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对集体谈判中政府的角色定位的认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
集体谈判是解决劳动矛盾的主要方式。目前我国劳资矛盾尖锐,工会不能发挥组织实施集体谈判的作用,工资集体谈判制度效果不佳,推行工资集体协商制度最终还是要靠政府。政府在集体谈判中担当着组织、协调和监督的角色。现阶段我国政府应该从创造建立合作与和谐的劳动关系的舆论氛围、建立促进集体谈判的制度框架、加强劳动关系方面的法制建设、提升基层工会的层次,以及强化处理劳资关系的服务能力等方面推动集体谈判。  相似文献   

澳大利亚集体谈判具有受劳动者强烈支持、集体劳动关系与个人劳动关系相区分、政府密切监管的特征。我国集体协商制度与其相比,存在着制度推广的时间接近、都强调政府作用、工会职能都受到限制的共同点,同时也存在制度推广的方式不同、集体合同质量要求不同、集体劳动关系对集体合同依赖程度不同的区别。借鉴澳大利亚集体谈判制度,具体可从规范政府角色定住、适当提高集体合同的审核标准、以集体合同维系集体劳动关系几个方面进行,从而完善我国集体协商制度。  相似文献   

浅析我国集体谈判制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,随着产业结构的调整升级,我国劳动力市场发展迅速。但由于缺乏法律和制度的约束,目前我国劳动争议多发,劳动关系日益复杂化。集体谈判制度是市场经济国家调整劳动关系的重要途径,但集体谈判制度在我国的发展仍处于初级阶段,面临着很多的困难和问题。  相似文献   

集体谈判:现代西方国家调整劳动关系的制度安排   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
集体谈判是现代西方国家普遍采用的调整劳动关系的重要制度安排。集体谈判能否为管理方所接受 ,并作为决定就业条件和待遇的主要方式 ,取决于两种不同的价值判断体系即一元论和多元论。集体谈判可以在全国范围展开 ,也可以在行业、地区、企业级别进行 ,可以是多雇主的谈判 ,也可以是单一雇主的谈判。在越来越强调不同企业雇佣关系和人力资源管理独特性的背景下 ,现代西方国家集体谈判制度正呈现为一种日益分散化的趋势。  相似文献   

20世纪初期,英国确立了与其经济体制相适应的集体谈判制度,并一直延续避行星今。受英国的自身经济发展、思想传统和政府政策等因素的影响,这一制度的形成经历了从暴力对抗、调解仲裁再到集体谈判确立的过程。我国目前也处于劳资矛盾多发期,虽然两国政治体制不同,劳资关系也不同,但探寻英国集体谈判制度的演变历程,总结和借鉴其历史蛭验。有利于构建我国和谐的劳动关系。  相似文献   

大萧条时期美国集体谈判制度的建构及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国1929年爆发的经济危机导致其劳动法制的全面转型,其中建构的集体谈判制度在一定程度上矫正了劳资关系失衡的格局,对治理经济危机起到了很好的效果。在国际金融危机的背景下,中国有必要通过集体谈判建立劳动关系协调机制,提升对劳动者权益的保护水平,保障劳动者能够分享社会经济发展成果。  相似文献   

在我国向市场经济的转型和发展过程中,劳方与资本利益上的差异逐步凸显,并引发了劳资冲突和矛盾。在这种情况下,集体协商和集体合同制度正是理顺新形势下的劳动关系、促进产业和平发展的有效机制。中国式工资集体协商不同于西方的集体谈判,它强调劳资双方的平等对话,用协商而不是冲突的方式解决劳资矛盾。近年来,我国的集体协商工作已经取得非常大的进展,其中行业性工资集体协商中,尤其以武汉市餐饮行业工资专项集体协商的影响最大。通过分析具体案例中集体合同签订及其实践的过程,从而总结启示与经验,是研究完善集体谈判权的必要途径之一。  相似文献   

集体谈判制度是劳动力商品过度市场化的纠偏机制,是市场经济本身所必需的宏观干预手段,即干预收入再分配、避免财产权利集中。工会的议价能力对集体谈判制度的运行效果具有决定意义。集体行动力也是集体谈判制度有效运行的决定性因素。仅在集团成员的目标与集团自身的目标相吻合时,集体成员才有参与集体行动的现实可能性。这种可能性变为现实的重要途径就是建立集体行动的动力机制,即有选择性的激励机制。  相似文献   

集体谈判权是现代工业社会劳动者应当享有的一项权利,通过集体谈判解决剧变时期出现的劳资冲突成本最低且最为有效。集体谈判权使个体劳动组织成为可以与雇主抗衡的集体力量,提供了雇主与雇员之间平等谈话的机会,成为连接政府、雇主、工人组织的比不可少的链条,是现代劳动法制不可缺少的环节,并发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

集体谈判是大学管理当局与教师代表通过协商谈判,雇佣双方达成关于各自应该履行的责任和权利、义务关系等方面的协议。美国大学集体谈判制度在保障高校教师的经济、职业安全,争取学术自由与终身聘任制等方面的合法权益起到很大的作用。因其自身对抗性的特征使不同高校对有不同的态度,行政力量采取了多种策略,在扩大行政控制权威的同时也起到了安抚教师的作用。  相似文献   

完善集体劳动关系是我国现代化建设中的重大课题,集体劳动关系的实质是劳动者集体劳动权的形成。我国集体劳动权的特点是工会体制一元化、注重集体协商、罢工权不明确和重视劳动者的民主参与权,它体现了国家的政体性质和文化传统。当前要通过增强工会集体谈判和集体争议职能,借助三方协商机制和基层党组织的纽带作用,强化法制等措施来实现劳动者的集体劳动权。  相似文献   

集体谈判作为新时代劳资关系的纽带,在市场经济、集体维权和社会稳定等方面有着不可替代的作用。文章从我国集体谈判存在的问题出发,分析了国外有关集体谈判的先进经验,提出完善我国集体谈判的建议,以期寻求并实现我国集体谈判制度的突破或者质变。  相似文献   

The present study attempts to broaden Neumann's (1979) original study, which included only universities with favorable labor relations, and to assess the role of organizational climate in predicting and explaining faculty attitudes toward collective bargaining at a college facing severe labor problems. The major findings of this study are the following. First, the perceived power structure is the dominant predictor of attitudes toward unionization at the university in a labor dispute. The magnitude of relationships between perceived power and collective bargaining attitudes is noticeably stronger at the university with unfavorable labor relations than at universities with favorable labor relations. Second, inequity is related to some aspects of collective bargaining and is not related to others. Third, perceived goals do not effect faculty attitudes toward unionization. The implications of these findings are discussed and elaborated.  相似文献   

本文介绍在全球金融与经济危机背景下德国劳动关系的调整,并对其变化的内在制度根源、效果及影响进行分析。为适应全球化环境下资本积累的需要,德国的集体谈判出现由行业向企业分权的趋势,企业在劳动时间和工资等方面获得更多的决定权和灵活性,这些调整有利于德国在全球经济危机中保持较高的就业率,但也在一定程度上损害了劳动者的利益,导致收入差距扩大,并侵蚀了原有稳定的劳动关系。  相似文献   

Among labor economists there is a long-standing interest in the effects of collective bargaining in the public sector. Among industrial relations experts interest exists in the impact that differences in the legal status of public bargaining have on the outcomes of the bargaining process. It is the purpose of this article to shed some light on both questions by estimating the impact of collective bargaining on the earnings of public school teachers in the state of Missouri and then comparing the results with those obtained in the previous study for the state of California. The results reveal the same basic patterns and magnitudes of bargaining effects in the two states despite the differences in the legal status of bargaining.  相似文献   

Despite a persistent belief to the contrary, most Canadian universities prior to the 1960s did not operate collegially. They were run autocratically. Collective bargaining arose as a means of ensuring true collegiality through negotiations between equals, legally entrenching due process and academic freedom, and providing a clearer and stronger mechanism for dealing with salaries and benefits. This was a revolution from below in the governance of universities. Although the sixties are widely regarded as the age of student revolt, in Canada it was the faculty, not the students, who secured a dramatic change in the power structure of the university through collective bargaining.  相似文献   

Charter schools see as many as one in four teachers leave annually, and recent evidence attributes much of this turnover to provisions affected by collective bargaining processes and state laws such as salary, benefits, job security, and working hours. There have been many recent efforts to improve teacher voice in charter schools (Kahlenberg & Potter, 2014), including engaging in some form of collective bargaining, but we know little about the possibilities dictated by state laws. Therefore, this article describes the possibilities and variations for collective bargaining by state and for different charter types (e.g., conversion vs. newly created charters), as well as laws that have the potential to improve teacher satisfaction in charter schools. Ideally, state laws and the collective bargaining process should provide the appropriate balance between flexibility for charter school leaders, teacher voice, and protections for teachers.  相似文献   

从法国公共部门集体谈判的准备、过程和结果三个方面入手,对其法律基础、谈判主体、协商范围、不正当的劳资做法和谈判诚意、僵局解决机制、罢工、成果——集体协议以及政府管理机构这八个主要问题进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

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