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在推销活动中,推销人员与顾客的人际关系非常重要。在与顾客人际关系的建立中,推销人员要善于挖掘顾客。本文还就如何改善推销人员与顾客的人际关系作了一些探讨。  相似文献   

语言和言语是著名的现代语言学之父索绪尔在区分语言学研究对象提出的两个重要概念。本文将从语言和言语入手,论述语言和言语的内容、形式等,继而着重讨论语言和言语之间的社会和心理逻辑层面上的关系。  相似文献   

论和谐范畴与矛盾同一性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
和谐是表征事物发展状态和关系特征的辩证法范畴,是矛盾同一性的表现形式之一;和谐不是绝对的同一,它以内在的差异和对立为前提,揭示和谐范畴的本质内涵,阐明和谐范畴在唯物辩证法范畴体系中应有的位置,倡导人们树立科学的和谐意识,有极为重要的理论价值和哲学方法论意义。  相似文献   

从母女交流障碍看小说《喜福会》中的"失语"现象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小说《喜福会》(the Joy Luck Club)描述了美国华裔家庭中的母女关系以及两代人之间由于交流障碍导致的"失语"现象,引起极大反响.本文试从语言和文化关系角度入手,分析两代人之间"失语"现象的成因和"失语"背后的语言文化障碍.作者谭恩美(Amy Tan)站在超越两种文化局限性的高度,看待文化的碰撞与冲突,将华裔家庭中的文化差异与母女情深艺术地展现在读者面前.  相似文献   

In England, New Labour's Five Year Strategy for Children and Learners is presented as the most radical for a generation, addressing systemic weaknesses and enabling a new social democratic settlement to secure education in the public sphere. In this article the authors test these claims against proposals in the Strategy that acknowledge and seek to address the failure of the polity to ‘break the link between class and achievement’. The article highlights a number of inherent contradictions in the Strategy and argues that the central proposals of choice and diversity are unlikely to reduce the gap between disadvantage and achievement. The article concludes that until the principles of justice and democracy are restored to a constitutive settlement of education as a public service then the bond of class and inequality will simply be reproduced rather than challenged by education policy.  相似文献   

A close association between affective expression and cognitive development was demonstrated in a longitudinal study of 14 Down's syndrome infants. It was found that the Down's syndrome infants laughed to groups of stimulus items in the same order as did previous samples of normal infants. Although the process was delayed by several months, the retarded babies too laughed first at physically intrusive items and only later to items calling for greater cognitive sophistication. In addition, cognitive developmental status, assessed by the Bayley and Uzgiris-Hunt scales, paralleled and was predicted by the level of affective development. Predictive and concurrent correlations between Bayley mental scores and various indices of affectivity ranged from .68 to .92. There was striking individual consistency across affective, mental, and motor measures, suggesting the organized nature of retarded development. Finally, since Down's syndrome infants frequently smiled under conditions when normal babies would laugh, a role for tension production, in addition to cognitive factors, was suggested in accounting for the behavior of these infants.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between lecture notetaking behaviors and academic ability and the relationship among lecture notetaking behaviors, information-processing ability, and more global measures of ability (i.e., GPA and ACT scores). Previous research had not investigated working-memory ability and specific notetaking behaviors. Four types of information were gathered from the 32 undergraduate students participating in this experiment: (a) score on a test of information-processing ability, (b) analyses of notes taken during a designated lecture, (c) score on a test pertaining to that lecture, and (d) score on a course exam covering several other lectures. In addition, GPA and ACT scores were drawn from each student's records. Results confirmed that amount of notetaking is related to academic achievement and established that ability to hold and manipulate prepositional knowledge in working memory is related to the number of words, complex propositions, and main ideas recorded in notes. In fact, stepwise multiple regression analyses indicated that this information-processing ability was a more significant predictor of complex propositions and words recorded in notes than were global measures of ability such as GPA or ACT scores. This research is of practical importance because pedagogical activities may reduce cognitive strain associated with notetaking and because information-processing ability is, in part, controllable.  相似文献   

IEPs (Individual Education Plans) are now established practice in most schools although they have remained problematic in some, particularly secondary, schools. Sue Pearson, a lecturer at Leeds University, suggests that the influence of the existing school culture on this innovative practice has received insufficient attention and that the changes in a school may be a demonstration of compliance to external pressures rather than the development of good practice. She describes the way in which the staff of one secondary school capitalised on existing strengths through collaborative working and highlights the implications for both individual students and for the school itself.  相似文献   

西方的科学与宗教的关系并不仅仅是冲突对立,而是错中复杂的。宗教为科学提供驱动力,同时亦给科学铺设障碍。冲突虽有,可是渐渐地宗教会妥协和接近科学的新思想。要区分好科学与宗教的不同,我们要用积极、发展、宽容的态度去看待两者的矛盾冲突。  相似文献   

古汀州府和龙岩州衍化发展的龙岩市,与台湾有全方位的血缘、地缘、文缘、商缘、法缘关系.汀州古称客家首府,也是客家祖地,而龙岩县原属漳州府,后升格为龙岩直隶州,领漳平、宁洋县,是闽南人,也即"河洛郎".历史上大批赴台融人闽南(河洛)和客家族群,抗日战争胜利光复台湾后又有大量赴台人员被称为外省人.闽西的古越族与台湾原住民也有渊源关系,这种全方位的"五缘"是其他地域所少有的.  相似文献   

法治社会是文明社会的必经阶段。人权既是个人的权利,也是集体的权利。人权是法律的泉源,法律是保护人权的有力武器。法律与人权的关系是一个国家社会、经济、政治、文化和道德综合内涵的深层次体现。一个国家的法律状况如何将直接影响它的人权状况。  相似文献   

浅谈思想政治教育与素质教育的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会主义教育总体目标的实现,思想政治教育的落实是关键和保证,作为素质教育内容的重要的有机构成要素,思想政治教育是基础,对其他方面的教育内容起着导向,动力和保证的作用,素质教育追求的是人的身心素质的全面,和谐和自由的发展与完善,思想政治教育的实施,有效地促进着青年大学生素质的全面发展。  相似文献   

中国文化重父权的特点,使以"父子冲突"为主的代际关系呈现"主奴关系"的实质,其间充满了守秩序与争自由两种诉求的背反张力,特定的社会人格的形成,需要家庭这一社会细胞的认同和涵养,在代际关系中表现为代表秩序一方的"严父"的督责,现代社会却视追求"自由"为个人的天赋权利,这种矛盾在《三十而立》中有细致入微的展现,沿小说叙事的脉络,可以深入剖析矛盾的文化渊源,揭示了现代个体健全人格确立的真正含义和路径。  相似文献   

"古今"、"中西"矛盾与化解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国特殊的历史语境中,语文学科的现代性建构常常缠绕着“古今”、“中西”矛盾,它们的焦点是如何处理引进“西方”和继承传统、保持民族性之间的关系。百年来,语文教育在向现代转换的过程中实际上走了一条渐趋“西化”、疏离传统、淡化民族个性的道路,这不利于自身的稳健发展。我们需要立足“关系”思维来妥善处理语文教育的现代性与传统性、世界性和民族性的关系,努力化解它们之间的矛盾。  相似文献   

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