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记者:中国传统文化经过5000年的深厚积淀,终于凝聚成为独一无二的"中国精神"。作为著名的山水画家,您如何理解"中国精神"并于艺术创作中努力体现这种"中国精神"的?常朝晖:我理解的"中国精神"是中国文化的深刻内涵,以"中国精神"作为核心形成的中国文化脉络在5000年的文明传承中相对稳定,从夏、商、周的古代文明开始,至唐、宋、元、明、清,"中国精神"的本质几乎始终如一,但其内容却在历史  相似文献   

在当代中国传统山水画坛,活跃着一批建树颇多,成就斐然的青年画家,江苏省国画院的国家一级美术师王飞飞,是其中极具代表性的优秀画家之一。  相似文献   

The exhibition "60 Years of Fine Arts of China" was recently held in the National Art Museum of China in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the People's Republic of China,The 687 masterpiece exhibits represent important accomplishments made by the fine arts circle of China since 1949.  相似文献   

Blue and green are natural colors and favored by ancient Chinese painters. Landscape painting in blue and green coors represents an important genre of Chinese Ink painting. Based on mineral pigments of blue and green, this painting genre primarily depicts motifs like valleys, hills, forests and springs. Painters first outline contours of depicted subjects with ink of various thickness and then paint mountain rocks with light ruby as the background. The finely grinded mineral pigment of green is applied to the painted subjects and after it dries,  相似文献   

恢宏、壮丽的大境界,往往并不拘泥于一定的事物和格局,而是表现出“气象万千”的面貌和场景。中国的山水画家很早便意识到更多的想象远比描摹表象更为重要。描摹自然的真实并不能彰显自然天地之大,反而会局限其中。南齐谢赫提出“六法论”,其中“气韵生动”位居第一,以气韵为先,备受后人推崇。从公认最早的隋代展子虔《游春图》起,山水画的发展便是以一种表达的面目出现。而早期的山水无论是山石体积还是轮廓结构完全是以线条协调画面,形成装饰性很强的青绿山水。  相似文献   

Pang Zhu, or named Shan Zhu, born in Changchun, Jilin Province in 1945, is currently member of the Artists Association of Sichuan Province, executive council member of the Photographers Association of Chengdu City and professor with the department of art and design of Chengdu University of Science and Engineering. With the degrees in painting, photography, and advertising and decoration, Pang has dedicated himself to art education and painting for forty years or so. As a retired professor, he now offers advice on graduation design and thesis defense and organizes academic workshops in CUSE.  相似文献   

The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is a sports gala for all mankind and a celebration to showcase the best of Chinese and foreign cultures. In August, the opening ceremony and the award- granting ceremony of "Olympic Fine Arts 2008" took place in China International Exhibition Center. This event attracted enthusiastic participation by artists from across the world. With their painting brushes, these outstanding artists portrayed strength and passion of athletes and expressed the spirit of Olympics, highlighting the theme of "art adds beauty to Olympics".  相似文献   

<正>Huang Qiuyuan is known as a master painter of China in the 20th century. He was virtually unknown to the art community when he was alive, but enjoyed great fame after he was dead, just like Van Gogh.  相似文献   

The watercolor exhibition by renowned Chinese painter Liu Dawei was on display this summer in Hoi Sing Art Museum in Beijing. 60 watercolor paintings were exhibited, many of which are masterpieces of his sketch drawings,  相似文献   

Tiaoping is a unique form of Chinese painting.Painted on the limited spaces of a screen consisting of four parts(sometimes also eight or twelve parts),it shows the distinctive beauty of various subjects such as human figures  相似文献   

自画自说杨惠东传统实在是一个沉重的话题,也是一个近乎老生常谈的话题。在整个20世纪,传统在中国画中一直处于比较尴尬的地位。大多数学者皆认为,近代中国所面对的"三千年未有之变局",肇端于19世纪中叶的中西接触,政治、经济、军事如此,思想文化方面亦复如是。鸦片战  相似文献   

范曾 《中国文化》2014,(1):1-26
荆玉含宝,要俟开莹;以移陋习,以开新符。在中国绘画上,离开经验的、感悟的、归纳的东方哲学的方法,而走向西方的实证的、天人二分的、逻辑的哲学方法,立刻会偏离中国画的传统,因为亘古以还中国画家不作如此想。在方法论与本体论的浑然圆融方面,东方的(主要指儒、佛、道)的学问在二干五百年前,已达致至善无垢的净域,它伟然而在,  相似文献   

作为“欧罗巴利亚·中国艺术节”项目的《山不厌高·徐龙森山水画展》将10幅巨幅中国山水画与布鲁塞尔司法官硕大的西方古典建筑空间结合一起,向欧洲观众展示中国传统文化的精妙与神奇。根据徐龙森的介绍。此10幅画中,有8幅高超10.7米,宽超8.7米,创作时须靠升降车,绘画时全凭意念和感觉。  相似文献   

记者:"中国精神",素与中华民族的文化、历史传统紧密相联,作为优秀的中国画家,您如何理解"中国精神"这个概念的?裴开元:作为中国画家,当从中国画的范畴谈"中国精神"。"中国精神",我理解就是中国文化的精神,表现于中国画的领域,便是文人画的精神。当然,先有文人而后有文  相似文献   

宋岚 《华夏文化》2013,(3):44-45
在中国美术史上,若论及20世纪西部题材绘画,自然会提及被刘海粟誉为“画坛怪杰”的海派画家沈逸千。沈逸千(1908-1944),上海嘉定人,祖籍为松江,父辈迁居嘉定镇。那么,一个土生土长于江南书香门第、谙熟小桥流水的南方画家怎么会选择画粗旷奔放的西部题材呢?  相似文献   

由中国对外艺术展览中心举办的《繁花·洗尘——张耀煌中国巡回展》于2005年6月13~20日在北京中国美术馆举办。张耀煌,台湾著名画家,企业家,1948年生于中国台湾省南投县。现任台湾广阳国际企业集团董事长。张耀煌自幼成长在书香门第,对书法、绘画耳濡目染,从小便显露不凡的艺术天分,但现实并未使其成为书斋画家。其后屡经生活历练,于商界打拼终有所成,但他始终未淡漠酷爱艺术的那份情怀。在商海滚打的同时,张耀煌也在坎坷地从艺路上艰难跋涉。以艺术表现人生,以绘画抒写心灵,凭借对艺术本质的深刻理解及对人生真谛的深切感悟,张耀煌的绘画…  相似文献   

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