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By using X-ray powder diffraction to identify the crystalline constituents of ceramics, especially porcelains, a considerable amount of information can be obtained from a very small sample. The characteristic mineral in hard-paste porcelains, stonewares and highfired earthenwares is shown to be mullite, an aluminium silicate, 3Al2O3. 2SiO2, (A.S:T.M. 15–776); where there is a high calcium content aluminium silicates may occur e.g. anorthite, CaO. Al2O3. 2SiO2, (A.S.T.M.10–379) and gehlenite 2CaO. Al2O3. SiO2, (A.S.T.M.9–216). Among the soft-paste porcelains, whitlockite, β calcium orthophosphate, Ca3(PO4)2, (A.S.T.M. 9–169), is typical of those containing bone-ash, and enstatite, magnesium meta silicate, MgO. SiO2 (A.S.T.M.7–216) is typical of those containing soapstone. The glassy-frit porcelains generally contain a calcium silicate, wollastonite or pseudowol1astonite, CaO. SiO2, (A.S.T.M.10–487 and 10–486). In addition, silica–either as α quartz or cristobalite–may occur in varying proportions in all these bodies.  相似文献   


Ivory can undergo severe cracking and splitting when exposed to adverse environmental conditions. The anisotropic dimensional properties of ivory have been investigated under varied temperature and relative humidity conditions. Migration of moisture into and out of ivory was found to play the principal role in its expansion and contraction. To control the resultant swelling and shrinking, the use of polymer coatings and waxes to act as moisture barriers was examined. A particularly effective polyvinylidene chloride emulsion was further tested for facility of application and aesthetic appearance. The incorporation of plasticizers into ivory to reduce brittleness and thereby relieve stress was also investigated.  相似文献   


Preventive conservation, with its origins grounded in the material fabric of cultural material, is in a period of transformation, with numerous practitioners, in and outside of the field of conservation, considering its broader and holistic objectives. The conventional tools for the assertion of preventive conservation principles, namely the assessment and management of risks to cultural material from the ‘ten agents of deterioration’, have a central focus on the primacy of physical materials and degradation, with less clear relationships with people, place, and time in their modelling. With a case study focus on collections in the Philippines, this paper argues for a practice of preventive conservation that incorporates a balanced assessment and broader thinking around the contexts of objects, people, place, and time. The case studies of ecclesiastical Church collections, and museum environments in the Philippines, demonstrate how the interdependency of objects, people, place and time forms a holistic and conceptual preventive conservation framework. Through a cyclic renegotiation of these four parameters, this paper speculates on the gaps and opportunities for an inclusive view of preventive conservation that is current and more sustainable.  相似文献   


Risk management approaches have been increasingly used at the British Library to inform and support collection care decisions. This paper addresses the ways in which these methods have been used to address specific preservation issues at the Library, using appropriate case studies: rehousing the microfilm collection, adapting pest management protocols, replacing box-making equipment and assessing the environmental conditions of the philatelic collection. As well as allowing complex, multi-faceted preservation problems to be addressed, this approach also allows options to be presented in a succinct and readily understandable manner to non-specialist colleagues and other stakeholders and helps to ensure buy-in.  相似文献   

E-learning环境下学习对象的组织及其知识库建设研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全面阐述国内外学习对象组织建设发展现状的基础上,深入分析我国学习对象资源组织建设方面存在的问题,指出构建学习对象知识库是学习对象资源组织的主要途径,提出我国学习对象知识库的构建原则与总体框架,对学习对象知识库建设中涉及的元数据、内容封装、互操作等关键技术进行具体分析,同时明确建立学习对象知识库联盟的观点。  相似文献   

文章简要介绍了国内外图书馆学研究对象的各种学说,并重点对"图书馆及其事业说"和"知识说"之争进行了分析比较,提出了自己对于图书馆学研究对象及确立原则的认识.  相似文献   

随着新型档案对象不断衍生发展,其所对应的保管体系也呈现出明显的阶段性和连续性特征。通过梳理档案保管思想的发展脉络,对保护、保存、管护等相关概念进行辨析,厘清了不同概念内涵所匹配的保管对象、保管内容及适应态别,深入分析了由于保管链延展带来的保管体系不断迭代、技术内容日益丰富、保管目标层级升级演进的必然趋势,提出依托相关保管概念内涵来构建档案对象保管体系的具体策略.即有针对性地延缓实体老化、防范技术老化、适应文化老化。把握档案保管理念演变的内涵与规律有助于更新档案管理理念,更好地应对档案管理对象数字化转型。  相似文献   


The preservation state of parchment primarily depends on the structure of the collagen fibre network, which in turn is responsible for optical anisotropy, i.e. birefringence. Polarised light microscopy can therefore be used as a non-invasive technique that allows recording of birefringence distribution in the parchment, which directly relates to stress–strain distribution. Using samples from diverse sources (commercial parchment, parchment used by restorers for book binding, and parchment fabricated for the purpose of this study), we assessed the capability of polarised light microscopy for various diagnostics. We performed, for instance, identification of gelatinised regions, layered or ?brous regions in parchment cross section, qualitative analysis of parchment fat content (lipids), observation of stress-induced patterns resulting from tensile tests, and observation of water diffusion. These proof-of-principle experiments extend the capability of polarised light microscopy far beyond its common use and open the path to its deployment in conservation studies.  相似文献   

论图书馆法的调整对象   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文评介了我国图书馆学界关于图书馆法调整对象的几种主要观点,分析了我国图书馆法调整对象的具体内容和法律特征,进而探讨了图书馆法的定义和法律地位。  相似文献   

艾晶 《中国博物馆》2005,14(4):52-56
目前国内一些博物馆,对物的科学保护缺乏力度,仅把主要目光投放在存放物的库房,而对陈列厅及其它相关环节的物保护却乏善可陈。笔从物科技保护学的角度,立足本单位的工作实际和专业技术诉求,在对博物馆陈列厅内物保护方面所存在的潜在隐患进行综合剖析的基础上,从展陈理念和提升博从业人员的物科技保护意识以及职业素养等方面,对妥善解决陈列厅内物科技保护之新途径等问题做了探索。[编按]  相似文献   


Plaster casts of ancient sculpture were widely collected by universities and museums through the nineteenth century. One of the intended functions of these casts was to preserve accurate 3D records of the sculptures, many of which were in remote locations around the world, often vulnerable to damage from weathering and vandalism. Gypsum plaster makes excellent casts, capturing fine surface details; however, it is also soft, porous, and easily damaged. This paper draws upon historical archives and patents to reveal the considerable efforts made during this period to create new techniques, recipes, and equipment to try to protect the casts. Case studies are selected primarily from the collection of casts put together by Walter Copland Perry in the 1880s, originally for the South Kensington Museum but transferred in 1907 to the British Museum. Samples were taken from a number of these casts and examined using scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy. These results, combined with archival evidence, demonstrate that protective coatings were carefully applied in thin coatings to many of the casts. Barium appears to have played an important part in these protective treatments and further testing is recommended to evaluate the precise nature of its role. These treatments successfully protected the delicate surfaces of the casts for many years. However, later neglect means that these casts now suffer from a range of other threats to their condition.  相似文献   

国内外数字资源长期保存研究现状与进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文首先对数字资源长期保存国际会议(IPRES)以及国外具有代表性的启动项目进行简要介绍,进而分析我国数字资源长期保存的研究现状,通过比较国内外研究现状及进展情况,找出我国与国外的差距,并提出我国数字资源长期保存的几点建议.  相似文献   

数字对象的存储与传输   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
数字对象按被使用时的表现形态可分为四大类:静态文档对象、流媒体对象、复合数字对象和交互式对象,不同的数字对象对应着不同的传输形式,这一特点决定了数字对象需要不同类型的服务器;在对象服务器内部 ,数字对象的命名体系和寻址方式决定了服务器的可维护性和可扩充性,文章给出了一个零维护解决方案;数字对象的打包和传输方式影响着客户的使用质量和为此付出的成本,本文同时给出了一个文档对象的打包形式和传输方式;最后说明了一个数字对象服务器的实现  相似文献   

1工程竣工档案交付现状 100吨电炉连铸工程是河南省"九五"期间的重点工程.从100吨电炉工程项目立项开始,我们就注重对其图纸资料的管理进行监督指导,多次和工程指挥部联系,建立档案室,并经常对档案管理人员进行业务指导.截止2000年8月份,除特殊情况外,竣工档案的交接工作已基本结束.  相似文献   

社会活动中产生的文件是人类社会的集体记忆,不少档案还具有作为学习和研究源的作用,因而人类社会活动中产生的档案必须被保存,有些还得永久保存。 档案馆是保存档案的机构,几个世纪以来,档案工作者通过对各类档案的安全存贮、维护与著录,已……  相似文献   


Borobudur was constructed around 800 a.d. and abandoned in the 10th century. The history of its rediscovery in the early 19th century and subsequent restoration are discussed. An outline is given of various factors leading to the present preservation programme. The structure of the monument is described. Borobudur recalls the most elementary form of a stupa but is also a replica of the universe in Buddhist cosmology.

The monument measuring 123 meters at its base is c. 31 meters high and has 504 statues and eleven series of bas-reliefs consisting of 1460 scenes; the total length of the sculptured surface is c. 3 km. The foot of the monument with the lowest series of reliefs was hidden by the ancient builders by a stone encasement. The significance and function of Borobudur are discussed from an historical point of view.  相似文献   

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