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文物作为一种物质形态存在于社会 ,有文物才有文物意识。文物意识是文物在人头脑中的反映。文物决定了文物意识 ,反过来 ,文物意识又反作用于文物 ,对文物和文物事业起促进或破坏的作用。正确的文物意识可以促进文物的形成、收藏和保护 ,错误的文物意识可以使文物消失 ,遭到破坏。正确的文物理论、法规、方针和政策是文物工作客观规律的反映 ,可以能动地指导文物工作合乎规律的运转 ,反之 ,文物工作将受到损失。文物的客观性及其形成过程文物是人类在历史发展过程中遗留下来的遗物、遗迹。它或是一处遗址 ,或是一件器物。前者是不可移动文物…  相似文献   


Although desalination of archaeological iron reduces its chloride concentration and enhances object stability, the reduction in corrosion rate that this produces has never been quantified. This study measures post-treatment corrosion rates in accelerated corrosion environments to identify the impact of removing chloride ions on corrosion rate. Thirty-five archaeological iron nails, treated individually in either alkaline sulphite or nitrogen-deoxygenated sodium hydroxide, were exposed to 75°C and 75% relative humidity together with 31 untreated objects from the same archaeological sites. Object weight change and visual examination of physical change before and after the test period were used to monitor corrosion. 77% of treated objects showed no weight gain and no visible signs of corrosion, while 90% of untreated objects did corrode. The impact of chloride on corrosion of untreated objects was clearly established by a significant linear correlation between chloride content and weight gain. Treated objects with <400 ppm chloride content showed no corrosion behaviour. Corrosion of treated objects was attributed to incomplete treatment: 93% of objects treated to <5 mg/l Cl? in the final solution bath displayed no corrosion behaviour. Based on these results, desalination of iron objects to enhance their stability offers a valuable option for reducing corrosion rates of archaeological iron, which should increase object lifespan. The results also raise the question of whether low levels of post-treatment residual chloride produce corrosion of any significance. Answering this will be an important step forward for managing the preservation of archaeological iron.  相似文献   

This article describes the investigation of white efflorescence on eight wooden African objects from Malawi and Zambia and the treatment of the objects to remove the deposits. The source of the efflorescence on these objects was determined to be the heartwood from which they were carved. Using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and Fourier transform infrared spectrometry, the crystalline efflorescence was found to consist of homopterocarpin and pterocarpin, two isoflavonoid compounds found in woods and shrubs belonging to the genus Pterocarpus, and African Baphida nitida. The crystal growth appeared to be heaviest on areas of the objects that were more deeply carved as well as on those objects without a surface finish. The storage conditions of the collection were studied and found to have likely accelerated the rate and extent of the natural movement of the pterocarpan compounds from the interior of the heartwood to the outer surfaces.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the contribution of the 2003 ‘Declaration on the Importance and Value of Universal Museums’ to the debate on repatriation. The ‘Universalist’ approach taken by the Declaration is first considered, noting the implications of its emphasis on art, the heritage of museums and objects, along with its focus on the sculpture of ancient Greece and the enlightenment origin of museums such as the British Museum. It is argued that it reveals an essentialist approach that derives from a particular Western perspective, rather than being truly ‘universal’, and then considers whether a similar problem underlies many of the arguments advocating repatriation. The second part of the paper explores the opportunities offered by an approach which emphasises the ‘biography of objects’. This demonstrates how the tangled histories of objects and their many meanings can be considered. Repatriation is shown to be able to result in an increase in knowledge and understanding, rather than its destruction, and so meets the declared aim of the Declaration to ‘foster knowledge by a continuous process of reinterpretation’.  相似文献   

Abstract Objects have never been quite as bluntly material as is conventionally claimed. Nothing is just a thing. We carve objects out of a blurry reality as we need them, creating narratives that adhere to them in greater or lesser degree. Traditional museums were held to be “about objects”—which were esteemed as material bearers of accrued significance. Why then the current disputes among museum professionals and observers who question the role of objects? Museums have always been about ideas and about objects. They foster human and physical interactions in which neither persons nor things take precedence.  相似文献   


Surface examination by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Auger electron spectrosopy has beenemployed to investigate the patinas on Lorenzo Ghiberti’s ‘Door of Paradise’from the Florence Baptistry and one of the so-called Riace bronzes. These techniques and the related depth profiling technique are described; the results gave interesting information on thestate of conservation, the original manufacturing process and the possible original appearance.  相似文献   

近几年来我国文博界中的有识之士开始呼吁重视现代文物工作。首先是沈庆林先生写了题为《近现代文物工作的几个问题》 ,阐述了一些基本看法。苏东海先生先后写了《中国文物博物馆事业可持续发展战略研究》、《文物消失论》等重要文章 ,从理论上对现代文物工作进行了论述 ,对全国现代文物工作的开展具有重要的指导意义 ,可以想见一定会推动我国现代文物工作迅速全面开展起来。本文以内蒙古的实践为基础 ,谈几点看法。  一、现代文物收集工作的危机与时机现代文物的收集面临着危机 ,但现代文物的收集研究也面临着时机 ,应该认真分析论证 ,推…  相似文献   

The current discipline of conservation lacks a satisfactory theoretical and methodological framework to guide historical writing beyond scientific methods. To address this gap, this paper evaluates disciplinary shortcomings and proposes a solution for a project based in Oslo that takes advantage of disciplinary strengths. The solution involves the adaptation of a robust critical approach that is closely aligned with post-processualism in archaeology, which notably engages with theoretical perspectives on material culture. The framework offers guidance for arguments developed around physical transformations of late-medieval liturgical objects and the circumstances (physical, environmental, and socio-political) that continually define and re-define their meanings. The themes chosen for the project set this research at the cross-roads between conservation and material culture studies, with investigations directed towards tangible and intangible transformations, or phases in the ‘lives’ of objects that pre-date the Reformation but are now held in museums.  相似文献   

近现代文物分类法刍议   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
《中国大百科全书·文物 博物馆》卷(1993年1月版)第594-595页列出了七种文物分类方法,它们是:时代分类法、存在形态分类法、质地分类法、功用分类法、属性分类法、来源分类法、价值分类法。在这七种分类法中,仅在第一、第二和第五种分类法里涉及到近现代文物,但叙述内容并不多。笔者作为一名近现代文物工作者,谨将自己对近现代文物分类方法的一点认识奉献给同行们。就近现代文物种类的多样性和复杂性看,《中国大百科全书》上所列的七种分类方法远不能揭示近现代文物的丰富内涵。在对近现代文物的分类法作考察时,除这…  相似文献   


Chloride-contaminated archaeological iron is unstable and problematic to store and display within museum collections. Reducing its chloride ion content using aqueous desalination followed by storage in controlled relative humidity offers one treatment option. This study reports a quantitative assessment of chloride extraction by aqueous deoxygenated alkaline desalination solutions from 120 individual archaeological iron nails. The three treatment methods comprised alkaline sulphite solution (0.1 M NaOH/0.05 M Na2SO3) at room temperature and at 60°C and sodium hydroxide solution (0.1 M) deoxygenated using a nitrogen gas positive pressure system at room temperature. Chloride extraction was monitored using a specific ion meter. The nails were digested after treatment to measure their residual chloride content. A wide range of extraction patterns emerged, with the majority of individual treatments extracting 60–99% of the chloride present. Residual chloride levels for 87% of the objects fell below 1000 ppm and 42% were below 200 ppm. Although no treatment extracted 100% of the chloride in the object, alkaline desalination produced very significant reductions in chloride content. The impact of this on future corrosion of the objects is discussed. This quantitative and statistically viable assessment of deoxygenated desalination treatments provides evidence to support their use in conservation practice, which will impact on procedures for the preservation and management of archaeological heritage.  相似文献   


The paper discusses the methodology adopted for and the results derived from a pilot project to conserve the lead and lead alloy communion tokens in the collections of St Andrews University. For the project a new conservation process, ‘potentiostatic reduction’, was developed, involving reduction of the tokens at ?1·2V vs. SCE (saturated calomel electrode) in 0·5M H2SO4, The aim of the pilot project was to test the effectiveness of the new process in tackling a largescale conservation problem by observing its effects on a wide range of tokens made of various alloys and suffering from varying degrees of corrosion. The results of the pilot project indicated that potentiostatic reduction is as effective as standard electrolytic reduction. Since the new technique greatly reduces the time required for the conservation of individual artifacts, there are substantial savings in conservation costs.  相似文献   

中国青铜文物修复传统工艺的继承和发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国青铜文物修复技术自它产生以来,经过数代人的继承和发展,尤其是近百年间青铜文物修复能工巧匠们的不断改进和创新,已逐渐形成了一套具有自己特色的传统工艺技术,这套技术主要包括有七个方面的内容:一是锡焊技术;二是锤铜技术;三是铸造技术;四是雕刻技术;五是鎏金技术;六是作假锈技术;七是铜器去锈技术。按照著名的青铜文物修复专家高英先生的话来说,这“七种不同的技术方法,其中四种技术是从不同的手工业移植过来的,三种技术是经过长期的摸索、实践创造的”①。我们必须坚持继承和发扬这门有着悠久历史的传统工艺技术,让…  相似文献   

随着知识经济时代的到来,图书馆在信息产业开发中,应确立什么样的观念,应扮演怎样的角色?本文就此进行了探讨.  相似文献   

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