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正香港公开大学(the Open University of Hong Kong,OUHK)是亚洲开放大学协会(AAOU)第28届年会承办机构。在此次AAOU2014年会期间,本刊记者就所关心的话题采访了香港公开大学校长、AAOU现任主席黄玉山教授和香港公开大学大学研究中心总监、AAOU现任秘书长李锦昌博士,并将采访内容整理成文,以飨读者。  相似文献   

香港工程师学会(The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers,HKIE)成立于1947年,其前身为"香港工程协会"(The Engineering Society of Hong Kong),以结合不同领域之工程师,并为其谋取最大福利为目标.  相似文献   

City University of Hong Kong is one of eight tertiary institutions funded by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region through the University Grants Committee of Hong Kong.A young and dynamic institution,the  相似文献   

Professor C.C.Chan陈清泉院士University of Hong Kong Fellow,Royal Academy of Engineering,UK Academician,Chinese Academy of Engineering Fellow,IEEE,USA Fellow,IEE,UK Fellow,HKIE,Hong Kong陈清泉教授出生于一个印尼企业家的家庭,从小即受多国文化熏陶。1957年以优秀成绩毕业于北京矿业学院,并于1957年至1959年间被保送到清华大学读研究生。1976年至1980年任教于香港理工学院。1981年获香港大学哲学博士学位并任教于该校电机电子工程系,1994-2000任系主任,现为荣誉教授。1983年获德国DAAD学术奖,1984年获法国外交部学术交流奖,1986年赴东京大学任访问教授,1987年获美国能源部  相似文献   

In Hong Kong, more than half of teachers of English failed in English tests. 在香港,一半以上的英文教师英文测试不及格。In early June 2003, the Education and Manpower Bureau of Hong Kong released the results of the English proficiency assessment tests held for teachers of English. Surprisingly, only 40 per cent of Hong Kong's own 2704 candidates passed the test. The candidates consisted of serving and trained teachers.  相似文献   

At the invitation of HSBC (Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Cor- poration汇丰银行),the international superstar Leonardo DiCaprio (莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥) went to Hong Kong to promote public environmental awareness.He appeared in the first release (首演) of The 11th Hour  相似文献   

B.O.P——Business Orientation Program(商业导向课程)是由香港培华教育基金会(Hong Kong Pei Hua Education Foundation)赞助并由香港美国商会(Amcham——The American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong)主办的一项商业研讨活动。1985年创办,每年在香港举办一次,为期15天。参加人员为分别来自港、澳、台、大陆及美国大专院校的工商管理类专业的大学生,共计37名(大陆每年派出10名)。活动期间,要参观美国商会会员公司,这些公司范围广泛,包括工业、商业及金融等各部门中有成就的机构,还包括香港的政  相似文献   

This paper describes the experience and the observation of the author as a cataloger of Chinese publications at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Library. The trends in collection development of Chinese language materials in the Library have a crucial impact on Chinese cataloging. The way that Chinese cataloging has been haudled in this rapidly changing environment is reported here.  相似文献   

罗红卫(1966-),女,湖南韶山人,博士、教授。湖南师范大学外国语学院硕士研究生毕业,文学硕士学位,主修英美文学;2009年于华东师范大学就读博士研究生,获理学博士学位,研究方向为外语信息化教育、网络英语教育、远程教育。曾赴英国东伦敦大学(East London University)、英国开放大学(The Open University of UK)、香港公开大学  相似文献   

书院制与香港中文大学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
香港中文大学(简称中大),英文名称为The Chinese University of HongKong(简称CUHK),成立于1963年,是继香港大学之后,香港拥有的第二所大学.亦是受香港大学教育资助委员会资助并可颁授学位的八所高等教育院校之一。  相似文献   

香港中文大学(简称中大),英文名称为The Chinese University of HongKong(简称CUHK),成立于1963年,是继香港大学之后,香港拥有的第二所大学.亦是受香港大学教育资助委员会资助并可颁授学位的八所高等教育院校之一。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION In the last two decades of the 20th century, there was an emerging interest in and emphasis on the study of Hong Kong literature among academic scholars. Since the first biennial conference “Conference on Taiwan and Hong Kong Literature (Tai Gang Wen Xue Xue Shu Tao Lun Hui)” held in 1982 in Mainland China, various conferences with diverse themes on Hong Kong literature have been held both locally and overseas in these twenty some years (Huang, 1988; Liu, 1997). The…  相似文献   

香港浸会大学(简称浸大;英语:Hong Kong Baptist University,HKBU)位于香港九龙塘。创建于1956年,是香港第二所历史最悠久的高等教育学府,惟一一所具有基督教教育传统的公立大学,在最新的2011年《泰晤士报》全球高校排名中位列111。  相似文献   

In order to explore the interrelated impacts of the economical communications between China and Hong Kong SAR, especially after the closer economic partnership arrangement (CEPA) and the Chinese yuan offshore financial business in Hong Kong banks in 2004, the exchange rates of the Chinese yuan and the Hong Kong dollar are investigated as well-performing market signals that should reflect this historical transformation. With vector autoregressive models (VAR), the Johansen cointegration test and the Granger causality test on the exchange rates of the Chinese yuan and the Hong Kong dollar adjusted by the consumer price index and inter-bank interest rates are examined. It is found that the exchange rates of the Chinese yuan and the Hong Kong dollar after CEPA are in long-term equilibrium and Granger causality with each other, which means that the interrelationship of the Chinese yuan and the Hong Kong dollar is more closely integrated after the implementation of the CEPA. In conclusion, the cooperation regarding bilateral trade and financial markets between China and Hong Kong SAR has been enhanced after 1997; furthermore, after the implementation of CEPA the interrelationship of the economies between China and Hong Kong SAR is significantly reinforced.  相似文献   

Anecdotal evidence abounds in Hong Kong to the effect that students entering tertiary education are predisposed to a "rote" learning approach. With the internalisation of higher education in many countries, there is still insufficient understanding of how Chinese students approach their learning. Except few studies were conducted locally, there have been no systematic studies undertaken and there is a tendency to rely on anecdotal statements about Hong Kong students' approaches to learning. This study was designed to see if Hong Kong Chinese students who enrolled into a 3-year undergraduate programme in occupational therapy predisposed to a surface or deep approach to learning react differently when moving progressively from one stage to the next stage in their curriculum. The study adopted a longitudinal design method and measured students' changes in their approaches to learning using the Biggs' Study Process Questionnaire (SPQ). The internal consistency reliability estimates for SPQ scales for samples of Hong Kong, Australia and UK were compared. The results of this study indicated that Hong Kong Chinese students demonstrated a higher mean for the deep approach learning and a lower mean for the surface approach, similar to other Hong Kong studies conducted in other tertiary institutions in Hong Kong and Australia.  相似文献   

World famous diving medalist and“diving queen”Fu Mingxia is tomarry Antony Leung,Hong Kong Financial Secretary,after she graduatesfrom Qinghua University next year.The news was informed by Leung  相似文献   

张莹 《海外英语》2013,(16):284-286
This paper seeks to answer the research question of what English Education in Hong Kong has experienced in recent decades. It explores English education in Hong Kong in terms of current trends, curricular changes, and the influence of socio-cultural factors. The available resources suggest that school curricula should place higher requirements on students’proficiency in English.  相似文献   

李冬梅 《海外英语》2012,(16):223-225
English is more widely used in Hong Kong than mainland China. The introduction, escalation and declination of English in Hong Kong are examined. Relevant reasons are explored to account for the gradual change of language use. Afterwards, appropriate recom mendations are provided to elevate the status of English as globalization requires communication barriers across diverse cultures to be lifted.  相似文献   

四川师范大学外国语学院张叉教授主编的《外国语文论丛》第3、4辑,已于2010年12月在四川大学出版社出版。《外国语文论丛》第3辑汇集了国内外外语教学研究的部分最新成果,收录了美国利哈伊大学(Lehigh University)彼得.格兰特.贝德勒(Peter Grant Beidler)教授,加拿大萨斯喀彻温萨斯卡通(Saskatoon,Saskatchewan)托德.汉森(Todd Hanson)先生,香港教育学院(Hong Kong Institute of Education)鲍勃.亚当逊(Bob Adamson)教授,西南大学刘承宇教授,云南师范大学原一川教授,西华师范大学陈文存教授以及四川师范大学龚雪萍教授、蒙雪琴教授在内的25家单位75名作者的57篇论文,内  相似文献   

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