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The role of block play in the development of reading and writing is presented and discussed. A literacy-enriched block-play center is described, and accompanying tables identify books and additional literacy materials suggested for integration into a block-play area. Additionally, children's use of literacy props in a block-play area is presented through observations made in two preschool classrooms. Samples of children's writing produced during spontaneous block-play sessions are included to support examples given in the text.  相似文献   

冲突与融合:儒家价值观与西方价值观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儒家价值观要适应现代化的发展,就要在保持其精华的基础上适当吸取适应社会化大生产需要的西方价值的积极内容。儒家价值观要吸取西方价值的积极内容,首先要将其放在西方价值体系中进行比较,通过比较找出其差异,并在分析其差异的基础上,找出其契合点。  相似文献   

《幼儿园工作规程》明确指出:"玩是幼儿的天性,幼儿园教育应尊重幼儿的人格和权力,尊重幼儿身心发展的规律,以游戏为基本活动"。玩沙游戏是幼儿童年的欢乐、自由和权力的象征。丰富多彩的玩沙游戏不仅可以促进幼儿身心健康发展,而且能增强幼儿的知识,发展智力、培养能力,同时也给我们带来了许多的快乐。本文针对目前幼儿玩具日益科技化、电子化、价格高昂化的现状,特别指出利用废旧物品制作幼儿玩沙玩具的意义和作用,详细介绍了玩沙工具分类、制作方法以及在玩沙活动中利用废旧物品的注意事项。  相似文献   

Teachers of young children know the importance of designing developmentally appropriate activities to encourage motor development but are not always prepared with the information they need to accomplish this design. When teachers choose movement activities, motor development theory must be understood and utilized in the planning of activities to ensure that the choice of the movement task, equipment, and the movement environment interact to encourage developmentally appropriate movement experiences. Basic motor development theory is explained as the basis for examples of appropriate movement tasks for young children.  相似文献   

开展以弘扬公益精神、宣传社会公德、倡导公益文化、开展公益实践、塑造公益形象为为主题的"与爱同行"大型公益活动。通过公益实践,使德性外化于行动,增强当代大学生的社会责任感和历史使命感。  相似文献   

德育的核心理念是实践育人,作为一个德育工作者,我们怎样才能使德育教育贴近学生进而提高德育教育的效果?教育情境的选择无疑起着重要的作用.从挖掘集体活动中的德育价值为出发点,以现代大学生的德育工作为基础,针对当前大学生德育教育情境中存在的问题,从五个方面总结了集体活动这一教育情境对德育教育所具有的独特的影响力和不可替代的潜...  相似文献   

何婷婷 《教育与教学研究》2012,26(10):122-125,129
华德福教育,由斯坦纳创立,经过90多年的发展,其影响已波及全世界。华德福幼儿教育课程观以斯坦纳自创的理论为思想基础,幼儿教育的课程目标主要是发展健康的身体,培养想象力和创造力,唤醒个体潜能;课程内容不提倡"正规学习",以游戏方式开展活动,整个教育充满艺术气息;课程实施中,游戏与艺术教育最具特色;课程评价在日常活动中进行,让每个幼儿能发现自己的进步。华德福幼儿教育真正做到了让幼儿在玩中快乐地学习和成长。  相似文献   

The National Arts Education Archive (NAEA) is housed and maintained by the Yorkshire Sculpture Park (YSP), and managed by YSP coordinators and educators with a well‐established volunteer programme. This year, 2017, as part of the celebrations of the YSP's 40th anniversary, the Archive will hold its own exhibition entitled Treasures Revealed: a collection of items selected by people who have been involved in the Archive, whether as donors, volunteers, researchers, artists, trustees or steering group members. In parallel with the exhibition, this article aims to give voice to a selection of individuals and groups associated with the Archive, discussing their interests and experiences of it, and their thoughts on its value and importance as a repository of arts education materials, ideals and practices. Our primary motivations were to consider these different voices in relation to the purpose, direction and relevance of the NAEA today. These exchanges raise fundamental questions and debates about what art education is and what it might become, and how these historical collections, and creative engagements with it, might help to shape our contemporary thinking.  相似文献   

The article explores how young children between one and three years old communicate and prioritise values in order to create and be a part of a community during play sessions in an Icelandic preschool. Furthermore, it aims to investigate the value conflicts that might occur and how the children resolve such conflicts. The study adopts the phenomenological approach of Merleau-Ponty emphasising human bodily existence. Data consist mainly of video recordings. The findings show three main categories that illustrate the values that the children prioritised and found meaningful to their interaction in their play: the value of ownership of toys, the value of others’ well-being and the value of belonging to the community. The values could also be in opposition to values that were either prioritised within the group of children or emphasised by the educators. The study implies that play situations are a valuable arena for children’s learning of values. The value conflicts appeared to be especially important, including children’s confrontations with each other’s perspectives and requiring the children to clarify their views. Thus, children’s positions and possibilities within the group became visible and influenced the resolution of the conflicts.  相似文献   

当前中国乡村社会出现了严重的价值观失落与变异,从一定意义上讲中国乡村社会正在从治理性危机向伦理性危机转换。如何理解这种变化,并进一步针对重建乡村社会核心价值观提出建议,成为当前理论界刻不容缓的任务。  相似文献   

For the large sparse block two-by-two real nonsingular matrices, we establish a general framework of structured precondi-tioners through matrix transformation and matrix approximations. For the specific versions such as modified block Jacobi-type, modi-fied block Gauss-Seidel-type, and modified block unsymmetric (symmetric) Gauss-Seidel-type preconditioners, we precisely describetheir concrete expressions and deliberately analyze eigenvalue distributions and positive definiteness of the preconditioned matrices.Also, we show that when these structured preconditioners are employed to precondition the Krylov subspace methods such as GMRESand restarted GMRES, fast and effective iteration solvers can be obtained for the large sparse systems of linear equations with blocktwo-by-two coefficient matrices. In particular, these structured preconditioners can lead to high-quality preconditioning matrices forsome typical matrices from the real-world applications.  相似文献   

刘晓琴 《天津教育》2021,(4):156-157,160
做游戏是幼儿成长中非常重要的组成部分。通过做游戏,可以让幼儿熟悉与人交际的方式,培养幼儿的动手动脑能力,激励幼儿去发现生活中的乐趣和美好,促使幼儿心理和心智的健康成长。因此,做好游戏活动的教育引导,这是幼儿园教育工作有成效的关键。本文对幼儿在游戏活动中的合作能力培养策略进行分析,希望能进一步发挥幼儿园教育职能,促进幼儿健康成长。  相似文献   

In H.264 encoder, all possible coding modes should be checked to choose the most appropriate mode for every macroblock, which adds a heavy computation burden to the encoder. In this paper, a fast inter-mode decision method is presented to reduce computation complexity of an H.264 encoder. By detecting the best matching block (BMB) before transform and quantization, some coding modes can be skipped and the corresponding encoding steps can be omitted for these BMBs. Meanwhile this method can also be used to detect all-zero blocks. The experimental results show that this method achieves consistently significant reduction of encoding time while keeping almost the same rate-distortion performance.  相似文献   

The present research addresses processes involved in academic value transmission within family. Drawing on expectancy x value and social learning theory, a two-wave longitudinal study based on data from 1014 students, 878 mothers, and 748 fathers was conducted to examine the mechanisms of parental influence. Structural equation modeling provided evidence for a multi-step mediation process. Predictions of the parents’ academic values on students’ values were shown to be mediated through parents’ actual and student-perceived parental school involvement. Students’ perceptions of the parents’ academic values, inferred from the perceived involvement, in turn, predicted students’ own values. In the discussion, the central role of students’ perceptions in these processes is emphasized.  相似文献   

价值观的形成需要建构,而审美活动恰恰具有建构的功能,能够满足价值观形成的需要,审美活动是通住价值观形成过程中的桥梁-审美活动的观念上全面产生主体需要,主体又以自己的需要地产接纳价值实体-从我成价值体系,产生相应的价值意识,最后由价值意识的“自我”提升形成价值观。  相似文献   

深入分析了“顺穿法”和“花穿法”绕制的单行并联式滑车组在起重工作时的受力性能,通过对滑车组的偏心距和倾斜角计算,证明偏心距及倾斜角较大时对滑车组的工作和使用寿命存在很不利的影响。详细分析了混联式滑车的构造和受力性能,并对其起重时的偏心及倾斜角进行了计算,计算结果表明该新型滑车组在构造和技术上具有明显的优越性。混联式滑车于1996年获得国家发明专利。  相似文献   

国产大片是中国电影在当下生存的一个重要策略。但是,我国目前的大片生产在商业美学追求上还存在问题。在国产大片中,艺术元素和商业元素的配置还存在不平衡的现象,在大众美学、类型化发展和数字美学等方面还有很多改进的地方。或许,国产大片在正视了这些矛盾和问题之后,随着制作经验的积累,大片会成为中国电影的一个越来越成熟的样式。  相似文献   

毕业生在择业方面存在的误区是:就业期望值过高,脱离实际;重物质利益,功利色彩严重;以自我为中心,很少考虑国家需要;心存疑虑,消极等待,放弃竞争。在当前就业形势严峻的情况下,毕业生要认清自己,准确定位,调整期望值,达到人职匹配,顺利就业。  相似文献   

综合实践活动应当以“过程导向”的后现代课程观为理论基础,其开发、设计和实施必须“坚持学生的自主选择和主动探究、促进学生个性发展;推进学生与自我、社会和自然之间在联系的整体认识与情感体验,谋求自我、社会与自然之间的和谐发展;强调走向社会,走进生活,拓展学生的学习空间;提倡自主参与式实践性学习,改变学生的学习方式”等基本概念。综合实践活动课程具有以下性质:它是一种正式和必修的综合性、实践性课程;既是国家课程,又是地方课程和校本课程。  相似文献   

在20世纪的西方现代语言学中,由于结构主义在相当长的时期里处于主流地位,导致意义被排除在语言学的研究范围之外,词汇作为意义的载体也没有受到应有的重视。近年来词汇学理论研究的重要性日益受到关注,但词汇教学实践往往陷入种种误区,违背了语言教学本身的规律。本文针对这些偏误本文提出了一些可操作性的课堂组织活动,旨在优化词汇教学环节,有效地促进外语学习者的词汇学习。  相似文献   

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