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将16名青少年男子羽毛球运动员随机分为聚组训练组与传统力量训练组,设计为期6周的杠铃深蹲试验,采集2组受试者实验前后的深蹲最大力量(1RM)、30 m冲刺跑、原地纵跳CMJ(无摆臂)等数据,探究深蹲聚组训练对青少年羽毛球运动员下肢最大力量和爆发力的影响。结果显示:6周深蹲训练后,聚组训练与传统训练对运动员下肢最大力量均有显著提高,传统训练提高幅度优于聚组训练,其原因可能是传统深蹲训练代谢物的累积效应使机体适应性增强;CMJ纵跳、30 m冲刺跑成绩聚组训练均优于传统训练,聚组训练提高下肢爆发力的效果更佳,其原因是聚组训练组间加入短间歇,能源物质得以恢复,使运动员训练时动作速度和功率维持在较高水平。  相似文献   

系统梳理与分析国内外冰球项目的比赛特征、体能需求及其测试方法。研究发现:1)冰球比赛中运动员需要进行4~10次上场轮换,每次上场时间为30~90 s,上场比赛期间需要交替进行低、中、高强度运动,在长时间中低强度滑行过程中需要频繁穿插多方向爆发式移动;2)冰球是一项高强度间歇性团体球类项目,比赛的整体负荷较高,运动员需要具备较高的力量、爆发力、速度、灵敏、无氧耐力和有氧耐力等体能素质;3)建议使用陆上深蹲最大力量测试反映力量素质,使用陆上下肢水平与垂直爆发力测试反映爆发力素质,使用陆上与冰上冲刺测试反映速度素质,使用陆上与冰上5-10-5折返跑、冰上S形绕弯测试反映灵敏素质,使用冰上重复冲刺滑行测试反映无氧耐力素质,使用冰上30-15间歇折返滑行测试反映有氧耐力素质。  相似文献   

利用击剑运动员连续蹲跳的动作速度监控结果来调整体能训练负荷,阐述监控结果与基础体能、专项体能之间的关系。方法:对13名男子击剑运动员(佩剑7名,重剑6名)进行为期3个月连续10次蹲跳的数据化监控,根据监控的即时结果对运动员进行训练负荷的调整。在实验前后进行1RM深蹲、深蹲相对力量、原地纵跳、30 m冲刺跑、30 s双摇跳绳、T型测试、5-10-5变向灵敏测试以及3 000 m耐力跑测试。结果:击剑运动员在1RM深蹲、深蹲相对力量、30 s双摇跳绳,以及3 000 m耐力跑上的提高有显著性差异。结论:基于蹲跳动作速度的科学化数据监控来调整的体能训练,对于击剑运动员的基础体能以及专项体能提升均有效果,确保力量水平与有氧能力获得同步增长,可作为训练的常规监控手段以提高训练效益。  相似文献   

为探究激活后增强效应(Post-Activation Potentiation,简称PAP)对足球运动员30 m冲刺成绩的影响,对22名专业男子足球运动员进行不同负重训练以及不同恢复时间的干预,测试其30 m冲刺能力。其中,负重训练强度分别是连续3次70%1 RM半蹲、连续3次80%1 RM半蹲以及连续3次90%1 RM半蹲。恢复时间分别为4 min、8 min及12 min。实验结果表明:负重半蹲能够激发出足球运动员的PAP效应,两组运动员的30 m冲刺成绩均有不同程度的提升,但是一定范围内的不同负重干预以及不同恢复时间对30 m冲刺的影响并不构成统计学意义上的显著性差异。分析实验结果后建议:专业足球运动员在赛前热身中,可采取连续3次90%1 RM半蹲方式激发其PAP效应,恢复时间取8 min,能够最大程度地提升其短距离突破冲刺能力。  相似文献   

沙滩足球训练对足球运动员下肢爆发力的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了探讨沙滩训练方式对足球运动员体能的影响,本研究选择了足球运动员下肢爆发力素质为对象,选取了40 m冲刺跑、原地纵跳摸高两项具有代表性的下肢爆发力指标,以山东体育学院部分足球专项学生作为研究对象,进行了为期17周(5次/周)的分组教学实验,并得出如下结论:通过对实验前后40 m冲刺跑和原地纵跳摸高成绩的比较和统计学检验证明,与传统足球练习相比,沙滩足球练习提高下肢爆发力的效果更佳,这在一定程度上是由沙滩足球的场地特点和比赛特点决定的.  相似文献   

目的:探讨重复冷热水交替浴(CWT)对羽毛球运动员运动后身体机能的影响。方法:将16名优秀男子羽毛球运动员随机分成CWT组和对照组(CON),每组8名。两组运动员均参与两周体能训练,每节训练课后分别采用CWT或静态休息作为整理活动,其间动态检测运动员的主观疲劳度、运动能力和代谢指标,评价运动员机能恢复情况。结果:在主观感觉上,CWT组在每周最后一节训练课后即刻、下一周周一上午训练前肌肉酸痛感和全身自感疲劳度均明显低于CON组(P<0.05),两组运动员经过周末休息后肌肉酸痛和全身自感疲劳度均明显改善(P<0.05);在运动能力上,CWT组静蹲成绩在每周最后一节训练课后即刻明显优于CON组(P<0.05),两周训练结束后即刻立定跳远成绩明显优于CON组(P<0.05);经过周末休息后,CWT组立定跳远与静蹲成绩没有显著性改变(P>0.05);在机体代谢水平上,随着两周大运动量训练,血清肌酸激酶(CK)浓度组间没有显著性差异(P>0.05),而两周训练后,CWT组血清尿素氮(BUN)浓度明显低于CON组(P<0.05)。结论:CWT能缓解羽毛球男子运动员连续运动后的肌肉酸痛感和全身自感疲劳度,能延缓立定跳远和静蹲能力的下降,可能降低体内蛋白分解水平。  相似文献   

目的:系统总结不同运动干预诱导激活后表现增强(PAPE)的相关研究,为制定适宜的PAPE诱导方案提供参考与启示。方法:检索Web of Science、PubMed、EBSCO、CNKI等数据库的相关文献,通过筛选后共纳入71篇。结果:涉及的运动干预包括深蹲、奥林匹克举、臀推、硬拉、腿推举、飞轮抗阻训练、超等长跳跃、阻力冲刺跑、全身振动训练、可变阻力训练、聚组训练、血流限制训练12种。结论:以冲刺PAPE为诱导目标时,适宜采用臀推、阻力冲刺跑、高翻以及超等长跳跃;以跳跃PAPE为诱导目标时,适宜采用自由重量深蹲、等长深蹲、分腿蹲结合血流限制训练以及跳深和负重蹲跳;力量水平高的运动员适宜采用全幅度运动方式以及等长深蹲;力量水平低的运动员适宜采用半幅度运动方式、固定器械腿推举以及全身振动训练;适宜将可变阻力训练和聚组训练与传统抗阻训练相结合应用于复合式训练中;飞轮抗阻训练和血流限制训练无需大重量器械即能对机体有较大的刺激效果,可用于赛前激活方案中。  相似文献   

目的 复合式训练作为提高篮球运动员下肢肌力及爆发力的体能干预手段竞训功效显著,因实训计划、内容及时序安排不尽相同导致实证研究观点差异及学术质疑,基于学理辨析意义与实训求证价值。方法文献资料法、实验法及数理统计法,对XX职业技术学院20名二级篮球运动员予以随机分组后6周的重量训练后实施增强式训练WP组与先实施增强式训练后实施重量训练PW组实验干预。结果 单因子共变量分析发现:不同复合式训练实施顺序干预下,1RM半蹲举、60°/s时膝屈肌最大力矩、28m冲刺跑、原地垂直跳、原地摆臂垂直跳、落地垂直跳等组内都有显著性提高、组间未呈现显著性差异。结论 6周复合式训练不论实施顺序均可显著提升大学篮球运动员下肢肌力、速度及爆发力且实施顺序间时下未呈显著性差异。持续深入探究复合式训练不同时序神经~肌肉运行机制,训练实践应以运动员等级水平、训练目的及机能状态适时科学合理设置。  相似文献   

目的:探究不同水平专业羽毛球运动员专项移动能力与力量、爆发力之间的关系。方法:以浙江省运动队16名女子运动员和15名男子运动员为测试对象,通过实验测试运动员的各项指标,采用单因素方差法分析不同水平运动员的指标差异,通过线性相关方法分析专项移动能力与力量、爆发力之间的相关性。结果:不同水平女子运动员下肢力量(IMTP)、反向纵跳与羽毛球掷远具有显著性差异,其他指标无明显差异;女子运动员的左右摸边与下肢力量(IMTP)的相关性最高,呈负相关性,与反向纵跳(CMJ)、半蹲跳(SJ)、跌落跳(DJ)和30 m跑相关性较低;男子运动员前抛实心球与下肢力量的相关显著性最高,其次为四点摸线与跌落跳的相关显著性较高,较低的相关性为四点摸线与半蹲跳、30 m跑。结论:健将级男子与女子运动员的综合素质高于其他级别运动员,其中下肢力量最为显著;运动员下肢力量、爆发力的提高有助于提升专项移动速度。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、实验法等方法讨论复合式训练对专业羽毛球运动员下肢移动能力的影响。通过专家访谈及总结已有研究,选取与羽毛球运动员下肢移动能力高度相关的六项测试指标:“T”型跑、“pro”跑、半米字跑、侧滑步加直线冲刺跑、1RM重量半蹲和SJ静蹲跳,通过测试实验前后这六项指标,P值均小于0.05,得出:复合式训练能够有效提升网球运动员下肢爆发力和下肢移动能力。  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare the effect of 6 weeks of resistance training or combined resistance training and change of direction exercises on physical performance and motor skills in futsal players. Thirty-four futsal players were divided into full squat group (SG, n = 12), combined full squat and change of direction exercises group (S+CDG, n = 12) and control group (CG, n = 10). The resistance training for SG consisted of full squat with low load (~45–58% 1RM) and low volume (4–6 repetitions), whereas the S+CDG performed the same resistance training program combined with loaded change of direction. Sprint time in 10 and 20 m, change of direction test, countermovement vertical jump (CMJ) height, maximal strength and force–velocity relationship in full squat exercise, kicking speed ball (BSmean) and repeated sprint ability (RSAmean) were selected as testing variables. Both experimental groups showed significant improvements for CMJ, BSmean and all strength parameters. Only SG resulted in significant sprint gains, whereas S+CDG also achieved significant improvements in RSAmean. The CG remained unchanged after training period. No significant differences were found between both experimental groups. These findings suggest that only 12 sessions of either lightweight resistance training alone, lifting the load at maximal intended velocity or combined with change of direction exercises is enough to improve several physical and skills capacities critical to futsal performance in adult players.  相似文献   

我国冰球守门员蝶式与蹲式守门技术动作优劣的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈登云 《冰雪运动》2008,30(3):34-37
通过对齐齐哈尔市一队蹲式和蝶式守门员参加2005—2007年亚洲冰球联赛临场技术表现进行分析,从临场统计的数据上分析得出蝶式守门员视野开阔,重心稳利于做功,连续做功能力强等特点,结果表明在绝大多数指标上“蝶式”较“蹲式”具有明显优势。因此,掌握蝶式守门员姿式技术动作,抓实、抓好守门员技、战术训练,对提高我国冰球运动整体水平具有重要的战略意义。  相似文献   

The forward skating start is a fundamental skill for male and female ice hockey players. However, performance differences by athlete’s sex cannot be fully explained by physiological variables; hence, other factors such as skating technique warrant examination. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the body movement kinematics of ice hockey skating starts between elite male and female ice hockey participants. Male (n = 9) and female (n = 10) elite ice hockey players performed five forward skating start accelerations. An 18-camera motion capture system placed on the arena ice surface captured full-body kinematics during the first seven skating start steps within 15 meters. Males’ maximum skating speeds were greater than females. Skating technique sex differences were noted: in particular, females presented ~10° lower hip abduction throughout skating stance as well as ~10° greater knee extension at initial ice stance contact, conspicuously followed by a brief cessation in knee extension at the moment of ice contact, not evident in male skaters. Further study is warranted to explain why these skating technique differences exist in relation to factors such as differences in training, equipment, performance level, and anthropometrics.  相似文献   

冰球运动以速度、对抗和冲撞成为现代竞技体育运动中最具竞技性、观赏性和对抗性的比赛项目之一,其危险性也是诱发运动损伤较高的比赛项目,训练中积极预防少年冰球运动员的运动损伤发对提高我国冰球运动的普及率具有重要的作用。情绪状态与自我控制能力,对规则的认知与技术的规范性,训练安排与训练负荷的科学性,场地器材与护具等因素是诱发运动损伤的主要原因;冰球运动员的运动损伤主要发生在四肢,尤其以下肢损伤为多,其他部位占少数,损伤最多的是闭合性软组织损伤、关节和韧带扭伤。提出采取加强思想教育,合理、科学地安排训练负荷与训练过程,加强易伤部位的训练,加强保健指导、提高保护和自我保护意识,提高场地器材与护具的质量等措施,积极预防少年冰球运动员的运动损伤的发生,给予体育锻炼者参考与指导,提高冰球运动员运动寿命。  相似文献   

宋明欧  党红 《冰雪运动》2008,30(1):29-32
冰球裁判员的基础素质状况决定了场上队员是否能公平竞争,观众是否能欣赏到精彩的比赛。认为冰球裁判员恪守职业道德,良好的滑行技术、身体条件和技能,平和的心态,以及临场执法能力构成了其基本素质;认知、情绪和能力是影响其临场执法行为的主要相关因素。提出从"球感"的建立,注意力的集中与转移相结合,加强表象训练,树立良好的自信心,提高完整的应变能力,确保准确判断比赛的合法进攻与防守等培养冰球裁判员临场执法能力的有效途径。旨在现代冰球裁判员素质的培养提供理论指导。  相似文献   


The capturing of movements by means of wearable sensors has become increasingly popular in order to obtain sport performance measures during training or competition. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the feasibility of using body worn accelerometers to identify previous highlighted performance related biomechanical changes in terms of substantial differences across skill levels and skating phases. Twenty-two ice hockey players of different caliber were equipped with two 3D accelerometers, located on the skate and the waist, as they performed 30 m forward skating sprints on an ice rink. Two measures of the temporal stride characteristics (contact time and stride time) and one measure of the propulsive power (stride propulsion) of a skating stride were calculated and checked for discriminating effects across (i) skill levels and (ii) sprint phases as well as for their (iii) strength of association with the sprint performance (total sprint time). High caliber players showed an increased stride propulsion (+22%, P?<?0.05) and shorter contact time (?5%, P?<?0.05). All three analysed variables highlighted substantial biomechanical differences between the accelerative and constant velocity phases (P?<?0.05). Stride propulsion of acceleration strides primarily correlated to total sprint time (r?=??0.57, P?<?0.05). The results demonstrate the potential of accelerometers to assess skating technique elements such as contact time or elements characterizing the propulsive power such as center of mass acceleration, to gauge skating performance. Thus, the findings of this study might contribute to establishing wearable sensors for in-field ice hockey skating performance analysis.  相似文献   

The forward skating start is a fundamental skill for ice hockey players, yet extremely challenging given the low traction of the ice surface. The technique for maximum skating acceleration of the body is not well understood. The aim of this study was to evaluate kinematic ice hockey skating start movement technique in relation to a skater’s skill level. A 10-camera motion capture system placed on the ice surface recorded “hybrid-V” skate start movement patterns of high and low calibre male ice hockey players (n = 7, 8, respectively). Participants’ lower body kinematics and estimated body centre of mass (CoM) movement during the first four steps were calculated. Both skate groups had similar lower body strength profiles, yet high calibre skaters achieved greater velocity; skating technique differences most likely explained the performance differences between the groups. Unlike over ground sprint start technique, skating starts showed greater concurrent hip abduction, external rotation and extension, presumably for ideal blade-to-ice push-off orientation for propulsion. Initial analysis revealed similar hip, knee and ankle joint gross movement patterns across skaters, however, further scrutiny of the data revealed that high calibre skaters achieved greater vertical CoM acceleration during each step that in turn allowed greater horizontal traction, forward propulsion, lower double-support times and, accordingly, faster starts with higher stride rates.  相似文献   

耿华 《冰雪运动》2014,(4):24-28
近两年核心力量训练被广泛的应用到各种运动项目的训练当中,核心力量训练的出现为传统力量训练增添了鲜活的因素,在提高运动员协调、灵敏和平衡等能力方面优于传统的力量训练,与其他同项群项目相比,核心力量训练没有很好地应用到冰球项目中。通过对冰球运动员进行核心力量训练的实验研究,试图揭示给冰球运动员带来的核心能力改善的效果。实验表明,经过8周的力量训练,核心力量均有所改善,背桥的成绩有了极显著性的提高,跪姿前抛的成绩与实验前相比具有显著性的差异,腹背肌和上肢肌群的力量得到显著性提高。通过核心力量训练在齐齐哈尔冰球一队的训练实验研究,找出了核心力量训练对冰球运动员运动能力的提高和作用,为将来更好的将核心力量训练运用到冰球项目实践中做好铺垫。  相似文献   

Adductor strain injuries are prevalent in ice hockey. It has long been speculated that adductor muscular strains may be caused by repeated eccentric contractions which decelerate the leg during a stride. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship of skating speed with muscle activity and lower limb kinematics, with a particular focus on the role of the hip adductors. Seven collegiate ice hockey players consented to participate. Surface electromyography (EMG) and kinematics of the lower extremities were measured at three skating velocities 3.33 m/s (slow), 5.00 m/s (medium) and 6.66 m/s (fast). The adductor magnus muscle exhibited disproportionately larger increases in peak muscle activation and significantly prolonged activation with increased speed. Stride rate and stride length also increased significantly with skating velocity, in contrast, hip, knee and ankle total ranges of motion did not. To accommodate for the increased stride rate with higher skating speeds, the rate of hip abduction increased significantly in concert with activations of adductor magnus indicating a substantial eccentric contraction. In conclusion, these findings highlight the functional importance of the adductor muscle group and hip abduction–adduction in skating performance as well as indirectly support the notion that groin strain injury potential increases with skating speed.  相似文献   

为了能更充分的了解冰球项目,对冰球的项目特征和运动员的竞技能力构成有一个更充分的认识,从而能够更好的发展冰球运动。通过大量的有关文献和结合多年的教练经验,在总结归纳的基础上分析冰球项目特征,并通过对其属性的深入分析研究冰球运动员竞技能力,从体能、技能、战术、心理能力、智能能力、运动队文化及教练员几个方面进行分析,提出冰球运动项目竞技能力的基本因素、关键因素、主导因素、心理因素、智能因素和团队因素、教练因素,并进一步细化为单兵竞技能力和球队竞技能力,以期推动对冰球运动项目的本质规律进行更加深入的研究,促进冰球运动项目在中国更好更快地发展。  相似文献   

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