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在历史的长河中我国孕育和造就了大量具有地域人文特色的传统优秀文化艺术。而这些传统优秀文化艺术在历史的长河中随着时间的流逝,科技社会的不断发展与进步,如今也逐渐地被历史遗忘,甚至部分传统民间艺术已经濒临失传。作为新时代的小学生,在小学美术课堂上应如何认识、发展和传承这些传统优秀文化艺术,如何让学生热爱传统优秀文化艺术,是我们美术老师所思考和研究的问题。  相似文献   

李新芬 《成才之路》2011,(22):64-64
依据新课程改革的理念,在普通高中美术课程中开设一系列的地域特色教学,不仅能够促进学生学习美术的兴趣,提高当代青少年学生的美术技能,还为学生的发展开拓了空间,同时也继承和发扬了优秀传统文化。  相似文献   

当前,美术专业教学中的数字化应用已经占有较大的比重,对传统美术教学形成冲击,如何发挥其积极作用是其核心问题。与之相对应的是具有地域风情的地方美术越来越受到高校教育者的重视。作为社会的一个独特组成部分,高校根植于地域土壤中,地域烙印鲜明,如何探索出一条具有地域特色的教学之路已是当务之急。本文试图在继承传统地域美术教学的有益成份的基础上,结合数字化环境下的美术教学实践,研究新形势下美术专业学生必备的素质要求,为传统地域美术教学提供新的视域,也为其在高校课堂的发展提供新的思路。  相似文献   

<正>开发优质的美术课程资源,是关系美术教育发展的重要论题。地域文化是一方土地的先民在长期的历史发展中形成的特定生产生活方式、习俗礼仪、文化遗存等,其中蕴含着丰富的美术课程资源。开发地域美术课程资源能够有效促进中华优秀传统文化的传承和弘扬,增强地域文化的生命力,将地域文化资源融入美术课程,能够在凸显课程特色的同时,让学生获得更多的美术体验,使得美术课堂更加多元、更具活力。本文参考由夏志芳主编、安徽教育出版社出版的《地域文化·课程开发》,以及由王俊、华斌著,  相似文献   

美术新课标对美术教育提出了新要求,指出学生应当在美术课堂之中参与传统文化的传承以及地方民俗文化的交流。江阴,地域性文化资源丰富,这些资源在美术课程教育中的应用也十分重要。如何将地域文化与美术教育融合是一个值得研究的问题,文章从小学美术教学中地域性文化资源进行探究、总结,并结合实际教学经验和当地的实际情况,对如何将忠义文化在美术教育中融合进行探究。  相似文献   

2014年3月26日,教育部正式颁发《完善中华优秀传统文化教育指导纲要》(以下简称《纲要》),要求完善对大中小学生的中华优秀传统文化教育。那么,中华优秀传统文化教育如何定位?其内容和形式如何既符合课堂教学的要求,又能与本校的校园文化特点相结合呢?《新课标》指出:“美术学习实质上是一种文化学习”“在美术教学中增加文化含量”“让学生在广泛的文化情境中认识美术”。经过两年的摸索与实践,马王堆小学确定,开设美术特色课程不失为解决以上难题的有效途径与载体之一。具体做法便是挖掘本土地域文化资源,打造既能凸显本校校园文化,又能有效实施传统文化教育的美术特色课程。  相似文献   

如何发挥课堂教学的主渠道作用,利用美术所特有的艺术美和精神美,引导和积淀学生的审美素养,以情感来塑造学生健全的人格和优秀的品质,是教师在美术教学中孜孜以求的教育目标。文章从美术课堂谈话沟通、图像识读、观察体验、通感领会、模创训练五个方面分析如何提高学生的审美与情感素养。  相似文献   

刘鹏 《科幻画报》2022,(12):183-184
我国有着上下五千年的优秀文化,大部分文化都在民间广泛流传,这其中就存在着多种多样的美术资源。一线的小学美术教师如果将这些民间美术资源融合引入小学美术教育,不仅有助于提高学生的审美水平,丰富美术教学,还能够在很大程度上促进民间艺术的传承和发展。鉴于此,本文将首先分析民间美术资源在小学美术课堂上应用的重要意义,然后再结合具体的教学实践活动来谈一谈如何在小学美术课堂上应用民间美术资源。  相似文献   

王丽 《天津教育》2023,(24):131-133
<正>2011版《义务教育美术课程标准》明确指出:“在选择美术教科书内容时,要特别重视优秀的中国传统美术和民族民间美术,弘扬优秀民族文化。教师可以运用社会文化资源,如戏剧、民族与民间艺术以及人类文化的遗物、遗迹等进行美术教学。”将传统民间艺术引入小学美术课堂,身为美术教师义不容辞。传统民间艺术涉及很多领域的知识,一节课不可能全部讲透,小学生也很难理解。基于此,本文主要探索在小学美术课堂中传统民间技艺的传承与创新教学策略与方法。作为一线美术教师,需要考虑传统民间艺术进入小学美术课堂,  相似文献   

通过对当前甘肃中小学美术教育现状的调查,就学校美术教育在地域文化传承与发展方面存在的问题进行了探讨;从地域文化逐渐流失的角度,阐述了美术学科教学应该如何利用本土民间美术,即从传统节日、民间美术、宗教美术、历史文化、地理风光等方面发掘中小学本土美术课程资源,并做好本土美术资源库的开发。通过加强本土美术教学,引导中小学生热爱地域文化,继承民族文化传统,全面提高中小学生的文化素质和修养。  相似文献   

上古韵部划分是上古音研究的核心部分,韵部划分至清代虽已渐臻完备,但学界对韵部进行再划分的工作一直未断。李新魁先生在二十九部基础上分出祭、废、至、队、曷、桓、戈七部,将上古韵部分为三十六部,其分部的依据不合理,故不必立祭、废、至、队、曷、桓、戈七部。  相似文献   

英、美、法、德、日中小学校教师法律地位的比较   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
英、美、法、德、日等国都非常重视用法律手段解决教师问题,但在以法规定政府、学校、社会、市场和法院等的教师管理权限,突出教师法律身份的公务性,健全教师权利保障机制,确保教师资格和工资待遇,保证教师具有一定程度的教学自由和建立完备的教师法律救济制度等方面,因各国国家体制的差异、所属法系的不同以及文化的多样性,上述各方面的法律规定又不尽一致.本文就此进行概要比较.  相似文献   

根据粤、闽、湘、赣、客家等方言的资料以及一些书面资料,对与普通话里的"给…"和"相对应的词的语言形式、分布状况作一简要描写,可以初步窥见这些"对应词"之间的联系.  相似文献   

Simple, reliable and sensitive analytical methods to determine anticariogenic agents, preservatives, and artificial sweeteners contained in commercial gargles are necessary for evaluating their effectiveness, safety, and quality. An ion chromatography (IC) method has been described to analyze simultaneously eight anions including fluoride, chloride, sulfate, phosphate,monofluorophosphate, glycerophosphate (anticariogenic agents), sorbate (a preservative), and saccharin (an artificial sweetener)in gargles. In this IC system, we applied a mobile phased gradient elution with KOH, separation by IonPac AS18 columns, and suppressed conductivity detection. Optimized analytical conditions were further evaluated for accuracy. The relative standard deviations (RSDs) of the inter-day's retention time and peak area of all species were less than 0.938% and 8.731%, respectively,while RSDs of 5-day retention time and peak area were less than 1.265% and 8.934%, respectively. The correlation coefficients for targeted analytes ranged from 0.999 7 to 1.000 0. The spiked recoveries for the anions were 90%~102.5%. We concluded that the method can be applied for comprehensive evaluation of commercial gargles.  相似文献   

Simple, reliable and sensitive analytical methods to determine anticariogenic agents, preservatives, and artificial sweeteners contained in commercial gargles are necessary for evaluating their effectiveness, safety, and quality. An ion chromatography (IC) method has been described to analyze simultaneously eight anions including fluoride, chloride, sulfate, phosphate, monofluorophosphate, glycerophosphate (anticariogenic agents), sorbate (a preservative), and saccharin (an artificial sweetener) in gargles. In this IC system, we applied a mobile phased gradient elution with KOH, separation by IonPac AS18 columns, and suppressed conductivity detection. Optimized analytical conditions were further evaluated for accuracy. The relative standard deviations (RSDs) of the inter-day's retention time and peak area of all species were less than 0.938% and 8.731%, respectively, while RSDs of 5-day retention time and peak area were less than 1.265% and 8.934%, respectively. The correlation coefficients for targeted analytes ranged from 0.999 7 to 1.000 0. The spiked recoveries for the anions were 90%-102.5%. We concluded that the method can be applied for comprehensive evaluation of commercial gargles.  相似文献   

Bilingual educational research is a comprehensive, cross-cultural, interdisciplinary, and borderline disciplinary domain that studies the phenomena and regularities of bilingual and bicultural education (including those of multilingual and multicultural education). As well as being a branch discipline of ethnic pedagogy, it is at the same time a branch discipline of ethnic linguistics. Since the 1950s and in the wake of the deepening and popularization of research into bilingualism and biculruralism on the international scene, research has rapidly advanced into the theory and practice of bilingual education. All multinational countries in the world and a number of international organizations have successively set up bilingual educational research institutions, initiated research into bilingual education, and published large numbers of academic treatises and books, results of experiments, and investigative reports. Worth mentioning is that the world-renowned Canadian scholar, Professor W. F. Mackey, and Professor Migual Siguán of Spain accepted a research project on "bilingualism and education" from the International Bureau of Education (IBE), the final result of which was a book entitled Education and Bilingualism. This achievement marked the fact that bilingual education had initially become an independent discipline. Although this research was not all-inclusive, it delineated at least a rough framework for disciplinary research into bilingual education and laid a preliminary foundation for the development of future research in bilingualism. Its main content included bilingual individuals, bilingual societies, bilingual education, the psycho-sociological basis of bilingual education, organization and implementation of bilingual education, and assessment of research into, and results of, bilingual education.1 In this project, the authors gathered and studied facts related to bilingual education in some of the main multiethnic and multilingual countries and regions, as well as the circumstances of research into such education. However, they did not touch on bilingual education or bilingual educational research in China. Thus, by developing research into the bilingual education conducted among China's ethnic minorities, we will not only be promoting the smooth advance of the practice of China's bilingual education and realize mutual linguistic communication, political equality, common cultural prosperity, common economic development, and, ultimately, the great unity of all China's ethnic peoples, we will certainly enrich the world's treasury of bilingual educational research and make China's due contribution toward promoting the development and practice of international bilingual education.  相似文献   

Many educational theoretical approaches to cosmopolitanism tend towards an unconditional appreciation of mobility, diversity and rootlessness. The recent interest of educational philosophy in the rhizome, de-territorialization and diversity contributes to this understanding of cosmopolitanism as movement across a borderless and imperfect world. Without downplaying such insights (and related political education), this article displaces and de-temporalizes them. It takes the form of a parody of the rhizome to view those insights from a different perspective and make them strike a different pedagogical note.  相似文献   

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