiveness. The research reported here focused upon one facet of the higher education branding debate, that of the effectiveness of CVI in influencing observers' perceptions of a university and, by association, its lecturers. A secondary question concerned the name. Photographs of two lecturers (M/F) were placed into controlled digital simulations of a university foyer featuring systematically varied CVI and name. Using a range of measures and a large-sample Internet survey of n?=?888, we found that CVI and name affected respondents' perceptions of university lecturers. However, the enhancement was exclusively upon perceptions of the male lecturer, and strongly favored traditional, heraldic CVI, with a secondary naming effect.  相似文献   

Achievement goal orientations are important for students’ ongoing motivation. Students with a mastery goal orientation show the most advantageous achievement and motivational patterns. Much research has been conducted to identify classroom structures which promote students’ mastery goal orientation. The TARGET framework is one example of these efforts and provides six instructional dimensions (task, authority, recognition, grouping, evaluation, time), which should form a classroom structure that fosters a mastery goal orientation. The aim of this study was to examine the entire multi-dimensional TARGET framework and its impact on mastery goal orientation in a longitudinal study with 1680 secondary school students. CFAs confirmed the existence of one latent factor TARGET comprising the six proposed dimensions. This study also provides the first empirical evidence, based on longitudinal data, that TARGET has a positive impact on student mastery goal orientations.  相似文献   

Contemporary scholars describe mathematical modeling as a transformation of a real-world problem to a mathematical problem and back again. This paper treats a critical issue in the modeling process: how modelers determine if the transformation from the real world to mathematics was carried out well. I present an empirically derived typology of validating activities explaining how validating functions to ensure a mathematical model will yield a reasonably accurate prediction. The typology arose from analysis of four engineering undergraduates’ production of 276 instances of validating. The nuances of validating suggest that creating and maintaining relationships between reality and mathematics is more complex than a transformation and that we should afford a more prominent role to validation in the modeling process.  相似文献   

An earlier article in this journal 1 1E. Hoyle, “How does the curriculum change? I. A proposal for enquiries,” J. Curr. Studies, Vol. I, No. 2, 1969. Based on course work for the degree of M.Ed., University of Liverpool. discussed two aspects of curriculum change: the relationship between social change and educational change, and the diffusion of innovation in education. The present article focusses upon two further aspects of curriculum change: the innovativeness of schools and strategies of planned curriculum change.


Adventure training has become fashionable over the past few years in Hong Kong. Current Education Reform suggests learning should not be confined to the classroom, and adventure training is viewed as an alternative method to institutional routines for personal and group development. This paper reported a longitudinal study investigating how learning happened for four church members (out of twenty-five participants) purposively selected in an adventure team-building camp. Both quantitative and qualitative instruments were used. Results shed light on: (1) how the constructs of self-efficacy and organizational commitment helped to conceptualize what people meant by a team; (2) how qualitative findings revealed evidence of learning of the four members which could not be observed by quantitative findings; and (3) how participants experienced and learnt from adventure training.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of training in phonological awareness on kindergarten children. Comparisons of children at risk (i.e., children with initially low levels of metalinguistic ability) with initially average and advanced children revealed that training gains were similar for all of these groups. Furthermore, training had comparable long-term effects on reading and spelling in Grades 1 and 2 for each group. In fact, the trained children at risk showed better reading and spelling performance than a randomly selected control group. Although considerable individual differences in training effectiveness were found Within the group of at-risk children, there was clear evidence that the training program substantially reduced the risk of becoming dyslexic in school.  相似文献   

Mentoring student-teachers and novice teachers constitutes a critical factor in teacher-education programmes and yet, little emphasis has been placed on the mentors themselves, particularly in relation to their own professional development (PD) and the construction of their identities. Does it really matter? This study investigates two groups of mentors: one group who received professional training and one group who received no professional training. The research questions address how mentors perceive their role, what preparation they receive to serve as effective mentors, and what are their professional needs. The study illuminates essential aspects of the mentors’ role perception and the impact of mentoring education on the professional identity of mentors. The implications are that low involvement in PD workshops could be linked to the uncertainty in mentors’ own self-perception as mentors. How mentors perceive their roles does matter if they wish to gain recognition by significant others within their institutions. Likewise, schools need to provide a supportive culture which is fundamental to identity construction.  相似文献   

A large body of research has examined students' conceptions of evolution and their relationships to acceptance of evolution. Proficiency in statistical and probabilistic reasoning has long been considered to be an essential feature of evolutionary reasoning, yet almost no empirical work has explored these putative connections. The RaPro instruments have recently been developed to measure statistical reasoning in the contexts of mathematics (RaProMath) and evolution (RaProEvo). Our study provides additional validation of these instruments using Rasch analysis and quantifies the contribution of statistical reasoning to both understanding and accepting evolution. We recruited a large sample (N = 564) of undergraduate students enrolled in an introductory biology course at a large public research university in the United States. Students completed a suite of published instruments that assessed statistical reasoning, evolutionary understanding, and evolutionary acceptance. Our findings indicate that validity inferences derived from RaPro scores generalized to the new sample, and that proficiency in statistical reasoning explained 28% of the variance in evolutionary knowledge and 19% of the variation in evolutionary acceptance. The inclusion of demographic variables into the model significantly increased the explained variance in acceptance. Notably, the variance in evolution acceptance explained by statistical reasoning was comparable to that of thinking dispositions or evolutionary knowledge reported in the literature. This work provides the first large-scale evidence of the role of statistical reasoning in evolutionary knowledge and acceptance and motivates future work to explore how statistical literacy should be integrated into evolution education efforts.  相似文献   

There is widespread agreement that schooling quality should be a priority in the post-2015 education agenda, but less agreement on how quality can be enhanced in a cost effective manner. In Uganda, classroom overcrowding is often considered a critical cause of poor learning outcomes. This paper investigates how various aspects of classroom composition, including class size and the achievement distribution of classmates, affect individual learning. Using test score data for over 250,000 children, such compositional factors are found to be relevant. However, their influence on learning is not so large as to justify major standalone policy interventions. Rather, pedagogical changes that support children with literacy difficulties merit particular consideration.  相似文献   

《Child abuse & neglect》2014,38(10):1659-1670
Parental substance use is a risk factor for child maltreatment. Family drug treatment courts (FDTCs) have emerged in the United States as a policy option to treat the underlying condition and promote family preservation. This study examines the effectiveness of FDTCs in North Carolina on child welfare outcomes. Data come from North Carolina records from child protection services, court system, and birth records. Three types of parental participation in a FDTC are considered: referral, enrolling, and completing an FDTC. The sample includes 566 children who were placed into foster care and whose parents participated in a FDTC program. Findings indicate that children of parents who were referred but did not enroll or who enrolled but did not complete had longer stays in foster care than children of completers. Reunification rates for children of completers were also higher. Outcomes for children in the referred and enrolled groups did not differ in the multivariate analyses. While effective substance use treatment services for parents may help preserve families, future research should examine factors for improving participation and completion rates as well as factors involved in scaling programs so that more families are served.  相似文献   

Construction of different predictive models for readiness for first grade, using data from prekindergarten screening, was examined. Instruments included Hainsworth Preschool Screening System, parent and teacher questionnaires, and Quincy Observation Scale. Readiness for first grade was rated by teachers at end of kindergarten for 601 students. Predictor variables included information processing, verbal reasoning, mother's education, ratings of motor activity, and parental ratings of attention, aggression, and speech development. From 45.6% to 75.9% of the children were correctly classified. Results indicate that less emphasis should be given to collecting historical screening data. Additionally, many social/emotional problems may go undetected or be mislabeled.  相似文献   

This essay attempts to ascertain whether a particular meaning of globalisation, and view on its effects and the appropriate response to it, are becoming standardised across academia. To do so, it content‐analyses a representative sample of new scholarship, mapping the various approaches of current researchers towards globalisation. The essay shows how globalisation remains a contested concept within studies of higher education, as in many other fields. Rather than globalisation being taken to refer unambiguously to global flows, pressures or trends, its meaning continues to depend on the particular perspective adopted by contemporary researchers. The same conflict is apparent concerning the impacts which are reputed to globalisation and with regard to the appropriate response to globalisation amongst academics and higher education institutions (HEIs) more generally. Perhaps the only apparent point of consensus amongst contemporary researchers is the claim that globalisation affects HEIs, rather than HEIs themselves being implicated in the promotion of globalisation. This position underplays the often important role of HEIs in encouraging cross‐border flows and pressures, and global trends such as marketisation.  相似文献   

Using survey responses from a national sample of US teachers, this paper provides insight into 2 questions: (1) Do 3 specific attributes of leadership behavior – the sharing of leadership with teachers, the development of trust relationships among professionals, and the provision of support for instructional improvement – affect teachers' work with each other and their classroom practices? and (2) Do the behaviors of school leaders contribute to student achievement? We tie this investigation of school leader behaviors to 2 additional factors that have also received increasing attention in research because they have been shown to be related to student achievement: professional community and the quality of classroom instruction. Our analysis provides an empirical test of the notion that leadership variables are positively related to student learning. It also suggests that both shared and instructionally focused leadership are complementary approaches for improving schools.  相似文献   

This study examined phonological awareness at the level of phonemes and rhyme and related this to nonword naming ability. Poor readers were compared with 11 year old chronological-age controls and 8 year old reading-age controls. The poor reader group was impaired for chronological age in all tasks, and impaired for reading age at nonword naming and phoneme deletion. The poor readers' rhyming skills, however, were commensurate with reading age. Individual variation was observed together with exceptions to the group findings; most poor readers performed within the range of the reading-age controls on the phonological tasks and in nonword naming. Dissociations in phonological skills were evident, including indications that intact awareness of rhyme may not be a prerequisite for the development of phoneme awareness. Furthermore, phoneme awareness correlated significantly with poor readers' word and nonword reading ability, whereas rhyming skill did not. Therefore, phoneme awareness may be more important than rhyming skill in understanding reading disorders.  相似文献   

This article refers to a study on how the school principal engaged in the process after a school self-evaluation. The study examined how two primary schools followed up the evaluation. Although they both used the same evaluation tool, the schools’ understanding and application of results differed greatly. This paper describes and discusses the post evaluation process based on Erik Johnsen’s ideal leadership model (2002). It argues that formal leadership makes a difference in the use of the school evaluation for development by providing a proper context for knowledge sharing and reflection. This involves the prioritization and facilitation of individual and organisational reflection for learning, as well as transformation of knowledge through interaction across the whole school.  相似文献   

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