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“am,is,are”用在名词或代词后常用缩略形式,not和其前面的动词也常可缩写成isn’t or aren’t。例如:I am/I’m an English teacher.我是一位英语老师。It is/It’s a map.它是一幅地图。What is/What’s this in English?这个用英语怎么说?Where are/Where’re Jim and Lin Tao?吉姆和林涛在哪里?He is not/isn’t at home.他不在家。但下列情况不宜用缩略形式:★前面的名词或代词末尾的读音和’s读音相同或相近时,不用缩略。例如:1.这是一本书。误:This’s a book.正:This is a book.★am和not在一起没有缩略形式,所以不可想当然…  相似文献   

Shish Ka Bob     
Mother:What are you doing? Son:I'm looking for a map. Mother:Why? Son:My classmate said the man of China is pink. It looks like a cock.But I said it's green,it looks like a duck.So I want to find it. 311243 浙江省杭州市萧山区坎山镇小施婷婷指导老师傅见萍  相似文献   

There be句型有特点,主语跟在be后边,单数主语用is,复数用are要记全。否定句be后not加,疑问句be在there前。介词短语表地点,“有”是“存在”记心间。例句:1.There is a picture on the wall.墙上有一幅画。2.There isn′t a map on the wall.墙上没有地图。句型用法歌There be@支振彪  相似文献   

Visiting a city you have been before can be fun. 1. Finding out informations about the city before 2. you go and can make the trip more interesting. Most 3. cities have a travel office from that you can get many 4. useful things.One of the most valuable things is a map 5. with a map of the city shows its streets,you can 6. find your way around.It says about famous places to 7. see. It may even give them a short history of the cit…  相似文献   

[知识与技能]阅读下列对话,注意与旅行相关的语句:(1)A:Where are you going for your vacation? 你去哪儿度假?B:I’d like to go to Taiyuan. How about you? 我想去太原,你呢?A:I haven’t decided, but I prefer Datong. 我还没决定,不过我想去大同。B:I went there last summer. It’s worth seeing. 去年夏天我去过,值得一看。(2)A:Excuse me,could you tell me where it is on the map? 对不起,你能告诉我它在地图上是什么位置?B:Oh,It’s here.This is Wuyi Road. 噢,在这儿,这是五一路。A:Co…  相似文献   

<正>本节课我上的是外研版七年级上Module 6 Unit 2 The tiger liaes in Asia.因为是节阅读课,所以我把寻找信息作为这节课的重点,我按照读前,读中,读后安排了以下几个部分。读前部分,我先展示了一幅地图,我问学生,What’s this in English?学生回答It’s a map of the world.我又问Do you know the places?(因为我用不同颜色标出了几大洲的位置,所  相似文献   

1 Introduction 1 Let X as a compact metric space with the metric d and f :X → Xas a continuous map. For every nonnegative integer n , define f ninductively by f n = f ? f n?1, with f 0as the identity map on X . If there is a positive integer n such that f n( x )= x, the point x of X is called the periodic point of f and the least n is called the periodic point of x . A periodic point is called a fixed point. Denote the fixed points set and the periodic points set of f respectively by F ( f…  相似文献   

Where is China? Mike has a new toy bus. He wants to playwith it in school, but it's time for class and he hasto go to the classroom. It's ten twenty now. MrClark comes into the classroom of Class Four. Heputs up a map on the blackboard in his geographyclass. He wants to tell his students about China."China is one of the most famous countries,"theteacher says, "Look! It's here. The Chinese aregood people and they're our friends." Now Mr Clarksees that all his students are looking at the map, butMike is looking in his desk.  相似文献   

Going to the Sun Teacher:Today is the commemoration day( 纪念日 )of human going to the moon for the first time.Student:Why don't they go to the sun?Teacher:Because the sun is too hot.It can cremate( 烧成灰 )all the things.Student:They can go there at night. Circles Xiao Mao likes drawing circles in the exercise-books.When the Chinese teacher criticizes( 批评 )him,he says,"It is a period( 句号 )."When the maths teacher criticizes him,he says,"It is a zero.…  相似文献   

(1)Q: Which is the largest mammal in the world?世界上最大的哺乳动物是哪一种?A:It is the blue whale.鲸鱼。(2) Q: Which is the largest ape in the world? 世界上最大的猿猴是哪一种?A:It is the gorilla.  相似文献   

Do You Konw?     
(1)Q:What is the Milky Way? 银河是什么? A:It is a huge mass of gas and stars in the universe and it can be seen clearly as a band of light across the night sky. 它是宇宙中一大堆的气体和星星,有如一条光带横越夜空,清晰可见。  相似文献   

(A) Bill: That's a beautiful cat. Whose is it? Do you know? Frank: It belongs to the Browns. They live at the corner of the street. They have two cats and a dog.  相似文献   

Passage 1 I have two good friends. They are twins. One day I go to their home after school. They have a very nice bedroom. The room is new. A map of China is on the wall. A nice picture is on the wall, too. In the picture there are hills and a river with a boat on it. A big desk is beside the bed. Two chairs are behind the desk. Their books and pens are on the desk. Their school bags are behind the chairs. They have a cat. It's under the desk. The cat looks like a hat. A light (灯) is on the desk.  相似文献   

SCIENCE   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
(1) Q:How many planets are there in the solar system? 太阳系中有多少颗行星? A:There are nine of them. 共有九颗。(2) Q:Which is the world's largest fish? 世界上最大的鱼类是什么? A: It is the whale-shark. 鲸鲨。(3) Q:Which is the world's biggest bird? 世界上最大的鸟类是什么? A: It is the ostrich. 鸵鸟。(4) Q:Which is the world's largest animal on land? 陆地上最大的动物是什么? A: It is the African elephant. 非洲大象。(5) Q: Which is the world's longest river? 世界上最长的河流是哪一条? A: It is Egypt's River Nile. 埃及的尼罗河。(6) Q:Which bird lays me biggest egg in the world? 哪一种鸟生下世界上最大的蛋?  相似文献   

I.et (X,d) be a metric space and fn : X→X be a sequence of continuous maps that converges uniformly to a map f. In this paper, we investigate the conditions that the uniform map f has transitivity and sensitivity from the viewpoint of family. We obtain that a equivalence condition for the uniform map f to be -transitive, and a equivalence condition for the uniform map f to be .P-sensitive when X is a compact metric space, where is a collection of subsets of Z+ that is hereditary upward. Our results improve and extend the existing results. Moreover, we give a example which shows that the several results in [8] are all wrong.  相似文献   

课堂观摩:1.课件出示六个形状类单词以及各自所代表的图形。师指着长方形问:What shape is it?S:It’s a rectangle.生生之间问答其余的图形。2.课件出示餐桌、围巾、太阳、蛋糕的图片,师问:What shape is the table/scarf/sun/cake?S:It’s a square/rectangle/circle/triangle.3.师出示书签、钟、手表、风筝、窗户等图片,请生生之间用"What shape is the…?S:It’s a…"进行同桌操练。4.生生上台表演,师给予适  相似文献   

*What a beautiful day!天气真好!*How hot is it outside?外面有多热?*It’s going to be a hot day!今天将是一个热天!*It’s raining.下雨了。*I hear it’s going to rain.我听说要下雨。*I love a rainy night.我喜欢雨夜。*It’s cold outside.外面很冷。*It’s snowing outside.外面在下雪。*What’s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样?*It is a nice day,isn’t it?今天天气很好,不是吗?*How was the weather yesterday?昨天天气怎么样?*It was raining cats and dogs yesterday.昨天下了一场倾*It is much colder today…  相似文献   

介词,又称前置词,所以其位置通常放在它所支配的名词或起名词作用的词语之前,是表示词语之间意义关系的词类.例:Lessons begin at eight a.m.上午八点开始上课.This is a map of China.这是一张中国地图.What has happened to her?她出了什么事?但是,在下列情况下,介词通常置于它所支配的名词或起名词作用的词语之后.1.在特殊疑问句中,例:What are you laughing at ?你们在笑什么?Where are rou from? 你是哪里人?Who are you looking for?你在找谁?2.在名词性从句中,例:She asked me whom I was wai-ting for.她问我在等谁.We all know what the worldis made of .我们都知道世界是什么构成的.That’s what they are fightingfro.这就是他们斗争的目标.What they are after is veryclear.他们动机何在是很清楚的.3.在定语从句中.例:This is the pen that I of ten writewith.这就是我经常用来写字的钢笔.Is this the book which you arelooking for?这是你找的那本书吗?  相似文献   

I. A:What is the longest word in English?B.It is "extraterritorialitries",which has twenty-one letters.A:No, I know a word which is longer than yours.It is "smiles". B:"Smiles" has only six letters.How can  相似文献   

一天,一只小老鼠问了一个问题:“太阳是什么颜色的?”小鸟说:“太阳是绿色的,它把叶子照绿了。”青蛙说:“太阳是黄色的,它把稻穗照黄了。”蝴蝶说:“太阳是红色的,它把花照红了。”小鱼说:“太阳是蓝色的,它把大海照蓝了。”One day a mouse asks a question. "What color is the sun ?" A bird says, "The sun is green . It makes the leaves green." A frog says, "The sun is yellow . It makes the rice heads yellow." A butterfly says, "The sun is red . It makes the flowers red." A fish says, "The sun isblue.Itm ake…  相似文献   

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