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发展民办幼儿教育是小城镇普及幼儿教育的重要手段之一,但目前小城镇民办幼儿教育表现出明显的弱势特征,需要社会支持。本文从物质、精神、制度以及教育专业等方面提出了具体的社会支持策略。  相似文献   

2004年以来,随着《中华人民共和国民办教育促进法》的颁布,我国关于民办幼儿教育的研究逐渐增多。研究内容涉及民办幼儿园的概念和类型、发展现状与策略,幼儿教师发展现状与策略等。研究内容集中,研究视角逐渐开阔,研究方法科学,研究路线多样。但也存在着一些问题:研究的理论基础薄弱,缺乏本土化的研究;比较性研究少,缺乏发展性研究;研究成果分布不均,研究政策导向性凸显。所以未来民办幼儿教育研究的发展趋势是:研究视野开阔,在比较中取长补短;研究独立性增强,注重研究的学术性。  相似文献   

发展民办幼儿教育的宏观理论思考   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
“办好教育”的动机和“经办”自主是民办幼儿教育发展的自身动力;民办幼儿教育具有与公办幼儿教育同样的公益性;政府应对民办幼儿教育进行规划、组织和管理.  相似文献   

在《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020)》中,农村学前教育的发展受到高度关注。陶行知先生是我国现代教育史上一位伟大的平民教育家。他是我国农村幼儿教育的先驱者和开拓者。他所身体力行的农村幼儿教育思想和主张对于当前农村学前教育的发展仍然具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

武威市凉州区民办幼儿教育从20世纪80年代开始起步.经过20多年的艰辛努力.已经得到了长足发展。目前.全区有民办幼儿同37所,占全区幼儿同总数的27%。其中,城区民办幼儿同27所.占城区幼儿园的93%.在同幼儿8839名.占人同幼儿的85.6%。民办幼儿教育已成为全区幼教事业的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

本文主要基于本人对香港学前服务和幼稚园教育的实地考察和交流,总结阐述香港幼儿教育的超前教育理念和管理理念,充分尊重儿童,重视启迪儿童的想象力和创造力;重视礼仪教育;重视教师素质,通过构建这些对香港幼儿教育理念的认识,获得对内地目前学前服务及幼儿教育的借鉴及启示.  相似文献   

李一凡 《学前教育》2008,(12):14-15
改革开放三十年来,我国学前教育取得了长足的发展。各种社会力量举办的民办幼儿教育机构在全国各地纷纷涌现并快速成长,经历了从无到有、从小到大、从弱到强的发展历程。成为我国学前教育发展的一大亮点。  相似文献   

但菲  王琼 《辽宁教育》2007,(1):13-15
民办幼儿教育是我国幼儿教育的重要组成部分,民办幼儿教育的状况同样也成为衡量一个国家教育水平的标志之一.民办幼儿教育的发展促进了多元化办园格局的形成;促进了整个幼儿教育质量的提高;促进了幼儿教育事业走向依法治教的轨道,对于拓宽我国幼儿教育的投资渠道,增加幼儿的受教育机会,满足家长对幼儿受教育多元化的需要,推动幼儿教育管理体制改革等方面显示出重要的作用.民办幼儿教育作为非义务教育,它具有公益性、服务性的特点,同时吸纳社会资金投入幼儿教育,扩展了办园途径,使更多有识之士关注教育、投身教育,这是幼儿教育的一大幸事.  相似文献   

本文分析了西部欠发达地区民办幼儿教育发展现状,阐述了西部欠发达地区发展民办幼儿教育的重要意义。并提出了通过大力发展民办幼儿教育的途径构建西部欠发达地区和谐教育的思路与对策.  相似文献   

美国、德国、日本等发达国家的幼儿教育各有特色,给了我们很好的启示:我国高职院校学前教育专业要提高高职院校教师的教学水平,更新教育理念,注重学前教育专业学生教学技能的培养,注重心理学知识的普及。同时我们也要“尊重国情,不死搬硬套”;要“结合自身教育经验,融入中国特点”;“总结规律,形成中国的教育特色”。  相似文献   

自创业教育兴起以来,港台地区高校就积极参与并形成了独具特色的创业教育体系和模式。大陆和港台地区同文同种,在文化传统、大众观念等方面有很大程度的相似性,通过对港台地区高校创业教育特色的梳理分析及合理借鉴,对我国高校创业教育体系的完善具有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

Major issues of university education policy in Hong Kong   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
University education is believed to be one of the most controversial public policies in Hong Kong. Numerous changes have also occurred in the university education sector since the 1990s when the rapid expansion of university places was put into force. The most notable changes may include the institutionalization of quality assurance mechanisms, the reform of university governance and staff remuneration systems, the adoption of role differentiation among the universities, the potential emergence of private universities and community colleges, and the trend of internationalizing university education. This article identifies major issues of university education policy and examines those factors that are affecting the development of university education, in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

香港的高等教育有着有效的外部质量保证机制与各具特色的内部质量保证机制,建立了良好的互认与沟通机制,有着良好的保质文化,并得到了国际认可。借鉴香港的先进经验,我们应该:树立“多元教育”理念,建立恰当的教育质量标准;加快“学分银行”建设,建立良好的互认与沟通机制;加强教学设计,提升教学质量;深化校企合作,走联合培养之路;求真务实,营造良好的远程教育文化。  相似文献   

Hong Kong's higher education system is undergoing an enormous change. At great cost, higher education and the school systems that feed into it are moving from a three-year university system that favored early specialization within a discipline and very few conversations across disciplines to a four-year university system to be fully implemented with the beginning class of 2012. This move will provide a framework in which disciplinary study is grounded in broader knowledge that encourages self-directed learning, critical thinking, and an understanding of the role of individual in society. So what are the cultural challenges to attaining these far-reaching goals? This essay attempts to delineate some of them, make some comparisons to the US, and also present some suggestions for meeting the challenges.  相似文献   

香港大学、香港中文大学、香港理工大学等5所大学办学模式说明,委员会的民主决策体制、“全人教育”的理念、合理分工和准确定位的大学使命、全球视野与国际化办学是学校发展的不竭动力。  相似文献   

入学机会在香港虽早已普及,但这并不代表香港中小学教育是公平的。为了检视香港教育公平的实践,本文回顾了香港回归后与教育公平有关的教育政策争议,从学童的性别、贫穷家庭子女、特殊学习需要学童、少数族裔学童、新来港与跨境学童等几方面剖析了香港中小学在教育公平方面的实施情况,并就探讨香港教育公平课题提出了进一步的建议。  相似文献   

‘Chinese’ is an ambiguous term, depending on whether it is taken to describe a political, linguistic, or cultural entity. While the term has often been considered to represent a politically and culturally homogeneous national identity in recent decades, this article aims to challenge this notion by examining the characteristics and practices of nationalistic education in Hong Kong since 1945. It explores how national identity has been interpreted by different Chinese states over time through different educational policies and practices. Focusing on the evolution of nationalistic education in three phases, this article presents a detailed account and analyses different nationalist narratives over six decades. It describes how different political forces define themselves and come to terms with what are often dual or competing national identities. Historical examples illustrate the challenges in policies and practices of nationalistic education.  相似文献   

Education Ordinance 1971 in Hong Kong not only provided girls with a much greater chance of receiving education than had hitherto been the case, it also had the effect of incorporating them into the regulatory framework of the school system. This paper examines how the discourses of civic education and sex education before and after reunification with mainland China have interchanged the concept of gender with the biological sex in the construction of the girl. In particular, it argues that, in the name of maintaining the stability of society, the developmental path for girls has been limited in the discourses of sex, personal and social education. As a result, girls are only presumed to become women and take up their appropriate gender roles according to the social norms of contemporary Hong Kong.  相似文献   


The process of Chinese nation-building in education reveals the hegemonic strategies of the colonial power and the adaptation of indigenous forces when Hong Kong was undergoing decolonisation and the transfer of sovereignty. The return of Hong Kong to Chinese sovereignty has been a crucial indicator for the potential re-unification of China, as it presents a model for the possible future reintegration of Taiwan. The idea of hegemony applies to different dominant groups in the two periods under review. In the first period, London attempted to influence the development of groups in Hong Kong and incorporate them into the colonial programme. In the second period, Beijing attempts to influence groups in Hong Kong facilitate the reintegration of Hong Kong into a larger Chinese identity. Yet, it is far too simple to picture a unilateral exercise of power by an identifiable centre and consider the periphery as mere objects of successful manipulation by the centre. Continued study of the evolution of nation-building in education, under the influence of a series of complex and shifting factors of the Hong Kong society, will be enlightening for the comprehension of the ever-changing and increasingly complicated political culture.  相似文献   

香港理工大学双语教学的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文结合作者在香港理工大学进行双语教学的学习和调研的结果,对其先进的教学模式、教学方法进行了总结,并分析了目前国内双语教学存在的问题,提出了解决的建议办法.  相似文献   

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