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This paper presents a pilot study that examined the information seeking behaviors of Chinese graduate students at the University of Windsor. Findings on current Chinese students' perceptions, expectations, and use of library services are highlighted including implications for academic libraries to meet international students' information needs.  相似文献   


Borobudur was constructed around 800 a.d. and abandoned in the 10th century. The history of its rediscovery in the early 19th century and subsequent restoration are discussed. An outline is given of various factors leading to the present preservation programme. The structure of the monument is described. Borobudur recalls the most elementary form of a stupa but is also a replica of the universe in Buddhist cosmology.

The monument measuring 123 meters at its base is c. 31 meters high and has 504 statues and eleven series of bas-reliefs consisting of 1460 scenes; the total length of the sculptured surface is c. 3 km. The foot of the monument with the lowest series of reliefs was hidden by the ancient builders by a stone encasement. The significance and function of Borobudur are discussed from an historical point of view.  相似文献   

一 中文善本古籍是祖先留给我们及我们的子孙后代的珍贵遗产,是中国历史文献的主要载体,是一个无比丰富有待进一步开发利用的文化宝库,然而随着时间的推移,这些中文古籍善本由于人为的损坏和自然的侵蚀,损毁严重,数量日益减少,因此亟待加强保存和保护.  相似文献   

古陶器的保管是一件十分棘手的事,素有陶瓷古国之称的中国陶瓷遗留物相当丰富,作通过长期实践,对国内各级博物馆占有较大比重的陶瓷藏品,提出一套完整的保管方法,包括,陶瓷的清洗、陶瓷的编目和如何入库上架等。  相似文献   

This article overviews work by the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) to build the workforce competencies and capacity of academic librarians in respect of librarian research skills. CARL's Librarians' Research Institute (LRI) is reviewed and evaluated as a case study example of strategic and collaborative workforce capacity building. The CARL LRI offers a model for possible replication by others seeking to build workforce competencies and capacity through collaborative action.  相似文献   

Abstract In 1997 the Monterey Bay Aquarium refined its mission to one concise statement: The mission of the Monterey Bay Aquarium is to inspire conservation of the oceans. This has led to increased conservation content in exhibitions and more evaluation studies focused on visitors' conservation knowledge, understanding, attitudes and behavior. This article reviews conservation‐related findings from the aquarium's exhibition evaluation efforts over the last 14 years, summarizing the major themes that emerge from this body of work. Findings suggest that visitors to the Monterey Bay Aquarium are interested in and receptive to conservation content and learn new conservation information from exhibitions. Visitors' interest is most influenced by their personal involvement with conservation issues and previous visitation to the aquarium. After leaving the aquarium, there is evidence that visitors retain specific conservation information and maintain levels of concern about conservation topics for weeks, and even months, after their visit. Additionally, some visitors use the Seafood Watch pocket guide to choose sustainable seafood months after visiting the aquarium.  相似文献   

In spite of the increase in formal and informal expectations for research by Canadian librarians, there have been few—if any—Canada-wide initiatives to help support librarians in meeting research expectations. Moreover, there have been few opportunities to address academic librarians' needs and Canadian librarian research culture in any systematic way, especially on a national scale. As a way of redressing these absences and filling this need, a four-day nation-wide institute was proposed and conducted in order to bring together Canadian librarians interested in developing their own research programs and working toward fostering a positive and productive research culture in Canadian academic libraries. This article describes the principles informing the institute's development and locates the institute's objectives within discussions of research culture, mentorship, and strengths-based approaches.  相似文献   

The 2013 Acquisitions Institute at the beautiful and historic Timberline Lodge in Oregon had absorbing presentations encouraging attendees to apply their values to inclusive collections that serve diverse communities, maximize the use of technology in services, and discern value in the products used and collections built. Updates from publishers, stories from collaborative collecting and sharing efforts, and citation analysis showed attendees a bigger, nuanced picture of resources and their use. The inaccessibility of electronic resources for patrons with disabilities was a sobering surprise for attendees. Materials allocation plans and valuing collections in new ways from various perspectives sparked provocative discussion throughout the conference.  相似文献   

This year the Acquisitions Institute was held May 19 through May 22, 2012, and brought together approximately eighty people from around the country. Seventeen presentations on acquisitions, collection development, and collection management were delivered over two days, with breaks, meals, and optional fun events providing ample opportunity to socialize and network. Written by a first-time attendee, this article describes the sessions of the 2012 institute.  相似文献   

《加拿大社会学期刊》(Canadian journal of sociology)在整个国际社会学期刊中有着重要的地位,但随着读者更多地通过图书馆来获取资源,它的订阅量不断下降,编辑的地位和职责也发生了改变,这些引发了人们对该行业评价体系的重新思考。开放获取可以增加期刊的可见度和使用量,这对学者来说是很有益的,但实现印刷版学术期刊的开放获取必须考虑到期刊编辑和出版过程中的所有环节。文章呈现了《加拿大社会学期刊》在开放获取的转变过程中,其主编个人的思考和总结。  相似文献   

裘开明与哈佛燕京学社汉和图书馆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张翔 《图书馆杂志》1999,18(8):47-49
1927年,受哈佛大学图书馆馆长A·C·柯立奇的委托,中国学者裘开明开始负责整理该校图书馆中的中日文藏书。裘开明先生从此开始了他在美国长达40年的图书馆生涯。 裘开明(1898-1977),字 辉,浙江镇海人。1922年毕业于武昌文华大学图书科,该校由美国图书馆学家韦棣华(Mary Elizabeth Wood,1862- 1931)于1920年3月创办,是中国最早的一所图书馆学专业学校。作为文华图书科首届招收的学生,裘开明先生毕业后来到厦门大学担任该校图书馆的首任馆长。1924年他又远渡重洋,赴美…  相似文献   

通过调查分析美国档案与文献保护专业排名首位的德州大学奥斯汀分校信息学院的文献保护与修复课程,介绍其所开设的17门课程的教学内容,总结整体课程体系的4个特点:内容全面、结构合理,层次分明、承接有序,理论与实践并重,保护与修复分明。兼而论及Preservation与Conservation两个专业术语的中文译法。  相似文献   

基于北京大学图书馆古籍修复实践,从古籍修复人员配置及其协作管理、古籍修复工作开展规律、古籍修复程序及相关管理、古籍修复技术特点及内涵的文化特质4个方面,总结修复工作的经验与模式,提炼古籍修复工作的核心特征,并延伸对古籍修复发展相关问题的思考。  相似文献   

This paper provides a preliminary report of a 5-year study that looks at graduate students’ perceptions of the information professions, and examines if and how perceptions change as they progress through their program of study, as well as over the years. The survey population is made up of students in the three streams of study (archives, information systems, and library and information science) at the Faculty of Information Studies (FIS) at the University of Toronto. The data, gathered from three iterations of a self-administered questionnaire over one and a half years, includes demographic profiles, as well as students’ views on the social status of various professions, including archivists and records analysts. Also included are students’ views on how much computing knowledge is required, salary expectations, career prospects, expectations for career and personal achievements, and reasons for pursuing the master’s degree. We examine differences between students in different streams of study, and differences between groups of respondents surveyed at different points in time. We hope that our findings will help us improve recruitment of individuals into the information professions.  相似文献   

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