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填充母料是将片各种填充剂直接加入树脂中,然后混合、塑炼、挤出造粒。采用填充母料,可得到各组分均匀的制品,成型工艺稳定,生产效率高本文在PP或ABS中加入无机填料碳酸钙,以及钛酸酯偶联剂、液体石蜡、硬脂酸等其他助剂经过挤出合成了CaCO3填充母料,产品以熔体流动速率(MFR)和断裂伸长率以及拉仲强度等指标进行表征,得到了性能较好的产品配方。  相似文献   


The compound 5-amino-2-mercapto-1,3,4-thiadiazole (AMT) is utilized in the conservation of archaeological and artistic bronze artifacts, for their protection and for the removal of corrosion products. Many authors have discussed the utility and efficacy of this, but few have studied the products resulting from the reaction of AMT with bronze or with the corrosion products of bronze; this leaves the restorer with many doubts concerning the acceptability of this method. This paper discusses the study of products obtained from the reaction of AMT with synthesized corrosion products of bronze (malachite, paratacamite and brochantite) and with the commercial bronze alloy TM 23 (Cu 72%, Pb 15%, Zn 8% and Sn 5%). It was found that the film obtained from the direct reaction of AMT with the bronze alloy can be AMT itself, or the metallic complex Cu(C2H2N3S2)2·H2O if AMT is applied in a solution of an oxidizing acid. These results are expected to be of value to conservation scientists and restorers/ conservators concerned with the use of AMT for the conservation of bronze artifacts.  相似文献   

两汉俳优解   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文认为现今出土的俳优俑不应被混称“说唱俑”,并从出土的俳优俑和汉画像砖(石)入手,认为汉代俳优既是先秦古优的继体,又在社会地位、人员构成、表演伎艺等诸多方面与先秦古优有所区别。俳优伎艺在两汉社会中得到了各个阶层和不同年龄的人的喜爱;其社会地位的低下,人员构成的非侏儒化,将调笑、歌舞、杂技汇为一体的演出特点,对于中国古代说唱艺术和戏曲的发展都产生了深刻影响。  相似文献   

陈介祺(1813~1884),字寿卿,号簠斋,山东潍县(今山东潍坊)人,道光二十五年(1845年)进士,官至翰林院编修.他一生嗜好古物,鉴精藏富,治学严谨,是一位成就卓越的金石收藏与研究家,与江苏学者潘祖荫被并誉为"南潘北陈".我国已故著名古文字学家商承祚先生称他是前无古人、后无来者的一代金石鉴定大师.  相似文献   

网络环境中"信息找人"服务机制的实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在网络条件下,实现“信息找人”的主动服务机制。将会提高服务效率并节省用户的时间。本文论述了主动信息服务系统的结构体系和系统模型,并介绍了实现主动服务的关键技术。文章最后介绍了一个基于局域网的图书情报主动服务系统的开发过程。  相似文献   

冷静  董婷 《山西档案》2008,(2):34-35
金文档案是载有原始凭证价值的青铜器铭文,由于其形成时间久远,且长期埋藏于复杂、潮湿的地下环境,致使这些金文档案出现不同程度老化;出土后如不及时采取有效的保护措施,金文档案老化速度会加快,严重威胁金文档案寿命.  相似文献   

中国古代青铜器源远流长,萌芽于原始社会后期,夏代初步发展,商周鼎盛,春秋战国繁荣,秦汉则变革、中兴,两晋南北朝至隋唐走向衰落。青铜器在其漫长的发展过程中曾有过一种特殊用途,即作为金文档案的载体材料而存在,它作为历史上档案载体材料的一种,对金文档案的出现、发展、消亡产生了举足轻重的影响。  相似文献   

出土于甘肃武威城北2公里处雷台的铜奔马,被称为我国青铜艺术中罕见的杰作。1969年9月,武威新鲜公社新鲜大队十三生产队社员在雷台下面开挖战备地道,挖到10米多深的地方时,靠地道右面一侧显露了出一块用青砖砌成的墙壁,社员们以为挖到了"雷坛"里面。雷坛是雷坛祖庙上的筑坛,是过去老百姓祭祀天神、祈求风调雨顺的神坛。社员们几镐头下去,只听"轰隆"一声响,砖墙上出现了一个黑洞,一股阴寒的气味直冲过来,借着手电筒的光亮,发现遍地是排  相似文献   

村彦 《档案与史学》2007,(10):53-54
此次去哈尔滨,我在当地的古玩市场,购得了一面双鱼铜镜,后又去逛了逛金上京遗址,回沪后,便有了读金史的安排.  相似文献   


Two Spiritelli attributed to Donatello have been extensively studied from a technical point of view, including X-radiography, alloy analysis, characterization of the core, and visual observations on the interior and exterior of the statues. The results of this technical study reveal how the two statues were cast and document the artist’s technical choices. These new insights offer additional information to address questions regarding their attribution, production context, and conservation history. First, the technical study confirmed that the statues were made by the same workshop and argues against the prior proposal of different attributions for the two figures. Second, the results strongly suggest that the statues have never been separated since they were taken off Luca Della Robbia’s Cantoria. Finally, study of the two Spiritelli offers further evidence of the heterogeneity and ingeniousness of Donatellos bronze artistic production, and contributes to the ongoing debate whether the artist himself was involved in the technical aspects of his sculpture.  相似文献   

Artistic patination is a traditional colouring technique for metal sculpture, employed by artists in ancient and modern times for aesthetic purposes. Today, knowledge of the artistic value and the chemistry of this superficial chromatic layer, called ‘artistic patina’, can be successfully acquired through a close collaboration between living artists, foundry artisans, and scientists. Starting from several interviews with the Italian artist Nado Canuti and foundry artisans, specific information was gathered about patination methods and the artist’s attitude towards materials restoration. Afterwards, the patinas most used by Canuti were reproduced to study their nature before any ageing or degradation. Their chromatic values, morphologies, and compositions were studied employing a range of techniques such as colour measurements, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and micro-Raman spectroscopy. The collected data revealed the formation of main compounds (cuprite, cassiterite, rouaite, chalcocite, isocubanite, and ferroxyhite) and additional compounds (atacamite and CN-containing compound). The scientific results, as well as the artist’s statements concerning the patinas’ significance, maintenance, and conservation, will contribute towards the future care and preservation of Canuti’s sculptures.  相似文献   

青铜器是中国古代文化艺术品中的杰出代表.地处美国纽约的首阳斋系由宁波籍旅美华裔著名收藏家范季融创建,注重青铜器所蕴涵的文化与学术内涵,多年来珍藏有百余件中国古代青铜文物,被视为当今世界该艺术门类的重要私人收藏之一,在海外收藏家中独树一帜.  相似文献   

河南地处中华腹地,是中国古代文明的主要发祥地之一。悠久的历史与丰富的文物,使得这片土地充满了神秘的魅力。近几十年来,河南文物考古工作取得了很大的进展,数十处旧石器遗址的发现、数万处古代遗址与古墓的发掘、上百万件古代历史文物的出土,使河南的往昔充满辉煌。河南博物院就建立在这样一个优厚的文化遗存上。新建的河南博物院是中原一座大型的现代化的文物收藏、保护、研究、宣传、教育的中心。要使得新的博物院办成一个地区文明的象征,精神的归属,知识传播的良师益友,很大程度取决于新的陈列形象的确立。为使博物馆陈列适合…  相似文献   

<正>山东省博物馆所藏的这件颂簋,是西周晚期的器物。通高30.1、口径24.2厘米。圆盖圆腹,子母口,盖顶有圈形把手。圈足,下附三兽足。腹部两侧有一对兽形耳。口沿上下各饰一周窃曲纹,盖与腹均饰横条脊纹,圈足饰垂鳞纹。盖器同铭,各铸15行152字。铭文中提到此簋的主人名"颂",故将此簋称之为颂簋。  相似文献   

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