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In this paper we investigate the dynamics of chartsuccess in the U.K. pre-recorded popular music industryover the period 1980 to 1993 using the British albumchart listings. We find that the incidence of chartsuccess is substantially skewed to the right, whethermeasured by total weeks spent per artist, averageweeks spent per album, or the total number of albumslisted per artist. We subsequently investigatepossible determinants of the length of chart survivalof albums in order to determine what may be drivingthe observed skewness. Our results indicate that thetype of album, seasonal demand, and initial popularityplay an important role in ensuring continued chartlisting of an album.  相似文献   

The supply and demand for cinema tickets: Some U.K. Evidence   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  

This paper reviews the availability and quality of statistical evidence on the structure, visitor patterns and funding of the museum sector in the U.K. The policy context is discussed and the implications for cultural economics are reviewed.  相似文献   

Since the early 1990s, regulators across the globehave faced increasing pressure from media firms toliberalise domestic media and cross-media ownershiprestrictions. Based on empirical research carried outin the U.K., this paper examines the ``economic' case putforward in favour of deregulation. Findings suggestthat, although factors other than size will affectperformance, there is generally a strong and positivecorrelation between the market share and the operatingprofitability of firms involved in either televisionor radio broadcasting or newspaperpublishing. But, with regard to cross-media ownershipof television and newspapers, there is nocompelling evidence that diagonal integration bringsabout inherent synergies, economies of scope or othereconomic benefits. Thus, whereas a variety ofeconomic efficiency gains may be available to justifya relaxation of restrictions over monomedia expansion,few such benefits can be found in support ofderegulating cross-ownership of television andnewspapers.  相似文献   

Maria Rentetzi 《Minerva》2008,46(4):437-462
A fierce debate ensued after the announcement in 1913 in the U.S.A. that all rights and ownership of radium-bearing ores found on public land would be reserved by the government. At stake was the State monopolization of radium that pitted powerful industrialists with radium claims, mainly in the Colorado area, against the Bureau of Mines and prestigious physicians who wished to reserve radium for medical uses. This article describes the strategies of one of the biggest U.S. radium industries that dominated the radium market, created huge customer bases, and legitimized their role within the scientific community. In contrast to the European “radium situation,” radium extraction, production, and marketing in the United States was controlled by the industry; and industrial in-house research was clearly separate from that done in academic circles. The production of knowledge was ready-made in the factory and was entangled with commercial orders and advertising patterns.
Maria RentetziEmail:

本刊夏之卷发表了李婷婷的文章《周代乡乐考论》,秋之卷又发表了彭林的文章《说乡乐、房中之乐与无乐——评〈周代乡乐考论〉》,由此引发了对周代乡乐问题的讨论。本期我们在"学术争鸣"专栏同时发表李婷婷的《评彭林教授的〈周代乡乐考论〉》和罗艺峰的《关于〈周代乡乐考论〉和彭林先生的批评》两文,以期将讨论引向深入。本刊热诚欢迎对此感兴趣的学界同仁撰写文章,参与对这一问题的讨论。  相似文献   

Section 1 introduces the hypothesis that competition among neighboring states may favor cultural innovation, and it surveys the available quantitative evidence. Section 2 starts from the assumption that European instrumental music had its breakthrough during the Baroque era and that the most famous composers came from the two countries characterized by the highest degree of political fragmentation: Italy and Germany. It suggests that political fragmentation has promoted musical composition and performance in several ways. The average duration of employment is proposed as a proxy for competition on the demand side. Section 3 shows that the most famous Italian and German composers of the Baroque period changed their employers significantly more often than their French and British counterparts did. Moreover, the Reformation led to musical competition between the Catholic and Protestant churches. Section 4 argues that competition for composers has also been important in other periods of European history – including competition between the Church and the courts. It shows that composers moved no less in the Renaissance than in the Baroque. Section 5 raises the question whether European music may also be said to express a competitive spirit. JEL classification: Z11  相似文献   


在浙江省政府举办的外国专家“西湖友谊奖”颁奖仪式上,有一位来自乌克兰的小伙子格外引人注目:年轻、英俊、挺拔。金色飘逸的长发下,闪烁着一双淡蓝色的眼睛,五官玲珑俊秀,眉宇之间英气逼人,言谈举止散发出艺术家的才情和灵气。  相似文献   

正记得在2005年6月举行的"纪念中国电影百年华诞庆典"大会上,一位和蔼慈祥的老太太上台领奖,引来全体与会者长时间的掌声和欢呼声,她就是85岁的萧远,大会授予她中国电影音乐组织贡献奖。在台上与她同时获奖的电影音乐界的作曲家、指挥家、词作家、歌唱家都是大名鼎鼎的人物:贺绿汀、王云阶、雷振邦、瞿希贤、陈传熙、尹升山、刘炽、乔羽、黄准、吕其明、王立平、郭兰英、胡松华、李双江、赵季平等。惟独萧远不为观众所熟悉。可她为中国电影音乐作出了  相似文献   

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