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教育技术学随着社会的发展而发展,教育技术工作者的角色也随着社会的发展而发展。在如今数字化时代,社会赋予教育技术学更多的历史使命,教育技术学工作者面临新的角色。文章回顾了中国教育技术工作者角色的历史变迁过程,分析了角色变迁的历史原因,提出了新时期的历史使命。  相似文献   

This paper provides a critical perspective on the attempts to promote the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in teaching and learning in England. It describes the rationale given for the introduction of ICT in terms of its potential to impact on educational standards to contribute to developing a curriculum which has more vocational/social significance and, more generally, to provide a catalyst for curriculum reform. The introduction of ICT is underpinned by the argument that schools should show a higher degree of correspondence with a wider world where the use of technology is pervasive. However, the claims made for ICT display excessive optimism and a sense of “inevitability.” ICT has had only a modest impact on schools, though impact has to be considered in the context of what can realistically be expected: the contribution of ICT has not been negligible. Future development in the use of ICT should be more measured and adaptive, taking account of the multidimensional nature of technology.  相似文献   

教育评估是促进教育教学发展的重要手段,从内容上来看,有效的教育评估能够为教学工作提供有力的指导,推动教育改革与发展。随着智能技术的发展与普及,传统评估方式的弊端日益显露,教育评估改革势在必行。本文通过实践调研与文献分析,以江苏省为例,通过分析当前江苏教育评估操作的现状与问题,从评估环节着眼,提出了“互联网+”时代教育评估智能发展的趋势;从评估要素入手,给出了教育评估改革的路径,并参照教育信息化2.0计划,以信息生命周期理念为基础,从信息更替的各个环节逐层剖析,得到智能化信息时代教育评估改革的对策。“互联网+技术”的快速发展为教育评估提供了新的思路与方法,新时代背景下的教育评估正朝着信息化、数字化和智能化的方向发展。合理利用技术发展带来的便捷,正确对待技术变革带来的冲击,才能高效发挥教育评估的作用,为深化新时代背景下的教育改革奠定坚实基础。  相似文献   

美国是教育技术的发源地。立足于美国教育技术的发展历史来探究教育技术学的专业设置和人才培养状况是一个全新的视角。美国教育技术在60年代受到视听媒体、70年代受到传播学和图书馆学的影响,在80年代受到教学设计理论与实践、90年代受到学习科学的影响。相应地,美国教育技术学的专业设置和人才培养目标与规格的关注重点也发生了对应的变化。总体而言,美国教育技术学的专业名称非常多样化,所属院系主要设在教育学院之下,且以独立的系、专业、研究方向等形式开设。人才培养层次、方向和形式具有自主性、多样性和灵活性。这不仅与各院校对教育技术学人才的培养定位、学者们对教育技术的理解、学校的师资及资源建设等因素休戚相关,而且深受整个美国社会文化和教育体制的影响。  相似文献   

职技高师院校教育技术学专业课程体系改革研究与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着信息技术的发展,如何使课程体系的设置能适应社会的需求日益成为教育界关注的热点。该文在详细分析社会需求的基础上,构建了职技高师教育技术学专业(本科层次)新的培养目标,设置了相应的课程体系。  相似文献   

The review acknowledges that research on the family and its contribution to achievement in ethnic minority children is important. Past research and theorizing suggest the need for new directions, however. For example, research in educational achievement predicts educational failure for African-American students and educational success for Asian-American students. Little differentiation is made either among African-Americans or among Asian-Americans of different cultural, language, immigration, and economic backgrounds. The theory and design of research on family and educational achievement have been influenced by prevailing societal stereotypes. Research and policy implications of this review include the need to move toward cultural/ecological theories of achievement socialization and development.  相似文献   

Inclusive education in South Africa has not been promoted as simply one more option for education but as an educational strategy that can contribute to a democratic society. After the end of the Apartheid era the new democratic government committed itself to the transformation of education and key policy documents and legislation stress the principle of education as a basic human right as enshrined in the Constitution. White Paper 6: Special Needs Education, building an inclusive education and training system (2001) provides a framework for systemic change for the development of inclusive education. As a philosophy, the concept of inclusive education in the South African context embraces the democratic values of equality and human rights and the recognition of diversity. Research however indicates that multifaceted societal changes, encompassing educational reforms and contextual changes, including the management of diversity in schools, have had a negative impact on the implementation of inclusive education. After ten year of democracy, the enduring tension between changing the structure of education and changing the process of education is still influencing progress. Enhancing the recognition and acceptance of the basic rights of all South African children to be accommodated in inclusive school communities therefore remains a challenge.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的高速发展,加之后疫情时代线上教学的广泛使用,慕课现阶段已经进入全面崛起的发展阶段,对当前教育领域带来了较为深远的影响。很多教育领域的专家和研究学者指出,慕课的出现是在出现印刷术之后最为伟大的发明和创造,使得我国的教育领域展现出更为光明的发展前景和无限的曙光。慕课作为一类创新性的教育形式,与我国的高等继续教育具有较高的契合性,二者具有相似的教育理念——颠覆传统教学形式中的课堂教育。慕课具有较为灵活的教学形式,设计较为丰富多样,更加适合高等继续教育这一教育群体,能够有效满足高等继续教育的育人需求。因此,基于理论层次进行分析,实现高等继续教育自主学习和慕课之间的牵手,不管是创造的社会效益还是带来的教育意义,相较于普通的教学形式来说都具有更强的教学价值和推广价值,但是在使用新教学形式的过程中也不可避免地会带来一些新挑战,面对慕课为高等继续教育带来的挑战和机遇,需要积极探索正确的使用路径,促使我国的高等继续教育事业实现创新性突破和发展。  相似文献   

Special education in England has over the past 25 years been subject to rapid development, not least in relation to the emergence of inclusive education. Alan Hodkinson of the Faculty of Education, Community and Leisure, John Moore's University, critically examines the development of inclusion in England and the barriers that can stall the development of this important educational and societal initiative. He discusses the journey towards inclusion from educational segregation to integration and describes the current Government stance on this important subject. Alan Hodkinson suggests that many of the barriers to effective inclusion are in practice located within the loci of Government, local authorities as well as that of schools. He concludes that it is now time to develop a new vision for the education of children with special educational needs and disabilities that is supported by straightforward, co‐ordinated and well‐resourced policies. If educational policy is to achieve an inclusive consciousness, it must ensure that the views of children, their families and educational professionals are listened to, and that inclusion is by the choice of the pupils and their parents and not by compulsion.  相似文献   

美国的教育技术一直在引领国际教育信息化的发展方向,对于他国教育技术的发展有着较大的影响。美国教育技术研究群体主要集中在高等院校和研究所,多采用定量研究方法进行问题研究,关注教学与学习研究、教学设计与评价研究,注重国际间合作研究。相比而言,我国教育技术研究群体涉及从小学到高校的各个层次,多采用定性研究方法,以现代教育媒体的应用为核心,重视基础理论研究和实践,缺乏国际合作的意识。因此,我国的教育技术在今后的发展过程中,应加强国际合作研究,同时要立足本土文化,采用多元混合研究的方法,深入地开展具体教学问题的研究,努力走出一条与国际接轨的自主创新之路。  相似文献   

当前高校毕业生就业难的问题越来越突出,这一问题也引发了教育技术领域学者对人才培养的深入思考,而企业大学的快速发展给教育技术专业人才培养带来了新的方向。文章分析比较了中美教育技术专业人才培养方向,探讨了我国企业大学人才培养存在的问题,最后详细阐述了教育技术专业人才面向企业大学的三个培养方向及其在企业大学中各自的职能。  相似文献   

数字技术冲击着传统摄影的技术、观念和形式,而资讯社会、读图时代也对高等摄影教育提出新的要求。本简要介绍了高等摄影教育发展的现状,并对摄影教育的内容、形式应如何调整以适应摄影学科及社会发展的需要,满足社会对摄影专业人才的需求进行探讨。  相似文献   

苏姗·霍兰德是美国幼儿教育技术研究与实践的开拓者,其发展适宜性的幼儿教育技术学术思想对美国学前教育信息化发展产生了重要影响。研究评述了其对幼儿教育技术的开拓性贡献,并从技术观、幼儿教育软件评价、技术与幼儿课程整合、使用家庭计算机四个方面,对霍兰德的幼儿教育技术学术思想进行了系统梳理。  相似文献   

陶颖 《教育教学论坛》2020,(16):339-340
随着社会经济的高度发展,各行各业都受到了高科技的冲击,多媒体的出现改变了传统的思想方法和思维方式。成人教育顾名思义是符合成人各方面发展的教育系统。而移动学习正是基于网络化这一大背景下的新型学习方式,是教育技术的改革和创新。文章将着重阐述对移动学习在各个高校中关于成人教育下的创新。  相似文献   

当前,大学教育国际化的倾向日益明显,已成为高等教育发展的一种全球性趋势。可以说,国际交流与合作是当代高等教育发展的重要特征,是提高自身国际地位的重要手段,是高等教育主动满足社会需求的重要内容。中国教育学专业研究生培养的国际化已成一种大趋势,其在点、线、面方面都正在逐步实现国际化。可以采取合理利用校外资源、整合本校资源以及鼓励学生自主追求等路径更好地实现教育学专业研究生培养的国际化发展。  相似文献   

In the age of our mobile learning, an impending onus is placed on educational institutions to embrace this technological innovation that is widely accepted, used, and available globally. The clear societal value of mobile technology as a productivity tool for engagement, creation, and collaboration has generated a new need for education to revisit existing instructional paradigms constrained by physical walls and time. Mobile learning (mLearning) creates a venue to promote a culture of participation where learners and leaders alike can engage in combined efforts with multiplicative outcomes of greater success. This article explores the factors that national, state, and local educational organizations must understand in order to make steps toward successful integration of mLearning technology. Characteristics necessary for effective and efficient use of mLearning strategies for educators are also examined.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of reform policies on the work of Chinese teachers. It explores the policy context in which a fragile teaching profession attempts to develop and discusses the dynamics of interacting societal forces that have created the dilemmas for the teachers. The authors argue that while the continual implementation of reform policies has fostered a new outlook in Chinese schools, calls for profound change in schooling have caused much anxiety among teachers. The teachers' anxiety stems from the incongruence between their professional outlook, which is intimately linked to student academic achievement, and the dictates of state reform measures, which seek to broaden the conception of education to include other areas of human development. Throughout the years of reform, teachers have had to stretch their professional capacity in order to satisfy competing demands engendered by reform measures and educational reality. It is in the tensions caused by the implementation of reform policies that the humanism of teacher professionalism is magnified. In this paper, the authors discuss the educational and social issues that surround the teachers' preference for conventional practices.  相似文献   

It is problematic enough trying to extract the lessons from the past to inform the present and the future; it is even more difficult when there is no history upon which to draw. This is the case with respect to a consideration of the impact of sustainable development upon school administration. Whilst there is a history of events contributing to this issue, the recognition of its global importance is little more than three decades old, and its impact upon school administration remains critically unexamined. This article tries to redress this situation by examining some of the possible reasons for this omission, before suggesting that sustainable development comprises a pyramid of dependency of three related areas, environmental sustainability, social sustainability, and economic sustainability. Through an interpretive history of events which have brought this issue centre‐stage in public consciousness, it is discussed how such issues may impact upon school administration, and how they may be addressed. It concludes by suggesting that this area raises significant tensions between a number of societal values which educational leaders also need to address. In so doing, an historical perspective not only throws light on the past and the present, but highlights educational issues for the future.  相似文献   

徐娟  宋继华 《现代教育技术》2006,16(6):58-62,68
教育部各高等院校的教育技术培训中心已经成为各高校教师教育技术水平及应用能力提升的有生力量,但随着教育技术发展的日新月异,原有的培训体系和内容已经无法满足现实的需求,而各院校零散的认识又不能促进这一事业的整体发展。本文试图梳理当前较为成熟的理论、方法及工具,据此设计新型的培训课程,以便教师能够用更新的教育思想、教学理念以及教学模式指导教学。  相似文献   

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