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Government information librarians value instruction as a way to promote their collections and meet their users’ information needs. Government information librarians must choose the most appropriate model for their audience and for the relevant learning outcomes in each instruction session they teach. This article discusses three models for teaching government information (traditional, information cycle, and critical thinking models) and identifies learning outcomes described in the Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education that are associated with each model.  相似文献   

One-shot instruction in academic libraries is a librarian-controlled bibliographic instruction that responds to the point of information need for subject-related courses. The assessment of teaching effectiveness tends to take a summative approach, which provides an answer to what students learned but does not address how they learned. This column theoretically explores the framework of Ideas-Connections-Extensions (ICE) in library instruction and the classroom setting, which demonstrates learning outcomes and explores the learning journey, and integrates assessment, learning, and teaching through collaborative efforts by academic librarians and classroom faculty.  相似文献   


Since 2001, librarians at Oregon State University's Valley Library have been working to build a “teaching library” supported by a clearly articulated instruction program. From the start, we believed that we needed to assess the teaching library's impact, not only to determine the success or failure of our efforts but also to demonstrate the need for intentional, proactive information literacy instruction on our campus. No single assessment tool or method proved adequate to effectively measure student learning happening both inside and outside the library. We describe our evolving, multi-pronged approach to measuring the impact of the library on student learning in the context of current assessment practices in academic libraries and higher education.  相似文献   


Many colleges and universities are advocating information literacy within their mission statements. To this end, many librarians are offering for-credit courses that incorporate the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Information Literacy Competency Standards in their instructional programs. In their role as instructors, librarians should be familiar with learning theory, in particular behaviorism and constructivism. The application of a particular learning theory dictates the structure of the course and reinforces the role of librarian as educator.  相似文献   

This article explores the way librarians define, leverage, and amplify expertise in a twenty-first century academic library. An expert team comprised of a nursing librarian, online learning librarian, information-literacy librarian, and assessment librarian sorted the learning outcomes from the Information-Literacy Competency Standards for Nursing created by the Health Sciences Interest Group taskforce of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) by grade-levels. Results found distinguishing experts within a library supports the customization of scaffolded instruction. Additionally, using expert teams in academic libraries supports the larger mission of universities to integrate libraries into teaching and research.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(24):123-127
Instructional librarians at the University of Washington Undergraduate Library and The Evergreen State College Library have received seed grant funding from the Washington State Center for the Improvement of Quality of Undergraduate Education to sponsor two seminars and a small conference on linking library instruction to undergraduate teaching. The focus of the project is on critical thinking, evaluation of sources, and integration of library instruction into the curriculum. Emphasis will be placed on "critical thinking" and the larger context of the particular discipline. A major purpose is to develop a model program for use in other academic libraries.  相似文献   


Undergraduate students are increasingly being asked to conduct higher-level research in their areas of study. In order to address undergraduate needs, many academic librarians, especially those charged with crafting instruction, take critical thinking as a given in the teaching of information literacy skills. However, this review of the literature has revealed that, though there was some discussion of critical thinking in a library context in the mid 1980s, the concept did not really take hold until the 1990s, when higher education reform began to appear on many campuses. Additionally, the literature regarding critical thinking skills during this period exhibits four themes: (1) a lack of agreement among librarians and others on what critical thinking is and how it can be defined, (2) the importance of subject and course integration in the teaching of critical thinking skills in libraries, (3) the necessity of reaching undergraduate students, and (4) the special challenges of teaching critical thinking skills in an age when technology is changing so rapidly.  相似文献   

This case study evaluates the process of developing modules for inclusion in a learning management system that are informed by the Association of College and Research Libraries Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education (2015). A replicable, transparent process was used to match more task-oriented topics suggested by librarians and teaching faculty to the Framework. As more and more students receive instruction online it is important for academic libraries to provide robust services to those users within the LMS as well as outside of it. By providing instruction within the LMS that is tied to the Framework, and by using digital badges to make the exploration of information literacy more obvious to students, instructors, and librarians, libraries can develop instruction that meets users at their point of need and provides content while lowering the need for direct librarian involvement in all online courses.  相似文献   

As the programmatic instructional offerings of academic libraries expand and grow more complex, so too does the effort to effectively assess these programs. In particular, programs informed by the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education are placing librarians in a position to affect institutional outcomes, related to student learning and critical thinking, on a foundational level. In order to assess one particular scaffolded instructional program, the authors of this study collected a variety of data from instructional attendees over a period of four semesters. Through subsequent analysis, these data provided researchers with a means to explore multiple facets of the local instructional environment, including both direct and peripheral intervening factors associated with a program of ongoing support for the development of information literacy (IL) competencies among students enrolled in a first-year writing course. Importantly, this study's findings help to highlight the importance of course-integrated IL content via pre/post-IL session support provided by writing instructors, as well as instructional effectiveness on the part of librarian instructors. Together these facets of the learning environment promote positive affective outcomes for student learners in the context of their development of IL competencies.  相似文献   

The present scoping review examines empirical RDM instruction-related studies in academic libraries between 2010 and 2021. We searched three databases (LISTA, ERIC, and MEDLINE Complete) and two journals (Journal of eScience Librarianship and International Journal of Digital Curation) and identified 124 articles for inclusion. Cohen's kappa indicated a strong to perfect inter-rater reliability on the coding between the authors. Overall, the findings indicate an increasing trend in empirical research regarding the topic of RDM instruction across many countries and regions after 2010. Also, faculty, researchers, and librarians in the higher education field were the primary audiences for the RDM instruction with few studies addressing RDM instruction for the undergraduate and graduate levels. In terms of the RDM aspects, RDM needs assessments were investigated the most among the reviewed studies, followed by data sharing and data management plans. Additionally, the face-to-face learning context was the most popular for RDM instruction, followed by online and hybrid contexts. However, few studies used an intervention research design while delivering instruction to the target audience. This study highlights the substantial characteristics and methodological designs of the RDM instruction empirical research and provides implications for approaches and techniques used to study RDM instruction in academic libraries.  相似文献   

Findings from in-depth interviews with academic librarians reveal initial perceptions of the value of the new Association of College and Research Libraries' Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education and information about individual experiences in implementing the framework into information literacy skills instruction. Fifteen academic librarians, recruited through the ILI-L listserv, participated in Skype interviews that averaged 50?min in length. Participants shared that the Framework has had an impact on their teaching, helps them to better articulate the role of the librarian and the concept of information literacy, supports collaboration with faculty, and presents new empirical research opportunities for academic librarians. At the same time, acceptance of the Framework by librarians has not been universal, implementing the Framework into one-shot information literacy instruction is difficult, and full implementation of the Framework may require a restructuring of how information literacy education is approached.  相似文献   

《Research Strategies》2001,18(4):253-264
The rise of the librarian's role in teaching information literacy competencies and assessing student learning outcomes requires that instruction librarians be cognizant of and competent in a broad array of teaching and assessment skills. A review of the literature shows that, while instruction librarians are proactive in improving their level of expertise, they also express the need to have training and experience during their graduate programs. This article utilizes a case-study approach to propose a model of instruction librarian education. The authors, recent graduates from the University of Hawai'i Library and Information Science Program, analyze the effect of their experiences in a semester-long teaching practicum and a formal graduate level course in instructional methodology. It is proposed that future instruction librarians be provided opportunities for extended teaching practicums combined with coursework in instructional theory during their Library and Information Science program.  相似文献   

The Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education emphasizes conceptual, critical-thinking approaches to information literacy, a departure from the competency-based Standards. The Framework can be challenging for librarians to incorporate into their teaching practices. While redesigning [course name], the researchers of this study became curious about how peers were using the Framework in credit-bearing information literacy and library instruction courses. Were peers using the Framework? Were courses structured entirely around the Framework? Which frames were most common and least common? Were the frames explicitly or implicitly presented? Did courses reflect a more conceptual approach as represented by the Framework? Using deductive coding, the researchers mapped the Framework's six frames to the course objectives and course outlines found in the syllabi of peer institutions. Coding revealed Searching as Strategic Exploration was the most prevalent and Authority is Constructed and Contextual was the least coded frame. Additionally, syllabi were not explicitly designed around the Framework. Instead, frames were incorporated implicitly. A competencies-based approach to instruction was still predominant. This study demonstrates the process of mapping the Framework to existing syllabi can help librarians redesign their own courses while thinking more critically about what and how they teach.  相似文献   


This article discusses the benefit of library instruction to increase critical thinking skills among business students in the form of a vocabulary skill-building workshop. This learning opportunity represents collaboration between business librarian and classroom faculty to improve students' ability to articulate a research problem and identify information needs in order to proficiently analyze business information and make sound business decisions. Business schools increasingly rely upon standards set forth by the Association for the Advancement of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) to formulate curricula and embed learning outcomes to prepare students to meet workplace expectations. These standards were utilized during workshop planning stages to implement critical thinking learning outcomes into the educational experience. Workshop curricula also relied heavily on the Guidelines for Information Competency set forth by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) to emphasize specific learning outcomes more commonly associated with the teaching of library instruction.  相似文献   


Embedded librarianship focuses on the user and brings the library and the librarian to the user, wherever they are—office, laboratory, home, or even on their mobile device. This article provides an overview of the various ways libraries and librarians are embedding themselves into research and learning environs. Several roles are highlighted, including course-integrated instruction librarians as members of research teams, librarians collaborating with faculty in scholarly communication activities and librarians as partners in multidisciplinary, global, and virtual collaborations. Definitions of key terms precede the overview and provide context; consideration of the human resources side of the equation follows. Reflections on organizational structure conclude the article.  相似文献   


A constructivist approach to teaching and learning holds that the learner, through interaction and experience with an object or process, creates knowledge. Instruction based upon constructivist theory places the student at the center of the learning environment, while the instructor serves as a guide or facilitator. In direct contrast, traditional learning places the learning in a more passive role, simply mirroring or reproducing knowledge that was provided by the instructor. Constructivist theory has enjoyed a certain level of popularity in higher education as emphasis has shifted from a pedagogical framework to a more andragogical (i.e., adult and learner-centered rather than instructor-lead) one. Emphasis upon teaching critical thinking skills seems a natural fit with a constructivist-based approach to learning. Critical thinking involves the conceptualization, analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and ultimate application of information so that the learner may reach conclusions or form independent judgments based upon what the learner has experienced combined with previous knowledge. The teaching of critical thinking skills using a constructivist-based approach in the field of online library instruction would be an effective means of reaching the large percentage of learners who do not participate in traditional face-to-face bibliographic instruction sessions. This is further supported by the Association of College and Research Libraries' Information Literacy Standards for Higher Education. This article will provide theoretical and philosophical arguments for constructivist-based approaches to teaching critical thinking skills online using online technologies.  相似文献   


The increasing use of problem-based learning in higher education affords librarians new avenues for promoting the development of information literacy skills among students. Information literacy instruction supports problem-based learning activities by providing students with skills to locate relevant resources for developing solutions to these exercises. The author created three WebQuests (together with tutorials) aimed at promoting faculty-librarian partnerships to deliver information literacy instruction through a problem-based learning approach in the context of course work in a distance learning environment. These problem-based learning WebQuests can be adapted to various disciplines as well as to traditional learning environments. Lastly, these WebQuests promote the development of information literacy skills in students as well as increase their exposure to problem-based learning. doi:10.1300/J106v14n03_03  相似文献   

Threshold concepts and learning outcomes represent two different ways of thinking about teaching and learning. Finding a way to translate between the two is necessary for librarians who may wish to use concepts from the Framework for Information Literacy to shape their instruction. The following article outlines a process for transforming concepts from the “Scholarship as Conversation” frame into learning outcomes that the author developed as part of a tutorial project. This process can easily be adapted to a variety of instructional situations.  相似文献   


Millennials, or Generation Y learners, are one of the largest constituencies academic libraries serve today. Understanding how and why these technology-savvy students learn increases the efficacy of information literacy instruction and ensures that libraries remain relevant in the digital age. This article addresses the complexity of the millennial learning phenomenon and its implications for instructional design and teaching in physical and virtual library environments. To situate millennial learning in the context of academic library instruction, this paper takes a large-scale, holistic approach that includes consideration of millennials’ learning styles, emerging technologies, and a multitude of other issues affecting Generation Y learning.  相似文献   

Column Editor's Note. Community college libraries are deeply underrepresented in the professional literature and organizations of academic librarianship. As a result, the challenges and successes that take place in the community college world are largely invisible to others. This JLA column lifts the curtain to reveal the uniqueness of community college libraries as described by their most passionate advocates: the librarians who work there. Articles in this column pay tribute to the commitment and creativity of community college librarians by providing a platform where they can share their professional perspectives and stories. Want to write for this column? Interested authors are invited to submit articles to the editor at .

Standards, frameworks, or threshold concepts? The Association of College &; Research Libraries’ efforts to update and revise the Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education (2000) have opened extensive dialogue not only about the content of the new standards, but about the very nature of the document. Its proposed replacement, The Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education (2014) took a more theoretical path to describing what an information literature individual understands and how they behave. One common objection to the Framework, however, is that it is too advanced to be applicable in the undergraduate environment, and particularly in community colleges. In this essay, a community college library director takes a critical approach to the Framework to assess its relevance to the two-year college curriculum, grounding the discussion by mapping Knowledge Practices to Performance Indicators in the original Standards. The author recommends that community college librarians take an à la carte approach and integrate relevant elements of the Framework where they are useful without trying to address the entire document.  相似文献   

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