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本文论述的BDM保护液在中和纸张中酸的同时,在纸张中沉积微量沉淀,既能使纸张保持7—7.5之强力缓冲的中性,又能与纸张纤维素、半纤维素基环上的羟基与羰基形成稳定螯合物,通过测试其与传统碳酸氢镁溶液处理的纸张老化前后耐折度、抗张强度、撕裂度及白度的保持率,证明该螯合保护液能使纸张耐久保存。  相似文献   

本研究课题选用放射性钴60作为能源 ,利用钴60的伽玛射线进行辐照 ,诱发炭化纸上的化学有机单体混合物重新接枝达到加固纸灰的作用。该课题彻底改变了昂贵的石英单体扩散器以便宜的不锈钢制造化学有机单体扩散器 ,并能多张纸灰同时加固。加固后能使炭化纸强度达到0 2千牛顿/M。2001年7月在国家专利局申请了科学研究专利 ,专利号为01120179 7。  相似文献   


The church of San Diego de Alcalá, located in Pitiquito, Sonora , in Mexico, lies on a missionary road founded by the Jesuit Eusebio F. Kino, which, with the expulsion of the Jesuit order in 1767, passed into the care of the Franciscans. It contains wallpaintings which presented deterioration problems whose cause was not easy to determine, since the damage appeared to be inconsistent with the techniques used and the environmental conditions. With an interdisciplinary team, a methodology was designed for a combined study of the environment of the church and its wallpaintings. Thermal imaging of the exterior and interior walls indicated that the building was made up of different materials, and the junctions between them explained the different deterioration pathologies between one zone and another. Hydrological maps for groundwater in the locality were studied, to elucidate the presence of water in a desert zone; abundant sources of water in the subsoil were identified, which, because of overexploitation of the land, have been diminishing over time. This allowed the elaboration of a plan for site management, through the identification of those deterioration factors that can be mitigated by simple maintenance actions that are inherent to the environment and the materials, which enabled a scheduled maintenance scheme to be implemented. This improved the condition of the building and its wallpaintings, while reducing the resource invested to achieve this goal.  相似文献   

基于北京大学图书馆古籍修复实践,从古籍修复人员配置及其协作管理、古籍修复工作开展规律、古籍修复程序及相关管理、古籍修复技术特点及内涵的文化特质4个方面,总结修复工作的经验与模式,提炼古籍修复工作的核心特征,并延伸对古籍修复发展相关问题的思考。  相似文献   


Oil paints dry by polymerization. This 'drying' process may be substantially complete and the surface of the paint film dry to the touch within weeks, but measurable changes continue for years. Other, slower processes also continue, primarily hydrolysis of glyceride esters. This produces carboxylic acid groups as either free fatty acids (in the case of acid groups that have not reacted otherwise) or acid groups bound to the crosslinked oil matrix (in the case of acid groups that have engaged in polymerization reactions). These may react with pigments to form carboxylate salts (called soaps in the case of a fatty acid). These changes affect the physical properties of the paint and the way that conservation treatments affect it. This paper examines the extent of hydrolysis and soap formation in some naturally aged drying oil and paint films, the extractability of these materials in organic solvents, and measured and predicted changes over time in the physical properties of naturally aged paint films. Long-term physical and mechanical changes due to aging are minor compared to those produced by overcleaning or excessive exposure to heat.  相似文献   

研究引入相关性算法,如最佳子集变量算法、二元变量相关性分析等,对用于大学科技竞争力评价的科学指标体系进行优化研究。通过获得的完整数据,分析2007年教育部23所高校的114个与科技相关的评价指标之间及这些评价指标与大学科技竞争力的相关性,获得大学科技竞争力评价的最优评价模型。在此基础上,利用其他年份的高校科技数据及ESI(Essential Science Indicator)的文献计量数据对最优评价模型的适用性与合理性进行验证,进而确定一套较为适用、合理的表征大学科技竞争力的指标体系。  相似文献   

链接指标用于网站评价的缺陷分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李江 《图书馆杂志》2008,27(5):40-44
在介绍网站评价与链接指标的相关内容后,详细分析了入链数、网络影响因子、Pag.erank算法等链接指标用于网站评价时存在的缺陷:其一,链接指标的"第一假设前提"成立的可能性仅20%左右;其二,商业搜索引擎(Google、Ahavista、Alltheweb等)难以准确获取链接指标值;其三,链接处于动态平衡中,链接指标用于网站评价时,将破坏"链接平衡态".  相似文献   

期刊是论文的主要载体,论文评价离不开期刊和期刊评价.期刊、期刊评价与论文评价的共同指标稀少,并主要集中于出版形式等次要指标的层面,在期刊论文社会影响方面的作用非常有限,作用边界较为模糊.  相似文献   

调研多所多学科发展的高校学术论文量化管理办法,综合其科学、合理的内容,对存在的不足,补充一些建议。以此为基础,提出一个适合理、工、文、经、管等多学科协调发展的高校学术论文质量评估新办法。  相似文献   

对已有虫霉防治技术与方法的评价直接关系到对它们的选择与利用,撰写本文的目的就是为了厘清这些问题,为与时俱进地正确选择与利用虫霉防治技术与方法提供理论基础。基于已有的科学研究与实践,本文对化学防治法与非化学防治法进行了剖析与评价,并对国内曾经使用及还在使用的具体方法进行了点评。指出利用非化学法完全可以达到预防馆藏文献虫霉发生的目的,只有在紧急情况下才可以采用熏蒸法杀灭虫害,建议灭菌尽量不用化学法。本文还对冷冻法、低氧法进行了详细讨论,指出其可能损坏藏品的风险区,以及使用过程中必须注意的关键问题。图1。表7。参考文献31。  相似文献   

信息时代,为了保证信息的安全以及实现全球信息的共享,各国纷纷着手进行国家信息基础结构建设.本文介绍了美国在数字信息保存上所作的努力,并简要评析了美国数字信息保存的体系框架.参考文献6.  相似文献   

NSTL资源规划和建设中的学科测度、分析与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学科结构是影响资源整体结构的最主要的因素.学科结构是否合理,配置是否优化,直接关系到整个资源格局的合理性和优化程度,对于满足用户需求、提高文献保障具有显著的影响.本文主要介绍NSTL研究项目——"新时期NSTL资源建设格局与策略"中有关学科结构测度、分析与评价方法的相关研究,提出了NSTL资源建设中的学科结构测度的基础和方法,分析总结了学科分析、评价的指标体系,包括学科重要性、学科覆盖率、学科优先性、学科使用率、学科增长幅度、学科交叉度等,进而提出了基于学科的资源等级划分、资源建设内容、资源建设力度等方面的规划与建设策略.  相似文献   

本研究以细菌纤维素作为纸质档案的加固剂,制备不同质量分数的细菌纤维素水分散液,均匀喷涂在纸张上,对纸张进行加固处理。采用万能材料试验机、耐折度仪、扫描电镜、柔软度仪、光泽度仪、厚度仪、非接触式分光光度仪、pH计和超景深显微镜等,表征细菌纤维素对纸质档案的加固作用;利用TG/DTG热分析仪和红外光谱仪,表征细菌纤维素对纸质档案微观结构的影响。结果表明,质量分数为0.3%的细菌纤维素加固纸张后,纸质档案的机械强度提高最明显,加固纸张的效果最好;细菌纤维素在加固纸张的同时增加了纸张的稳定性,且没有改变纸张的微观结构。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]数字化的出现,给整个图书馆行业带来了巨大冲击和挑战。科学开展纸质馆藏管理工作,对于馆藏资源结构的调整、特色资源挖掘、电子图书建设、图书经费的节省起着关键作用。我国图书馆正经历资源重组的变革,借鉴国外图书馆管理工作中的经验与做法,有助于推动我国图书馆纸质馆藏的管理。[方法/过程]通过梳理OCLC官网信息及纸质馆藏可持续收集服务(SCS)具体服务案例,从基本概况、服务要素、服务流程等方面对SCS进行分析性介绍。[结果/结论]SCS借助GreenGlass软件,通过数据建模和数据可视化分析等手段,利用数据驱动管理纸质馆藏,可以为图书馆用户提供更加完善的纸质馆藏解决方案,指出纸质馆藏现状和发展趋势。其在数据采集及数据分析方面的经验可在服务流程、管理标准、软件开发等方面,为我国图书馆纸质馆藏管理工作提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

In late nineteenth-century USA, technological developments in paper production—a shift from a reliance on scarce cotton rag to plentiful wood—drastically reduced the price of newsprint. That decline helped overturn the reigning economics of the daily newspaper and resulted in the rise of new cheap papers with vastly expanded circulation. This novel mass press encompassed almost all Americans in the public sphere as represented by its pages. Focusing on newspapers in Detroit, this study examines the manifold consequences this shift had for the press's economics, its news agenda, and the implicit identity of the audience it addressed. The rise of a mass press in the late nineteenth century, however, was not specific to Detroit or the USA. As comparative historians have highlighted, the emergence of a mass press in Europe and elsewhere was a turning point that deeply marked the historical evolution of press systems around the globe.  相似文献   

认为学术论文评价方法在引导基础研究人员行为和科研产出方面具有重要作用,故有必要制定成本合理、科学公正的评价体系。以文献[3]提出的论文推荐-传播模型为基准,通过控制评价信息中大同行和小同行的比例、评价对象的选择方法以及给推荐者赋权3个策略来优化推荐-传播模型的学术评价功能。运用仿真方法验证优化策略的有效性后,提出利用平台用户的推荐-传播行为,自动计算学术论文影响指数、质量指数和价值指数的方法,从而构建一种新的学术论文评价方法。  相似文献   


This project examines the lightfastness of prints created with the most commonly used digital technologies (inkjet, color electrophotography, dye sublimation and digital press) along with prints created using traditional technologies (color photography, black-and-white electrophotography and offset lithography). The inclusion of traditional prints provides benchmarks for collection care professionals to better gauge the significance of the results. In this study, prints were subjected to two types of lighting used independently to simulate daylight through window glass and artificial indoor illumination. Five aspects of light damage were assessed: fade in the mid-tone neutral, fade in the darkest neutral tone, paper yellowing, changes in paper gloss and text readability. In general, digital prints were less sensitive to light than traditional prints; but each digital printing technology produced at least one sample that performed worse than its traditional benchmark in at least one of the aspects of light damage studied. Therefore, it is recommended that cultural heritage institutions strive to provide the most benign environment possible, taking display practices currently in use for traditional prints as a minimum starting point for the care of digital prints. Close monitoring for signs of change is also recommended.  相似文献   

武大明 《编辑之友》2018,(4):97-102
在新中国美术发展史上,版画的发展历程具有重要地位.文章通过对1949年-1966年十七年间出版的一些杂志封面的收集和整理分析,发现这些杂志封面装饰包含有众多艺术形式,其中木刻版画所占比例较大.新中国成立后,版画便捷性和广泛性的特点使其在期刊封面中的应用相当普遍,由此归纳出版画作品中所体现出的民族性特征、抒情性表达,以及对现代版画形式语言成果的彰显.  相似文献   

图书馆的图书流通率较高,容易感染和传播各种病菌.2003年非典期间,有许多图书馆被迫关门.做好图书消毒工作.能够预防疾病、降低隐患,对读者、馆员、图书馆乃至全社会都有着非常重要的意义,图书馆的公共卫生问题已纳入了卫生部门的监管范围.  相似文献   

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