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The polarization process in the formation and expression ofpublic opinion needs further exploration, especially in threeareas: (1) the reluctance to publicly voice one's own moderateor qualified opinion if that act would benefit a group at oneof the ends of an opinion continuum; (2) the imputation of aclustered set of opinions on a number of issues to those whohold opinions on one specific issue; (3) the formation of one'sopinion on an issue, based on the group identity of those whoare at the extreme of that issue. In (1), opinion formationaround an issue occurs not just on the individually assessedmerits of the issue but also on who are identified as supportersof one side or the other. Thus, those who see ambiguities arereluctant to express reservations about an extreme positionfor fear of giving aid and comfort to those at the other extreme.The perception of the public's opinion becomes distorted andthe issue will become further polarized. In (2), issue clustering,or 'bundling', occurs whenever those who are identified withone opinion are assumed to hold a set of other opinions which,taken together, make them pejoratively different kinds of peoplefrom those who so identify them. In (3), individuals form orexpress opinions about complex subjects based on the positionof groups they identify with rather than by an attempt to becomefamiliar with the issue.  相似文献   


Sulphuration is the main destroyer of marble, producing imaginary (not true) patina. Other reasons for the discoloration of marbles are discussed. Magnesium silicate saturated with de-ionized water is a safe and simple cleaner. Sintolite is advocated as an adhesive for marble rather than the general more fluid epoxy resins. Solid polyvinyl acetate is strongly advocated as the basis for sma1l repairs to internaIly housed marble. The consolidation of marble is discussed and a method for internal exhibits recommended. Conservation of unbaked clay is touched upon, and a method for the repair of terracotta suggested together with a process for the reproduction of a glazed frieze using a latex mould and epoxy-reinforced plaster casts. A few remarks are made concerning the dangers of cleaning alabaster with water. The commentary is of a general nature and is not intended as a strict blueprint for any particular object.  相似文献   


This study concerns a group of objects excavated in First World War trenches in France and Belgium and brought for conservation to the Institute of Archaeology, University College London. These objects were associated with unidentified human remains thought to be of soldiers killed in battles between 1914 and 1918. The contribution of the Institute to this project was to investigate the objects in relation to their context in an attempt to identify the human remains with which they were associated. The experience of working on sensitive material in a very particular context is discussed, and how this influenced the conservation context in which the decision-making process happened is described. It also addresses how some conservation boundaries were crossed, in order to contribute to a better understanding of life during the First World War, and discusses how material culture is valued differently in different contexts (and how this will influence conservation decisions). It concludes that neither object meaning nor conservation decisions can be viewed objectively and that conservation has to be viewed as a social process governed by economic, political, religious, social and cultural dynamics, rather than a primarily technical process.  相似文献   


The treatment of two silver bangles found at Rojdi and dated c. 2000 b.c. is described. The bangles were separated by removing the hard incrustations with a 20% sodium hexametaphosphate solution and 15% acetic acid. Silver chloride was removed with a 25% solution of 0.88 ammonia and a 20% aqueous solution of ammonium thiosulphate.

Silver sulphide was removed in a 20% formic acid bath. Polyvinyl acetate was used for consolidation, and a coating of polymethyl methacrylate was applied. The silver was found to contain copper and lead. The causes of embrittlement and the manufacturing technique are discussed.  相似文献   

倘若从十一届三中全会算起,改革开放至今已35年了,我也由青壮年进入了老年的行列.这些年,我的工作岗位几经变动,但始终未同教育和文化失去联系.如今己从大潮中退出,回忆一些难忘的经历,思索一些相关的得失经验,对于我们的文化教育事业,对于我国知识分子的成长道路,也许是不无意义的. 教育篇 1.参与高考试卷命题 改革开放初期,我是复旦附中的语文教师,有段经历,至今仍记忆犹新.  相似文献   

Do the listening styles preferred by young adults in Germany,Israel, and the USA differ significantly? In order to addressthis question, college students in all three countries completedversions of the Listening Styles Profile (LSP; Watson et al.1995) presented in their native languages. Factor analysis revealedfour predominant constructs underlying the LSP, which were designatedas people, action, content, and time listening styles. Comparisonsbetween the three cultures revealed distinctively differentpatterns of listening style preferences, with Germans preferringthe action style, Israelis endorsing the content style, andAmericans favoring both the people and time styles.  相似文献   


A survey is given of the environment of the monument, including its geographical and geological setting and meteorological data collected near the monument. The construction of Borobudur and the origin and consequences of damaging factors such as uneven settlements are discussed. Preliminary research required e.g. drilling programmes, soil mechanical studies, stone deterioration studies and investigations into the manufacture of concrete for foundations from local sources. The technical solutions proposed for the safeguarding programme are described in detail. Cost estimates, the organisation of the restoration project and landscaping and site development are mentioned. The duration of the project is estimated at six years. The complex and multi-disciplinary nature of the project requiring systematic planning both in the research and preparatory phases and in the implementation is stressed. Disciplines involved include amongst others: airphoto analysis, archaeology, architecture, chemistry, conservation techniques, geology, geophysics, hydrology, impermeabilization technology, landscape planning, microbiology, petrography, physics, soil mechanics, surveying and terrestrial photogrammetry.  相似文献   

IT project portfolio management (IT PPM) has evolved into a significant area of research interest, but we know little about IT PPM practices in public sector organizations. Therefore this article investigates decision-making processes in the IT PPM practices of local governments, and discusses how these practices match the normative advice proposed by the IT PPM literature. We rely on decision-making theories together with case-studies of four Danish local governments. We find that politics, intuition and coincidence play a crucial role in IT PPM decision-making, while technical rationality (as proposed by the IT PPM literature) plays a minor role. Our account also reveals how the decision-making practices create IT portfolio problems and in some aspects is considered to have a negative impact on the outcome of e-government investments. Our analysis and previous research into decision-making allows us to argue that implementing textbook-IT PPM is difficult because it relies on decision-making ideals that are incompatible with organizational contexts and individual behavior in these organizations. Instead of radically changing decision-making styles, the organizations might be better off improving IT PPM practice within the boundaries of their existing decision-making styles, and the IT PPM literature might improve support for practitioners by incorporating other decision-making styles besides technical rationality.  相似文献   

文化一出版事业的发展自民国肇造,上海即为出版最发达的都市,大块文章,名山事业,尽在斯矣。1949年大迁徙,不少上海出版机构随之跨海来台。在日据时期,台北市重庆南路一段就有"新高堂"、"文明"、"杉田"等日本著名书局营业,专售日本书与教科书,台湾人开设的书局较小,多卖二手旧书。1945年台湾光复后,东方出版社随即开  相似文献   

台湾第一的第一百货公司1965年10月5日位于台北市中华路的第一百货公司开业,名副其实成为台湾第一家大型现代化百货公司。1949年迁台的上海商业文化,因为第一百货公司的开业,发展到达顶峰。第一百货公司系上海商界人士徐伟峰、徐正风、徐之丰兄弟集资新台币八千万元所经营,邀请柬云章担任董事长;其巍峨的建筑、多样的经营方式,  相似文献   

生活一理发理容"上海"代表的是时尚《礼记·内则》:"栉縰笄总";《魏书·封轨传》:"君子整其衣冠,尊其瞻视,何必蓬头垢面,然后为贤"。古人从来重视理发。台湾在明郑成功时期,数次与清廷议和,都因"薙发"涉及了民族大义,没有谈拢。起码在"剃头挑子"的年代,  相似文献   

This paper is designed to measure the use of Information Technology (IT) in the university libraries of Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh with an ulterior objective to establish some co-relation between quality in libraries and use of IT. The paper highlights the use of hardware and software facilities in university libraries. It also highlights the access of networks, information services and barriers in IT applications. A survey conducted on four university libraries, namely Panjab University library, Chandigarh; Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla; Punjabi university Library, Patiala; and Guru Nanak Dev University Library, Amritsar found that only Panjab University Library, Chandigarh and GND university library, Amritsar have provided computerised access to in-house databases. The findings presented are based on a survey conducted with the help of questionnaires, interview and observation methods. Library literature reveals that quality depends on merging print culture with digital culture but the result of this survey confirm that print culture is still dominating in university libraries of this region.  相似文献   

This paper is designed to measure the use of Information Technology (IT) in the university libraries of Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh with an ulterior objective to establish some co-relation between quality in libraries and use of IT. The paper highlights the use of hardware and software facilities in university libraries. It also highlights the access of networks, information services and barriers in IT applications. A survey conducted on four university libraries, namely Panjab University library, Chandigarh; Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla; Punjabi university Library, Patiala; and Guru Nanak Dev University Library, Amritsar found that only Panjab University Library, Chandigarh and GND university library, Amritsar have provided computerised access to in-house databases. The findings presented are based on a survey conducted with the help of questionnaires, interview and observation methods. Library literature reveals that quality depends on merging print culture with digital culture but the result of this survey confirm that print culture is still dominating in university libraries of this region.  相似文献   

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