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奥巴马的就职演说辞借助排比、反复、对照、层进、音韵、隐喻等各种修辞手段,使观点鲜明突出,表达形象生动,语言铿锵有韵,给听众以强烈的感召力。本文通过实例分析奥巴马就职演说辞原文的修辞运用与翻译问题。  相似文献   

邱玉冰 《培训与研究》2009,26(6):126-129
奥巴马的就职演说辞借助排比、反复、对照、层进、音韵、隐喻等各种修辞手段,使观点鲜明突出,表达形象生动,语言铿锵有韵,给听众以强烈的感召力。本文通过实例分析奥巴马就职演说辞原文的修辞运用与翻译问题。  相似文献   

修辞是一种恰当地选用语言材料和表达方式准确而生动地传情达意的语言手段。学习修辞,是为了把话说好,说得更准确得体、鲜明生动,使文章富有文采。近  相似文献   

修辞手段是为达到一定的修辞目的而采取的具体手法,它是传统的修辞学中的重要内容。每一种民族语言或者每一种语言的作品都离不开修辞手段。虽然各民族都在自己的语言里运用修辞手段,但是运用方法,修辞手段的形式,数量等方面有所不同。从不同民族语言中的修辞手段可以看出,各民族在传统文化、风俗习惯,运用语言方面的特点和区别。翻译中的修辞问题就是在正确表达思想内容的基础上,探讨如何对等地再现原文的感情色彩问题。  相似文献   

修辞是研究语言运用的一门艺术,是语言表达的高级手段,是语言美的集中体现。大学英语课文标题中丰富多彩的修辞手法的运用使语言更加生动形象,更富有表现力和感染力,更能充分体现标题涵义深刻、言简意赅的特点和功能,使其显得更加醒目、雅致、发人深思,引人入胜。本文拟对大学英语课文标题中的修辞特色加以评析。  相似文献   

《红楼梦》语言成就极高,其间口语性强,富有特色的惯用语十分丰富,修辞艺术高超。通过对该书惯用语的修辞手段、辞格运用的考察分析,可以发现《红楼梦》中惯用语,节奏组合方式多样,富于变化,富有音乐美。其惯用语词语的选择,不仅体现了词语表达理性意义的功能,还突出表现了词语表达附加意义的修辞功能。在辞格的运用中,密切配合语境和语体的需要,有力地增强了话语的表现力和表达效果。  相似文献   

广告是一门富有语言魅力的艺术。简洁洗练、含蓄生动的广告语言是广告创作成功的标志之一。双关是一种常用的修辞手段,巧妙运用它可以创作出新颖别致的广告语,从而增强广告的宣传效果。  相似文献   

肖利华 《考试周刊》2014,(61):19-20
比喻是英语中极为常见的修辞手段。我们在说明现象、解释问题、辩论是非的过程中,常常会用到比喻。人们在写文章或讲话时,往往会自觉或不自觉地运用比喻。比喻是语言艺术的升华,是最富有诗意的语言形式之一,是语言的信息功能和美学功能的有机结合。本文主要对比比喻类修辞在英汉两种语言中的定义,结合具体实例,探讨基本特征和构成,提高学生的修辞阅读赏析能力。  相似文献   

修辞的运用是要通过语言表达,准确、贴切地表达说话者的意思。刘勰在《文心雕龙》中则将修辞概括为:"词约而意丰,事近而意远",指出古代的修辞观,而现代的修辞不但注重说话者意义的表达也在于听话者对于意义的理解。现代的修辞是恰当的选择、安排各种语言材料和表达手段,以准确、生动、鲜明的表达思想感情的语言艺术化手法,在语言交际中经常出现。作为一种语言现象和认知行为的隐喻,以其特有的修辞功能和表达效果在社会生活中得到广泛应用。隐喻的使用不仅使语言变得简洁生动、新奇而富有启发,还可以激起听者的想象力,所以隐喻修辞是人们使用最为普遍的修辞手法。  相似文献   

卢前丽 《文教资料》2010,(13):21-23
修辞手段的运用是幽默语言中别具一格的表达特色。在这一过程中,语言成了形式,修辞手段成为载体。是幽默语言中不可缺少的材料。本文主要论述了修辞、幽默与修辞手段的关系。并通过实例阐述了比喻、婉曲、别解等修辞手段在幽默语言中的具体运用,同时讨论了各种修辞手法在幽默语言中的体现。  相似文献   

In this paper I discuss some aspects of recent scholarship on rhetoric and the curriculum, making a distinction between approaches that use insight from rhetoric to analyse formal and informal curricula and approaches that develop programmatic suggestions for the conduct of education. In the paper I deploy an educational perspective which I distinguish from a perspective that sees education mainly as a process of the socialization of individuals into existing social, cultural and political ways of doing and being. I focus on three aspects of the discussion: the conceptions of education that are being used in the discussion and, more specifically, the way in which the rhetorical approach is connected to the ideas of paideia and Bildung; the particular understanding of language in the rhetorical approach to the curriculum; and the question whether the rhetorical curriculum should be understood in terms of empowerment or in terms of emancipation. I argue for a more consistent and more radical adoption of insights from rhetorical scholarship in order to make the rhetorical curriculum more educational and more politically aware. I capture this with the idea of becoming ‘world-wise’ as an alternative for the idea that the rhetorical curriculum should contribute to making students ‘symbol-wise’.  相似文献   

反问是一种无疑而问的问句。在《史记.列传》中,作者多次使用了反问,其类型、出现的语境、运用的方式都值得我们学习。它比一般句式具有更强烈的语气和感情色彩,增强了语言的感染性和有力性,使人物形象更鲜明、感情更饱满。  相似文献   

反问句的否定指向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
反问句只问不答,它把要表达的确定意思包含在问句里,而这“确定意思”的准确把握,需从反问句的结构特征人手。各种结构的疑问句形式都可用作反问,但其否定指向不尽相同:是非问和特指问形式的反问是对问句所含命题的否定,否定指向既涉及“质”,也涉及“量”;选择问、正反问形式的反问,否定指向主要靠语境决定,否定的是某一或某些肢命题。  相似文献   

随着中国的对外开放及国力的增强,政府工作报告的翻译也越来越受重视。研究政府工作报告的英译关乎我国的国家形象,至关重要。但国内对政府工作报告的翻译研究比较少,且多仅从句法、词汇层面进行,不够全面。有些缺乏理论支撑,有些与理论结合不深、与理论相脱节,有些只举例,有些分析不够透彻,有些缺乏产出性。目前为止,还未出现对政府工作报告在修辞方面的研究,特别是在修辞形势方面的研究。本文采用了文献研究法,运用了比彻的"修辞形势"理论(The Rhetorical Situation),从受众和修辞局限的角度出发,动态、全面地看待政府工作报告的翻译,分析了政府工作报告的翻译应该如何注意受众及修辞局限因素,使得译本为外国人所接受,使得中国的政策得以有效地传播。  相似文献   

It is conventionally held that illiteracy is simply the absence of literacy, however the latter term happens to be defined. As such, illiteracy is nothing more than failure to achieve the literate foundation upon which success in the rhetorical curriculum depends. I challenge convention by arguing that literacy is fundamentally a rhetorical construct and that the idea of illiteracy, integral to compelling identification with literacy, is an intentional product of the rhetorical curriculum. This relationship of illiteracy to the rhetorical curriculum can be glimpsed in narratives of literacy, especially those that circulate to mass audiences in popular films. Scholars have looked to such films for evidence to illustrate academic theories about literacy. By analysing several films and their reception, I show that non-academics are actively engaged in re-theorizing illiteracy. This engagement illuminates the rhetorical dimensions of illiteracy in a way that has the potential to revise the informal rhetorical curriculum, thereby changing conventional understandings of illiteracy.  相似文献   

Serious considerations of intersectionality are critical to the future and viability of feminist rhetorical scholarship and scholars have made impressive methodological shifts in response to this exigency. However, though feminist rhetorical scholarship has painted a rich picture of how intersectionality operates at the level of the critic, I suggest that there needs to be more critical investigation of how intersectionality functions at the level of discourse—how it is constituted by and through rhetoric. To this end, I develop a theory of intersectional rhetoric, which I argue emerges at the point where intersectionality as an analytic sensibility and embodied rhetorical praxis converge. I theorize the ways in which intersectional rhetoric manifests junctures between (1) theory and experience, (2) discourse and materiality, and (3) academic and activist intellectual spheres to develop more nuanced political arguments about structural oppression on multiple axes. I use the work of body positive activist Ashleigh Shackelford as a case study for examining how, through what techniques, and to what end rhetors craft these links in performances of intersectional rhetoric. I conclude by discussing the implications a theory of intersectional rhetoric has for rhetorical theory, rhetorical critics, and intersectional feminist activism.  相似文献   

一篇成功的修辞文本建构过程是充分利用修辞策略隐藏修辞动机并最大化修辞效果的过程。奥巴马连任演讲的成功在很大程度上因势利导地投射了修辞情境下最完美的修辞人格,很好地取得了动机与力量的平衡,并因此寻求到修辞受众的"认同"。文章比对运用亚里士多德的传统修辞思想与肯尼思伯克新修辞思想中的话语"同一"修辞观,分析奥巴马2012年连任总统胜选演讲文本的修辞人格建构。  相似文献   

古人的诨号是中国传统文化中的一个组成部分,是在特定的社会环境下,一定的社会集团、阶层对个人的主观评价,其中蕴涵着丰富的文化色彩和社会信息.本文重点从修辞的角度,来探求古人诨号中的修辞艺术,以进一步挖掘古人诨号中的艺术价值,从而更好地继承中国的传统文化.  相似文献   

唐宋时代兴起的“活法”,不仅涉及到学创作的问题,而且还触及到汉语修辞的问题。从语言学的角度看,“活法”是汉语修辞所特有的语言的语法与言语的修辞、固定性修辞规则与临时性修辞策略的辩证统一。它反映了中国人善于在言语与语境的普遍联系中感受和认识修辞意义的修辞传统,是中国古代修辞方法阴阳并用、正反对待的基本模式的体现。  相似文献   

This essay reads former New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin’s infamous radio interview given during the aftermath of Hurricane to rethink both the popular narrative about the federal response to Katrina and, more broadly, the displacement of rhetorical objects both popularly and within rhetorical scholarship. Drawing upon Julia Kristeva’s early work, I advocate for a turn to a particular understanding of chōra, which positions critics in provisional relation objects of rhetorical study. Finally, I tender a reading of Nagin’s post-Katrina radio interview. The essay ultimately argues that: (1) the chōric function of Nagin’s interview simultaneously spurred political change and displaced the appearance of having done so; and (2) if rhetorical studies is to avoid remaining complicit with the politics of such displacement, scholars should attend carefully not only to what counts as rhetorical, but also to those objects that do not count but nevertheless function rhetorically. Reconsidering the object domain of rhetorical studies in this way not only opens up new objects for study but also accounts for how they might function outside of already established narratives.  相似文献   

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