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Study by X-ray microanalysis of 155 coloured grounds from French paintings of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries allowed us to establish the nature of their constituents. The colour was introduced by three varieties of pigment, brown earths, ochres and iron oxides which were used in combination with calcium carbonate, lead white and minium. This confirms the recipes mentioned in the old treatises. The presence of barium sulphate, unexpected in this period, is connected with the nature of the coloured pigments and the place of execution of the works.  相似文献   

Curious Archives examines the creation of the museum of archives, the Musée de l’Histoire de France, at the Imperial Archives of France under the direction of Leon de Laborde, 1858–1867. This museum was intended as a crucial tool for publicizing the Archives and educating the public, but also represented a break from the Archives’ role as administrative storehouse both in practice and in the popular imagination. The museum’s conception and reception reveal conflicts around the Archives’ mission and contents, particularly regarding public interest, the potential dangers of public curiosity, and nature of documentary and historical knowledge in nineteenth-century France.
Jennifer S. MilliganEmail:


By studying the mechanism of sulphation of silver-gilt objects in relation to the method used for gilding, its thickness and its appearance, it has been possible to develop a procedure for electrolytic treatment. The two-step treatment is carried out in a buffered solution of sodium nitrate and comprises cathodic reduction of the silver-based corrosion products followed by anodic dissolution of the reduced silver. The behaviour of the different materials is described, as well as certain limiting factors.  相似文献   


An application of holographic interferometry on a work of art under restoration is described. The artifact is a panel, a bronze bas-relief 80 × 80cm2 in size. Double exposure holograms and real time interferometric tests were recorded in a laboratory equipped with holography. These techniques have shown the kinetic behaviour of the artifact in response to a small thermal stress, simulating the larger deformation caused by the daily thermal variation in the natural environment. In this way, it has been demonstrated how temperature variations affect both particular parts of the object and its overall structure, acting in time as an agent of deterioration.  相似文献   


The technique by which a Byzantine dome-painting overlying an earlier painting was detached as a single unit is described.  相似文献   

d improvin     
etic fit the special requirement of embedded system.memory management;buddy arithmetic;first-fit arithmetic;dynamic memory allocating arithmetic0计算机工程Computer Engineering97-99TP301.6I138  相似文献   


The application of a ‘feature card’ (or optical coincidence) system of information-retrieval to the field of museum conservation and scientific examination is described in detail. The advantages of the system are briefly discussed and its possible extension to the field of museum registration in general is suggested.  相似文献   


L'article fait le bilan de l'emploi d'insectes auxiliaires, la guêpe parasitoïde Trichogramma evanescens, dans le cadre de la lutte contre une infestation de mites des vêtements Tineola bisselliella au sein des réserves du Musée d'Ethnographie de Genève. Après deux saisons de déploiement d'auxiliaires et l'observation de la présence de mites au moyen de pièges à phéromone, il a été conclu que les auxiliaires étaient inefficaces en raison de leur manque de mobilité. En outre, la distribution d'insectes auxiliaires a nécessité une campagne importante de nettoyage de l'ensemble de la collection concernée afin d'éliminer les auxiliaires morts. L'infestation de mites a finalement été maîtrisée par les moyens traditionnels d'hygiène, de recherche méticuleuse de foyers, et de traitement par anoxie.  相似文献   

博物馆里正在举办一位著名老画家的国画展,观众熙熙攘攘,人流如织,气氛十分火爆。我夹杂在人群中,细心地观赏面前这些千姿百态的作品,仿佛走进了一片惬意的山水之间。突然,我看到地上有一枚一角钱的硬币,在光洁的大理石地板上,显得格外扎眼。  相似文献   

博物馆里正在举办一位著名老画家的国画展,观 众熙熙攘攘,人流如织,气氛十分火爆.我夹杂在人 群中,细心地观赏面前这些千姿百态的作品,仿佛走进了一片惬意的山水之间.突然,我看到地上有一枚 一角钱的硬币,在光洁的大理石地板上,显得格外 扎眼.  相似文献   

黄文 《湖北档案》2003,(4):22-23
一群9至13岁的孩子,由家长领着,从北京、天津、山东、上海等地来到北京中国戏曲学院附中,通过严格的考试,再交纳三万余元的学费,自费学京戏。 “我爸说,要是我学京剧学好了,他给我买好吃的”一个小家伙拖着长长的天津腔,讲得眉飞色舞。 “我爸小时候是一个京剧迷,可他自己没唱出来。现在,他看我学这个不错,就找亲戚借钱,让我来了。”一个北京工人的儿子告诉我。  相似文献   

战争爆发的原因是多种多样的,但几乎完全是由于新闻记者的原因而引起一场战争的事例,历史上是鲜见的。十九世纪末的“美西战争”被人们称为“新闻记者的战争”,又因为《纽约新闻报》主办人赫斯特在其中的主要作用,此次战争又被称为“赫斯特的战争”。赫斯特的时代正是美国新闻史上所谓的“黄色新闻”时期。新闻界以各种各样耸人听闻的、虚构荒唐的新闻来吸引读者。他们对每一件新闻都要加以渲染,以  相似文献   

ation,natural grassland degradation and wetlands shrinking.This paper comprehensively explored the characteristics of th  相似文献   

Protégé本体构建工具应用调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析Protégé本体构建工具的管理机制,通过应用实例的调查统计,对其应用学科范围进行总结;并从运用领域、规模、细节处理等方面入手,分析国内外4个本体实例的特点,Protégé应用的优势在于是开源软件、提供多种可选择的插件以及支持基于框架和网络本体语言两种可选模式等方面,但本体关系的可视化表示有待改进.  相似文献   

由于长期受到世界的抵制,一般人对南非的认识仅止于“种族隔离政策”,甚至以为它是一个落后的蛮荒国家,事实上,它是整个非洲大陆最开发的国家。 欧洲人在开普敦登陆之后,逐渐向内陆移转,然后才建立了各城镇,开始了南非的文明。荷兰政府在  相似文献   

在汽车行业竞争如此激烈的时代,各家品牌都在不断的自我提升品牌规格。在今年的政府采购公务车政策中,呈现出合资品牌与自主品牌平分江山的趋势。为此,本刊  相似文献   

中国历史上有很多皇帝都会作诗。不用说是养在深宫的皇太子,有太傅的专门训练,在当王储时就把诗才准备好了,就是有些出身草莽、起于行伍的开国皇帝,也有人能作出一鸣惊人的好诗。对此如果略加考辨,颇可玩味出一些有益的东西。  相似文献   

父亲从事档案工作近四十年.日复一日的整理、誊写、编研把父亲从一名兰台新兵锤炼成一名有权威的老档案,年复一年的修复、熏蒸花白了父亲的乌发,各级组织的荣誉,填满了父亲个人的档案.  相似文献   

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