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This paper analyses a ‘critical moment’ in the educational trajectories of young indigenous children in Peru: the transition to primary school. It addresses the inequalities in educational services that affect indigenous children, before looking at the micro-level processes that take place in school settings, through a focus on two selected case studies from the Young Lives study of childhood poverty. Using longitudinal information collected in two consecutive years, the case studies show how the children's language and culture are excluded from school premises and their very identity as children and indigenous people is disregarded, negatively affecting their educational performance.  相似文献   

The achievement of indigenous students in Guatemalan primary schools   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analyses the difference in academic achievement between indigenous and nonindigenous children that attend rural primary schools in Guatemala. The gap ranges between 0.8 and 1 standard deviation in Spanish, and approximately half that in Mathematics. A decomposition procedure suggests that a relatively small portion of the achievement gap is explained by differences in the socioeconomic status of indigenous and nonindigenous families. Other results are consistent with the notion that school attributes play an important role in explaining the achievement gap. The paper discusses several explanations—such as the lack of bilingual education—that are consistent with the empirical findings.  相似文献   

This article examines recent educational reforms in Tanzania by looking at the cultural politics of pedagogical change in secondary and teacher education. It presents an ethnography of a teachers college founded on the principles of social constructivism in a country where formalistic, teacher-centered pedagogy is the norm. Using data collected through a year of participant observation, it argues that the cultural, economic, and political dimensions of teachers’ practice need to be considered alongside efforts to reform the country's educational system. It offers contingent constructivism as an alternative to the international consensus on a single model of excellent teaching.  相似文献   

许婕 《钦州学院学报》2011,26(2):102-104,109
大学生的意识形态教育即是对大学生进行社会主义核心价值体系的教育。在高校思想政治理论课中,存在着大学生意识形态淡化的现象。主要原因有教师对思想政治理论课的教学目标理解尚不彻底,历史上的消极影响降低了意识形态教育在大学生中的威信度,来自国内外各种思潮的不良影响,思想政治理论课的教学实效性还有待提高等。高校思想政治理论课教学中提高大学生的意识形态教育效果,必须努力造就一支强有力的高校思想政治理论课教师队伍,把社会主义核心价值体系作为思想政治理论课教学的主线,坚持"主导性"与"兼容性"并存,不断创新思想政治理论课教学方法。  相似文献   

Educational reform in Turkey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There are a number of reform initiatives underway in Turkey but some of these, which are concerned with curricular and structural changes, have encountered serious difficulties. This paper begins with a brief summary of school effectiveness and school improvement research guiding many educational reforms. It then gives some information about school demographics in Turkey, and the country's performance in some international benchmarking studies. It continues with the shifts introduced as a result of recent curricular reorganisation in Turkey and, subsequently, with various issues related to their implications. Finally, the efforts to legislate some structural changes and the major controversies arising are presented.  相似文献   

16世纪欧洲宗教改革运动的历史作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本论述了16世纪欧洲宗教改革运动的历史作用,认为主要有三点。一是使欧洲基督教意识形态成功地实现了从中古向近代的过渡,二是实现了政治、经济权力的大转变,促进了欧洲近代民族国家的成长和资本主义的发展,三是为控工欧洲教育的普及和科学的发展奠定了坚实的思想基础。  相似文献   

本文阐述了当前中学政治课改革的历史过程和基本特点,论述了高师政教专业的改革要从服务方向、思想教育、导次设置、教学内容、教学等方面主动适应中学政治课改革的需要。  相似文献   

This article examines the way in which some of the most discriminated against, disadvantaged and marginalised groups on the African continent, are re-defining education through strategies aimed at recognition of rights and social justice. It uses Fraser's analysis of social justice – distribution, recognition and participation – to examine the demands of the indigenous movement in Africa for rights to education. Over the past 10 years the concept of ‘indigenous’ has become embedded in African regional resolutions and reports while communities self-identifying as indigenous have been shaping new political and educational spaces for their participation and decision making about their development and their education. Taking the example of the East African pastoralists and the Maasai of Ngorongoro District in Tanzania, it looks at indigenous communities’ initiatives to define and achieve a qualitative education which is relevant and meaningful for their lives today. It concludes with a discussion of the potential for the indigenous movement in Africa to ‘reframe’ education for the benefit of not only indigenous communities but for all learners.  相似文献   

Educational development is one way through which Turkey enhances progress towards its social goals and prepares itself for European Union membership. A major effort to upgrade the Turkish educational system was made through a multi-phased comprehensive reform of the sector introduced during the 1990s. One part of this reform, perhaps most crucial to the long-term effectiveness of other developments in education, was a transformation of the approach to teacher education. This paper utilizes recently conducted research to assess the nature and extent of that reform as well as identifying the factors which enhanced its effectiveness.  相似文献   

新世纪高校思想政治教育专业改革探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新世纪高校思想政治教育专业的改革,必须从信息时代、国际理解教育时代、学会关心为主题教育时代出发。实现从应试教育微人单一人教育或单一科学教育向人教育与科学教育相结合的双重目标教育的转变。要培养符合新时代需要、适应激烈竞争的高素质人才,必须改革教育思想、教学内容、教学手段。  相似文献   

大学思想政治教育工作,是我国社会主义建设一个重要环节。因此我国必须对大学思想政治教育工作给与足够的重视,但是我国现阶段大学思想政治教育工作还是存在着一定的问题。故而本文主要是探讨我国现阶段大学思想政治教育工作中存在的问题,提出必要的改进策略。  相似文献   

大学生的素质与品质对社会的发展起着重要的作用,高校对学生的素质培养承担着重大的责任。目前,学生对于思想政治课的学习热情与关注程度非常低,文章运用满意度模型,从学生出发,根据反映的问题,改进教学模式、提高教学效果,使思想政治课程真正成为学生欢迎,社会需要的高品质课程。  相似文献   


Reformers in developing countries increasingly seek to raise education quality. Yet we know little about the politics of improving education. One significant and instructive case of reforms designed to boost education quality comes from Chile, where in 2016 the government enacted a sweeping reform of teaching careers. This paper first uses a quantitative analysis of appearances in the news to identify key stakeholders and then turns to process tracing to analyze how and when these stakeholders influenced reform dynamics. Comparatively, the Chilean case differs from similar reforms elsewhere in Latin America due to the absence of business, the strong role of policy networks, and the final negotiated settlement with the teacher union. Theoretically, the analysis confirms general theories that emphasize the roles of distributive politics and policy networks.  相似文献   

Educational disadvantage is an essentially contested, political concept. At the same time there is a ‘phoney consensus’ surrounding the issue, i.e., policy debates on the topic often fail to reflect this contestation. This lack of awareness of the political context to the debate is evident in relation to the targets and measures set for addressing educational disadvantage. While Lynch has pointed out the political undertones of ‘comparative’ targets and measures, the conservative political position inherent in the ‘outputs-led’ model has not properly been explored. Indeed, the apparently technical and value-free nature of targets and measures has enabled this conservative political perspective to become embedded in public educational policy without debate.  相似文献   

在推进高职语文课程教学改革的过程中,需要树立“大思政”的教育理念,坚持“文道并重”的教育原则,丰富语文课程的思政教育素材,发掘其思政教育功能,加强语文教学和思政教育的互融。对于语文课堂上存在的教学方法单一、学生参与度低及教学脱离学生实际等问题,要通过优化语文课程教学目标、在写作中渗透思政教育内容、在高职语文活动中融入思政教育和建立多元化考核评价体系等途径,切实提升高职语文课程思政教学改革的成效。  相似文献   

针对机械精度设计与检测课程中德育元素,阐述课程思政的含义与作用,论述机械精度设计与检测课程中德育元素的分类,展示课程中显式与隐式德育元素的挖掘方法与过程。教学实践结果表明,在课程教学过程中有机融入德育元素有利于理论知识的深刻理解,有利于学生的全面发展。  相似文献   

谈互联网时代的高校思想政治教育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
信息时代的发展,给高校的学生管理工作带来了新的课题,即如何有针对性的对学生开展网络思想政治教育。我们要适应新环境,深入贯彻《公民道德建设实施纲要》和教育部《关于加强高等学校思想政治教育进网络工作的若干意见》,采取切实可行的措施,加强网络思想政治教育。  相似文献   

实践有多重涵义。人们的政治、道德等交往实践是思想政治教育的基础,也是理解思想政治教育学科实践性的关键。思想政治教育的实践性内在地要求在教学活动中必须使教学方法和教学内容上都要具有可实践性。  相似文献   

人文教育作为思想政治教育的重要组成部分,其教育引导学生的成效是不容忽视的。当前,很多高校把思想政治教育和人文教育的内涵割裂开来,导致了高校人文教育缺失与偏离,对学生缺乏人文关怀与心理指导,致使学生出现价值观偏差、思想浮躁、自我缺失等问题。因此,高校应加强人文教育,把人文教育与思想政治教育相融合,丰富思想政治教育工作的内容、方法和手段,促进学生自我成长,提升高校学生思想道德境界,真正做到以学生为本,促成学生全面发展与进步。  相似文献   

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