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自学考试作为一种中国独创的教育形式和考试制度,是所有教育形式中与终身教育及终身学习的理念最为切合的一种。自学考试的本质属性是一种开放教育形式,学习机会与学习内容都具有高度开放性。自学考试"个人自学"的基本特点也与终身教育与终身学习的基本主张非常吻合。自学考试能够很好地促进社会助学系统的构建,成为终身教育与终身学习社会助学体系最有力的推动力。自学考试制度完全可以成为我国构建终身学习体系的重要平台,为我国学习型社会的建设发挥应有的作用。  相似文献   

Kaori Okumoto 《Compare》2008,38(2):173-188
This article provides a comparative analysis of the development of lifelong learning in England and Japan, while addressing the multi‐dimensional nature of ‘lifelong learning’. The article argues that ‘lifelong learning’ is a concept which has unusual adaptability and legitimacy, and for these reasons has been subject to multiple translations over the last twenty years in both England and Japan. These translations can be identified: a) through discourse; b) in the development of policy; and c) as the shift in the political ideology. Drawing on the insights generated from the three strands, the article concludes that lifelong learning is being translated to accommodate various agendas and has been adapted in diverse contexts.  相似文献   

从终身学习的视角讨论终身教育体系和学习型社会建设,体现了以人为本的精神,抓住了科学发展观的本质,是非常值得肯定的研究趋向.建立终身学习和终身教育体系,让终身教育为终身学习服务,既是人的全面发展的需要,也是国家发展的需要.构建终身学习体系是一个复杂的社会系统工程,其重要内容有三:一是正规教育的改革,即国民教育体系的改革;二是非正规教育的发展;三是学习型组织和学习型社区的建设.建设终身学习体系和终身教育体系需要有先进的技术支持和坚实的制度保障.  相似文献   

人的生存过程是一个无止境的学习与完善的过程。终身教育具备的人学价值及终身学习的意义,表明了人的生命完善可以不断地通过接受教育、终身学习来实现。  相似文献   

本文是一篇关于“第21届ICDE远程教育国际会议”的评述。作为本刊专家,受编辑部委托,通过评述方式向读者全面介绍了本次会议的情况。本评述包括五个部分:第一、会议的概述。其中包括会议的地点、主办单位、主题、主要内容、论文的征集、参会人员情况等;第二、主题报告的重点内容。其中包括联合国教科文组织助理总干事约翰·丹尼尔、中国科协副主席韦钰、英国开放大学校长布伦达·葛丽、加拿大英哥伦比亚大学教授托尼·贝茨等人的演讲;第三、专题核心观点:未来大学会消亡吗?第四、现代远程教育实践的创新;第五、总结部分。作者希冀本文能帮助读者全面了解会议之内容和精神,及国际远程教育领域学者的最新研究成果,吸收会议产生的有价值的理念、观点和方法,进而改善中国现代远程教育的实践。  相似文献   

This article examines the promotion of lifelong learning (LLL) in Singapore through a new national initiative known as the SkillsFuture movement. It is argued that the attainment of LLL is confronted with three key challenges, the first being the sociocultural preference for academic rather than vocational education in Singapore. Secondly, there is an absence of a strong local culture that underscores the habits of mind needed for LLL. The final challenge is the dominant ideology of pragmatism that potentially conflicts with the goal of the SkillsFuture movement for individuals to enjoy learning and pursue their passion. The article further recommends a reconceptualisation of the notion of LLL in Singapore by supplementing the skills growth model with the individual development and social learning models. The Singapore example illustrates the difficulties and prospects of advocating LLL due to historical and socialcultural conditions and practices.  相似文献   

This paper analyses Botswana's commitment to lifelong learning policy and discusses how it can help the state achieve its vision for sustainable development. First, it argues that while Botswana is renowned for its economic success, it still fails to address positively such traditional challenges as poverty, unemployment and income inequality, which are increasing disproportionately, especially among the youth and non-literate adults. These structural problems can be attributable partly to the low quality of education, which does not enable learners to reduce their risks and vulnerabilities. The paper outlines the concepts of lifelong learning and sustainable development and work from there to analyse the national education policy. It is acknowledged that the state made commendable progress in delivering basic, extension and continuing education since adopting lifelong learning in 1994. However, the delivery failed to use education to transform people's lives. The education itself failed to balance quantity with quality effectively to inculcate a culture of democracy. These issues need to be critically addressed because they invariably hamper Botswana's efforts to deliver quality education and attain its vision for sustainable development. Finally, the paper suggests that the education system should incorporate lifelong learning principles, effectively involve learners in decision making and teach for empowerment.  相似文献   

21世纪以来,为应对知识经济的挑战,加之劳动力受教育水平较低,以及跨国文化和中华传统文化的影响,香港积极制定终身学习的政策措施,颁布有关终身学习的法律文件,建立终身学习的经费保障机制,完善终身学习体制,提供终身学习的技术支持,其经验值得借鉴吸收。  相似文献   

终身学习的本质是研究、探讨乃至实践终身学习思想的关键所在。只有弄清终身学习的本质,才能为探讨其价值取向乃至构建学习社会奠定理论基础。本从终身学习的内涵入手,分析了终身学习的主要本质及其教育价值取向和社会价值取向。  相似文献   

孙伟 《成人教育》2012,(1):127-128
日本的终身学习体系经过政府与民间团体30余年的共同努力,已经初具规模且日臻完善。观察和思考日本有关终身学习的政策、内容、设施及社会的发展变化,对建设我国终身学习社会具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

李积鹏 《成人教育》2019,39(5):70-74
在地方技能人才引进的大背景下,人力资本积累和效能发挥成为一道难题。终身职业教育可以为解决这一问题提供一定启发。终身职业教育具有连续性、整体性、灵活性、开放性、动态性、实践性等特征,终身职业教育可以增强人力资本的时效性、收益性、累积性和创造性,降低人力资本差异性,解决人力资本效能提升所面临的问题。发挥终身职业教育在人力资本积累和效能提升中的作用,需要加强顶层设计,贯彻落实相关文件要求;创新体制机制,构建现代职业教育体系;培育工匠之师,打造一流职教师资队伍;实施精准引才,优化人力资本基本结构;完善服务保障,促进人力资本效能发挥;推进校企合作,加快实践技能人才培养。  相似文献   

以人工智能为核心驱动力的第四次工业革命已经来临,各国逐渐重视培养具备人工智能素养的各类人才。高等院校是各类高层次人才的重要孵化地,必须与时俱进地开展人工智能素养教育。基于对人工智能素养的内涵释义,从人工智能知识、人工智能技能、人工智能意识、人工智能伦理和人工智能思维等五个维度构建高等院校人工智能素养教育的内容体系,并提出高等院校发展人工智能素养教育的理路。  相似文献   

This qualitative study examines the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics in learning designs from the perspective of learning sciences. The literature on the topic indicates that there is not enough research on including diverse learning outcomes in the designs for learning. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to understand how AI and robots impact physical, social-emotional and intellectual learning outcomes through the implementation of learning designs that are guided by selected design principles. In this study, the design-based research (DBR) methodology was employed for investigating learning in naturalistic contexts. The intervention was implemented in a primary school in which learners used educational robots. The main findings reveal that the development of an integrated analytical framework, which considers a broader spectrum of human potential, allows for analyzing students’ learning outcomes in a more integral, inclusive and balanced way. This, in turn, promotes students’ learning by using AI and robots. Another finding reveals that the impact of using AI and robotics on learning designs is reflected in learners’ personal trajectories having different pathways and paces. Finally, the lessons learned and the challenges to be overcome are summarized, and recommendations are made for future research for the enhancement of learning experiences that use AI and robotics.  相似文献   

Learning in the teaching workplace is crucial for the development of all trainee teachers. Workplace learning is particularly important for trainee teachers in the lifelong learning sector (LLS) in the UK, the majority of whom are already working as teachers, tutors, trainers or lecturers while undertaking initial teacher education. However, literature indicates that LLS workplace conditions often inhibit teacher learning. This article reviews the research base on LLS trainees’ workplace learning. Billett’s (2008 Billett, S. 2008. “Learning through Work: Exploring Instances of Relational Interdependencies.” International Journal of Educational Research 47: 232240.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) concept of relational interdependence, between the affordances (activities and interactions) that workplaces offer for learning and the ways in which individuals perceive and engage with these, is used as a framework to synthesise research evidence. Support and experience of teaching were found to be crucial affordances for trainees’ learning. The nature and availability of these affordances were shaped by workplace culture, organisational strategy, process and structures and the allocation and structuring of work. The ways in which trainees perceived and interacted with workplace affordances for learning were influenced by their prior experiences, confidence and self-esteem, career intentions, workplace position and status and orientation toward theoretical tools. The key properties of support and teaching experience and the workplace conditions needed to promote trainees’ learning are proposed. These provide a starting point for employers, mentors, teacher educators, policy makers and trainees to improve workplace learning. The findings and proposals are also relevant to HE and school initial teacher education. Proposals are made for addressing the gaps in the scale and scope of research into LLS trainees’ workplace learning.  相似文献   

现代终身教育思想自1965年被正式提倡以来,经历了从概念的界定、内含的深化到体系的最终形成等发展阶段。文章着重阐述和分析了其发展过程中的三个里程碑,以加深我们对终身教育思想的认识和理解,并进一步形成指导现代教育实践和改革的理论武器。  相似文献   

终身学习观念的形成,对促进人的全面发展,推动教育改革的深化和加快社会进步的步伐,具有划时代的深远意义。实现终身学习,必然要求构建终身学习体系,而终身学习体系构建则应强化媒体宣传,促进观念更新;调整教育结构,设置合理布局;发动社会力量,加大资源投入;优化科技手段,发展开放教育。  相似文献   

This article contributes to knowledge about learning in workgroups, so called microcultures in higher education. It argues that socially constructed and institutionalised traditions, recurrent practices, and tacit assumptions in the various microcultures influence academic teachers towards certain behaviour. In line with this perspective, we present a heuristic with the potential to differentiate various types of microcultures: the commons, the market, the club, and the square. The heuristic is based on a socio-cultural perspective and research on collective action. Its purpose is to assist academic developers to fine-tune their approaches while engaging with colleagues, but also to aid further inquiry into how institutionalised norms and traditions influence academic teaching and student learning.  相似文献   

21世纪是知识经济的时代,终身学习成为人们生存和发展的第一需要。本文分析了新加坡应对新时代的要求,建立终身学习体系的措施和经验,如构建完善的延续教育,设立终身学习基金等。新加坡的经验可供我国在发展终身学习体系时参考。  相似文献   

构建终身教育体系是我国进入新世纪以后教育改革发展的战略目标,要把握好构建终身教育体系的原则和要点,在理论和实践上对终身教育体系与学习型社会、终身教育体系和继续教育体系、终身教育体系与开放大学、公共学习资源平台和支持服务体系、社会资本在构建终身教育体系中的作用等问题进行深入探究。  相似文献   

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