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This year-long ethnographic case study examined high school teachers’ participation in technology-focused professional development. By pairing a dialogical perspective on teacher identity with a micro-level analysis of narratives, findings indicate that teachers use language and other semiotic resources to express their own identity as well as to acknowledge, expand on, and counter others’ identity claims. Moreover, technology integration may challenge teachers’ established identities or threaten their authority in the classroom. This analysis suggests that teacher educators need to value teachers’ established and emergent identities as well as create space for dialogic narratives in order to facilitate technology integration in schools.  相似文献   

In-service educators have a crucial role to play in meeting the professional learning needs of teachers of the future, according to the Council of Europe’s ‘ET 2020’, although it is less clear what that role entails. This empirical study, undertaken in a university school of English language in Turkey, explores the everyday experience of a team of wholly school-based in-service educators and develops a model of their role based on an analysis of questionnaire, interview and focus group data. The results attest to the complexities of the in-service educator’s role, revealing them to be more than simply effective teachers. Catering for affective needs, coaching a broad range of clients, interpreting contextual variables and providing appropriate feedback represent some of the challenges in-service educators are facing in the research context, which set them apart and suggest important lessons for the development of an in-service educator training curriculum.  相似文献   

基于教师专业发展的高师教育类课程设置研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
高等师范院校教育类课程存在着课程设置结构不合理、内容不完善、教育实习效果不佳等问题。主要原因是课程设置倾向于"学术性"以及受科学主义与工具理性的深层次影响。高师院校设置教育类课程应当充分考虑基础教育与师范教育改革的实际需要,应有利于职前教师培养与在职教师培训的一体化进程。通过设置条件性课程,提高师范生的基础教育理论素养,增强教育研究意识;通过设置实践性课程,开展教育教学实践活动,培养师范生的教师职业认同感和专业技能,从而提升其专业发展水平。  相似文献   

Teacher educators arguably fulfil several roles in their professional context: they can be seen as role models or teachers of teachers, and have additionally been characterised as researchers, mentors, gatekeepers, brokers, and curriculum developers. To address a perceived gap in the literature on the latter role, a quantitative and qualitative exploratory study into educators’ own perceptions of their role as curriculum developers was conducted at a large teacher education department in the Netherlands. Seventy-five educators completed a digital questionnaire. Their responses reveal that the participants generally consider themselves to be curriculum developers, are aware of the responsibilities this professional role entails, and can pinpoint concrete practices in which the role becomes visible. The findings furthermore suggest that educators have been prepared for and develop professionally in this role in a variety of ways, mostly through informal learning with their colleagues at the workplace. Based on these findings, recommendations are made to inform educational practice, policy, and research.  相似文献   

This paper argues for the use of ‘developmental’ evaluation as a design-based research tool for sustainable curriculum innovation in professional higher education. Professional education is multi-faceted and complex with diverse views from researchers, professional practitioners, employers and the world of politics leaving little consensus about the nature of educational ‘problems’, let alone educational ‘solutions’. Developmental evaluation is an emerging approach to evaluating innovations and/or organisations that are in a continuous state of change; it asks the evaluators to not simply appraise a final design, but to work with designers through processes of rapid reconnaissance, mapping the territory and emergent modelling. This paper provides an account of how the adoption of the dispositions and approaches of developmental evaluation increased the trustworthiness of decision-making in the design of a new post-graduate teacher education degree in Australia. The principles of developmental evaluation as a design thinking approach have application in other complex curriculum settings.  相似文献   

Using critical constructivism as the theoretical lens, the teacher educator-researcher used practitioner research to systematically examine the experience of PreK-12 teachers in his district-based teacher research professional development course, while also examining his development as a teacher educator. The results of this study showed that, as the teachers made progress toward becoming teacher-researchers, they expressed being empowered by the teacher research process. Moreover, they showed a growing critical awareness in their work, while the teacher educator was challenged to re-examine his conceptions of teacher research. Finally, the teachers faced several important barriers in adopting an inquiry stance in their practice. This research generates both local and global knowledge about teacher research as a form of in-service teacher education.  相似文献   

我国新一轮基础教育课程改革对教师专业发展提出了新的挑战。这就要求教师必须适应课程改革的要求,全面提升素质,实现专业发展。本文阐述了新课程对教师专业发展提出的新挑战,探讨了新课程改革视域下促进教师专业化发展的基本策略。  相似文献   

教师专业发展视野中的高师课程改革   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
从教师专业发展出发,高师课程应从三个方面进行改革:第一,从专业的角度出发,重视知识和技能的提高,重视学科与教育的整合;第二,从人生命的完整性出发,注重反思和探究精神的培养,注重对实践智慧的追寻;第三,从社会文化的角度出发,注重专业道德意识、专业身份认知的培养。  相似文献   

思维方式作为支撑教师专业发展的核心,在某种程度上决定着教师专业发展的深度与高度。在场域型塑、课程固化与工作重复等因素作用下,教师专业发展很容易陷入思维固化。成长型思维的丰富内涵与独特价值,为突破教师专业发展的思维固化提供了转型基础。策略在于:教师需要检视自身的思维方式,切实意识到成长型思维对专业发展的决定作用;动态地调控思维过程,促使专业发展在成长型思维引领下积极前行;敢于直面思维局限,突破专业发展的瓶颈以达到新高度;充分发挥思维的预测功能,对专业发展的未来进行合理规划。  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):145-160

Since 1994, the democratic South African government has introduced change in all spheres of South African life in a bid to address some challenges such as the redundant, racialised curriculum, the poor results achieved by learners in Grade 12, and the fact that few black matriculants were entering science based careers. A key feature of these poor results was the large group of teachers who were inadequately ‘trained’ during the apartheid era: trained, that is, to teach for subservience and not for critical thinking. Current actions to address this crisis are being undertaken in a collaborative relationship between the Department of Education and Higher Education Institutions. Current initiatives in the professional development of Mathematics, Science and Technology teachers at a South African university are explored. The purpose of this article is to explore the challenges of designing an MST professional development programme in a developing context. The discussion is elaborated with reference to MST programmes run by one particular university. The rationale, foundational principles, model of delivery, programme structure and assessment for the specialisations within the teacher professional development programmes at the university are described. The discussion foregrounds the role of teachers as professionals, the role of context and of content knowledge, as well as the role of pedagogic content knowledge in the professional development of teachers.  相似文献   

根据《大学英语课程教学要求》和基于目前高校大学英语教师专业发展现状,深入剖析通过合作教学实现高校大学英语教师专业发展的可行性,最后提出具体对策分析。  相似文献   

教师职业承诺与专业成长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师职业承诺是指教师认同所从事的教师职业的专业价值与规范,忠于职守的态度或行为倾向。教师职业承诺具体表现为教师对学校组织的承诺、对学生的承诺、对职业的承诺、对专业的承诺、对教学的承诺等。教师职业承诺具有鲜明的专业发展意蕴,学校组织、教师共同体和教师个人必须采取措施,提升教师职业承诺水平,致力于教师专业发展。  相似文献   

教师职业素质结构与高师课程改革   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
现代社会对教师的素质提出了更高的要求,如何使高师课程的设置与教师职业素质的培养有机地结合起来,成为高师课程改革应重点探讨的问题。  相似文献   

Higher education (HE) in the changing context requires leadership training and development as a vital element for university governance and innovation. While there are several theoretical frameworks on leadership development, most of them are outcome evaluation-oriented. Consequently, there is a lack of a leadership development model which emphasises both design process and expected outcomes. In addition to this, HE leadership development has been gradually transformed toward complexity and flexibility due to the volatile external environment of the 21st century. Thus, instead of having a development programme that simply focuses on individual skill enhancement, a comprehensive leadership development programme that equally fosters leaders' competencies (leader development) and develops collective leadership (leadership development) is increasingly utilised. Unfortunately, previous theoretical frameworks fail to take into consideration these new features. The main aim of this study was to develop a comprehensive theoretical model for academic leadership development (ALD) that promotes both leader development and leadership development. In the present study, 24 academic leaders, lecturers and researchers from five European and six Chinese HE institutions co-designed the ALD model. The constructed model consists of four main dimensions: theoretical core, types of training and providers, training format and ultimate goals. The results contribute to developing, promoting and enhancing leadership development in academic settings.  相似文献   

Learning about curriculum development is critical for middle managers of technical vocational institutions in order to assume curriculum leadership in maintaining and enhancing the quality and relevance of their educational programs. This case study reports on the design and effects of a professional development arrangement (PDA), with such a focus, for 13 middle managers of a technical vocational community college in a developing country. The findings indicate that the middle managers appreciated the relevance of the PDA for curriculum development at the community college and gained substantial learning about systematic curriculum development. However, the middle managers' post-PDA curriculum development improvement efforts were minimal and characterised by individual initiatives, due to a lack of senior management support, unfavourable work conditions, and a high rate of middle manager attrition. The conclusion drawn is that for trained middle managers to lead systematic curriculum development practices, contextual and organisational barriers germane to technical vocational education in developing contexts need to be considered.  相似文献   

Europe’s objectives of economic growth and job creation require large numbers of professionals who are willing and able to innovate and rise above themselves. In this article, a concept of excellence is developed that can be broadly applied in professional higher education. This concept of excellence derives from three concepts which the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche developed in The Gay Science (2001/1887): self-transcendence, self-control and self-styling. By starting with Nietzsche’s radical thoughts, the author aims to grasp the probabilities and challenges of preparing all students for their professional future. Several proposals for educational practice are outlined based on this perspective of ‘excellence for all’.  相似文献   

Research has explored multicultural teacher education from multiple, sometimes divergent perspectives; yet, these studies agree that what passes for multicultural education fails to address issues of educational inequity. This paper is part of a larger evaluation study of Reduction of Stigma in Schools (RSIS) – a professional development program aiming to empower educators to create affirming environments for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning (LGBTQ) youth. Interview data indicate that though workshops utilized a critical approach, what teachers embraced was a call to understand and “protect” LGBTQ students through the “safety” discourse – a form of understanding and valuing the “cultural other” – and investment in one time “visibility” or “celebration” events as symbols of improved school climate. Further, educators framed LGBTQ issues as “risk” issues rather than as equity issues, which continue to mark LGBTQ students as “victims” or “problems” in need of saving or solving. We posit that responses to RSIS content reflect educators’ understanding of their obligation to “diversity” as presented during their teacher preparation programs and that workshop content which resonated with them was that which they could easily fit into these familiar frameworks.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a two-year research project aimed at developing a teacher professional development (TPD) model in Indonesia. New government policies in this nation, its archipelagic nature, vast numbers of teachers and scarcity of support resources present a unique challenge to TPD. A needs assessment was conducted to identify teachers’ professional needs. Based on the results of this assessment, a dual-mode TPD that combines face-to-face sessions and online sessions was developed. Participation in face-to-face sessions was relatively high but the participation rate in online sessions was very low. Incentives, teachers’ autonomy as professional learners, ICT skills and infrastructure are important considerations when designing TPD in Indonesia. This study and an analysis of TPD policy allow us to suggest future directions for TPD in Indonesia.  相似文献   

Background and purpose: To date, there has been little research on the Teacher Professional Development (TPD) for delivering a mobile technology-supported science curriculum. To address this, a TPD model for a science curriculum supported by mobile technology was developed and evaluated in this paper. The study reported focuses on the establishment of the TPD model and exploration of its impact on teacher behaviors in the curriculum implementation.

Sample, design, and methods: In the study, two representative science teachers’ implementation of the science curriculum was presented together with an in-depth study of the TPD sessions. The data from the teacher-led PD working sessions, classroom observation and teacher interview were collected. Mixed methods and case study were used to analyze the teacher performance on the PD working sessions and on the curriculum implementation.

Results: Our findings suggested that teachers benefited from the structured TPD which provided opportunities for sharing, extensive feedback, and reflection of the curriculum implementation. It showed that teachers had transformed questioning from traditional ways into constructivist-oriented patterns in the classroom. More student-centered activities were conducted and complemented with teachers’ various scaffolds for learning. Analysis of learning artifacts attested to improvements in students’ conceptual understanding of science.

Conclusion: TPD refers to a continuing and dynamic system for PD which needs to be changed and elaborated based on teacher needs, school context and the problems and challenges encountered in the teaching practice. TPD development and teachers’ growth in the belief and competences on the instruction constitute a mutual evolution process. Their evolution could guarantee the apt enactment and spread of the curriculum innovation to impact depth, to sustain and to spread.  相似文献   

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