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王茜 《中学生英语》2013,(10):18-19
Ⅰ.语篇阅读根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。April Fool’s Day is traditionally a day to play practical jokes on others,send people on fool’s errands(派某人白白奔走一场),and fool the unsuspecting(无猜疑的).No one knows how this holiday began but it was thought to have originated in France.The closest point in time that  相似文献   

April Fool’s Day is traditionally a day to play practical jokes on others,send people on fool’s errands(差事;差使),and fool the un- suspecting.No one knows how this holi- day began but it was thought to have origi- nated in France.  相似文献   

描写男女间互相倾慕、两情相悦、有吸引力或一见钟情的词语:to have a crush on(someone)to feel an instant magnetismto catch one’s eyes:to hit it offto have the hots for(someone)to be attracted to each other例如:He(She)has a crush on her(him).他(她)对她(他)十分爱慕。He felt an instant magnetism when their eyes met.他们目光交会时,他立即感到磁性般的吸引力。(这句话指  相似文献   

方凌 《今日中学生》2012,(10):25-27
ATeacher:If I laid one egg on this table and two legs in that basket,how many would I have?Pupil:I don’t think you can do it.注:lay(laid)①放、搁,②下蛋。BChild:Worry,worry!Mother:What’s worry?Child:The doctor gave me some medicine and told to take threespoons after each meal.Mother:So?Child:We only have two spoons.  相似文献   

泰然自若as cool as a cucumber 各抒已见each airs his own views 脍炙人口on everyone’s tips 坐立不安have ants in one’s pants 略胜一筹win by a neck  相似文献   

■have a good head on one’s shoulder明智且实际A: Do they have any requirements for me?B: Yeah, first of all, you should have a good head on yourshoulders.A: This is what I have. And others? B: I don't have to mention more. You're the perfect choiceanyway. Have a go at it. A:他们对我有什么要求吗?  相似文献   

have a chip on one’s shoulder 叫阵,叫板,不满 chip的意思是木板。}lave(carry)a chip 0n 0『le's srioulder源于儿童游戏。如果一方的孩子要当首领的话,他放一块木板在自己的肩膀上, 问对方的孩子敢不敢把木板打掉。如果有人挑战,那么两个人就要决出个输赢。此语由此转喻为“针锋相对”、“互不相让”与汉语的“叫板”近似,此外还有“不满”和“对抗”的意思。  相似文献   

教学过程 Step 1.Let ’ s chant 1.Listen and chant : Monkey,monkey,what are you doing ?(因为这首Chant中有生词,又是第一次接触,所以我要求学生第一遍只听,第二遍再跟读) 2.Ask 3 questions about the chant,have the Ss answer one by one.Write down the three words on the bb. Step 2.Let ’ s review Review the learned words and forms by the stick figure. ( walk,run,swim,play,ride a bike )(板书)  相似文献   

在译林版初中英语教材中,on one’s way(to)这一短语出现了多次,现将其用法归纳如下,供同学们学习时参考。 一、在句子中,应将该短语中的one’s换成与句子主语相一致的物主代词。例如:  相似文献   

一、构成形式:肯定形式:have(has) 行为动词的过去分词,have(has)可缩写成’ve(’s);否定形式:在have(has)后加not,not可缩写成n’t;缩写形式只有一种。  相似文献   

一、none与no one/nobody及nothingno one/nobody用来指人,作主语时谓语动词为单数形式;nothing用来指物,作主语时谓语动词也应为单数形式;none既可指人也可指物,“none+of+可数名词复数”作主语时,谓语动词为单数形式或复数形式。“none+of+不可数名词”作主语时,谓语动词为单数形式。例如:1)N o one likes a person w ith bad m anners.没有人喜欢粗野之人。2)N othing is difficult in the world ifyou put your heart into it.世上无难事,只怕有心人。3)N one ofthem has/have seen m e before.以前他们当中没人见过我。4)N one ofthi…  相似文献   

on one’s way(to)有“在某人去……的路上”之意,我们在学习时应注意以下几点:  相似文献   

来来往往To and fro 断断续续Off and on 时时刻刻Every now and then 挑来挑去To pick and choose 寿命不长One’s days are numbered. 半身入土To have one foot in the grave 水底捞月To fish in the air 原形毕露To show one’s true colours 海底捞针To look for a needle in a haystack 半斤八两Six of one and half a dozen of the other 趁热打铁Strike the iron while it is hot. 岁月不待人Time and tide wait for no man. 无风不起浪There is no smoke without fire. 打开天窗说亮话To put all one’s cards on the table  相似文献   

一、one的用法1.one为不定人称代词,表示“人”、“一个人”,它有反身代词oneself和物主代词one’s。如:Oneshouldtakecareofone’shealth.(one在句中作主语,one’s作定语)2.one可代替前面提到过的一个人或物,以避免再重复这一名词。有时它可以有自己的定语或冠词,其复数形式为ones。如:Idon’tlikecolouredenvelopes.Ilikewhiteones.二、other的用法指“(两个中的)另一个,另一些,其他的”,在句中可作主语、宾语、定语。如:Theotherbooksareonthedesk.(作定语)注意:other可以有复数形式others,还有所有格形式o…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Conventional consolidation analysis based on Terzaghi’s one-dimensional theory neglects the non-linearity of soil for the sake of mathematical expediency, which is considered to be one of the theory’s shortcomings. Many researchers have pro-posed one-dimensional (1D) consolidation models where the coefficient of volume compressibility mv, coefficient of permeability kv, and coefficient of consolidation cv, vary with either depth or time. Schiffman (1958), Davis and Raymon…  相似文献   

关于苹果 1.the apple of one’s eye(掌上明珠) 例:May is the apple of her father’s eye.(玛丽是她父亲的掌上明珠。) 2.the Big Apple(纽约城) 例: The little girl is from the Big Apple.(这个女孩来自于纽约城。) 3.in apple order(井然有序) 例:You don’t have to worry about a  相似文献   

AIn Peru(秘鲁),one researcher was very surprised to find that there were 43 species(种类)of ants living on one big tree.A single ant group can have over 5 million busy members.There are soldiers and workers,males and the queen in it.A queen’s job is to lay eggs—may lay 100 million eggs a day!Al-  相似文献   

英语中,含“名词”的动词短语主要有三类——动词 名词 介词(take delight in,do wrong to,have mercy on等);动词 介词 名词(come to a conclusion,make up one’s mind,come into use等);动词 名词(take steps,make progress,play roles等)。  相似文献   

I.读句子,将适当的单词前面的苹果涂红,然后再把它“捡”到篮子中:1.I(am,is)a student.2.Don’t be late(to,for)school!3.Tom is hungry.He wants to have an(apple,book).4.It’s5:00.Let’s(go,goes)home!I I.六一儿童节到了,你对这个你最喜欢的节日究竟了解多少呢?快来试试你的身手吧!1.在英语中,“儿童节”应该这样说:_____A.Teacher’s Day B.Children’s Day C.Mother’s Day2.It’s on the____day of the_____month by solar calenda(r按阳历算).A.first;six B.one;sixth C.first;sixthI I I.儿童节里,小c ool龙收到一份…  相似文献   

1.词语搜索 prepare for;try one’s best;contribute to;have the drive to work and study;be useful for/to,have a good education;prove one’s ability  相似文献   

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