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现行《档案法》中的档案定义,是1996年修改后确定的,在法制日臻完善的当今来看,该定义凸显出很多弊端,已不能适应时代的发展。档案定义应与时俱进,体现出依法建档、管档、用档的社会主义法治理念。文中档案定义的新见解,就是文件材料必须是在使用或者办理完毕后,再经过档案管理人员依据相关法律、法规及其他相关规定的程序审核归档,方成为档案。  相似文献   

我国数字化档案馆发展探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我们正处在一个信息化、网络化的时代,网络革命给整个社会经济带来了新的机遇和挑战,档案事业也不例外.世界各大档案机构纷纷走上国际互联网,开辟网络档案业务,更是揭开了世界档案发展史上的新篇章,引起了各国档案界、信息界的极大关注.我国档案部门紧跟这股潮流,近年来也已经开始数字化档案馆发展尝试.  相似文献   

王胜利 《山西档案》2020,(2):138-141
当前随着政府信息开放共享的不断发展,社会公众对档案数据信息的公开程度的要求越来越高。社会各界对档案信息公众服务价值发挥更大效用的迫切需要,使得档案资源的有机整合与高效共享成为档案学发展的一个热点内容。档案数据管理的转变正在成为档案管理研究的新范式,本文在分析档案数据信息资源整合与共享时,首先讨论了云计算、大数据等信息技术对档案资源管理的深刻影响;从内容整合、技术整合、服务整合三个层面阐述了档案数据资源的整合;从政策、安全、技术等角度提出了相关共享对策。  相似文献   

自媒体作为一种新型的媒体形式,所产生的网络信息资源有其独特的价值.文章探讨了自媒体网络信息的档案属性及其归档保存所面临的一些难题,对自媒体网络信息归档的责任主体、采集方法、鉴定要求、描述和组织、法规制度建设等问题进行了思考.  相似文献   

协作保存网络指的是利用网络及相关工具软件为分布在不同地理位置的人们提供协同服务以进行保存工作和存档信息共享。文章从技术的角度,通过几个典型的web archive协作保存网络案例,对如何构建协作保存网络来共享保存系统和资源进行了初步的研究和分析。该文为2009年第七期“网络信息资源保存”专题文章之一。  相似文献   

《高等学校档案管理办法》的颁布为高等学校档案工作的发展提供了指导,但在贯彻实施过程中,一些高等学校过分强调高等学校档案机构的业务性质,弱化甚至否定其行政职能,对高等学校档案机构的科学发展造成了不利影响.因此,必须明确并强化高等学校档案机构的行政职能,认真学习贯彻国家档案法律法规、将其行政职能保障制度化、加强档案行政执法检查,档案机构自身敢作敢为,从而更好地推动高等学校档案机构的科学发展.  相似文献   

企业档案不仅是企业生存与发展的重要参考凭证,更是企业未来发展所依据的重要文献资源.目前,为降低成本,将自身有限资源投入到核心生产环节之中,大部分企业选择将本企业档案业务进行外包,论文结合当前我国企业所面临的管理背景,对企业档案管理外包存在的风险进行了分析,并注重阐释规避风险的措施,以更好地促进企业档案外包业务实践活动的开展.  相似文献   

本文主要探讨了在信息技术飞速发展和网络应用日益普及的情况下,档案信息管理、传播及开发利用中的伦理失范问题,探讨了从道德、法制和技术三个方面解决档案信息伦理失范问题,加强档案信息伦理建设。  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the Peabody Collection of radio and television programs housed at the University of Georgia. The collection is one of the largest broadcast archives in the county, with holdings of more than 30,000 programs. Instructions are provided for scholars wishing to utilize this goldmine of early programming dating back to 1940 (for radio) and 1948 (for television). The archive's tie to the Peabody Awards process is detailed, because the connection impacts access procedures and speaks to the potential biases and strengths of the holdings. The unique advantages of the archive include the large cache of companion print materials and the wealth of public service and local programming. The limitations are discussed, primarily the time-consuming protocols necessary for locating programs of interest Scholarly work utilizing both radio and television materials from the archives is briefly noted.  相似文献   


This paper examines the impact of relative humidity on jades by enclosing the samples under constant relative humidity (RH) of 32, 49, 61.5, and 81.7% at the same temperature of 40 ± 0.1°C for 160 days. The simulated samples were pure and dense tremolite jade and serpentine jade, impure tremolite jade and serpentine jade containing some calcite, and serpentinized calcite, which are all common materials of ancient jade found in archaeological excavations. All samples were characterized through particle-induced X-ray emission and a glossmeter. The degree of deterioration proved to be greater in impure materials than in pure ones. The best RH to conserve various kinds of materials differs: for pure tremolite and serpentine, all of the RH levels are equal; for impure tremolite with some calcite, 61.5 and 81.7% were superior; for impure serpentine with some calcite, the highest RH (81.7%) was best; and as to the serpentinized calcite, there is no clear conclusion as yet and further research is needed.  相似文献   

文化生态视野下档案文化建设研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
档案文化作为社会文化的重要组成部分,其建设问题以成为社会关注的焦点。本文从文化生态的角度审视档案文化的建设,分析了文化生态对档案文化建设的影响,并对档案文化建设的症结进行剖析,提出文化生态视野下档案文化建设的策略。  相似文献   

文章通过调查国内档案博客资源建设状况,分析国内档案博客资源组织建设的现状,在此基础上,进一步探讨国内档案博客资源的组织建设策略.  相似文献   


Congressional archives are unique among archival collections. Bigger in size and often broader in scope in terms of the kinds of records they contain, these collections place an uncommon strain on academic archives. Before agreeing to assume such a burden, it is important for administrators to understand the special characteristics of a congressional archive and their staff's ability to manage the project while fulfilling their mission to the educational institution.  相似文献   

There is a wealth of conservation-related resources that are published online on institutional and personal websites. There is value in searching across these websites, but this is currently impossible because the published data do not conform to any universal standard. This paper begins with a review of the types of classifications employed for conservation content in several conservation websites. It continues with an analysis of these classifications and it identifies some of their limitations that are related to the lack of conceptual basis of the classification terms used. The paper then draws parallels with similar problems in other professional fields and investigates the technologies used to resolve them. Solutions developed in the fields of computer science and knowledge organization are then described. The paper continues with the survey of two important resources in cultural heritage: the ICOM-CIDOC-CRM and the Getty vocabularies and it explains how these resources can be combined in the field of conservation documentation to assist the implementation of a common publication framework across different resources. A case study for the proposed implementation is then presented based on recent work on the IIC website. The paper concludes with a summary of the benefits of the recommended approach. An appendix with a selection of classification terms with reasonable coverage for conservation content is included.  相似文献   

本文论述了后现代主义给档案学课程研究带来的四个方面的启示。  相似文献   

重大事件档案是国家档案资源的重要组成部分,我国档案管理部门越来越积极参与重大事件的处置和管理工作.文章从讨论重大事件档案的概念入手,着重从登记备案、档案收集、整理保管和利用开发四个方面探讨重大事件档案管理的流程,并从国家、社会、机制、研究和实践五个层面提出完善重大事件档案管理的建议.  相似文献   

文章从哲学的基本问题出发,提出了档案世界中物质和意识存在的主要方式和特征-人化自然和物化意识,进而说明了物理管理和逻辑管理的概念和基本内涵,并简单叙述了档案世界中物质与意识的关系.  相似文献   

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