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Background: Romania is a low‐income country of 22 million people and, currently, information regarding mental health research is limited. Romania is one of the last countries in eastern Europe not to have its own bibliographic biomedical database. Aim: To assess the content and quality of Romanian psychiatric research activity over time. Method: embase (1980 to April 2008), medline (1950 to April 2008) and Psyc INFO (1806 to April 2008) were systematically searched for psychiatric articles originating from Romania. The sample from Psyc INFO was described. Results: Psyc INFO was by far the best source of Romanian mental health literature with a considerable increase in the publication activity since 2000 (Psyc INFO identified 3236 hits, medline 549, embase 139). Most papers are in English, but a sizeable minority are in Romanian (30%), French (4%) or Hungarian (4%). The main topics of interest are cognitive processes, creativity, schizophrenia and cognitive development and stress and are, according to Psyc INFO’s indexing, ‘empirical studies’. Seventeen randomised trials were identified with all studies after 2000 being sponsored by industry. Conclusions: Surprisingly, and not in keeping with other studies of the literature of neighbouring countries, Psyc INFO is the major source of psychiatric bibliographic records of this region. There are signs of a resurgence of research activity in Romania and as the number of local mental health workers increases we can expect more output. Industry is now funding evaluative studies in Romania. As everywhere, but perhaps more acutely in situations of severely limited research support, there is a difficult balance to be struck between benefiting support and losing independence.  相似文献   

none 《文物保护研究》2013,58(4):168-175

A painting by A. Jorn on masonite board was badly damaged by fire. It was impregnated from the back with an acrylic binder by means of vacuum. The blisters were then laid using a vacuum hot-table at 75°C, the introduced acrylic acting as adhesive.  相似文献   

通过参阅多个通用的元数据规范,结合北京服装学院多年建设服装数字图书馆的实践经验,我们对服装图片元数据的内容结构进行了修订调整。文章对其中核心元素的各个方面作了阐述,如元素定义属性的规范、修饰词的增加、编码体系修饰词的增加、著录标识符的使用、规范档的使用等,最后提供了著录范例以帮助理解。  相似文献   


This study provides an empirical, practical measure of the citation practices of the two highest courts in the state of Indiana during a recent ten-year span (1994-2003). It focuses on the type of legal materials most frequently cited as authority, examining the importance of both primary and secondary sources. It also demonstrates the importance of housing and maintaining complete appellate briefs from the two highest courts in the state of Indiana.  相似文献   

Between the years 1855 and 1863, the opinions or “reports” of the United States Court of Claims were delivered to the House of Representatives for final consideration. In total, 296 cases were conveyed, but in the process, Report 42 was lost and, according to indexes of such documents, “never received by [the] House.”This article cites examined records of the Court of Claims, from both the United States Congressional Serial Set and original documents now in the National Archives, which support the contention that there was a completed opinion for Court of Claims Report 42 that was lost sometime during its transfer between the Court and the House.This 150-year-old case – Letitia Humphreys, Administratrix of Andrew Atkinson – was one in a long list of judicial proceedings, involving over 100 claimants, that resulted from the 1812 invasion of Florida by the United States, and that concerned the payment of interest to those compensated under the last clause of the ninth article of the 1819 Treaty of Amity, Settlement, and Limits, Between the United States of America and His Catholic Majesty. These Florida petitions were examples of early claims actions against the federal government, in many cases after decades of inaction.  相似文献   

In the 1880s, Lord James Bryce traveled extensively throughout the United States to study and write about the American democracy. As part of his multivolume work, he developed a theory of the nature and power of public opinion with a central role for the media (newspapers). Today, new communications technologies vastly increase the exposure of politicians and voters to each other, resulting in an increase in the power of public opinion. Bryce's theory is formalized into 12 propositions and a theorem is derived that has significant implications for society in the contemporary age of multiple channels of communication.  相似文献   

作者首先较详细地介绍了新成立的温州市服装图书馆,结合温州服装名城的特点,从内、外部环境分析,提出了建立服装图书馆的可行性,并就服装图书馆如何借力社会资源开拓发展谈了自己的看法。  相似文献   

于善浦 《历史档案》1999,(4):99-105
清初后妃制度至康熙朝才典制齐备,规定在同一时间内,在内廷只有皇后一、皇贵妃一、贵妃二、妃四、嫔六,贵人、常在、答应无定数(1)。在这八个等级中,贵人处在妃、嫔与常在、答应之间。纵观清东陵和西陵所埋葬的后妃女子,共有215人。实际上宫中的后妃女子的人数要更多一些,因为有的死后并没有入葬这两处皇陵中(2)。遍查清宫有关后妃档案及资料,可看出清宫后妃女子中,曾充当过贵人者,竟达95人之多。如果把相当于贵人身份的庶妃、格格都计算在内,则贵人等级的女子则占清宫后妃女子的一半以上。所以清宫贵人应成为一个比较…  相似文献   

2003年7月 7日,“七七事变”66周年,一起有关名誉侵权的案件在日本东京地方法院开庭。案件的原告之一为向井千惠子,一个对中国人来说很陌生的名字,但她的父亲中国人却并不陌生——1937年南京大屠杀时用军刀展开杀人竞赛的两名日军军官之一向井敏明。向井千惠子控告《每日新闻》(1937年时称为《东京日日新闻》)在1937年11月到12月间报导的“百人斩杀人竞赛”为“假新闻”,“损害了前人的名誉”。 在中国人看来,日本人在侵华战争中残酷杀害了无数无辜中国百姓,杀人者的后代不仅未代前人向被害者的遗族表示歉意,反而理直气壮地指控日本报刊“作…  相似文献   


A very moderate, non-destructive radioactivation of oil paintings, induced by thermal neutron bombardment, such that approximately only one in 1012 of the atoms comprising any painting is transformed into a radioactive species, has been found to produce temporary radioactivity sufficient to expose photographic film placed in direct contact with the paintings.

The resulting autoradiographs resemble conventional X-radiographs in that they reveal structural details in depth of both the painting and its support. Since the radioactivities arising from the different elements within a painting decay in different manners and at different rates, a series of significantly distinct auto radiographs can be obtained of any painting by making exposures through appropriate filters and at varying times following the original activation. Analysis of such a series of autoradiographs permits the identification of a number of the pigments used in a painting, together with information about the manner in which they were originally laid down by the artist and their distribution throughout the body of the painting.

Preliminary investigations have shown that the stability of oil paintings is unaffected by the activation procedure. The inherently necessary radiation dose absorbed by a painting as a result of activation sufficient for autoradiography is of the order of 50 rads. Paintings subjected to absorbed doses one hundred times as great as the dose necessary for autoradiography exhibit no changes in color, hardness, flexibility and solubility three years after their original activation.  相似文献   

古籍修复原则   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
业内一直把"整旧如旧"作为古籍修复的基本修复原则.但对于这一原则经验不同的人认识不尽相同.本文试图通过时修复工作诸方面的分析,采用国际上通行的术语,论述有关修复原则的各方面内容.  相似文献   

This article reveals ten lessons learned from a four-country print-versus-Internet resource retrievability survey of African high court opinions from Botswana, Kenya, Namibia, and South Africa for 1990–2010. The lessons draw upon empirical findings about the courts themselves and the challenges of conducting foreign case law research. This article contributes a new perspective to the conversation about how researchers ought to be equipped for evolving foreign, comparative, and international law (FCIL) work.  相似文献   

古籍修复与人才培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对古籍保护试点单位修复人员的数量、职称、学历结构等状况的调查和古籍保护工作的需要进行分析和论述,指出古籍修复人才匮乏问题是古籍保护工作的瓶颈,通过不同途径培养古籍修复人才并为他们的成长和工作提供良好的环境,是做好古籍保护修复工作的关键。  相似文献   

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