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现存于河北省平山县博物馆的《大唐西临山石龛像记》,刻立时间为唐大历四年(769年),原位于平山县三汲乡西林山的山头寺.不仅历代金石著作、方志等未著录,就是当代考古和历史学界对其内容也鲜有涉及.它是继李宝臣纪功碑、神道碑之后,关于成德镇节度使李宝臣的又一重要文物发现,一些记载可纠正、补充传世文献之缺失.更重要的是,提供了...  相似文献   


Absorbent materials such as wood, paper and cotton stabilize the atmosphere of show-cases against the relative humidity changes caused by temperature variation and by exchange of air with the surroundings.

There are several exchange processes between the air in the case and the outside air: diffusion through porous COllstruction materials, air flow caused by temperature and pressure changes and airflow by convection in a show-case whose relative humidity differsfrom that of its environment. The air changes about once a day in show-cases made by conventional joinery techniques. The rate of exchange can be reduced to less than five volumes a year by sealing a show-case so that only one small hole is left for pressure equalization. A dust and sulphur dioxide filter can then be fitted to maintain a pure atmosphere within.

In heated rooms without air-conditioning the RH may fall dangerously low in winter. A static method of RH control for a show-case is described. This is a saturated solution of sodium bromide covered by a silicone rubber membrane.  相似文献   

妙峰法师为明代高僧,一生大致可分为两个阶段:第一阶段为隐居芦芽山之前的闭关修行,第二阶段则为建筑营造。其闭关修行的内容为法界观,是他对华严精神的内在实证;其建筑的代表则是万佛洞,是其华严世界的外在体现。这一内一外,都体现了妙峰对《华严经》的甚深契悟。  相似文献   

文化是可融的,又是相互独立的。当一种文化传播至另一地域时,它都要经历一个碰撞冲突、融合接受的过程。文章结合《列子》一书,总结了佛教在中原地区初期传播时的四方面特征:传播地域的层递性,对本土文化的依附性,传播手段的俗易性,传播内容的复合性。  相似文献   

This article chronicles the involvement of an intern working and attending the 2017 Great Lakes Resource Sharing Conference (GLRSC) in Oak Brook, Illinois. GLRSC primarily targets library professionals interested in various forms of cross collaboration within their communities and/or college campuses. Ideas in the areas of open educational resources (OER) and new strategies for interlibrary loan were discussed. As part of the planning process, the interns were required to attend virtual planning meetings, to set up the signage and technology, and to provide social media and technical support during the presentations. This was a positive experience to those interested in emerging technologies and differing avenues of resource sharing, and was also great exposure to the practice of organizing a large-scale library conference.  相似文献   

The library’s place in scholarly communication can be emphasized in many different ways. At the Thomas G. Carpenter Library at the University of North Florida (UNF), librarians have been able to preserve, organize, and promote community and academic resources very creatively. The UNF Digital Commons is used as a way to showcase faculty, staff, and university special collections and make them accessible to all users. Library space is also changing to invite faculty collaboration in areas previously devoted to print periodicals.  相似文献   


A straightforward technique for the restoration of metallic objects is described. With this technique the total immersion of the artifacts in the electrolytic cell is unnecessary. It can also be used for objects with localized corrosion.  相似文献   

宣告中国共产党正式成立的中共一大,会议起止日期问题长久困扰党史研究界,至今也没有完全得以解决.而事实上,这方面并非毫无文献记录,现存唯一完整提及中共一大会议时间的历史文献是1921年10月13日产生的《驻赤塔赤色职工国际代表斯穆尔吉斯的信件》,其中写道:"从七月二十三日到八月五日,在上海举行了中国共产党的代表大会,或者更确切地说是自称为中国共产主义者的代表大会."起止日期具体而确定.在中共一大结束不久产生的报告《中国共产党第一次代表大会》,也在起始一段写明:"代表大会定于六月二十日召开,可是来自北京、汉口、广州、长沙、济南和日本的代表,直到七月二十三日才到达上海,于是代表大会开幕了.""一大"开幕时间似亦明了,不过,还是存有歧义,代表全部抵沪之日就要连夜开会吗?为谨慎起见,史学界寻找更为确切的印证.  相似文献   


The standing Buddha image of Jincheon in the Republic of Korea created in the fourth year of Taehwa is engraved on a darkgray rock wall of shale. The front face has a backward inclination, meeting the strike of N40°W almost vertically. The host rock contains well-developed fine laminations and stratifications, and has small and large discontinuous planes irregularly distributed. Exfoliations make it hard to make out each part of the body. The surface of the surrounding rocks is severely contaminated with lichen and Bryophyta, and plant roots aggravate the mechanical and biological weathering. The rocks went through a series of conservation treatments, which consisted of dry cleaning followed by wet cleaning using distilled water. Broken or cracked parts were filled in or glued together using epoxy resin, surfaces with exfoliations were treated with ethyl silicate to become water-repellent and hardened. The color of the repaired parts was matched to harmonize with the rest of the image. Drainage was created to divert rainwater from the slope above away from the image, and surrounding plants were removed to control lichen growth. The bedrock of the Buddha image is deteriorated in its functions due to the surface weathering, therefore it is necessary to implement long-term monitoring and to search for comprehensive conservation solutions.  相似文献   

常华 《北京档案》2001,(12):44-45
北京西山八大处,是隋唐至明清的8座佛寺建筑群,错落镶嵌于春绿秋红的密林之中,古朴典雅,脱俗避尘.在二处灵光寺内,巍然屹立着一座八角十三层佛牙舍利塔,在湛蓝如洗的天空衬托下,更显得高耸挺拔,庄严壮丽.  相似文献   

"大编辑"理念初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在全球化和信息化趋势及文化发展、数字技术和社会分工三种力量作用下,媒体编辑面临重大变革,大编辑时代已经到来。大编辑理念的内涵包括编辑功能立体化、编辑资源网络化、编辑手段信息化、编辑能力一体化和编辑过程柔性化五个方面。为适应大编辑时代的发展,媒体应该改进编辑机制,构建开放的编辑文化,重构编辑能力。  相似文献   


The body of the Great Sphinx has suffered severe weathering, exfoliation and wind erosion; the face is not reached by coarse granules and is well preserved. The body lies below the level of the desert, and the excavated area that surrounds the Sphinx constitutes a low-pass filter for the size of the sand grains. In past millennia, when the Sphinx was immersed in the floating sand dunes, severe wind erosion was caused by the coarse quartz granules that advance by saltation in the first metre above the variable sand level. Clearing out the excavated area has proved to be an effective preservation technique.  相似文献   

实施西部地区大开展,是全国面向新世纪发展的一个大战略。它对于进一步推进全国的改革开放和社会主义现代化建设,对于促进我国各发族大团结、东西部协调发展和共同富裕、巩固边防、使全社会长治久安,具有重大的经济意义和政治、社会意义。  相似文献   

陈竞 《大学图书馆学报》2004,22(3):83-85,79
介绍了陈誉先生的治学理念和做人风格,表达了作者的深深怀念之情。  相似文献   

从伟大的长城到伟大的图书馆——对当前国际上电子出版物、书本式出版物及图书馆建筑的一些看法利奥·福赫德ABSTRACTIFLAGeneralConferencein1996isamostimpressiveachievementthattheorga...  相似文献   

旷世奇书《吕氏春秋》的编辑思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
春秋战国时期,诸子蜂出,百家争鸣,涌现出一系列堪称中华元典的典籍.这些典籍不仅为后人提供了思想源泉和精神之基,也为后世的学术研究和编辑出版提供了丰赡的选题资源.秦相吕不韦在政治上多为后人诟病,但其主编的<吕氏春秋>确是一部"于百家之道无不贯综"的旷世奇书,也是先秦编辑史少有的编著分离的经典样本,其中蕴藏的编辑思想,是不该湮灭无闻、少有问津的.  相似文献   

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