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传统的翻译研究注重原著与译作的对比,将翻译看作是文本之间的转换。然而翻译研究决不能忽视语言外的因素。本文就从《安妮的日记》的不同译本来分析意识形态与翻译的关系。  相似文献   

5-9世纪的法兰克社会,是一个处在转型时期的过渡性质的社会.从日耳曼所有制的瓦解到封建所有制的确立,从奴隶制的长期残存到被封建制排挤;从征服者与被征服者的差别到两者的合流,从自由人、奴隶、隶农之间的差别到他们的合流;从王权有限到王权成为政治制度核心,再到统治者权力在诸子中分配;从自卫队到民军复杂化,从公职人员统率军队直到私人武装的建立;从纳税与不纳税差别到统一纳税,从税收归国库到赋税被领主瓜分;从圣徒屡遭侮辱到教会神圣不可侵犯,从马尔克财产观念到土地的贵族性,以上都体现着日耳曼因素与罗马因素的综合具有漫长性和曲折性特点.  相似文献   

Higher education in Japan: A view from outside   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Higher education in Japan is often characterized in comparativestudies as considerably expanded, highly stratified, overshadowed bycompetition for admission, not very demanding for the masses ofundergraduate students, important in awarding credentials, but without closelinks between the subjects of study and subsequent professional tasks. Thesecharacteristics have been pointed out so frequently in the past that thequestion has to be raised whether this picture is too old-fashioned and toomuch of a stereotype. This article echoes the previous articles of thisspecial issue. The themes addressed by Japanese authors are partlysummarized, partly supplemented and partly challenged by a foreign observer.Developments and notably changes in the early 1990s are analyzed in respectto the quantitative-structural pattern of the Japanese higher educationssystem; governance and financing; access and admissions; learning, teachingand research; links between educational attainment, credentials and career;curricula, competences and graduate employment, and finally graduateeducation. The author draws the conclusion that efforts directed towardsreforming higher education have been spread over many issues, among themmany academic issues such as new curricular approaches, rather thanfocussing on single major issues such as steering, governance and evaluationas one could observe in Europe during the last ten years or so. Changingsocietal conditions, for example growing employment problems, the increaseof specialists' career and internationalization currently stimulate areconsideration of higher education policies in various respects.  相似文献   

There has been little research carried out in the United Kingdom (UK) aimed at providing a holistic exploration of the victim experiences of young people within the school and community environments (extrafamilial victimization). This study therefore examined the prevalence of 24 different types of extrafamilial victimization experienced by a sample of 730 young people, aged 13–16 years (mean 13.8 years), from one county in the UK. The findings show that the vast majority of young people experienced some form of extrafamilial victimization over their lifetime (84.1%) and past year (67.2%). Looking at individual categories of victimization experienced over the lifetime, 7 out of 10 young people witnessed or experienced indirect victimization, 1 in 3 experienced property victimization, more than 1 in 4 physical victimization, almost 1 in 2 experienced bullying, 1 in 28 dating violence and 1 in 7 experienced sexual victimization. The findings also suggest that victimization is not an isolated event; participants experienced an average 2.8 different types of victimization across their lifetime. These research findings are compared to those from national victimization surveys in the USA and UK to compile a picture of the victimization prevalence rates across studies. The findings highlight the importance of adopting a holistic approach to the exploration of extrafamilial victimization in future research, assessment of victim experiences, and prevention of extrafamilial victimization.  相似文献   

The United Kingdom, like most of its European partners has achieved 'mass' higher education and Dearing has tried to come to terms with the implications of this and move the debate a stage forward from mass higher education to the learning society, embracing a much wider range of clients and forms of post school education and training. The responsibilities of individual students to manage their own learning experiences are much nearer the centre of the picture than has hitherto been normal in UK universities and colleges. There are similarities between the proposed qualification structure with stopping off points at the end of each full time year and the arrangements which have been in operation in France for some years. There are other examples of proposed convergence with continental models, not least the increase in class size and the assimilation into higher education of casual lecturers.
In contrast the paper also draws attention to the growing role of the state (disguised as the nation) in higher education and the associated 'juridification' which seems to be on the wane in Europe. Britain seems well set to discover that feature once decried as quintessential of the overmighty European State, namely the avalanche of ministerial circulars and decrees which ensured cohesion and compliance but also imposed heavy burdens on university managers.  相似文献   

Where do things REALLY come from? The basic beginnings of the food on the supermarket shelves, the clothes on our backs, the furniture we sit on are a mystery to many children. They can learn about these through books and stories, but firsthand observation is far better. But field trips can be complex undertakings, taxing the resources of time, money, and transportation. Fortunately, there are hobbyists and professional craftspeople who are willing to travel to you and share their knowledge with your children. Inviting them to visit your classroom can create a wonderful experience for all concerned.  相似文献   

Schools are currently suffering from considerable ‘innovation overload’ with multiple changes being demanded by the Education Reform Act and other sources. Tom Peters (1988) has argued that a similar turbulent situation exists in US business and industry and suggests that the most successful companies are those which are able to ‘Thrive on Chaos’. LEAs and schools need knowledge and skills about school improvement and this article attempts to provide research‐based information to help them cope with innovation and improve teaching and learning.

School improvement is seen as a combination of previous research on the management of change and school effectiveness. Eight factors which seem to be related to effective schools are listed and knowledge about the change process is used to consider how a school could be improved. In order to offer practical help to LEAs and schools a set of guidelines is provided and recent research findings are discussed under each heading. The article concludes with an outline of a possible LEA school improvement project, involving a set of stages.  相似文献   

在数字化转型升级时代,未来工作的主要变化发生在环境、技能、资格和就业四个方面,要求劳动者在掌握核心技能的同时,注重综合能力发展,既需要劳动者个人保持终身学习和自我更新,同时也需要外界提供合适的培训环境和培训资源。研究发现,我国目前的数字化技能培训存在以下问题:培训未惠及低技能人群,学校培训的实训机会不足,企业开展培训积极性不强,政府未建立相关认定与评估标准,等等。这些问题需要多方协同合力破解,如政府进行顶层设计,为培训提供保障与激励;企业通过多渠道参与技能形成体系建设,提高话语权,发挥主体作用;培训方重塑目前培训的定位,更新培训模式;劳动者本身则需要建立技能提升意识,规划职业发展道路,主动寻求培训机会。  相似文献   

BASIC SPEECH. By Jon Eisenson and Paul H. Boase. (Second edition.) New York: Macmillan, 1964; pp. xii+388. $5.95.

THE FUNDAMENTALS OF SPEAKING. By Wilbur E. Gilman, Bower Aly, and Hollis L. White. (Second edition.) New York: Macmillan, 1964; pp. vii+440. $5.95.

PRACTICAL PUBLIC SPEAKING. By Eugene E. White. (Second edition.) New York: Mac‐millan, 1964; pp. xi+402. $4.95.

THE CRAFT OF PLAY DIRECTING. By Curtis Canfield. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963; pp. xi+349. $6.00.

TELEVISION STATION MANAGEMENT: THE BUSINESS OF BROADCASTING. Edited by Yale Roe. Foreword by A. William Bluem. New York: Hastings House, 1964; pp. 251. $6.95; paper $3.95.

UNDERSTANDING TELEVISION: AN INTRODUCTION TO BROADCASTING. Edited by Robert L. Hilliard. New York: Hastings House, 1964; pp. 254 (75 illustrations). $6.95; paper $3.95.

SPEECH CORRECTION: PRINCIPLES AND METHODS. By Charles Van Riper. (Fourth edition.) Ehglewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice‐Hall, 1963; pp. x+528. $7.95.

DIAGNOSTIC METHODS IN SPEECH PATHOLOGY. By Wendell Johnson, Frederic L. Darley, and D. C. Spriesterbach. New York: Harper &; Row, 1963; pp. xv+347. $7.50.

THE RELIGIOUS SPEECHES OF BERNARD SHAW. Edited with an Introduction by Warren S. Smith. Foreword by Arthur H. Nethercot. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1963; pp. xxiii+104. $3.50.

SHAW AND THE NINETEENTH‐CENTURY THEATER. By Martin Meisel. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1963; pp. xii+477. $7.50.

THE THEATER OF PROTEST AND PARADOX: DEVELOPMENTS IN THE AVANT‐GARDE DRAMA. By George E. Wellwarth. New York: New York University Press, 1964; pp. xv+315. $6.00.

THE PAPERS OF HENRY CLAY. Volume III, Presidential Candidate, 1821–1S24. Edited by James F. Hopkins and Mary M. W. Har‐greaves. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1963; pp. viii+933. 115.00.

PROLOGUE TO CONFLICT: THE CRISIS AND COMPROMISE OF 1850. By Holman Hamilton. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1964; pp. x+236. $5.00.

DEBATERS AND DYNAMITERS: THE STORY OF THE HAYWOOD TRIAL. By David H. Grover. Corvallis: Oregon State University Press, 1964; pp. viii+310. $6.00.

GEORGE W. NORRIS: THE MAKING OF A PROGRESSIVE, 1861–1912. By Richard Lowitt. Syracuse, N. Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1963; pp. xiv+341. $7.95.

PRAIRIE REBEL: THE PUBLIC LIFE OF WILLIAM LEMKE. By Edward C. Blackor‐by. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1963; pp. xii+339. $6.50.

THE REVOLT OF THE CONSERVATIVES: A HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN LIBERTY LEAGUE, 1934–1940. By George Wolf‐skill. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1962; pp. x+303. $5.00.

VISIONS OF ORDER: THE CULTURAL CRISIS OF OUR TIME. By Richard M. Weaver. Foreword by Russell Kirk. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1964; pp. ix+153. $4.50.

RHETORIC OF RACIAL REVOLT. By Roy L. Hill. Denver: Golden Bell Press, 1964; pp. 378. $5.50.

AMERICA'S NEW POLICY MAKERS: THE SCIENTISTS' RISE TO POWER. By Donald W. Cox. Philadelphia: Chilton, 1964; pp. xiv+298. $6.95.

THE PROFESSIONAL: LYNDON B. JOHNSON. By William S. White. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1964; pp. 273. $5.00.

LYNDON B. JOHNSON: A BIOGRAPHY. By Harry Provence. New York: Fleet, 1964; pp. 192. $4.50.

LBJ: THE MAN FROM JOHNSON CITY. By Clarke Newlon. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1964; pp. x+213. $3.75.

A TIME FOR ACTION: A SELECTION FROM THE SPEECHES AND WRITINGS OF LYNDON B. JOHNSON, 1953–64. Introduction by Adlai E. Stevenson. New York: Atheneum, 1964; pp. xv+183. $3.95; paper $.50.

IT SOUNDS IMPOSSIBLE. By Sam J. Slate and Joe Cook. New York: Macmillan, 1963; pp. xliv+270. $6.95.

A GUIDE TO INSTRUCTIONAL TELEVISION. Edited by Robert M. Diamond. New York: McGraw‐Hill, 1964; pp. ix+304. $7.50.  相似文献   

<政府工作报告>是中央政府的重要政治文献,翻译必须要最大限度地忠实于原文.文章试从带政治含义词语的翻译、模糊含蓄词语的翻译、词语语气的翻译及固定表达方式的标准与创新翻译四个方面,从词汇层面上探讨<政府工作报告>翻译.  相似文献   

世界各国为了迎接21世纪的挑战,提高本国公民的整体素质.在基础教育阶段进行了大胆的教改尝试。从调整学生培养目标、改革教育管理体制、重视道德教育、推进教育信息化等出发,力求培养更高素质的人才。  相似文献   

张博 《海外英语》2012,(11):281-282
The style of newspaper reporting,with a variety of genres employed in the newspaper,has its special features from the point of stylistics.This article is making tentative attempts to discuss the usual features through analyzing the news report entitled Half of China Affected in Worst Floods Since 1930s chosen from The Times.  相似文献   

国外教育改革及发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界各国为了迎接21世纪的挑战,提高本国公民的整体素质,在基础教育阶段进行了大胆的教改尝试,从调整学生培养目标,改革教育管理体制,重视道德教育,推进教育信息化等出发,力求培养更高素质的人才。  相似文献   

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