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Educational technology research and development - Learning in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) requires learners to self-regulate their learning process or receive effective self-regulated...  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of self-regulated learning strategies (SRLS) on performance in a learner-controlled and a program-controlled computer-based instruction (CBI). SRLS was measured using a self-regulated learning strategies questionnaire. Seventh-grade subjects were divided into high and low levels of SRLS and then randomly assigned to one of two versions of a CBI lesson: one allowing learner control over the sequence and content of the instruction and the other having the learners follow a linear instructional sequence. Results revealed that the performance differences between learners with high SRLS and those with low SRLS were greater under learner control than under program control (p<.05). Poor performance by subjects with low SRLS under learner control indicates a strong need for learners to possess self-regulatory learning strategies to achieve success under learner control. Program control, however, seems to minimize the performance differences between low and high levels of SRLS.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to design reflective writing mechanisms in a web-based portfolio assessment system and evaluate its effects on self-regulated learning. Participants were two classes of juniors majoring in data processing and taking a course called “Website design” at a vocational high school in Taiwan. One class was randomly selected and assigned as an experimental group (41 students) reflecting on learning processes through a web-based portfolio assessment system, whereas the other class was assigned as a control group (41 students) reflecting on learning processes through a paper-based portfolio. The result revealed that students who were highly satisfied with online reflective writing mechanisms significantly outperformed students who were less satisfied with online reflective writing mechanisms in self-regulated students reflecting on learning processes through a web-based portfolio assessment system significantly outperformed students reflecting on learning processes through a paper-based portfolio in self-regulated learning.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the tendency for the development of self-regulated learning according to grade level. As a means to this end, competing causal models for each grade were set up, and through validity tests for the causal models the most fitting self-regulated learning model for South Korea students could be arrived at. Based on the conceptual model of self-regulated learning proposed by Pintrich (1989), Pintrich and De Groot (1990), and Zimmerman (1989, 1990), which focus on the relationship between motivation and cognition, three causal models were set up. According to the results of a structural analysis for 1,865 elementary, middle and high school students, model П which structures intrinsic value as an exogenous variable, was determined the best-fitting model. In addition, the 30% variance in the 5th grade elementary school students and 32% and 18% variance in middle school and high school students respectively are explained by the test model.  相似文献   

‘'Learner control'’ refers to the proposal that learners will benefit if given more control over the pace or style of instruction they receive. It is often assumed that providing increased learner control will “accommodate”; individual differences. This article argues that such a view is naive. It is argued that research on learner control will benefit from (a) avoidance of reference to panacea, (b) basic work on a detailed taxonomy of the various forms learner control might take, and (c) a substantial review of related research which, while not labelled “learner control,”; has implications for the educational benefits that can be expected from giving learners control of certain aspects of instruction. Research examples are used to explicate these suggestions. It is concluded that no form of individualization of instruction, including learner control, has yet been shown to erase the relevance of prior individual differences to learning from instruction.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of learner control and program control on the achievement and continuing motivation of high school students. The influence of the availability of computer-delivered instruction on student motivation was also examined. Continuing motivation was measured by student choice of learner control or program control as the mode for a second instructional program after subjects completed an initial program under their randomly assigned mode. Results revealed a highly significant difference in continuing motivation favoring learner over program control. The differences in posttest performance and performance during instruction between learner and program control were not significant. The data also revealed significant preferences to study both science and an alternative subject when they are presented by computer over when they are not.The research reported herein was conducted while she was a doctoral student at Arizona State University.  相似文献   

As today’s preschoolers become the school-age children of tomorrow, early learning educators are faced with a unique and exciting challenge of integrating technology into mathematics instruction. This article examines theory, standards, guidelines, and rationale that supports technology in the preschool environment. Examining practices at 12 diverse preschool sites, four designs emerge as the “typical” models that enable early learners to engage and experience technology within a developmentally appropriate learning environment. The designs outlined are viewed through the lens of preschool mathematics instruction and provide early learning educators as well as parents with models for replication.  相似文献   

Early childhood parent programs have evolved from family‐oriented trends in the helping professions and a strong belief in the educational potential of early experiences. Recent conceptions of parents during the early years emphasize their role in providing educational experiences and the relationships of parents with programs and schools. In a variety of disciplines early education and treatment programs for children now focus on the behavior of the parent in relation to the young child. The parent is a learner; goals, strategies, and curriculum planning include family members as well as the child. Yet, clarification of parent and professional roles has proceeded slowly. This article describes the development and content of these programs, emerging theory, and implications concerning the child‐parent‐professional relationship.  相似文献   

This paper considers a range of strategies that can be used to promote reflection. We focus on microteaching as a vehicle for enabling students to become aware of their values, attitudes and assumptions about learning as these are enacted within microteaching. The subsequent feedback becomes a dialogue between student, peer, teacher fellow and tutor that provides different refractions of this practice and contributes to the development of reflection which we characterise in terms of pre-critical, internalised and hypothetical thresholds. At the pre-critical threshold a practitioner concentrates on their technical competence, using trial and error or survival strategies to manage time, resources and pupils. Practitioners apply more mentally rehearsed operations to address new situations within the internalised threshold. A practitioner operating on hypothetical issues works within the hypothetical threshold and may not have experiences of events to inform hypothetical situations, but is in a position to manage uncertainty. R´ESUMÉ Cet article prend en conside´ration une gamme de strate´gies qu'on puisse utiliser afin d'e´ncourager la re´flexion chez les e´tudiants. On fixe notre regard sur Microteaching (la pratique où un e´tudiant donne une lec¸on à une petite groupe d'e´lèves dans l'Unive´rsite´) comme moyen de leur permettre de prendre conscience de leurs valeurs, dispositions et suppositions concernant le savoir. Le feedback re´sultant devient un dialogue entre l'e´tudiant, ses semblables, professeurs et directeurs(trices) d'e´tudes qui fournisse de diffe´rentes re´fractions de cette pratique, et contribue au de´veloppement de la re´flexion. Un developpement qu'on caracte´rise en trois seuils: pre´-critique, interne et hypothe´thique. Au seuil pre-critique, le pratitien se concentre sur la compe´tence technique par tatonnements ou en utilisant des strate´gies de survie afin de se de´brouiller à propos de son temps, ses ressources et ses e´le ¤ ves. À travers le seuil interne, le pratitien mets en pratique des ope´rations plus mentalement re´pe´te´es en s'attaquant à desnouvelles situations. Le pratitien qui fonctionne à travers le seuil hypothe´tique n'aura pas ne´cessairement les expe´riences d'e´ve´nements pour informer les situations hypothe´tiques, mais il est en mesure de faire face a ¤ l'incertitude.  相似文献   

This study identifies a set of competencies displayed in the successful distance learner. It employed a three-phased approach. Phase I, conducted to develop an initial list of competencies, comprised Behavioral Event Interviews with nine successful distance learners. In Phase II, these competencies were reviewed, elaborated and categorized by seven distance education experts by means of semi-structured interviews. A list of 15 competencies in 5 clusters was then developed and in Phase III, these competencies and clusters were verified quantitatively by surveying 197 successful distance learners. The results reveal that all of these 15 competencies are critically important to, and commonly displayed by, successful distance learners and that of these, management skills is the most important. The findings and their implications are examined and the paper concludes with suggestions for further research into learner competencies.  相似文献   

专家型学习者:策略、自我调节和反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们大家都可能经常会碰到一些“专家型”学习者。这些学习者接受学习任务时充满自信,勤勉刻苦且足智多谋。他们不仅在知识技能的数量上与众不同,更重要的是具有一种实施恰当的调节策略的能力,即如果他们觉得要达到预期的目标尚缺乏必要的知识技能时,他们就会采取相应的调节措施。专家型学习者表现出有计划、善控制和  相似文献   

European Journal of Psychology of Education - This study examined the relationships between motivational beliefs, defined as self-efficacy for self-regulated learning and achievement goals,...  相似文献   

Fostering synergies amongst learner, task, and technology to create innovative and immersive distance learning environments runs counter to the widespread practice of incorporating traditional classroom pedagogical strategies into Web‐based delivery of courses. The most widely accepted model of online higher education appears to be one of reductionism, whereby learning management systems facilitate the design of easily digested packets of information, usually assessed by discrete stand‐alone tests and academic assignments. This article describes a model for the development of authentic tasks that can assist in designing environments of increased, rather than reduced, complexity. It provides a robust framework for the design of online courses, based on the work of theorists and researchers in situated learning and authentic learning. It describes the characteristics of a task's design that facilitates the requirements of an entire course of study being readily satisfied by its completion, where the students make the important decisions about why, how, and in what order they investigate a problem. The article describes several learning environments that were investigated in depth in the study, and explores the synergies that exist between the learners, tasks, and technology engaged in authentic learning settings. The article leads readers to a conceptual understanding of the role of authentic tasks in supporting knowledge construction and meaningful learning, and illustrates the principles of authentic task design for online learning environments.  相似文献   

A total of 341 Latvian students and eight teachers participated in this study of student self-evaluation and teacher evaluation. Students completed a 12-lesson teacher-directed instructional program on conducting and writing a report of their own experimental research. Sixteen classes were randomly assigned to one of four treatment conditions: (1) no in-program evaluation, (2) self-evaluation and revision at the research design and draft final report stages, (3) teacher evaluation and student revision at both stages, (4) self-plus-teacher evaluation and student revision at both stages. Students in the teacher-evaluation and self-plus-teacher evaluation conditions received significantly higher ratings from an independent rater on their final research reports. However, students under the self-evaluation conditions had greater confidence in their ability to conduct future experiments. This research is based on Dr. Olina's dissertation at Arizona State University, and was supported by grants from the Arizona State University Graduate Research Support Program and the Assessment Training Institute Foundaton in Portland, Oregon. We gratefully acknowledge their support.  相似文献   

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