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In this article we explore Who Killed Sarah Stout? A Participatory Exhibit as a case study exploring how a multimodal approach to publishing special collections may facilitate dynamic engagement with historical evidence. Stout's murder in 1699 remains unsolved; framing the exhibit as a murder mystery, we consider several key goals: promoting critical engagement and use of primary source collections, advancing curricular and cocurricular learning, developing multimodal exhibitionary practices, creating learning opportunities through hybrid exhibitions, leveraging technology to generate new knowledge, and gaming as a mode of scholarly inquiry. The findings proved almost as interesting as the case itself.  相似文献   

《中国震撼世界》被誉为可与埃德加·斯诺的《西行漫记》相提并论的一部新闻巨作,然而,长期以来,新闻界对于《中国震撼世界》和杰克·贝尔登的了解和关注却远远不如《西行漫记》和埃德加·斯诺。《中国震撼世界》的典范性主要表现在:客观公正的职业精神、描绘世界的广阔细腻、刻画人物的丰富多姿、深沉独到的问题分析,然而由于政治权力、教育机制、媒介批评等因素的影响,《中国震撼世界》这部杰出的新闻巨作被埋没了。  相似文献   

The Image Directory is an online catalogue of information about art images unifying data from many sources into an easily searchable format. It breaks new ground in its aim to provide record-level access to the vast body of scholarly, but non-standardised, data on images that resides in the libraries, galleries and museums of the world.  相似文献   

尽管世界杯的硝烟已经散尽,尽管球迷们排山倒海般的呐喊声已经远去,但绿茵场上那一个个紧张激烈的鏖战场面依然历历在目,令人难忘.其中之一便是在1/4比赛中,东道主德国队以点球5∶3战胜阿根廷的点球大战.点球是残酷的,据专家分析,在如此短的12码距离,要想扑住变化莫测的如闪电而来的足球,从理论上讲是几乎不可能的.但是,德国队的门将莱曼靠自己准确的判断,不仅扑住了,而且扑住了俩!当全世界的目光都在注视这场超级大赛的时候,人们往往忽视了这样一个小小的细节:经过120分钟的恶战双方战成1∶1平局以后,在点球决胜之前的片刻期间,德国队守门员的教练科普克在一旁塞给莱曼一张小纸条.莱曼对着纸条看了一遍又一遍.原来帮助莱曼扑出俩球的真正功臣,正是这张不起眼的"神秘纸条".让我们揭开这张"神秘纸条"和它背后的故事,或许对搞好我们的档案工作会有一定的启示.  相似文献   

Courses: Introduction to Communication; small group; interpersonal

Objectives: This single activity demonstrates: (1) how interdependence can lead to better group outcomes than individual outcomes can; (2) how diversity of knowledge from multiple contributors helps group functioning; and (3) how students can be introduced to members of the department in a creative way. Successful completion of this activity familiarizes students with both administration, staff, and faculty members, as well as undiscovered resources.  相似文献   

“大狗熊”名叫孙宝才,他长得身高体重,膀大腰圆,而且憨态可掬,所以得了“大狗熊”的艺名。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):329-356
Prior telecommuting research has focused both on teleworkers without comparison to other employee groups and on pragmatic implications of this work arrangement across organizations. In contrast, this investigation situated telecommuting as a socially constructed process and practice within the context of a specific hybrid (federal agency and private sector) organizational culture. We used Martin's (1992) three cultural lenses as a framework for analyzing in-house and telecommuting employees' discourses. These three cultural lenses illuminated how and why telecommuting functions paradoxically in organizations. In the integration lens, members framed FEDSIM as a coherent, innovative, and “employee-centric” utopian culture. Differentiation subcultures diverged from the telecommuter and in-house distinctions that we anticipated based on previous research. Instead, differentiation discourses revealed complex divisions between promotable and non-promotable employees who adhered to different spatio-temporal orientations toward and definitions of work. Through the fragmentation lens, members' talk coalesced around several mysterious processes of the ways things are supposed to and actually do operate. These findings suggest interventions that can assist leaders and members in capitalizing on telecommuting's unique advantages.  相似文献   

罗德运 《图书馆论坛》2002,22(6):119-120
文献采访学是图书馆学的基本组成部分,本文对黄宗忠主编的《文献采访学》作了评介。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(1):115-137
This exploratory study examined sensemaking of peer co-worker deception from the perception of the deceived. A total of 58 narrative accounts of deception were collected via face-to-face interviews with 23 employed adults. Analysis revealed four primary narratives of co-worker deception: corrupt system narratives, “cover your ass” (CYA) narratives, personal gain narratives, and personality trait narratives. Perceived motives and consequences were primary considerations in the sensemaking process and employees reported changing their communication patterns to avoid deceptive co-workers or hold them more accountable for their actions. The theoretical and practical implications of these results are discussed and suggestions for future research are posited.  相似文献   

Inconsistency is often considered an indication of deceit. The conceptualization of consistency used in deception research, however, has not made a clear distinction between two concepts long differentiated by philosophers: coherence and correspondence. The existing literature suggests that coherence is not generally useful for deception detection. Correspondence, however, appears to be quite useful. The present research developed a model of how correspondence is utilized to make judgments, and this article reports on four studies designed to elaborate on the model. The results suggest that judges attend strongly to correspondence and that they do so in an additive fashion. As noncorrespondent information accumulates, an increasingly smaller proportion of judges make truthful assessments of guilty suspects. This work provides a basic framework for examining how information is utilized to make deception judgments and forms the correspondence and coherence module of truth-default theory.  相似文献   

Research question or topic formulation is an important skill for individuals to learn in order to become information literate. There are few reports in the literature on how to teach this skill and assess the instruction delivered. This article presents instructional strategies and an active learning activity that librarians can use to teach students how to develop research topics.  相似文献   

Interpersonal Deception Theory (IDT) argues that deception is an interpersonal action where people employ communication tactics to achieve various goals. Deception is a global concept; thus, much investigation has been conducted to determine the roots of such deceptive behavior. Through IDT, deception is categorized as a dynamic process where both the sender and receiver need to be engaged for deception to be successful. In extension of IDT, a study was conducted to determine the degree to which undergraduate students engage in deceptive behavior via text messaging. Through a survey design, undergraduate students' deceptive texting behaviors and deceptive detection traits were assessed. Results indicate that among undergraduate students, text messaging is an interpersonal form of communication that circumvents professionalism and power. Further, undergraduate students were much more likely to engage in deceptive texting with family and friends, but did so with significantly less frequency in the organizational setting.  相似文献   

Automated cataloging: the state of the art.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The art of cataloging is in a state of constant dynamic change. The capabilities of automation are causing changes in the tools we have at our disposal, the education and training we need to work with these tools, the caliber of staff we use at various stages of the cataloging process, and the physical form of the end product of the efforts of the catalog department. But perhaps of more importance is the cooperation and sharing between libraries on both the national and international level that become possible as the result of automated systems.  相似文献   

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