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Teaching procedures:Step I.Warm-up Ss and I greet each other.T:Hello,boys and girls.I’m Mr Pan.Ss:Hello.Mr Pan.T:I’m your new teacher.I’m very happy.Are you happy?Ss:Yes.T:Oh,good.If you are happy,let’s say an English slogan.Nothing is bored with good friends!(第一部曲:一句快乐响亮的英语口号)(简短清新的英  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.Warm up1.Greeting2.Sing a song"Color song"3.Free talk T:Boys and girls,are you happy?Ss:Yes,I’m happy.T:I’m happy,too.Do you know why?Ss:No.T:I’d like to go shopping now.引出单词"shopping"。  相似文献   

Hello!I’m a happy girl.I like English and music,I like dogs,ducks,rabbits and cats.Do you like me? 广东省揭阳市惠来县惠城镇蓬馨园南六幢803房方梦淳I’m good at English.I must study hard.I believe“knowledge is power”.  相似文献   

H arbin Aquarium isvery beautiful.There are som efish and coral(珊瑚).Ilike itvery m uch.黑龙江省集贤县二九一农场场直小学五(2)班江壮I’m Y ang Y ang.I’m a happy girl.I like playingcom puter gam es and sw im m ing.I like m akingfriends.D o you w antto be  相似文献   

My Favorite Day     
It’s Friday, November 14th. I’m happy today. In1 8 o’clock I have Chinese. I like it because it’s fun. Then I have math and art. In2 this day I can have P.E. in the afternoon. That’s my favorite subject. I play football and basketball. Then I have a two-days3 holiday. At 6 o’clock p.m. I can swimming4 for an hour. In5 Friday evening I have a party with my friends.  相似文献   

My name is Peng Yuliang.I’m a happy girl.I would like to tell you something about pajama Day(睡衣节)in the USA.Pajama Day is a funny day.On that day,students and teachers can wear pajamas to school.Look!These are my friends Sarah and Caryne,my teacher Mrs.Hagan and me.We are so happy!  相似文献   

I ’m a middle school student. I ’m a happy girl. I ’m out-going. I like singing, enjoy football and would like to play with my friends in the open air. But my mother keeps on shouting,“I f you have time, work hard at your lessons.”My teachers often give me too much homework to do and let me keep writing. I must keep a diary. On Sundays, I have to go to an art school to learn painting and handwriting. I have no free time to do other things. I think students must study hard first, take …  相似文献   

I ’m a middle school student. I ’m a happy girl. I ’m out-going. I like singing, enjoy football and would like to play with my friends in the open air. But my mother keeps on shouting,“I f you have time, work hard at your lessons.”My teachers often give me too much homework to do and let me keep writing. I must keep a diary. On Sundays, I have to go to an art school to learn painting and handwriting. I have no free time to do other things. I think students must study hard first, take more exercise to keephe...  相似文献   

【Part A教学设计】一、热身导入:1.教师与学生交流周末的安排,并利用图片和表格出示教师周末计划。T:Look,this is a photo of my family.I will have a happy weekend.Look at the table.On Saturday,I’m going to New Century Park with my daughter and husband.On Sunday,I’m going to sleep all the morning.In the afternoon,I’m going to draw pictures and read story-books with my daughter.2.根据表格提示的内容,  相似文献   

Jim’s tortoise doesn’t m ove(移动).Jim thinks(认为)itdied.Jim:M um,m y tortoise died.M um:O h,m y dear,don’tcry(哭).I w illgive you anice-cream and a sm alldog.Jim isvery happy.Butthe tortoise m oves.M um:T he tortoise didn’tdie.Jim:C an I kill(杀)itn  相似文献   

My Changes     
I am growing up day by day and I have some changes.1First,my grades are better than before because I study harder.I am very happy abou1this and my parents are happy,too.I will go on studying hard to be the top student in my1class.1Second,I become more outgoing than before.I was quite1and didn’t like to talk with  相似文献   

H ello!I’m a happy bear.M y favorite sea-son is sum m er.It’s always sunny and hot.can eattasty honey.Idon’tlike winter.It’s always cold.Som e-tim es,it’s windy.Ican’teatfruit.Ilike sleep-ing in winter.Iam a cute bear!注释:favorite[藜]a.最喜爱的'fei  相似文献   

In our class,usually a girl sitsnext to a girl, and a boy sits nextto a boy.I’m a girl,so the onenext to me is a girl, a very nicegirl named Liu Shuo. Although she isn’t a beautifulgirl, she looks very happy.Thesmile shines on her face.I think itmakes her very nice.  相似文献   

本单元语篇的核心内容是寻找物主。要求学生围绕服饰类词汇,在一定的语篇情景下,能正确使用句型Whose…is this/are they?/Try…on等进行交谈。教学过程Step1.Warm up1.Greeting Sing a song"We are happybees".2.Free talk T:Boys and girls,are you happy today?Ss:Yes,I am.T:I’m happy  相似文献   

一、课前互动——创设最佳的学习氛围(略)二、简单导入——奏响有效英语课堂教学的序曲课始,简单的问候之后,我面带微笑地对同学们说:I’m happy to see you again.Are you happy?许多学生会说:Yes,I’m happy.如果有个别人回答"No!"时,我会关切地问:Why?May I help you?让他们感知目标语句。Then I will say:Yesterday,Jenny,  相似文献   

1.快乐无处不在。Seen on the bathroom walls of Concordia University,"Ignorance is bliss."And right un-derneath it..."I don’t know what this meansbut I’m happy."  相似文献   

Hello!I'm a happy girl.I'm twelve.I have e very nice Family.There’re my Father,my moth-er and me.My mother is an accountant and my father is  相似文献   

Hello! My name is Wang Jianing. I' m a lovely girl. I' m twelve years old. And I live in Harbin. I love English. I like eating apples. Everyday I' m busy with my lessons. I have a happy family: farther, mother and me. I love my family.  相似文献   

Teaching Procedures:一、歌曲热身导入(Warming-up)Hello,boys and girls.I’m so happy to be your teacher today.Are you happy?Why not sing a happy song(."施之以教,贵在引导。"在与学生相互用英语问好、进行简单的英语交流后,我与学生共唱一首节奏明快的英语歌曲"If you’re happy",为学生创造一个轻松和谐的教学氛围,把学生带到英语学习乐园,也为下一步话题的展开做好铺垫。兴趣是小学英语教学中最好的老师,而精致的图片和优美的音乐则更能贴近学生的心理,激发学生的学习兴趣和欲望。)  相似文献   

第工卷(共70分) 一、听力理解(共20分,每小题1分) A)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个句子并看到供选择的四个句子.找出与你所听到的那个在意思上最接近的答案 1.A.My brother visits US each summer. Ij.My father and brother visiteel the Summer Palace. (’.I saw my uncle last year. D.My mother and father visited me last summer. 2.A.’l'om wished his friend a happy birthday. B.h’S"I"onl’S birthday. (’.’I'om’s friend sent him a card. I),’Fore’S fnend wished him a happy birthday. 3.A.We were sO busy …  相似文献   

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