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Two red dyes from 21st dynasty Egypt and one from the 12th dynasty were analyzed. The first two were essentially madder, in one case mixed with small amounts of tannins. The third contained pure haematite (red ochre), thus representing one of the earliest known uses of this pigment for the dyeing of linen.  相似文献   

When students perform cross-sectional analysis, they must cope with several problems. These problems include: (a) determining a firm's Standard Industrial Classification code; (b) using ratios which are not typically presented in textbooks; and (c) using timely ratios with historical norms when a decision's success depends on future events. This paper discusses potential solutions to the inherent problems associated with utilizing norms in cross-sectional analysis. Also included is a review of the data presented in the publications which provide idustry norms.  相似文献   

科技期刊应慎重对待"硕士生论文"   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
宫福满 《编辑学报》2006,18(5):370-372
针对当前部分科技期刊中存在的对待"硕士生论文"的2种错误倾向,指出对待"硕士生论文" 应该慎重;结合编辑工作实践,对"硕士生论文"存在的问题作了总体分析,提出了应对"硕士生论文"问题的相关措施.  相似文献   

危机种种--图书馆学信息学教育札记   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
程焕文 《图书馆》2000,(1):39-40
教书的日子长了,亲身的体验多了,耳闻目睹的事情多了,难免又多了几分感慨,多了几分惆怅,多了几分杞人忧天,更多了几分食古不化,因而札记之,以就教于图书馆学信息学教育界的同人。1 专业调整———世纪末的钟声公元1998年7月,教育部颁布了重新修订的《普通高等学校本科专?..  相似文献   

Handle with Care     
Science journal managers should exercise care in preparing data for testing correlations between use and citation data. Correlations should be sought only among journals of fairly similar subject specialty, scope, purpose, and language rather than among journals in a broad field, e.g., science overall. Either gross citation ranking or impact factor will usually correlate well with use, except in cases where a journal is either new or characteristically publishes a few papers. In these cases impact factor must be used comparisons. In order for the comparisons to have statistical validity there should be relatively heavy overall use, an average of 25 potential borrowings per title in the subject specialty being analyzed. The authors present tables showing good correlations when these conditions are met and other tables showing poor correlations are analyzed in terms of unmet conditions.  相似文献   

孔子与读书疗法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
阐述了美国人创造并研究了百余年的读书疗,早在2400年前,我国伟大的教育家孔子就从“兴”、“观”、“群”、“怨”四个方面作过精辟的论述。  相似文献   


A superior learning environment provides students widi an opportunity to benefit from the knowledge and experience of an instructor and encourages them to engage in research into the subject matter of the course. Collaboration between a course instructor and a library liaison using online courseware can lead to the creation of a “learning community” that enhances the learning experience. The authors describe an experiment (using Blackboard to create a “pseudo course”) that produced a learning community that nurtured students and fostered Student retention and success.  相似文献   


Launching virtual chat reference services at Boatwright Library at the University of Richmond has been an interesting challenge of “trial and error” over the years. After trying several different software programs and staffing options, librarians have finally found a niche with AOL's Instant Messenger service. The first section of the article describes a path of experimentation, including early collaborations with the computing services help desk, staffing patterns within the library, technical and financial challenges with virtual reference software, and attempts to get students to use reference chat services. The second half of the case study describes the great success with AIM service in the past year, providing statistical information as well as coverage of training and guidelines, advertising, and staffing. This article touches on a number of themes, including the value of experimenting with a variety of chat reference software programs, and the need for library staff to stay current with new technologies.  相似文献   

彭琳  毕克成 《出版科学》2018,26(4):28-31
在当今出版业竞争白热化的现状下,大众图书选题策划能力成为衡量出版社选题策划水平的重要指标.本文综合前人研究对大众图书的概念进行重新界定,阐释大众图书的时代属性:大众性、现实性、时效性、周期性、商业性与趋同性并存,指出大众图书选题策划应抓住事件、潮流文化及自身优势三个契机,以提高有效性.  相似文献   

杨伟光先生是中国电视新闻改革的领军人物 ,在电视领域纵横捭阖近二十年 ,为中国电视事业的发展作出了巨大贡献。本访谈中 ,杨伟光分四个阶段畅谈他的电视人生 ,娓娓的叙述中 ,饱含着创业的激情 ;丰厚的经验中 ,闪烁着理性的光芒。不论是理论工作者还是实践工作者 ,都会从中受到很大的启发。由于篇幅较长 ,本刊将分两期发表  相似文献   

精品课程具有领范的意义,因此在课程建设中需要建立创新理念,从培养创新型人才的目标出发,"从无到有"或"推陈出新"。  相似文献   

郭伟 《编辑学报》2016,28(5):470-473
作为学术不端行为的一种,“一稿多投”被诟病已经.在编辑实践中,通过知网学术不端文献检测系统的“稿件追踪”平台能够及时发现疑似“一稿多投”稿件,利用平台提供的4个追踪参数,结合与作者、送检单位沟通的方式,可以确定是否存在“一稿多投”行为.统计分析86篇疑似“一稿多投”稿件的追踪参数,总结多次送检稿件的检测规律,尝试提出“一稿多投”行为的辨析策略,并就在稿件追踪、“一稿多投”辨析过程中发现的问题给出建议,以期能够利用“稿件追踪”平台为编辑出版单位防范、辨析“一稿多投”提供一种切实可行的方法.  相似文献   

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