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左江红 《初中生》2008,(1):43-47
亲爱的同学们: 开心的寒假如期而至啦!抖落了学习的紧张,解除了作业的压力,挣脱了早出晚归的束缚,你已经一身轻松。老师和家长也许早就为你的放飞导航了,但是,请你记住:你才是你自己的船长。船长,请看:  相似文献   

左江红 《初中生》2008,(2):43-47
亲爱的同学们:   开心的寒假如期而至啦!抖落了学习的紧张,解除了作业的压力,挣脱了早出晚归的束缚,你已经一身轻松.老师和家长也许早就为你的放飞导航了,但是,请你记住:你才是你自己的船长.船长,请看:   ……  相似文献   

也许你不是貌若天仙,也许你语不出众,也许你没有过人的才华。也许你没有辉煌的过去,也许你有先天的缺陷——也许你为此而伤感。为此而自卑、自弃——,不,朋友,别这样,请接纳自己,珍惜自己。  相似文献   

在你心里,学习是头等重要的,还是无关紧要、应付应付的?学习以外的活动你是乐此不疲,还是视而不见、能推则推?也许你一时难以断定自己是哪一种类型的。下面的试题能帮助你判断。请你用最快的速度,即以你的第一感觉"是"与"否"来回答。  相似文献   

认识自己是生涯规划的第一步 也许你会觉得"生涯规划"很陌生或者离自己很遥远,那么请思考以下几个问题:你了解自己吗?有没有什么擅长并一直坚持的兴趣爱好?喜欢什么学科?文理分科时选择的依据是什么,是自己的决定还是父母的安排?以后想考什么学校学习哪个专业?大学毕业后想做什么工作?我们来看一个例子:  相似文献   

DIY是近年来非常流行的概念。它是doityourself的英文缩写,简单来说,就是“自己动手”。DIY的本意是为了省钱,很多事情能自己动手做就尽量不找工人。现在,人们享受到DIY带来的自在与满足感。DIY成了一种全球时尚,并扩展到生活的各个方面。它已不仅仅是为了节省开支,更多的是为了反工业化,突出个人风格。也许你正为没有展示个性的舞台而烦恼,也许你早就想在紧张的学习之余“搞搞新意思”,也许你一直在苦苦寻找快乐的方式……那么,从现在开始,请停止彷煌与抱怨,跟我们一起开始校园DIY吧!  相似文献   

DIY是近年来非常流行的概念。它是doityourself的英文缩写,简单来说,就是“自己动手”。DIY的本意是为了省钱,很多事情能自己动手做就尽量不找工人。现在,人们享受到DIY带来的自在与满足感。DIY成了一种全球时尚,并扩展到生活的各个方面。它已不仅仅是为了节省开支,更多的是为了反工业化,突出个人风格。也许你正为没有展示个性的舞台而烦恼,也许你早就想在紧张的学习之余“搞搞新意思”,也许你一直在苦苦寻找快乐的方式……那么,从现在开始,请停止彷煌与抱怨,跟我们一起开始校园DIY吧!  相似文献   

DIY是近年来非常流行的概念。它是doityourself的英文缩写,简单来说,就是“自己动手”。DIY的本意是为了省钱,很多事情能自己动手做就尽量不找工人。现在,人们享受到DIY带来的自在与满足感。DIY成了一种全球时尚,并扩展到生活的各个方面。它已不仅仅是为了节省开支,更多的是为了反工业化,突出个人风格。也许你正为没有展示个性的舞台而烦恼,也许你早就想在紧张的学习之余“搞搞新意思”,也许你一直在苦苦寻找快乐的方式……那么,从现在开始,请停止彷煌与抱怨,跟我们一起开始校园DIY吧!  相似文献   

人的一生中会有很多梦想。有些梦想,你可以通过自己的努力去实现;有些梦想,或许永远只能是美好的梦想;而有些梦想,可以在他人的相助下变成现实。正值多梦时节的你一定有很多很美的梦,也许你渴望自己的文章能得到名师的亲自指点,也许你梦寐以求与你所崇拜的作家艺术家会面合影,也许你千方百计想得到名人的签名赠书,也许……富于幻想的少男少女,请将你的梦想告诉梦圆,梦圆会尽力让你梦想  相似文献   

DIY是近年来非常流行的概念。它是doityourself的英文缩写,简单来说,就是“自己动手”。DIY的本意是为了省钱,很多事情能自己动手做就尽量不找工人。现在,人们享受到DIY带来的自在与满足感。DIY成了一种全球时尚,并扩展到生活的各个方面。它已不仅仅是为了节省开支,更多的是为了反工业化,突出个人风格。也许你正为没有展示个性的舞台而烦恼,也许你早就想在紧张的学习之余“搞搞新意思”,也许你一直在苦苦寻找快乐的方式……那么,从现在开始,请停止彷煌与抱怨,跟我们一起开始校园DIY吧!  相似文献   

每个即将面临毕业的大四学生都会对未来感到迷茫与害怕。应如何面对毕业后的生活,应提前为毕业做哪些准备,想必都是每个大四学生都比较关心的问题。接下来,就看Brad怎么说吧!  相似文献   

Smile Power     
余明朝 《新高考》2013,(3):26-28
Like a inside you flower with a That' s smile pleasant scent, your smile can draw people close enough to power. A smile has the power to radiate the qualities make you beautiful on the inside--kindness, friendship, honesty, respect, self-control. So please give smiles away like flowers. Let your smile be an patience, invitation see that and for others to get to know the great person behind the smile.  相似文献   

Janet Abaya 《TechTrends》1992,37(3):30-31
Conclusion Finally, in evaluating software packages, “what you need to do is work with the package and match it up with your needs.” Your preference for software will depend on your own background and how you like to work with a package. If you are learning to use a package, you may need to work with it for some time. The longer you work with it, you may form a whole new opinion. Software also changes. There are updates that may improve its capability, so even though you may not like the package now, you may want to reconsider it as new versions come along  相似文献   

目标:提高英语听力水平。想一想:你上次接到推销电话是什么时候,对方是推销什么产品?你对推销电话有什么反应?你曾通过电话推销买过东西吗,买的什么?你打过推销电话吗,推销的是什么产品?考试:本文有助于你备考CAE、IELTS和TOEFL等。  相似文献   

Registration Registration is open to anyone with an interest in language teaching and learning who wishes to attend the conference. We strongly recommend that delegatas register early and take advantage of the early-registration rate. There is also a member rate. If you wish to join IATEFL in the order to take advantage of this rate, please visit www.iatefl.org or contact the office and ask for a membership form. To register for the conference and the pre-conference events, please use the Conference Regi...  相似文献   

党的十六大提出"形成全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会,促进人的全面发展"的学习理念,对于每一个社会成员来说,过去那种"十年寒窗,终身受用"、"文凭到手,名利全有"等观念已经不符合时代的发展,终身学习才是硬道理,不学习就不能生存,不充电就停滞不前。在这种新的社会形势下,教师作为育人者的角色将要承担更多的责任。  相似文献   

This guide to the quality of online learning is an extremely readable and useful publication which anyone interested in the field should read in order to refresh or enhance their understanding of this complex and evolving learning environment. This is a highly recommended resource for all educators and managers of learning and teaching. If the content of this book is likely to be at all relevant to you, I recommend you download your own copy. Robyn Smyth  相似文献   

语法、发音规则和词汇一向被认为是学习外语的三大要素,其实文化因素也是必不可少的一项。要想得心应手地用外语来交流思想,表达感情,就必须对该国的文化进行学习、掌握。  相似文献   

Learning objects are instructional materials found on the Internet that can be used to illustrate, support, supplement, or assess student learning. Small in size, they can provide instruction that is just enough, just in time, just for you. Is it time to move your classroom into the twenty-first century? In this article, the author explores what learning objects are, where one might find them, and attributes of a twenty-first century curriculum. Today's students expect to use technology when learning; learning objects are a natural way to integrate technology into your classroom.  相似文献   

Stress is a problem for everyone, young or old, But when you are a teenager it might feel like the world is on your shoulders, You have to go through many life-changing experiences: your body changes, your mind changes and you might feel all grown-up, and yet you are still treated like a child by your parents and teachers, With all these problems facina you it is easy to become stressed!  相似文献   

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