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1.Avoid run-on sentences they are hard to read. 戒一:避免写冗长而不加标点的句子.例如,they are hard to read应该另起一句.  相似文献   

第十七单元《为孩子做的最重要的事》以词汇、课文段落以及课后回答问题为主,重点在练习Vocabulary和Question题。一、 本单元划分为三个部分:1. Treleases secret in education.(1—6)2. Treleases own experience.(7—11)3. Trelease advocates that parents should read to their children.(12—16)二、 回答问题Question:1. Why do you think the audience in the St. Helena giggles nervously? Because they don’t quite believe Trelease and they think they have no time to read to their children.2. What ben…  相似文献   

正阅读教学专家Neil J.Anderson在他编写的《积极英语阅读教程》一书中对"预测"是这样解释的:Good readers make predictions before they read.They use what they know about the topic to guess what the reading will be about.Using this skill can help you to better understand what you will read.预测可以激活读者关于话题的背景图式,帮助读者做好阅读的准  相似文献   

高考单项选择题句式通常是由疑问句、倒装句、强调句等非正常语序的形式出现的。考生选择答案时多由于理不清句子结构选错答案。例如高考题:The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see__thenext year.A.carried out B.carrying out C.carry out D.to carry out 句子较长,迅速抓住句子结构才能化难为易。选项位于定语从句中,因此应从定语从句入手,并根据句意,试将定语从句结构转换成正  相似文献   

第一卷(选择题)第一部分:英语知识运用第一节:语法和词汇知识从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。1 .Anlonio was 50 that he even showed _to Shyloek. A.mereiful:merey一B .mercy:merciful C .kindly:pitiful D.mercy:to mercy 2.一What do you think of the book?一Oh,exeellent.It’5 worth_a seeond tiIUe。A.to read B.to be read C .re戒ng D.being read 3 .Thes而ths bought a new ear,whieh was一,he_叮their neighbours·A.enVy B.admire C.resPeet D.Proud 4,T七e shop assistant was dism…  相似文献   

首先来看第一部分的题目:重写句子(本大题共10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分)。Revisethe 1.I felt like taking a walk after watching the sunset.(periodic sentence) 按要求考生要把该句变成掉尾句(periodic sentence)。掉尾旬指的是中心意思出现在句尾的句子。很明显,这一句子的中心意思在主句,after引导的时间状语从句是它的修饰语,因此正确答案是:After watching the sunset,I felt like taking a walk. 注意:与periodic sentence相对的是100se sentence,考试中也有可能叫你把掉尾句改写成结构 2.When they arrived home,they unpacked …  相似文献   

英语中作定语的不定式有主动和被动两种语态。一般说来,这两种语态所表达的意义无甚区别,但有时差别却很大。笔者下面就此做些简要分析。1.如果句子的主语是动词不定式所表示动作的施事者(施动者),则大都采用动词不定式的主动形式来作名词的后置定语。例如:Y ou need som ething to eat.你需要吃点东西。She had nothing to say against Joe.她没有反对乔的话要说。I want a novel to read.我想要本小说来读。I asked him if he had any room s to let.我问他是否有房子出租。There being nothing else to do熏we wenthom e.由于没有别的事可做,我们就回家了。上面各句中的to eat熏to say熏to read熏tolet和to do都是由句子的主语发出的,因此这里使用to eat熏to say熏to read熏to let熏to do都是从句子的主语(Y ou熏She熏I熏he熏we)的立场来说的,而不是从动词不定式所修饰的中心词即名词(som ething熏nothing熏a...  相似文献   

In spite of the fact that in our Syllabus for middle school English teaching, reading is listed as the most important one of the four language skills and is supposed to occupy a predominant position in final courses, the teaching of reading in our middle schools is by far and large unsatisfactory. Numerous facts have proved that our middle school graduates are poor in reading, they do not really know how to read. When they read, they read word by word, making  相似文献   

马生虎 《海外英语》2012,(21):47-49
With the improvement of the economy,society,culture and education in china,English is playing an ever more im portant role for students,especially for college students.Unlike the students of the severely disciplined years,they are reluctant to take the rigorous training in college and they will take job after graduation,where they will meet some foreign experts and read foreign reference materials.They must learn how to read English effectively and talk with foreign experts fluently.If they do not learn to listen effectively,they will be unable to take part in oral communication.Therefore,students’listening ability training can never be neglected in college English.  相似文献   

副词和副词性短语作状语在句子中的位置主要有三种情况:句首、句中和句尾,现在分述如下:一、频度副词,如alw ays,usually,often,som etimes,never等,一般位于句中,有时也可以位于句首或句尾。1.位于实义动词之前。例如:H e always reads E nglish in the m orning.I often go to work ateightin the m orning.I hardly ever heard him singing.2.如果句中含有情态动词或助动词,频度副词通常放在这类动词之后,行为动词之前;如果句中有be动词,频度副词常常放在其后。例如:Y ou m ustalways read E nglish in the m orning.H e has never be…  相似文献   

1 Pre-reading Use the following words (or any others) to describe what a clown looks like and what they do: big shoes, painted face, red nose, red hair...2 ReadingⅠ You' re going to read an article on the decline in popularity of clowns. Why do you think this is happening? Make notes. Then, read or listen to the article once to compare your ideas.  相似文献   

在“I enjoy____(read)story-books.”这个句子里是填reading还是填to read呢?此句中的enjoy是个关键词,它要求后面作宾语的动词用-ing形式。究竟哪些词需要后面的动词用-ing形式作宾语呢?现根据1—6册初中英语教科书的内容及大纲要求,从实用的角度对此类问题进行归纳整理,以期能对初三学生复习有所帮助。  相似文献   

一、1.动词不定式是一种非谓语动词形式,基本形式是“to+动词原形”,有些动词后省略to。2.动词不定式没有人称和数的变化,在句中不能作谓语。3.动词不定式仍保留原有动词的特点,可以有自己的宾语或状语,构成动词不定式短语。例: to read the book, to speak at the meeting  相似文献   

引语:有一天,在上课时,Jack突然和大家谈起了旗袍,到底发生了什么趣事呢?让我们一起听听吧。 They were back after a long,one-month holiday. Through the month they neither spoke any English nor,perhaps,read a word of it. So,when they came to class they were  相似文献   

动词不定式作为一个语法单位,有自己的被动形式,但有时,其主动形式往往表示被动意义,在中学英语新教材中,这种用法很常见。例如: 1.He has got lots of questions to ask. 2.Although these were much more useful than the metalpots,they were still difficult to read and were very heavy tocarry.  相似文献   

英语中有些句子形式上是否定的.但是内容含义上却是肯定的。现将这种常见的句式结构归纳如下: 一、cannot wait 后跟不定式,意为“急于做”, 表示强调的肯定例1 I couldn't wait to see her.我渴望见到她。例2 I cannot wait to read the book.我非常渴望读到这本书。  相似文献   

The e-book trend is nowhere near peaking.Over the next five years we can expect to see more and more readers move away from printed books and pick up e-books instead.But it doesn't mean the death of the printed book. There are some who prefer printed books.They like having shelves filled with books they've read and books they plan to read;they like the feel of the book in their hands and the different weights and typefaces and layouts of different titles.In other words,they like the physical form of the book almost as much as the words it contains.  相似文献   

一开始可以写简单的句子,内容可以是自己看见的东西或者发生的事情,句子量不要多,两三句就可以。到四五年级要求学生能写一段通顺的话,到了高年级就要求学生按要求写作文,比如按照事情的发展顺序写,按照观察的顺序写,把该说的问题表述清楚等等。  相似文献   

如何在造句训练中让学生由写一句话到写几句连贯的话,由写一句平铺直叙的句子到写生动形象具体的句子?我经常进行以下几种练习: 1.先造句后扩句,即让学生先用词造句,再进行有计划、有步骤的扩句练习,使原句变得具体、生动。如用“闪烁”一词造  相似文献   

[句子训练] (一)把句子写完整。重点训练单句的三种基本句式:谁(什么)干什么,谁(什么)是什么,谁(什么)怎么样。 (二)把句子写通顺。 l.扩词成句。例:树→松树→两棵松树→栽了两棵松树→我家院子里栽了两棵松树。 2.整理句序。例;好孩子/是个/小勇/懂礼貌/的小勇是个懂礼貌的好孩子。 3.按要求写句。例:(1)什么时候谁在什么地方干什么(2)谁是什么(3)什么怎么样 4.词语搭配成句。例: 老鹰停着一座大桥路边架起了一副眼镜  相似文献   

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