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媒体融合的内涵可以从生产技术、传播渠道、商业模式、内容表达、组织流程等方面进行理解.媒体融合的趋势主要体现为跨界融合、集团融合、深度融合等.媒体融合对传统媒体的转型发展具有重要意义,包括提高传媒业的服务质量,创造传媒业的规模效应,增强传媒业的竞争实力等.  相似文献   

每年的第一季度是人才流动高峰期,在媒体融合发展的大背景下,媒体人对自身的自我定位和职业规划显得尤为重要。现今的传媒业从业人员经历了由传统媒体到新媒体的过渡,他们有着扎实的新闻技能功底,也存在为磨合媒体融合而出现的迷茫与困惑。2015年,充满未知和挑战的媒体融合年,传媒业人才的供需情况如何?传媒业人才结构组成有了哪些变化?如何摸索传媒业人才的培养对策?本文将基于最新的传媒业人才招聘大数据和传媒业人才细分市场现状,针对2015年传媒业最需要的人才进行解构。  相似文献   

李军 《传媒》2018,(6):68-70
"互联网+"时代,媒体融合成为传媒业发展的"新常态".在技术进步和市场需求的驱动下,新旧媒体间除了融合别无选择.传媒业在产业内融和发展的同时,加快了与其他产业的融合,整个传媒业发展呈现新生态.笔者在媒体融合的视角下,重点剖析了传媒业新业态形成的五大动因:数据将替代货币成为市场行为的主要驱动力;传媒技术创新是形成传媒业新业态的关键;舆论新生态催生传媒业新业态;传媒企业之间协同竞争的推动;政策扶持助力传媒业新业态.  相似文献   

随着数字技术和网络技术的进步,新兴媒体不断涌现,新旧媒体间的不断融合,已成为传媒业发展的必然趋势,这种媒体融合固然对传媒业的发展有一定的推动作用,同时也应对融合所产生的消极影响进行理性的反思,从而推动传播业的健康发展.  相似文献   

当下,传媒业受各种因素的影响,正在发生裂变和转型。传统的传媒业从内容和形式上不断与其他行业进行融合,传媒业正在经历一场转型。本文从传媒业的市场增速、新媒体取代传统媒体、传媒业和其他产业大融合、信息智能的未来转型、广告业和营销业高度结合、管制将进一步放松、整合将大范围开展、基于隐私的封闭将让位于基于信任的透明八个方面,对传媒业的发展趋势进行展开和分析。  相似文献   

孟仁振  张耀军 《传媒》2021,(6):85-87
传媒业开始进入智媒时代,媒体融合、多元发展对人才需求结构和人才培养质量提出更高要求.产业转型使我国传媒业技术技能人才培养从规模扩张进入内涵提升阶段,培养现代传媒业技术技能拔尖人才离不开校企合作.本文从产教融合视角分析现代传媒业技术技能拔尖人才培养现状,探讨现代传媒业技术技能拔尖人才培养必要性与可行性,结合上海出版印刷高等专科学校(以下简称上海版专)实践提出技术技能拔尖传媒人才培养实施路径.  相似文献   

冉然 《传媒》2016,(5):27-29
一直以来,广东省的传媒业发展在全国处于领先地位,在当下融合转型背景下,广东省的传统媒体在与新媒体融合以及转型发展方面做了一些积极的探索和尝试,亮点频出.融合发展是一个系统工程,要解决的问题当然会有很多,那么目前广东传媒业发展的关键问题是什么?又该如何解决?2015年岁末,本刊记者特地前往广州对广东省委常委、宣传部部长慎海雄进行了专访.采访中,慎部长思路清晰,饱含激情,对广东传媒业的现状、融合关键点及未来发展作了深入的介绍与解读,充分彰显了作为传媒大省宣传部门领导的水准与风范.  相似文献   

互联网作为现代科学技术的代表性技术之一,在无形中渗透到人们生产生活的方方面面,对于经济、文化和政治等领域变革发展带来了深刻的影响。面对互联网时代带来的挑战,媒体生存环境发生了极大变化。如何更高层次发展、如何同互联网有机融合,优化产业格局,推动传统媒体和新型媒体共同发展是目前亟待解决的问题。这需要媒体充分发挥互联网技术效应,提升传媒业技术含量,赋予传媒业新的发展活力和生命力。但是,当前互联网时代下传媒业融合发展受限,甚至出现了发展方向本末倒置的情况,有待进一步改进。本文从互联网时代的特点出发着手分析,探究传媒业融合发展现状,了解科学技术对传媒业发展的影响,提出合理有效措施,进而推动传媒业持续发展。  相似文献   

针对传媒业内部各行业的融合和传媒业与其他相关产业的边界渐趋模糊的现象,从构成媒介行业的软硬件体系,基于这些设施的媒介传播的活动与实务,以及人类社会与之相应的社会安排与组织形式3个层次,对传媒业的边界消失进行了分析。指出在形态上不断整合的媒介产品,也将促使以其为基础的传播实践活动、商业运行逻辑、传播制度规范等产生相应变化,但后者具有一定的独立性。传媒业的内外融合,不但要从语态、观点、技术、渠道等内容生产传播角度寻求创新,更要从机制、规范、制度等角度创造新的机遇。  相似文献   

周夏宇 《新闻世界》2013,(6):206-207,211
英国的媒介融合进程一直走在世界前列,本文以BBC为例,探讨英国媒介融合进程。与此同时,针对我国国家广电总局与新闻出版总署合并这一事件,本文从产业发展、信息传播、监管政策以及绩效评估等方面探讨其对我国新闻传媒业产生的深远影响。  相似文献   

Collection development librarians are confronting yet another new technology, the optical media. The industry is fast-paced and vacillating. New prototypes and products are introduced in rapid succession. Prices are fluctuating with the demand in the marketplace. This presents unique considerations for collection managers. How will optical technology, particularly CD-ROM, affect the collecting of print and use of online sources? The potential impact of optical technology on library users, user education, collection management, and library budgets is explored in this paper.  相似文献   

吴江文 《新闻界》2007,(6):98-99
媒介生态直接决定一个地区的新闻事业的发展状态,本文着重从“企业经营“角度对新闻机构“事业单位、企业经营“特殊属性的分析.并将新闻视为产品进行研究,引入了成本概念,指出媒介生态对新闻成本的影响,并提出一些参考建议.  相似文献   

The UK broadcast media landscape provides an interesting context to understand and explore the competitive dynamics of media organizations. As an industry characterized by uncertainty and turbulence, this article considers the process by which broadcast media organizations develop their strategies and the type of analytical tools that they use to underpin this process. This article presents the findings of a survey of UK broadcast media executives and their views on the outlook for the UK media industry; the influence that the competitive environment has on developing media strategy; and the management tools that they use and their levels of satisfaction with these tools. It concludes that UK broadcast media is a competitive and turbulent environment, and that media strategy is developed using a number of media management tools that have varying degrees of success in terms of helping broadcast media executives to manage their media organizations in uncertain and complex conditions.  相似文献   

This article describes a half-day pre-conference focused on the ins and outs of assessing “Big Deals.” The presenters gave an overview of issues related to “Big Deals,” and engaged the attendees in discussions about their own experiences with the topic. They then detailed the process of assessing “Big Deals” at their institution, including their methods for evaluating usage statistics. Attendees were provided with sample Excel spreadsheets for hands-on exercises to practice applying the methods described.  相似文献   

论数字图书馆的知识管理   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
论述数字图书馆知识管理中的知识生产、知识组织、知识营销和知识人员的管理。  相似文献   

随着苏联解体 ,俄罗斯传媒开始朝着私有化、市场化和国际化快速转型。这一崭新而巨大的市场吸引众多西方传媒趋之若骛。十多年过去了 ,俄罗斯传媒领域的转型已基本完成 ,新的格局趋于稳定。在俄西方传媒的命运如何 ?本文从三个方面回答了这一问题。  相似文献   

By the multiple usage of immaterial resources across organizational and national market borders, globally acting media conglomerates are able to achieve outstanding synergies. For this reason, they are expected to realize higher margins of profit than smaller-size, nondiversified media firms. However, no empirical evidence has been found for a positive correlation between a firm's size or its presence in many businesses of the media industry and its economic performance until now. Consequently, possible synergies do not seem to be fully exploited in many cases. This article analyzes how to institutionalize and implement synergy management in decentralized media organizations. For these purposes, we first develop a basic understanding and then conduct an exploratory case study on Bertelsmann's approach, which overcomes the stress ratio between corporate coordination and independent action at the operational level. Distinguishing various product types and triggers, this case study renders the process of synergy management more precisely and illustrates how to arrange responsibilities between organizational units. Finally, by relating the results of the case study to the body of literature, we work out patterns of responsibility assignment and drivers of success for strategic integration. In contrast to operational integration, the latter may lead to synergies due to cross-divisional cooperation and business development.  相似文献   

世界传播新格局下中国传媒面临的机遇与挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪中叶以来世界传媒业发生了一些新变化,突出表现为传媒业的迅 速发展以及发达国家与发展中国家的差距不断拉大。在世界传播的这种新格局下,中 国传媒业迅猛崛起,在总量方面和人均量方面都实现了快速追赶,缩小了与发达国家的 差距。中国传媒业发展的战略目标是:成为世界传媒强国,并在国家发展中发挥重要作 用。根据这一战略目标,结合中国发展的新环境和新任务,笔者提出中国传媒业所面临三大机遇和三大挑战。  相似文献   

裴永刚 《编辑之友》2018,(5):101-106,112
英国在脱欧后经济发展的不确定性增强,波及传媒产业,尤其是电影业.相对于传统媒体,移动互联网快速发展,智能手机超越笔记本成为主要的上网工具,移动广告支出年增长率超过50%;英国脱欧后传媒产业面临欧盟资助锐减、产业链重构和人才流失等问题;对于英国传媒产业的未来发展,数字化成为传媒产业发展最重要的驱动力、媒介规制程度将会加深、智能手机作为最重要的上网工具占比将达到50%、媒介使用的代际和性别差异会更显著、用户总媒介使用时间会继续增长、数字媒体商业模式从广告转变到用户支付、用户数据管理成为新媒体时代的财富储备、人工智能日益受到传媒业界关注.  相似文献   

The library's mission is to support the information and educational needs of its users. E-journal “Big Deals” offer libraries one method of maximizing the resources available to their users, but, with libraries now experiencing flat or decreasing budgets, these Big Deals present budgetary difficulties for libraries. They also remove collection development decisions from the control of the libraries themselves. Some libraries have canceled their Big Deals, resulting in problems. This article presents the results of an online survey of libraries regarding these bundled journal packages.  相似文献   

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