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解析了国家重点实验室协同创新能力的内涵与要素,梳理出协同创新能力的测量指标。通过德尔菲法、隶属度分析、相关分析和信度效度检验对指标进行甄别筛选,构建了国家重点实验室协同创新能力评价指标体系,采用模糊层次分析法确定了各级指标权重。选取化学领域的26个国家重点实验室作为协同创新能力评价的实证对象,对其协同创新能力进行模糊综合评价,对评价指标体系进行了验证。  相似文献   

Most Soviet applied research and development (R&D) is performed by organizations of industrial branch ministries. Pricing of applied R&D begins with calculations of costs. which are often inflated. Soviet specialists disagree on whether R&D prices should include a profit above cost, and, if so, how the profit should be determined. Current pricing schemes for applied R&D include profits based on planned wage cost, on planned total cost, or on the economic effect of the R&D.The use of the last pricing method is analyzed and evaluated in detail. In principle this method creates incentives for timely delivery of high quality R&D results suitable for assimilation into production. However, in practice the strength of these incentives is considerably weakened by a number of factors.  相似文献   


The convergence of computer and communication technologies has made it feasible to establish a universal international communications network linking all mankind. The information flowing through this network constitutes an increasingly important element of world trade and a major source of future economic growth. However, governments are hesitant to allow the creation of a fully integrated international information network and tend to restrict at least some information flows for privacy, security, cultural, or economic reasons. This analysis argues that freer flows of information across national borders could help facilitate international economic growth and adjustment. Reasons used to justify policies that inhibit the integration of the world communication network or prevent transborder data flows are examined, and the implications of such restraints are discussed. Strategies for‐halting the proliferation of barriers to trade in communication and information services and for reducing existing obstacles are suggested.  相似文献   

Librarians and information workers should participate actively in disseminating agricultural information to farmers in Nigeria using audio-visual materials and Information Communication Technologies. This paper looks into the role of information in boosting food and cash crops production in Nigeria. It highlights the problems associated with information dissemination to farmers in the country. Better agricultural practice and high associated yields can, however, be realized in the country through the provision of relevant agricultural information to farmers. Librarians and information workers in the country should make useful agricultural information available, and on time via researchers, agricultural extension agents or direct to farmers; using audio-visual materials as a way of contributing to improve on the current food insecurity. Agricultural information delivered in the language of the farmers is likely to yield positive results.  相似文献   

结合数字图书馆信息服务中合理使用面临的著作权问题的逐一剖析,提出从著作权保护意识、著作权法和合理使用制度完善、著作权集体管理制度建立、采取技术保护措施等规避数字数字图书馆信息服务中合理使用的问题,保障其信息服务的合法性和安全性。  相似文献   

杨永红 《学会》2006,(8):48-50
随着现代信息技术的发展,信息产生和增长的速度加快,信息资源的数量越来越多,时效性越来越强,而且由于网络传播的随意性使得信息资源良莠不齐,鱼目混杂,使企业收集信息、利用信息的难度大大增加。要从海量的信息中准确、及时地获取所需要的资料是相当困难的。及时准确地获取信息需要精通本行业并擅长信息处理的专家和具备相应的信息化设备,我国企业市场化起步迟缓,相当大的精力投入在生产、经营上,而且缺乏相应的信息人才、技术和资金,特别需要一个专门的组织为他们提供所需的信息服务。随着市场经济的不断完善和政府职能的逐步转移,行业协…  相似文献   

The University of London is a federal body consisting of over sixty colleges and institutes. These institutions differ in size, function and the degree of autonomy. Each institution has at least one library, some colleges have departmental libraries of considerable independence from the main library. There are five major computer centres within the University, with large resources in hardware and specialist staff, and with many years of experience in the provision of services to the wide population of the University. A Central Library Resources Co-ordinating Committee was formed in 1972 to coordinate the rich documentary resources of the University and to encourage the transfer and dissemination of information accumulated in its libraries. Under its administration, a Central Information Service headed by a Senior Information Systems Officer was initiated in October 1974. Its first task has been to undertake a large evaluation study of computer information services. Academic staff and postgraduate students have been exposed to a variety of experimental services and the impact of these services on the users has been assessed. Out of this work have come recommendations for continued provision of these services to the University in a cost-effective way. The paper considers the successes and setbacks of the project, and the reactions to it of the various parties involved—users, information officers, librarians and computer staff. The conflicts which arose during implementation of the project are discussed. They were caused by economic stringency at the University, technological changes introduced into libraries, and problems of charging for new computerised services.  相似文献   

基层信息化应用平台采用云计算和电子证书技术,以电子政务的基础设施、信息资源、应用系统,以及实体政务服务中心服务窗口等作为支撑,建设和部署在(国际互联网)政府网站上。构建乡镇(街道)政府网上行政审批服务系统和电子监察系统,并通过搭建"内外网"数据交换平台,实现与自治区、市、县(区、市)三级电子联网政务服务中心的上下联动和业务协同,探索建立自治区、市、县(区、市)、乡镇(街道)、村(居委会)五级电子联网的政务服务体系,建立了乡镇"一站式"电子政务服务模式。真正让"便民政务"走进广大农村,让"阳光政务"惠及民生。  相似文献   

中国大陆信息管理与信息系统研究现状评述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
当今社会对信息管理与信息系统的理论与方法的需求越来越大,信息管理与信息系统的研究已经成为学术界和实业界普遍关注的话题。但是中国大陆的学术界在信息管理与信息系统方面的研究主题和研究方法存在着严重的偏差。本文立足于学术研究的角度,探讨目前中国大陆在信息管理与信息系统领域的研究现状,文章主要搜集了国内一些期刊上发表的与信息管理与信息系统相关的学术论文,从而研究中国大陆学术界在这一领域的研究主题和研究方法,并且通过与国外类似的研究相对比,找出国内在学术研究方面存在的差距,从而为国内的研究人员对今后的研究内容和研究方法的选择提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Implication of national and supranational information industry on modelling nationwide networks of STI systems. Decentralized preparation and collection of formalized input bibliographic and/or factual data, centralized world-wide processing of both kinds of data bases and nationally decentralized output information services, as the most significant trends in the field of STI. The new role of secondary processor of special libraries and STI bureaus as the regional distributing centers of STI. The informational revolution as the parallel phenomenon of the scientific technical revolution. Problems of overcoming the national languages barriers. The debt of applied linguistics in introducing the machine readable primary texts, automated extracting, indexing and translating. On-line dialogue STI systems, the real information revolution. The necessary internationalization of STI systems. The gate-keepers role of future information scientist or engineer. The experiences of Czechoslovakia in using the sets of magnetic tape services.  相似文献   

专利情报分析方法及实证研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
黄圆圆  朱东华  任智军  张诚 《科技管理研究》2006,26(12):121-124,120
在企业技术创新竞争中应用专利情报分析方法,可以萃取国家、产业、产品、公司及个人专利活动中的经营及技术情报,协助企业规划所需的技术发展策略,分配投入的研发资源。在此研究基础上,以美国专利数据库为数据源,以加密技术作为研究对象,进行了实证研究。  相似文献   



The aim of the study was to present a protocol for laboratory information system (LIS) and hospital information system (HIS) validation at the Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine of the Merkur University Hospital, Zagreb, Croatia.

Materials and methods:

Validity of data traceability was checked by entering all test requests for virtual patient into HIS/LIS and printing corresponding barcoded labels that provided laboratory analyzers with the information on requested tests. The original printouts of the test results from laboratory analyzer(s) were compared with the data obtained from LIS and entered into the provided template. Transfer of data from LIS to HIS was examined by requesting all tests in HIS and creating real data in a finding generated in LIS. Data obtained from LIS and HIS were entered into a corresponding template. The main outcome measure was the accuracy of transfer obtained from laboratory analyzers and results transferred from LIS and HIS expressed as percentage (%).


The accuracy of data transfer from laboratory analyzers to LIS was 99.5% and of that from LIS to HIS 100%.


We presented our established validation protocol for laboratory information system and demonstrated that a system meets its intended purpose.  相似文献   

企业信息伦理政策的现状调查与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查企业信息伦理政策的现况与问题,从政策的规范内容、形成、执行、对企业的影响、实施时所遭遇困难、对其他企业推行政策的看法、实际案例等七个层面进行调查。希望对企业信息伦理政策现况进行完整调查,同时对制造、金融、与服务三大产业的信息伦理政策进行比较,并对未来企业制订与执行信息伦理政策提出建议,以期为企业信息政策的和谐发展提供科学的路径指引。  相似文献   

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