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Greece became an EEC member in 1981, following a parliamentaryvote in the then New Democracy (conservative)–controlledparliament. Opinion polls indicated though that were a referendumheld at the time, membership would have been rejected, as thegovernment had lost its popular support (and lost power in thecourse of that year) and an across-the-board anti-western majorityhad emerged in a country whose people's national identity wasfirst defined during and as a defense against the crusades.Ten years later, there exists in Greece a very large consensusin favor of EEC membership which includes even the communistleft, at least programmatically. The spectacular, and unprecedentedamong Community countries, pro-EEC conversion is the subjectof this paper. First, using the European Commission's Eurobarometerand Eurodim's Helleno-barometer data, the evolution of Greekpublic opinion towards the EEC is documented. Secondly, thetrend data in the various voting groups show that this conversionis basically the result of the transformation of the socialistelectorate from anti-EEC to pro-EEC, but with a lag behind thesimilar change in the party's (PASOK) policies during its eight-yearrule (1981–9). Thirdly, evidence is provided that anti-westernismhas not died out in Greece, but that it has both mellowed andbecome ‘selective’. So, we conclude that the pro-EECconversion was not the result of some general ‘Westernization’of Greek public opinion, but the outcome of a ‘learningexperience’: during their country's ten-year EEC membership,the Greeks discovered that the benefits from this internationalcommitment far outweighed the costs. In fact, it is argued thatthe pro-EEC conversion of Greek public opinion has contributedto the mellowing of its anti-westernism: whereas the crusadeswere instrumental in cutting the Greeks from Europe, the EECappears now the vehicle of their reintegration into a worldin whose development they have historically played a major role.  相似文献   


A survey is given of polychromed sculpture in Sweden. Historical aspects of the care of sculptures are discussed. Many retables have been imported from Lübeck and Antwerp. Polychromed sculptures are often well preserved because there was hardly any iconoclasm in Sweden. Many need treatment however due to various forms of neglect. A special case—the triptych of Kärrbo (c. 1500)—is described in detail from a technical point of view.  相似文献   

希腊学术图书馆网络在南欧处于领先地位,欧盟信息政策对希腊经济和文化各个领 域产生了极为深远的影响。  相似文献   

《Philosophical Books》1968,9(1):15-16

The dictatorship that ruled Greece between 1967–74 hadlasting consequences on the country's political culture. FromWorld War II and the Greek civil war until the dictatorship'scollapse, pro-Western, anti-communist, pro-business, sociallytraditional values had dominated public opinion. The dramaticfall of the dictatorship amidst a ‘national tragedy’made it a scapegoat and made what it stood for very unpopularespecially among the younger generation. So, when the lattercame of age, it contributed to the emergence of a new set ofvalues that were anti-rights, anti-Western, anti-business, anti-traditionalistand even historically revisionist, and were majoritrian in the1980s. These values have been so strongly entrenched that neitherthe Panhellenic Socialist Movement's (PASOK's) poor record inpower, nor the indictment of some of its leaders for seriousscandals in 1989, nor even the emergence, under PASOK rule,of a new more moderate generation, have helped the right toregain the absolute majority of the votes so to govern the country,although it has led to a partial moderation of the radical ‘juntageneration’.  相似文献   

出版发行市场化运作对图书采访的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
姚倩 《大学图书馆学报》2005,23(2):34-37,61
出版发行业的市场化运作表现为:图书发行渠道已不再是新华书店一统天下;图书市场已经进入包装、炒作、宣传、造势的时代;订单、书目、广告、折扣等成为出版发行业争夺读者、争夺客户、争夺市场的重要手段。出版业市场化运作给图书馆带来深刻影响:图书馆的进书渠道日益拓宽;入藏图书的品种、复本日益受到市场的牵动;图书采访鉴别选择难度日益加大;与书商的关系日益扑朔迷离。  相似文献   

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