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A young man was getting ready to graduate from college.For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom,and knowing his father could well afford it,he told him that was all he wanted.  相似文献   

You've got it right, I'm out of line Sometimes I feel like I'm losing my mind Your one-way street, it's calling me I'll be your hero yeah I'll be your everything You wait and see  相似文献   

Miss Liu is my English teacher. I love her very much. Her name is Liu Xiao. I think she is the best, kindest and most beautiful teacher in the world. In class, Miss Liu is strict with us. She has so many ways to make our class lively and interesting. When any of us has trouble in our study,  相似文献   

Do you collect anything? I do. Some of my col- lections are big, some small, but I like to collect them all the same.  相似文献   

亲爱的同学们,本栏目在这一期推出了不少优秀的英语记叙文,希望你们能学以致用!Winter holidays have abouttwenty days. During winterholidays, I do all kinds ofinteresting thing. I like climbingthe hill, because it can makeme healthy. I like fishing,it cangive me a lot of fun. I like  相似文献   

亲爱的同学们,从这期起,本栏目将陆续推出一系列优秀的英语作文,希望能对你们的写作有所帮助!  相似文献   

I have a good father. His name is Wang Ming. He takes care of me very well. He loves us a lot and we love him very much,too. My father is a good teacher. He is very busy all the year around. He works very hard. He is very kind and helpful to his students.  相似文献   

My hometown is a mountain village. I love her very much.The village is very beautiful. It’s among three hills. A small  相似文献   

I have lots of dreams.One of my dreams is to be a goodfarmer.When my friends heard this,they were surprised.Theyoften said to me,"You want to be a farmer,are you crazy?  相似文献   

My room is a little world of my own,packed with things that are very special to me.Everything in my room,from the blue armchair  相似文献   

最近老和好友谈起念书时候的梦想,我在阁楼里对着天空大声呼喊,好想开始创作自己的书,好想继续学钢琴,学画画,好想看好多好多的书和电影……但我心里明白,选择成为CR的编辑是一种更重要的幸福,每一期都是一次分享美好的旅程。很多的人生活得越来越安稳,却离他们最初的目标和理想越来越远了,这是一种悲哀还是一种无奈?有梦的生活是幸福的,敢于为梦踏出第一步的决定更是弥足珍贵的。我选择,我努力!我热爱!  相似文献   

在能够彼此轻松遇见时,相视着,交谈着,一切因爱而起,与爱相关。也许爱到深处,所有的语言和文字都是苍白和无力的,再浓烈的情感到最后也只不过化为一句最简单不过的问候:"我……爱……你!"  相似文献   

在一次可怕的疫病传遍世界后,人们变成了夜间活动的嗜血魔物(bloodthirsty,nocturnal creatures),只有罗伯特·奈维尔幸免于难,但同时也成为变种人的猎物。白天,他四处奔波,努力寻找可能的生存者并消灭被感染的吸血鬼们(stalking the infected monstrosities);夜晚,他蜷缩在家中祈祷黎明赶快到来(barricades himself in his home and prays for dawn)……这部恐怖小说(horror)的同名电影由威尔·史密斯主演,刚上映,就获得周票房冠军;同时,小说也获得了一致好评。下面这一段就是我们唯一的幸存者白天的活动情况。  相似文献   

I've learnedthat you cannot make someone love you.All you can do isbe someone who can be loved.The rest is up to them.I've learnedthat no matter how much I care,some people just don't care back.  相似文献   

米莎·巴顿的身上有种混合的气质:既有英国式的优雅、冷漠与高贵,又兼备美国式的随意、热情与亲切。让Mischa跨入明星行列的作品是FOX电视网的青春偶像剧"TheO.C"(《橘子郡男孩》)。这部偶像剧在美国播出首季就成为34岁以下组的收视冠军,美国总统布什的孪生女儿都是每集不落的铁杆观众。本期"明星面对面",我们带您走进这位欧西美女。  相似文献   

又是一年一度的教师节,你能听见老师的心声吗? I believe in you When you yell across the room Or call someone else a name~([嘲弄别人]). I believe in you When you say you don't want to do Something that you've been asked to do.  相似文献   

A crim inal(罪犯)would be hanged soonand the policem an asked him whathe wanted to eatforbreakfast.The crim inalsa“id,Oh,yes,Ilike peaches(桃子)best.Iwantto eatsom e.”Then the policem ansai“d,You know it's winter,H ow can we give youpeaches to eat?“”  相似文献   

MissGreenhadbeentakingdrivinglessonsandtryingtopassherdrivingtestforseveralyears,butshehadfailedmanytimes ,becauseshealwaysbecametoo  1 todrivewell.Nowshewastakinganothertestbutagainshe  2 manymistakes.Shewas  3 shehadnochanceofpassing .Toher  4  ,theex amine…  相似文献   

作者初中在北京海淀区北达资源中学学习,后来经过考试、申请获得了毕业后赴美国著名私立高中"菲力普斯安多福学校"留学的资格及全额奖学金。如今他已经高中毕业,并就读于世界知名的高等学府哈佛大学。回首往事,他感到自己从初中的那个班集体中获益良多。  相似文献   

On my 51st birthday,I jotted down a few things ahalf-century of living had taught me.When,I mentioned mylist to a friend,he went home to create his own.Eventual-ly,I enlisted kindergarten kids,seventh and eighth-graders.young married couples.senior cnizens——people of all ages andbackgrounds.Here is what we've learned.  相似文献   

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