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No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Studies of postsecondary aspirations tend to assume that adolescents from different ethnic groups share commonalities of perspective that are unaffected by the areas in which they live and go to school. Largely missing from this literature is a consideration of the intersection of ethnicity, development, and location. This study looks at the ways in which White and Latino students in an urban and a rural high school differ in their perspectives on postsecondary plans according to grade level, ethnicity, and urbanicity. We find a number of differences in student attitudes and behavior depending on whether students attend rural or urban high schools. High school experiences are also moderated by ethnicity across locations. However, with respect to how students want others to see them, students in the rural high school are more like each other than they are like their ethnic counterparts in the urban school. We conclude that, in many respects, both Latino and White students experience schooling and adolescent development differently in rural and urban schools.  相似文献   

指导大学生科学地规划人生,合理地安排大学生活,要精心设计讲座的内容和方法。  相似文献   

影响大学生主体性发展的因素,主要有学生的专业兴趣、对大学学习方式的适应性和学习心理障碍等;高校要营造大学生主体性发展的制度环境和人文环境。要让学生有对专业、课程、学业进度的选择权;要通过深化教学改革,组织多种活动促进学生之间、师生之间的互动,培育学生的主体意识、问题意识、竞争意识、合作意识。  相似文献   

大学生就业问题已成为社会关注的热点和高校工作的重点。大学生不应在临近毕业前仓促上阵,而应尽早地考虑和规划未来职业。同时作为高校,从国家和社会的发展需要和培养高素质人才的角度出发,应根据区域经济社会需求把个性化职业规划指导模式探讨工作作为学生教育的重中之重。探讨建立个性化、全程化的大学生职业生涯规划指导体系,以增强学生专业知识、职业技能及社会交往能力等方面的竞争力,顺利实现高质量就业。  相似文献   

"数字创意"是文化创意产业的重要组成部分,但又不同于基于终端产品的单纯文化产业,它具有精神文化和物质文化双重属性,是商业、通讯、建筑、教育等现代服务业的中间环节,也是工业制造业的重要创新源泉。文化创意产业语境下的数字创意应该是"两种文化"紧密结合的产物,它把创意与创新作为自己的立足之本,建立合理的数字创意生态系统,构筑科学严密的支撑体系,实现高新技术与文化创意的深度融合,是转变经济发展方式、促进产业转型和优化升级的重要步骤。  相似文献   

中国计划生育政策实施三十多年来,取得了重大历史成效,人口增长得到有效控制、人口素质显著提升、计生服务能力快速提高;但计划生育政策的推行也带来了明显的负效应,如:人口年龄结构倒梯形、出生人口性别比失衡、人口素质的城乡二元结构、独生子女风险家庭等问题。目前,中国人口基数依然庞大、人口控制任务依然繁重、人口素质依然有待提升。因此,就当下而言,计划生育政策仍需紧跟社会变迁而调整、修补与完善而非刻板僵化。  相似文献   

移动机器人技术研究中的一个重要分支是路径规划技术。通过对全局路径规划和局部路径规划中各种方法的分析,指出了各种方法的优点和不足以及改进的办法,最后对移动机器人路径规划技术的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

The Urban Review - Research suggests diverse experiences with homelessness can affect students’ PK-12 school success and, relatedly, postsecondary opportunities. Exploring postsecondary...  相似文献   

基于对我国53个城乡规划学硕士学位授权点的课程建设调研,分析城乡规划学硕士研究生课程设置、课程选择多样性、前沿课程以及能力培养课程开设现状。调查结果显示:我国目前已建立起学科方向较为完整、课程数量满足基本培养需求的城乡规划学硕士研究生课程体系,但在跨学科知识体系、研究方法课程开设、前沿课程引领性和能力拓展课程培养方面还存在不足。由此提出引导课程模块差异化、强化学术研究能力训练环节、重视前沿课程建设和跨学科知识储备以及知识培养向综合能力培养转变等优化方向。  相似文献   

Data from a study of medical students in Russia show how their goals and motivations evolve during their student career.  相似文献   

This development program for higher and teacher education in Northrhine-Westphalia can be seen as complementing the preceding article on teacher training in West Germany. Trends and aims discussed by Dr. Führ (1968) in the broad context of the national scene appear as concrete policy designs in this up-to-date plan (July 1970) for one state of the Federal Republic, Northrhine-Westphalia. This is the largest and most populous (17 million) of the German Lander and reflects-politically, socially, and economically—the mainstream of West German life. Therefore, developments in this Land may be taken as indicators of national trends. In fact, several other Länder are about to introduce teacher training reforms very similar to those of Northrhine-Westphalia.  相似文献   

本文对呼伦贝尔学院小教分院自2000年起所办初中起点小教五年制大专班及高中起点小教大专班的生源与出路进行了初步探讨,有针对性地提出加大招生宣传与扩大生源、加大培养力度与“一专多能”、加快主动适应性与整体提高等思路和对策.  相似文献   

Whether or not more effective schools can successfully mitigate the impacts of early disadvantage upon educational attainment remains uncertain. We investigated 2,664 children aged 6–11 years and measured their academic skills in English and maths along with self-regulation at 6, 7, and 11. Experiencing multiple disadvantages before age 5 strongly impaired later self-regulation and academic attainment. However, attending a more academically effective primary school for just a single year was found to partially protect all outcomes at age 6. In addition, more academically effective primary schools significantly lessened the extent to which earlier abilities in reading, writing, and self-regulation predicted these same abilities at age 11. Thus, although attending a more academically effective primary school does not eliminate the adverse impacts of multiple disadvantage experienced at a younger age, it can mitigate them by promoting better academic attainment and self-regulation up to age 11 for children who had experienced more disadvantages.  相似文献   


New conditions in higher education mean that the traditional advice on study skills now has to be extended. In addition to teaching traditional study skills, students need guidance on how to work together and learn from each other, and on using new technology. In this paper this analysis is applied to four topics central to the study skills literature: reading, note-taking, academic writing, and revising for examinations.  相似文献   

The article discusses the risks and effects of predicting the future. It describes the competition between two images of the future that can be found in current predictions. We discuss the question of changing our basic conceptions about the essence of human nature, the most important properties and qualities of people in connection with the onset of the current era of uncertainty, and the complexity and diversity of the human experience. We describe the context that surrounds the practice of predicting the future, namely the transition from the world of SPOD to the world of VUCA. The author reminds the designers of the future of the importance of correlating futurist programs with the expectations and motivational attitudes of the different social strata in Russian society. The author reviews current educational policy, and he describes the general features of the education reforms of recent decades and the risks created by their shortcomings. The article outlines the conditions for constructing a promising and human-centric model of 21st-century education (“the garden of dignity culture”) for “complex free people.”  相似文献   

我国国土规划的进展与新时期发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国应逐步建立和完善国土规划体系和相关的法规体系,明确国家与地方政府的作用,制定有利于不同地区国土开发的经济政策与措施,加强国土规划理论和方法的创新研究,提高国土规划的社会可接受性.  相似文献   

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