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With an increase in the number of online tests, the number of interruptions during testing due to unexpected technical issues seems to be on the rise. For example, interruptions occurred during several recent state tests. When interruptions occur, it is important to determine the extent of their impact on the examinees' scores. Researchers such as Hill and Sinharay et al. examined the impact of interruptions at an aggregate level. However, there is a lack of research on the assessment of impact of interruptions at an individual level. We attempt to fill that void. We suggest four methodological approaches, primarily based on statistical hypothesis testing, linear regression, and item response theory, which can provide evidence on the individual‐level impact of interruptions. We perform a realistic simulation study to compare the Type I error rate and power of the suggested approaches. We then apply the approaches to data from the 2013 Indiana Statewide Testing for Educational Progress‐Plus (ISTEP+) test that experienced interruptions.  相似文献   

浅谈在线考试系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
二十一世纪是信息化、网络化的时代,高等学校发展教育是扩大全球影响的必由之路。随着计算机网络的发展,在线考试应用越来越广泛。在客观性、保密性、公平公正等方面,在线考试有着传统考试方式无法比拟的优势。  相似文献   

面对新冠疫情的冲击,教育部公布了"延期开学"与"停课不停学"的疫情防控方案。为了帮助教师解决"传统课堂"到"线上学习"突然转换的不适应,本文总结了疫情防控背景下在线学习面临的问题与挑战。通过分析,在教师课前教学准备、在线平台备选方案、课堂思政和课程互动四方面提出了建议措施,保证教学进度和教学效果。  相似文献   


This article reports on an effort by the authors to use usability testing as a component of online teacher training for their multimajor technical communication course. The article further explains the ways in which program administrators at other institutions can create their own usability testing protocols for formative online teacher training in course design and in principles of user-centered design.  相似文献   

随着Internet的日益发展、普及,人们对WEB的要求越来越高,需要灵活的动态网页技术。动态网页技术ASP具有保密性好、与所有脚本语言兼容、易编写、无需编译等特点,且ASP在与数据库的连接上采用ADO(ActiveX Data Objects)技术访问后台数据库,这些深受网页制作者的欢迎。在Online Testing System中动态网页制作中采用ASP,具有一定实用价值。  相似文献   

在线考试是一种通过网络来实现的计算机考试。本文就这种考试的特点、模式、应用范围,以及它在美国的应用情况和给中国带来的机遇和挑战等问题进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

This article examines the discourse of 10 groups of children during text-based online discussions. Analysis of the discourse in the discussions showed that 8 different rhetorical moves, or argument stratagems, were used by most groups of children, whereas 3 other stratagems were used by 1 group. The use of argument stratagems snowballed; that is, once an argument stratagem emerged in a discussion, it tended to spread to other children in the Web group, and the likelihood that it would occur again remained high over the course of the discussion. Most stratagems began to spread when initiated by other children but not when introduced by the adult moderator. Children were eager to participate and displayed a high rate of participation in discussions with Webmates from distant classrooms. These findings suggest that collaborative online discussions may provide an effective instructional medium for promoting children's learning of reasoning strategies and thinking skills.  相似文献   

在丽水市及各县级电大原有网络及设备的基础上,对县市级电大区域教育网络平台进行改造,在网络共建、资源整合、信息技术推广等方面做了实践研究,提出了“校校通”的网络区域共建模式。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍如何运用Grails框架进行快速Web应用开发。文章首先简单介绍了Grails框架开发环境;然后,在分析GrailsMVC模式实现和自适应考试系统原理的基础上,采用用例分析技术和领域模型驱动模式,基于Grails框架设计实现了一个自适应测试系统;最后,还针对安全权限控制和国际化等问题充分利用Grails插件给出了相应的解决方案。系统经过两年的运行取得良好效果,且在不断改进中。  相似文献   

继家庭、学校、社会之后,网络成为青少年社会化的又一重要途径;虚拟社会化做为一种与真实社会化相并列的社会化机制对青少年成长作用越来越重要,网络游戏对青少年内隐攻击行为的影响就是其中之一;以描述性的方式来看待网络游戏的特性以及对青少年的非主流道德修养的影响。  相似文献   

Function words support many aspects of language acquisition. This study investigated whether toddlers understand the number feature of determiners and use it for noun comprehension. French offers an ideal “test case” as number is phonetically marked in determiners but not in nouns. Twenty French‐learning 24‐month‐olds completed a split‐screen experiment. Looking times to target pictures were measured under 3 trial types varying in the degree to which the determiner matched the number displayed in the object(s). Children looked longer when the determiner matched the object(s), and were confused in trials of clear mismatch. Importantly, their processing resembled that of French adults ( D. Dahan, D. Swingley, M. K. Tanenhaus, & J. S. Magnuson, 2000 ). Thus, children understand the determiner number feature early in acquisition and use this knowledge to constrain online comprehension.  相似文献   

诉讼时效中断与诉讼时效中止同为诉讼时效不完成制度,诉讼时效中断事由主要有权利人请求、义务人承认和起诉等几项。我国民法对这些事由的规定过于简单、不具体,而且某些事由的规定还欠科学。针对这些不足,结合外国民法相关规定,对我国诉讼时效中断事由提出了一些改进的设想。  相似文献   

本文介绍用VB、ASP和ACCESS编程,实现网上测验和考试的方法、关键程序,为远程开放教育的网上考试提供一个平台。  相似文献   

在线测试分析与数据挖掘系统的设计   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文阐述了一个在线测试分析与数据挖掘系统的设计与实现,该系统建立在经典测量理论的基础上,由数据接口、数据预处理、数据挖掘等八部分组成,系统通过对考试和作业过程中成绩数据进行科学统计分析,能够从学生的得分中提取大量的有关教学和学习的过程信息,从而为教师和学生改进教学和学习提供明确的方向和指导.同时,本系统在利用知识图分析学生的知识点掌握情况并结合对学习效果的分析,最终得出学生学习路径方面的建议.  相似文献   

本介绍了一种根据教学质量全面管理理念构建的“网上教学质量全面评价系统”。该系统主要采用WEB技术完成,充分利用互联网直观、快捷、操作方便和运行速度快等优点,集“在线评测”和“结果查询”为一体,师生员工可在教学进程中随时对教学管理、教学实施和后勤保障等部门的工作状态进行“全方位”、“全天候”的质量评说,各类提供服务的主体部门和个人也可随时上网查看服务对象对自己的评价意见和建议,在“主体”和“客体”间建立起相互促进的“瞬时互动”关系,有效促进了学校总体教学质量和管理水平的提高。  相似文献   

李晓贺 《成人教育》2014,(11):21-24
互联网情境下的学习具备其独特的时代特征,而学习理论也经历着从行为主义、建构主义到分布式认知的演变过程。当代教育的发展形势使得教育者和研究者们越来越关注知识协同建构的社会本质。文章介绍了"社会-文化观"下的分布式认知理论,并介绍了这种新型认知观对当代网络教育的意义。  相似文献   

分析新冠疫情下留学生现状,探讨生理学课程进行网上授课的手段、方法以及效果,采用多样式的教学方式满足留学生的远程同屏学习,并总结经验,改进不足,以便更好地完成2020年春季教学工作。  相似文献   

为了进一步了解网络口碑对于消费者行为的影响机理,以网购经历较多的青年用户作为主要抽样调查对象,以感知有用性和感知可靠性作为中介变量,利用SPSS 17.0,对口碑传播者专业知识,网络口碑内容特征,传播双方关系强度,接受者的信任倾向等因素与消费者购买意愿进行相关分析和回归分析。结果显示,传播双方关系强度与购买决策的相关系数均为0.3~0.5,口碑内容特征与购买决策的相关系数均为0.3~0.5,受者信任倾向与感知有用性的相关系数均为0.3~0.4,感知有用性和感知可靠性对购买意愿均在0.01水平上呈现显著正相关。建议企业加强传播双方关系强度,完善口碑信息内容管理,鼓励专业性消费者进行口碑宣传。  相似文献   

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