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This article is an account of how the author developed a comprehensive understanding of human learning over a period of almost 50 years. The learning theory includes the structure of learning, different types of learning, barriers of learning as well as how individual dispositions, age, the learning environment and general social and societal conditions influence learning possibilities. All this started when the author, aged 27, broke off his career as a travel agent and joined a course for matriculation at the university. He found this course extremely ineffective and got the idea that a firm knowledge about how human learning takes place might be a starting point for the development of more engaging and effective learning, teaching, schooling and education. Over the years, he gathered inspiration from a broad range of learning theorists such as Piaget, Rogers, Ausuble, Leithäuser, Schön, Kolb, Furth, Mezirow, Kegan and his own Danish instructor, Thomas Nissen. But the theory was built up as his own structure by critically adding new elements from the examination of other theories and carefully analysing experience from teaching, supervising and observing learning courses at all levels from primary school to adult education and university studies.  相似文献   

依据调查数据,利用数理统计学原理,对西安科技大学学生学习方法进行了相关性及显著性分析.  相似文献   

研究性学习是培养学生创造性学力的重要的学习活动,中小学实施研究性学习,是基础教育课程改革中学习方式的革命,是一场学与教的革命。它是培养学生具有创造性学力的生长点,也是教师施教的创新点。因此,教师应掌握研究性学习的特点,并努力成为指导研究性学习的专家。  相似文献   

迟振峰 《沧州师专学报》2007,23(1):105-105,108
成人英语教学是我国成人高等教育的一环,有着自身的特点和规律.通过对成人学习动机、学习策略以及学习环境的分析,提出了要充分发挥成人学习的优势调动成人学习的积极性,以期取得最佳学习效果.  相似文献   

针对中学教育工作者对自主学习、探究学习和合作学习认识不到位,使用程式化的现象,对自主学习、探究学习和合作学习的内涵、特征及其三者之间的关系进行了分析探讨,以规范实施,具体落实新课改提出的转变学生学习方式的要求。  相似文献   

内隐学习是指无意识地获得刺激环境中复杂结构和规则的学习方式,具有自动性、抽象性、理解性和抗干扰性,它适用于语言习得、运动技能的掌握、社会态度的形成、道德教育和艺术才能的培养等结构不良的学习领域。内隐学习突破了外显学习的研究范式,对学习理论的变革具有积极意义。  相似文献   

The current emphasis that organisations are placing upon knowledge and the corresponding attention that workplace epistemological values are receiving within the educational community has resulted in an interesting convergence of discourses—school-based and work-based. Even as workplaces are tending toward abstraction over practice—based knowing, schools are being nudged into doing the reverse. The result of this ferment is that traditional barriers between these kinds of knowledge are being removed. As can be seen from workplace examples, it is possible for liberal learning to be in the service of instrumental ends. So too schools may come to see more clearly the value of situatedness and team-work in the transaction of liberal learning. More generally, we see also new possibilities for retreat from received views about the worth of practical knowledge.  相似文献   

Extrapolating from current developments in the study of learning and imagining how learning might be shaped moving forward, this article considers 12 trends concerning the future of learning. Learning will become more diverse, more contextual, less discipline-bound, and less institutionally-bound. It will span professional and institutional sectors, and move beyond national borders. It will move increasingly online and extend beyond humans to encompass machines and machine/human blends. It will become more interactive, more distributed, and more biologically connected. Drawing on an understanding of these trends, new roles for teachers and for educational institutions are developed. The result is that learning is likely to occur through multiple discovery networks that blend research and teaching to address real world problems in environments supported by robust software infrastructures. Multiple nested discovery networks will operate on a global scale and be negotiated by individual learners sometimes guided by teachers. Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future—Niels Bohr The future is already here - it’s just unevenly distributed—William Gibson The best way to predict the future is to invent it—Alan Kay  相似文献   

The purpose of this experiment was to determine the differential emotional reactions of students to positive, neutral, and negative affect in nonverbal teacher behavior. Responses were studied across two grade levels and across race. A stratified random sample of 120 students was selected and randomly assigned to experimental conditions. Emotional reactions were measured by a semantic differential. Analysis of variance and Tukey post hoc tests showed that black second graders evaluated the neutral teacher most positively, while white second graders and sixth graders of both races tended to evaluate the positive teacher most positively.  相似文献   

创知学习就是创造新知识、新思想、新理论、新方案、新活动、新方法、新技术的学习,它不仅是人的本质和人的自身生存与发展的需要,也是社会发展的需要;它与传统学习有本质区别;创知学习和以创知为基础的终身学习是人类学习的新境界;要搞好这两种学习,就必须改变观念,营造良好的学习环境,掌握新的学习方法和完善终身学习制度。  相似文献   

伴随性学习一直是词汇学习讨论的焦点问题之一。本文在Ebbinghaus的遗忘曲线和Pimsleur的记忆方案基础上,操作了一次历时近一个月的实验,对比研究了刻意学习法(背词表)和伴随性学习法的学习效果。结果发现:1)背词表组成绩普遍高于伴随性学习组。但难以掌握词义抽象的词语;2)伴随性学习组在开始阶段受到“伴随性”影响,容易忽略目标词,学习成绩较差。但有机会掌握词义抽象的词语,在词汇输出上更有创造性,学习积极性高。  相似文献   

针对中学教育工作者对自主学习、探究学习和合作学习认识不到位,使用程式化的现象,对自主学习、探究学习和合作学习的内涵、特征及其三者之间的关系进行了分析探讨,以规范实施,具体落实新课改提出的转变学生学习方式的要求。  相似文献   

自主学习是一种以人本主义心理学、认知心理学和建构主义心理学为基础的现代学习理念。该理念要求学习者自主把握自己的学习。了解与自主学习相关的理念及目前高师学生自主学习的现状.有利于教师更好地发挥引导者、组织者、解难者的作用。因此,为了达到此目的,本文通过对五年一贯制高师学生进行关于自主学习情况的四个方面的调查,分析了当前学生在学习动机、学习观念、学习态度、学习策略等方面存在的问题与不足,并针对这些问题与不足提出一些相关的建议与改正进措施。  相似文献   

网络教育的质量问题已经成为制约远程教育良性发展的障碍,有学者就此对"网上学习是否发生"及"网上学习发生的条件"进行了有意义的研究.本文在这一背景下,对网上学习是否发生这一问题进行了深入的再探讨,结论认为:网上学习不是没有发生,而是没有有效发生.进而通过对学习发生条件的分析和梳理,对原有的五条件进行了必要的删除、修正和补充,并提出了一些可供深入探讨的有益观点..  相似文献   

为实现网络学习中的有效学习,文章在了解国内外反思性学习研究的基础上,从哲学的角度对反思及反思性学习做了重新认识:反思是一个过程,更是一种能力,是支撑整个反思迭代循环过程的能力集合体;反思性学习是一种内在内容不变,外在形式随时代不断变迁的传统学习策略。其次,以班杜拉三元交互决定论为理论基础,通过对网络学习与传统课堂学习进行比较分析,对影响网络学习中反思性学习的因素做了初步探究,并尝试构建了网络学习中反思性学习模型。  相似文献   

论自主、合作、探究学习   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
新课程提倡自主、合作、探究学习。自主学习的内涵包括主动性、独立性、自控性,在实践中应处理好教师主导性和学生主体性的关系;合作学习的内涵包括交往性、互动性,在实践中应处理好合作与学习、竞争、独立的关系,教师和学生的关系;探究学习的内涵包括问题性、过程性、开放性,在实践中应处理好"形"和"神"的关系。不能把自主、合作、探究学习形式化、绝对化,要学会全面辩证地看待自主、合作、探究学习。  相似文献   


This paper considers the nature of learning and the role of institutions in general and schools in particular in structuring learning. It outlines and commends a view of learning as a process whereby we discover ourselves as persons and thereby act to create the contexts in which we live and work. Central to this view is the idea of the ‘learning school’.  相似文献   

This study investigated the role of self-directed learning (SDL) in problem-based learning (PBL) and examined how SDL relates to self-regulated learning (SRL). First, it is explained how SDL is implemented in PBL environments. Similarities between SDL and SRL are highlighted. However, both concepts differ on important aspects. SDL includes an additional premise of giving students a broader role in the selection and evaluation of learning materials. SDL can encompass SRL, but the opposite does not hold. Further, a review of empirical studies on SDL and SRL in PBL was conducted. Results suggested that SDL and SRL are developmental processes, that the “self” aspect is crucial, and that PBL can foster SDL. It is concluded that conceptual clarity of what SDL entails and guidance for both teachers and students can help PBL to bring forth self-directed learners.  相似文献   

就学习型组织及学习型图书馆的内涵作了深刻的阐述,指出当前建立图书馆学习型组织的重要意义,并对如何建立图书馆学习型组织进行了探讨.  相似文献   

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