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The authors explored the credibility of using informal reading inventories and writing samples for 138 students (K–4) to evaluate the effectiveness of a summer literacy program. Running Records (a measure of a child's reading level) and teacher experience during daily reading instruction were used to estimate the reliability of the more formal Developmental Reading Assessment scores. Training of scorers was used to increase the reliability of writing scores; a second scoring was used to estimate the reliability of the scores. The results suggested that with minimal modifications to administration and scoring procedures, scores from both reading inventories and writing samples can be a dependable source of data for teachers, administrators, and policy makers. This result is significant because it suggests that formative literacy assessments can be reliably used instead of standardized multiple-choice tests to make more credible summative decisions without taking time away from instruction, and can truly match curriculum, instruction, and assessment.  相似文献   

With increased attention focused on the economic cache afforded through literacy and numeracy skills, governments around the world have turned their attention to developing the expertise of their teachers. Improving teachers' levels of competency leads to improvement in student achievement. In this qualitative case study, we focus on the Educational Foundations Program, in Ontario, Canada, established in part to develop competencies in the area of literacy instruction by addressing teachers' content knowledge. Serious questions about the ways in which the notion of ‘expertise’ is understood and developed arose as the programme was implemented. We examine notions of expertise and the experiences of teachers, administrators and curriculum leaders charged with orchestrating expertise in reading and writing in their respective districts.  相似文献   

一、课题的提出   “快速阅读法”是一种从文字材料中迅速全面地吸取有用信息的科学方法,也是一种高效率的思维方法和记忆方法。   研究表明,小学生经过快速阅读的训练,不仅阅读效率得到大幅度提高,一些非智力因素也获得明显的发展,创新综合素质得到有效培养。在此基础上,我们设定了一个新的探索领域:能否把快速阅读的基本原理迁移到幼教领域,用以开发幼儿的潜能呢 ?在现实生活中,儿童的阅读活动并不是小学阶段才开始,不少婴儿对图文并茂的彩图读物就很感兴趣了。近年来,幼儿期的早期阅读活动已经成为幼儿园各类活动中不可缺…  相似文献   

英语与汉语是两种完全不同语系的语言,写作能力是掌握英语的一种基本技能,在以往的阅读教学中,我们只注重单词、词组、句型和语法知识的讲解,忽略了通篇内容,更忽略了文章的语篇衔接。本文旨在探讨通过有效的英语阅读学习,使学生不断提高和完善英语写作能力  相似文献   

This study evaluates the use of computer-automated reading in reading instruction and illustrates a resource role for school psychologists in providing consultative assistance for computer-assisted instruction. A reading specialist serving as the teacher's aide was taught to write computer programs for automated reading on a personal computer with a speech synthesizer. The teacher selected six beginning-reading books for her remedial reading classes with 1st- and 2nd-grade students. Five 1st-grade and five 2nd-grade students, enrolled in a compensatory education program, were randomly assigned to two experimental groups; five 1st-grade and five 2nd-grade students, enrolled in the same program, were randomly assigned to two control groups. The students in the experimental groups received automated reading with their instruction; the students in the control groups received instruction in the same books, without automated reading. Pre- and posttests of word recognition, phrase reading, and reading comprehension were administered. The random selection of 1st-grade students failed to yield comparable groups, and the contrast of adjusted posttest scores was nonsignificant. Analyses of covariance on the reading criteria for the 2nd-grade groups indicated significant achievement gains for the experimental group.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to see if teaching poor readers to use inner speech could improve their reading and writing. In the first experiment, there were 8 third grade children, 4 in the experimental group and 4 in the control one, matched from a pre-test of reading. In the experimental group, the children were trained to use inner speech in 27 tasks, from explicit self-speech of the adult and of the child to implicit self-speech by the child alone. The results show significant differences between the two groups in the post-test of reading. In the second experiment, there were 6 students in second grade, 3 in the experimental group and 3 in the control one. In the experimental group, the children were trained to use inner speech in 18 tasks: 6 cognitive tasks that do not require short term memory as in the first experiment, 6 reading tasks, 6 writing tasks. In the experimental group, the children were trained to use self-speech to process the tasks whereas, in the control group, the adult’s help was mostly visual. The results were that the experimental group succeeded significantly better in the post-tests of reading and writing.  相似文献   

学生语言发展的规律以及实践的经验和教训证明 ,识字教学内容应该符合学生日常生活的语言实际 ,但不能等同于学生的语言实际。识字应该采取认、写、讲、用分进合击的理念。现实的需要和对写字教学功能认识的变化引发了写字教学的改革。  相似文献   

Dr. Maria Montessori was a perceptive observer of the learning processes of children, and nowhere is this revealed more clearly than in her approach to language. She viewed reading as the ultimate abstraction of language rather than a specific skill to be taught. Decoding is the skill to be taught. The concept of indirect and direct preparation for learning is of major importance in the rich heritage she gave us. She saw the existence of an epigenesis of intellectual functioning, which implies that the experiential roots of a given schema, or learned behavior, will lie in antecedent activities that may be quite different in structure from the schema to be learned. She used this principle effectively. This article discusses how Montessori’s method and materials address the indirect and direct preparation for learning written language.  相似文献   

Kindergarten reading and writing curricula in the European Union   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eufimia Tafa 《Literacy》2008,42(3):162-170
The aim of this study was to examine whether the current literacy programmes in European Union kindergarten curricula support and enhance young children's reading and writing development. This study investigated whether the kindergarten curricula of 10 European countries: Britain, Belgium, France, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain and Sweden set appropriate goals for young children's acquisition of literacy, provide methodological guidelines that support children's active engagement in reading and writing activities, provide a print‐rich classroom environment, emphasise the communicative nature of reading and writing and use play in the learning process. The comparative data analysis showed that European kindergarten curricula seem to support and enhance young children's reading and writing development, and that early literacy acquisition is based on the principles of the new perspective of the emergence of literacy.  相似文献   

随着现代信息技术的发展,以网络、手机为代表的新媒体开始占领市场,相对传统媒体,新媒体为受众提供了发布信息的平台,由于新媒体时代下,受众也不再是单一的信息接收者,人人都可以是传播者,可以发布新闻、评论新闻,是舆论影响者。要传播新近发生的客观事实,展示事件的真实性,这就对传播者提出了相应的要求。想要快速把重要信息呈现出来,就体现了写作方式的重要性。本文主要以新闻写作中消息写作作为重点,分析了消息写作的特点和结构,以及新媒体时代下消息写作的应用和展望。  相似文献   

One of the most remarkable developments in British publishing for young people in the last decade was the emergence of several paperback series aimed at the “reluctant reader” market-teenagers who could read adequately, but who had found little to interest them in the fiction they had met. The way was pointed by Macmillan's Topliners, which remain the most successful series, publishing not only British titles but also American novels, such as Paul Zindel'sThe Pigman and Glendon Swarthout'sBless the Beasts and Children. Nelson's Getaways and Longmans' Knockouts have followed suit. Increasingly, these series have published authors who have written with their audience firmly in view. John Crompton has published three titles in Topliners:Up The Road and Back (1977), which follows the adventures, mainly sexual, of an adolescent boy hitchhiking from South-East England up to Scotland;Wild and Penned (1978), which is a compilation of animal stories by various authors, such as Gerald Durrell and Henry Williamson, who is John Crompton's favourite nature story writer and who is represented by four pieces; andA Fox Under My Bed (1979), which is an interlinked set of stories and reminiscences of his own adventures with animals and birds in the countryside of Hampshire and Kent. Cle invited him to give a personal view in response to the question, “Why do you write for reluctant readers?”  相似文献   

林语堂在现代文坛上特立独行,不人云亦云,不见风使舵;在风云变化的年代,保持自己的独立的人格,做自己想做的事,在文学上取得了举世瞩目的成就.本文试从他的读书、写作的视角来窥探其写作生涯的冰山一角.  相似文献   

调查性报道属于深度报道的一种报道形式。调查性报道往往揭露社会黑暗,透析问题本质,力在查明问题产生原因,推动问题、矛盾的解决和社会发展。全媒体时代,传统纸媒长久以来的权威性受到了一定程度的影响和冲击。传统纸媒在调查性报道方面的问题更日益显现。本文主要是通过针对传统纸媒的调查性报道中所存在的现象,分析在全媒体时代下,传统纸媒打破调查性报道的写作困境。  相似文献   

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