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西方公仔在公仔产品中占有十分重要的地位。从某种意义上说,西方公仔的发展引导公仔产品的发展方向。西方公仔的产生,可以追溯到19世纪末的美国,公仔形象比较单一,只是具有商业广告价值的儿童玩具。到20世纪末,西方公仔形象呈现多元化发展趋势,更成为成年人喜爱的收藏品。通过对西方公仔起源与发展的梳理,可以窥探公仔玩具多元化的背景,以期为相关研究作参考。  相似文献   

日本EPOCH公司最初在1985年设计并生产了一个个可爱而细小的动物公仔如兔仔、狗仔、浣熊及松鼠等,每一款动物又有爸爸、妈妈、哥哥、姐姐、Baby及孪生Baby七位成员,于是,这些可爱的小动物公仔便被命名为森林家族(Sylvanian Families)。  相似文献   

憨态可掬的玩具熊是格外受人们喜爱的公仔.其中最有名的当然就是泰迪熊了。而说到泰迪熊的专家,就莫过于“熊老板”.公仔店“熊太郎”和“熊次郎”的当家大掌柜。“熊太郎”和“熊次郎”,是北京大名鼎鼎的公仔店,那里不但有玲琅满目的可爱娃娃,还有北京最多最全的泰迪熊。说起这两家店的  相似文献   

谁说公仔一定出自大师之手?亲手创造最IN的公仔,揭开新势力个性公仔神秘面纱,谁将是最后赢家,让我们拭目以待!  相似文献   

烨子  王巍  张洪兵 《音乐世界》2007,(22):135-135
时尚公仔小店,再次隆重登场!超级酷帅又搞怪味十足的公仔们,今年秋冬强势启动。喜欢新鲜出位、另类搞怪的时尚玩家,如此超凡杰作,你怎能错过?!  相似文献   

2006年10月17日傍晚,北京的建外SOHO,灯火与霓虹交相辉映,中国联通“公仔诞生之夜”的盛大庆典在醉人的夜色中精彩上演,经过近半年的紧张比赛,轰轰烈烈的“新势力个性公仔创意大赛”终于落下帷幕,万众瞩目的新势力个性公仔千呼万唤,终于现身。  相似文献   

我从不畏惧失败,我怕的是没有失败的机会,因为每一次失败,都是一次“历练”.遇到失败,我更勇敢. 几年前经历的一件事,令我始终难忘. 暑假时,有一家公司因举行庆典活动,邀请中学生报名参加歌唱比赛,奖品是一只巨大的公仔.我想得到这只公仔.经同学一番起哄般的鼓励,对唱歌一窍不通的我厚着脸皮报了名.  相似文献   

美国国家航空航天局发射的太阳能木星探测器"朱诺号"携带了3个与木星有关的乐高公仔升空。该局花1.5万美元委托乐高玩具公司制作了3个乐高公仔,其原型分别为伽利略、代表木星的古希腊神祇朱庇特  相似文献   

美国国家航空航天局发射的太阳能木星探测器“朱诺号”携带了3个与木星有关的乐高公仔升空。该局花1.5万美元委托乐高玩具公司制作了3个乐高公仔,其原型分别为伽利略、代表木星的古希腊神祗朱庇特和罗马神祗朱诺。  相似文献   

美国国家航空航天局发射的太阳能木星探测器“朱诺号”携带了3个与木星有关的乐高公仔升空。该局花1.5万美元委托乐高玩具公司制作了3个乐高公仔,其原型分别为伽利略、代表木星的古希腊神祗朱庇特和罗马神祗朱诺。  相似文献   

Dolls are a part of every culture. From the beginning of time, children have played with dolls, using them as friends and confidants, as surrogates while the child recreates domestic situations, and as props for acting out fantasies. Dolls help children practice the nurturing role they see their parents performing. Dolls can be loved or punished, kissed or spanked, rocked to sleep or sent to bed with no supper, providing an acceptable outlet for a child's range of emotions. Children have the same kind of control over their dolls' lives that parents have over the lives of their children. Eden Ross Lipson, children's book editor ofThe New York Times, notes the universality of children's play with dolls. She suggests, The will to create dolls, to give them personalities and family relationships, to imagine their emotions and act out fantasies in which they figure, is one of the characteristics that makes us all more alike than different as human beings (Lipson, 1986).Blakely Fetridge Bundy is a writer, consultant, and teacher at Willow Wood Pre-School in Winnetka, IL.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: There were two aims: First, to determine to what extent four variables, disclosure, doll play, affect and collateral information, affect the decision-making processes of child sexual abuse experts and lay persons when confronted with an abuse allegation, and second, to see how these two groups of raters might differ from one another. METHOD: A randomized block partially confounded factorial design was used. Participants made abuse likelihood and confidence ratings in response to six hypothetical cases of child sexual abuse, four of which had varying combinations of the four types of information and two of which were constant across all raters. Participants also completed attitudes and knowledge questionnaires. RESULTS: Disclosure and collateral information both had large effects on both rater groups. Doll play and affect had little or no effect on the decisions of either group. Experts were slightly more conservative in their judgments over all than students were. Experts also displayed more knowledge of the sexual abuse literature and more child-believing attitudes than their student counterparts. CONCLUSION: Concrete information such as disclosure statements and collateral information affected abuse decisions while inferential data such as doll play and affect did not. The goal of these evaluations may be the clarification of such concrete information and the inferential data may be used only to guide one's inquiry. This conclusion argues against the concern that experts might jump to conclusions of abuse merely based upon suggestive, symbolic material.  相似文献   

Thirty kibbutz children, boys and girls, whose ages ranged between 35 and 38 months, participated in a study on compliance to bids of mother and caregiver. Children participated in the Doll Play Interview, and were requested to determine whether a narrated child will indulge his or her wish or comply with opposing bids of a narrated mother or a narrated caregiver. Results indicated that narrated mothers were described more often as initiating close contact with the child, whereas caregivers were perceived as more strict and aggressive. However, narrated mothers were not perceived as more willing to accept child incompliance. Narrated children responded in either a more compliant or a more self-assertive way to bids of mother. Rather than choosing between complying or uncomplying with similar bids of caregiver, they tended more often to ignore them. In the presence of a narrated mother children expressed their thoughts and feelings more freely. They spoke with caregiver more often on actions and objects. Conflict with a narrated mother was associated with seeking close contact between the child doll and the mother doll, whereas similar conflict with a narrated caregiver resulted more often in seeking physical proximity outside the story, with the child's real mother.  相似文献   

Thirty kibbutz children, boys and girls, whose ages ranged between 35 and 38 months, participated in a study on compliance to bids of mother and caregiver. Children participated in the Doll Play Interview, and were requested to determine whether a narrated child will indulge his or her wish or comply with opposing bids of a narrated mother or a narrated caregiver. Results indicated that narrated mothers were described more often as initiating close contact with the child, whereas caregivers were perceived as more strict and aggressive. However, narrated mothers were not perceived as more willing to accept child incompliance. Narrated children responded in either a more compliant or a more self-assertive way to bids of mother. Rather than choosing between complying or uncomplying with similar bids of caregiver, they tended more often to ignore them. In the presence of a narrated mother children expressed their thoughts and feelings more freely. They spoke with caregiver more often on actions and objects. Conflict with a narrated mother was associated with seeking close contact between the child doll and the mother doll, whereas similar conflict with a narrated caregiver resulted more often in seeking physical proximity outside the story, with the child's real mother.  相似文献   

Children rely on both evidence and prior knowledge to make physical causal inferences; this study explores whether they make attributions about others' behavior in the same manner. A total of one hundred and fifty‐nine 4‐ and 6‐year‐olds saw 2 dolls interacting with 2 activities, and explained the dolls' actions. In the person condition, each doll acted consistently across activities, but differently from each other. In the situation condition, the two dolls acted differently for each activity, but both performed the same actions. Both age groups provided more “person” explanations (citing features of the doll) in the person condition than in the situation condition. In addition, 6‐year‐olds showed an overall bias toward “person” explanations. As in physical causal inference, social causal inference combines covariational evidence and prior knowledge.  相似文献   

本研究采用单一被试研究中的跨行为多探测设计,以成人与同伴混合视频示范作为干预策略,嵌入动机操作的原理,对一名孤独症儿童实施以玩偶为中介的虚构客体游戏行为的干预.研究结果显示:孤独症儿童在干预期的目标游戏中表现出的与视频脚本一致的假装游戏行为数量显著增加,并能够得到良好的维持;在未经教学的游戏情境中能够表现出恰当的虚构客...  相似文献   

Anatomical (sexually explicit) rag dolls are frequently used in interviews of children suspected of being sexually abused. Abused children have been noted clinically to be aggressive and sometimes sexually precocious in their doll play, and testimony to that effect is often accepted in the courtroom as pertinent evidence. However, to date, normative data on the play behaviors with the sexually explicit dolls have been unavailable. This pilot study provides empirical information on the play interaction of a relatively large number of normal (nonreferred) children with anatomical dolls. One hundred forty-four children (ages 3 to 8 years) were observed in a playroom containing these special dolls during three conditions: (1) with an adult present, (2) without an adult, and (3) with the dolls undressed. The observations showed that nonreferred children found these dolls no more interesting than other toys. Little aggression and no explicit sexual activity were observed. In contrast to clinical observation of abused children, the doll play of nonreferred children is unlikely to be characterized by aggression or sexual concerns; thus these behaviors when observed in interaction with these dolls should be taken seriously.  相似文献   

It was at least two months before Christmas when nine-year-old Almie Rose told her father and me that she wanted a new bicycle. As Christmas drew nearer, her desire for a bicycle seemed to fade, or so we thought. We purchased the latest rage, Baby-Sitter's Club dolls, and a doll house. Then, much to our surprise, on December 23rd, she said that she    "really wanted a bike more than anythingelse. "   ……  相似文献   

In a study with 17 Down's syndrome infants, the older infants (mean age = 20 months, 6 days) responded to the regular reappearance of a squeaky doll with significantly more affective behavior than did younger infants (mean age = 9 months, 24 days). When the 10 younger infants were included in a longitudinal study of their responses to this same event, the onset of affective behavior was significantly correlated with the mental development index of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development, and was also associated with some aspects of temperament as measured by the Carey Survey of Temperamental Characteristics: these aspects were poor adaptability to change and a low tendency to approach new situations.  相似文献   

Most prior studies of family-peer linkages during the preschool years have asked how mothers' or fathers' parenting practices contribute to early social competence. However, recent evidence from studies of family group-level processes raise the possibility that coparenting and family group process may also influence early social competence. This study traces pathways between family group-level dynamics, preschoolers' family imagery, and peer behavior at nursery school, testing the hypothesis that children's perceptions of family anger and aggression provide a link (through mediation and other indirect connections) between family process and early peer behavior. 43 four-year-olds used a set of doll family figures to tell stories about happy, sad, mad and worried families, and participated in a puppet interview in which they answered questions about family activities and family anger. Children's projection of aggression into the doll family task and discomfort during the puppet interview were each related to both parent-child and family-level dynamics. Family-level variables were also associated with observed social behavior at preschool, with effects strongest for boys. Pathways linking low levels of support and mutuality in the coparenting relationship to problematic peer relationships were indirect and mediated rather than direct, with children's family representations playing an intermediary role. By contrast, there was a direct pathway linking the family's affective climate to positive peer behavior; children from families showing warm, positive relations among all family members displayed more positive and prosocial peer behavior at school. We propose that studies of early peer competence could benefit from a broadened definition of family process and from the inclusion of information about how preschoolers conceive of relationship dynamics within the family.  相似文献   

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