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易进 《学科教育》2003,(12):44-48,F003
以国际比较的视野分析其他国家的教育教学实践,可以使我国的教育研究和实践了解教育教学的多种选择。基于对四所英国小学的参观访问,以及与英国教师及教师培训的交谈,本对英国小学班级和教学组织的一些特点进行简要分析。在教学环境方面,学校为保持校园和课堂秩序井然进行了许多细致的教育工作;教室甚至走廊等空间被充分利用,以为学生提供丰富多样的学习资源;大部分学校学生没有教材,课堂学习主要使用教师自制的或从教学参考书中复印的材料。在班级制度和管理方面,学生班级相对稳定,但各班的教室和教师则随年级增高而每年都有所变化。教师所在教室和所教年级相对稳定,且一般由一位教师教授大部分的课程。在教学组织形式方面,提倡集体教学与分组教学结合,且分组教学活动灵活多样。  相似文献   

英国小学计算机机房根据不同的学习和教学活动需要设计成不同的布局方案,但布局宗旨是以人为本,布局原则是使学生在健康和安全的环境下轻松便捷地进行个别学习和小组学习,并积极参与教师组织的教学活动。不仅如此,英国关于计算机机房布局方面的研究也比较多,对人性化的机房布局提供了一定的理论指导。另外,英国专门研究机房设计与布局的教育公司也很多,为小学计算机机房的布局提供了很多设施和借鉴方案。而在我国,小学计算机机房的布局大同小异,主要从空间利用上考虑如何摆设计算机,计算机机房的利用目标也很低,主要是用于信息技术课,另外就是为偶尔的公开课所用,并没有把计算机机房作为一种日常的学习和教学环境。本文探讨英国计算机机房布局的主要目的在于从中获取一些启示,并借鉴之,以规划我国小学计算机机房的布局方案,提高机房的利用价值。  相似文献   

针对班级授课组织暴露出的重教轻学、机械死板等弊端,人们开始寻求进一步改革教学组织的祈举措。改革试图从全面系统的角度,分析研究影响教学活动的各种因素,寻求既不失集体影响,又有个人独立自学的教学组织形式,实现以班级授课组织为基础的教学组织的多样化。分组教学组织既是改革班级授课组织的一种尝试。分组教学是把学生按一定的标准(能力、成绩、兴趣、愿望等)编入不同的学习小组来进行教学的一种教学组织,目的在于以最佳方式为学生提供多种学习,使教学更好地适应学生的特点和需求。  相似文献   

受新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情的影响,为了响应教育部“停课不停学”的号召,全国中小学纷纷依托信息化平台和网络技术积极开展大规模的线上教学。在此期间,线上教学充分发挥优势与长处,灵活调配各类网络资源与平台,对基础教育信息化发展产生了深远影响。基于此,文章以基础教育领域中的班级管理为出发点,试图从疫情期间线上教学的宝贵经验中为疫情常态化防控阶段的班级管理提供相应的启示与建议。  相似文献   

国际比较研究表明,中小学德育与班级管理带有鲜明的文化烙印,体现着不同的文化理念和教育观念。美国小学普遍实行包班教学,教师对学生实行基于尊重、理解和等待的纪律。相比较而言,中国小学班级管理注重服从与竞争,强调行为训练。美国小学的做法对我国创新小学德育与班级的管理有重要启示。  相似文献   

小学生尚未形成正确的三观,容易受到外界环境的影响,因此对学生进行正确的引导非常重要。小学班主任是知识的传播者和优秀品质形成的引导者,责任非常重大。作为小学班主任的语文教师把班级管理工作与语文教学结合起来对班级管理具有非常明显的优势,能够提高班级管理的效率和学生学习语文知识的积极性。分析了小学语文教师作为班主任进行班级管理的优势,提出了小学班级管理和语文教学相互整合的策略。  相似文献   

提倡自主、合作、探究的学习方式,培养学生的合作意识和合作能力是新课程改革中明确指出的。而在有些大班额的环境下实施起来却有些困难,所以小组的建设模式必须适合于大班额环境,笔者从小组的划分、组员的分配、座位的安排、组长培训、小组责任的落实、组员的管理、小组考评细则的制定等方面进行小组合作模式的初探。  相似文献   

小学语文长久以来都是教育界紧抓的学科。班主任是与学生接触最多的人,班主任不仅要对班级实行有效地管理,还要进行日常教学教授学生知识。因而班主任的责任非常重大。本文从语言沟通、对学生的思想道德的影响方面对小学语文教学与班主任管理工作相结合的优势进行分析,致力于为我国小学班主任管理模式的改进提供一些有价值的参考意见。  相似文献   

小学语文课堂上如果有良好的教学环境,很好的学习氛围与合理的教学管理方法,就能达到理想的教学效果。语文课程传授给学生优秀传统品德和正确的人生观和价值观,而教学与班级管理二者相辅相成,将更好地提高学生的学习技能与人文素养等,为学生以后的成长成才奠定坚实的基础,也有利于学生发展成全面的高素质人才。  相似文献   

石祥梦 《考试周刊》2023,(44):73-76
在小学阶段,培养学生综合能力和丰富情感,有序实施班级管理,助推学生学业成绩的提高,广大教师责无旁贷。但是,学生的年龄尚小,情绪控制能力普遍较差,常常做出一些扰乱班级的事情,不利于班级的和谐和安定。通过小学语文情感教学的实施,可以有效改善这一局面。基于此,文章以小学语文教学为例,重点分析小学语文情感教学与班级管理的内在联系、情感教学对班级管理的作用、情感教学与班级管理有机融合的策略以及注意事项。  相似文献   


The aim of the study is to identify and examine the distance teaching practices of four teachers in three small, rural primary schools in Finland – small in the sense that the schools consists of between 20–50 pupils and between 3–12 teachers. The schools have experienced a decline in pupil numbers, thus, they are not able to employ teachers full-time. The participating teachers imagined distance education as one solution to extend the classroom and faculty. Practice architectures is used as a theoretical and analytical framework to answer the question ‘What cultural, material, and social discourses constitute the development of the practice around distance education in small, rural primary schools?’ The data consists of interviews with and video blogs by the teachers recorded during 2016–2017. The implications are that cultural-discursive, material-economic, and social-political arrangements surrounding distance education are intertwined in small schools. Architectural arrangements enabled flexible solutions when developing distance education. The same arrangements proved to be material and cultural constraints as the teachers had many responsibilities in their everyday practice and support from the faculty was sometimes lacking. The teachers felt constrained by the technology and communicating with pupils at a distance meant they had to develop new teaching strategies.  相似文献   

《数学课程标准》已明确将探究学习作为一种重要的数学学习方式加以提倡。如何在课堂教学中实现这一基本理念,需要结合小学数学教学,构建以探究学习为特征的小学数学教学模式。此模式的构建应包括模式的理论基础、模式的教学目标、实施程序及教学策略等方面的内容。  相似文献   


This paper briefly presents some of the main findings concerning the implementation of assessment in Greek primary classrooms, from a study which explored the relation between teaching, learning and assessment in the primary classroom. It examines the assessment practices used; the purposes teachers attempted to fulfil when assessing; and the content of these assessments. The broader aim of the study was to present a general picture of assessment procedures in a typical Greek primary classroom. Classroom observations, a questionnaire and informal interviews with observed teachers and pupils provided rich data regarding teachers’ practices and their views of assessment.  相似文献   

This paper reports an initial study on investigating inquiry-based learning in science in an upper primary class guided by an inquiry-based learning model in a seamless learning environment. Two questions are addressed: (1) how students advanced their domain knowledge?; and (2) how students developed their inquiry skills? One teacher and 27 Grade-four students from a local primary school were involved in the study. Six inquiry-based learning lessons focusing on a scientific “rustproofing” learning unit were conducted in a seamless learning environment, initiated in a digital classroom and extended to online discussions on a social network platform. Qualitative data were collected and analysed over two weeks. The results show ways that the students advanced their domain knowledge and developed their inquiry skills.  相似文献   

综合性学习开展有助于培养学生学习和探究的兴趣,中小学语文教材的综合性学习内容,从编排形式和活动方式上呈现出学科综合、校本主题综合、自由兴趣综合、跨学科综合等类型及特点。现阶段中小学综合性学习在教学中应如何把握,如何实施的教学策略是我们努力探讨并需要逐步解决的。  相似文献   

本文系统地总结了严复的教育理论特色。其理论是对当时中国的社会环境进行深刻反思,大力研究西方教育状况和特点后得出的科学教育思想,对现代学者研究我国的传统教育问题,推进我国的教育改革,仍然具有重要的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

This article presents the results of an evaluation of local teacher support strategies for implementing inquiry-based science education (IBSE) in French primary schools. The research objective was to determine which aspects of the French model of IBSE are implemented in class, and the efficiency of each teacher support strategy. Data were recovered through class observations. Findings confirm the need for long and continuous forms of teacher support, and expose the advantages and disadvantages of support delivered by pedagogues and support delivered by university science students. Writing in science class, which isa fundamental aspect of the French IBSE programme, is far from being implemented according to advocated practices.  相似文献   

发展性教学评价在小学信息技术教学中的应用探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
发展性教学评价是一项系统工作,需要具备必须组织实施、评价的标准和指标以及评价结果的呈现、评价的分析及反馈方式等方面的问题,实施的关键是要求教师用发展的眼光看待每一个学生,核心是重视过程的总评价。本文具体来探讨小学信息技术发展性教学评价实施的一般程序。  相似文献   

我国中小学的计算机教学 ,已经从个别实验阶段发展到普遍开展阶段。但学生对这门课程的兴趣并不高 ,其主要原因是教学目的不适当、教材体系不规范、教师队伍不稳定  相似文献   

This article discusses the impact of the worldwide trend to introduce English as a foreign language (EFL) into primary schools at ever younger ages. This trend has gained momentum in recent years, affecting millions of children in countries throughout Asia. A policy decision of this kind has far-reaching implications but it is often made without consideration of the availability of human and material resources for its implementation. The result is that children may end up learning little or no English, frustrating the intentions of national governments to develop English proficiency amongst the wider population which is, in turn, supposed to contribute to economic development. Drawing on evidence from India and Thailand, this article questions the economic rationale for introducing English into primary schools and argues that decisions on the starting age at which to teach English should, instead, be considered from an educational perspective, taking into account system constraints.  相似文献   

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