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初中语文第三册第一、二单元能力迁移训练基础知识一、某市举行篮球赛,共有以下三个队参加。请以其队名的第一个拼音字母为序,排列他们参加开幕式入场的顺序。(只用队名前的序码号排列)①阳光②海牛③国泰排列的顺序是:()()()二、找出不符合拼音规则的一组,它...  相似文献   

班级,是学校组织最小的细胞;班级管理,是学校管理最基本的单元。做好了每一个班级管理,学校这个组织才能健康发展,班级中每一个个体才能健康成长,因此,班级管理在学校工作中至关重要,班主任任重道远。为此,我们应从以下方面努力。  相似文献   

在近二十年的教学过程中,我发现一个问题,小学音乐课本每单元中主要教学内容的排列顺序几乎都是这样的:先是歌曲,其次是乐理知识,再次是综合训练,而音乐欣赏则排在最末的位置。于是,许多音乐教师不假思索地把这个顺序搬到了课堂上,甚至  相似文献   

对于给定的一个n元排列,按照某一指定的排列规则(即置换)累次对其进行置换(重排),总可以使之还原成原来的排列。 关于如何计算n元排列还原的最少置换次数,本文首先介绍一种具有普遍意义的一般计算方法,然后针对“洗牌问题”给出计算n元排列还原的最少置换次数的另一种简便方法,从而解决了n元排列还原最少置换次数的计算问题。  相似文献   

王丽英 《山东教育》2011,(10):49-49
在近二十年的教学过程中,我发现一个问题.小学音乐课本每单元中主要教学内容的排列顺序几乎都是这样的:先是歌曲.其次是乐理知识,再次是综合训练,而音乐欣赏则排在最末的位置。于是,许多音乐教师不假思索地把这个顺序搬到了课堂上。  相似文献   

班级,是学校组织最小的细胞;班级管理,是学校管理最基本的单元.做好了每一个班级管理,学校这个组织才能健康发展,班级中每一个个体才能健康成长,因此,班级管理在学校工作中至关重要,班主任任重道远.为此,我们应从以下方面努力.……  相似文献   

<正>有3个装有鱼和水的鱼缸和3个空鱼缸,排列顺序如图A。如果把他们的排列顺序变成图B所示的状态.且一次只能移动一个鱼缸。请问,最少要移动几次?  相似文献   

针对学生体能测试时间安排问题,构造了一种基于流水线的时间安排模型.在确保测试所需时间段数最少的同时,通过对测试流水线和进场班级顺序的优化设计,得到了一个节省学生等待时间的优化方案.结果表明了该方案的易扩展性和有效性.  相似文献   

班级文化是指班级内部形成的独特的价值观、共同思想、作风和行为准则的总和。班级文化构成了班集体形成和发展最稳固、最有活力的基础,体现了一个班级特有的风格。它是以班级为主要活动空间,以师生为主体,以班级物质环境、价值观念和心理倾向等为主要特征的群体文化。这种群体文化能将学生个体行为融入班级集体行为,产生并升华为集体意志,从而建立起健康的、积极的班级文化。在这种文化氛围中,学生每一个学习过程都将得到重视,每一个成长体验都将得到珍惜,每一次情感的波动都将得到关注。因此,班级文化建设是促进学生成长的重要因素。  相似文献   

魏晓菊 《学苑教育》2012,(23):77-77
班级是学校的最基本单元。班级秩序的正常与混乱直接关系到学校的教与学的优与劣,从而影响学校的做优做强。所以班级管理在整个教学过程中至关重要。  相似文献   

Using a set of data derived from 42 schools at two points in time and a widely accepted definition of organizational climate, a number of methodological and substantive issues relating to school climate were explored. Via principal component analysis, four dimensions of school climate were identified. In approaching the key issue, under what conditions it is meaningful to speak of a climate dimension as a characteristic of the school (and not some lower‐level unit), it is tentatively proposed that a climate dimension has a ‘unit reliability’ of .15 or more and an ‘aggregate reliability’ of at least .35 in order to be considered a school characteristic. Furthermore, the “longitudinal relative consistency” or stability of the dimensions was examined. It was found that at least three of the dimensions were relatively enduring over time, as they should be according to the definition of school climate. Multilevel analyses suggested that the teacher reports of school climate were fairly robust and generalizable. The thinking and findings in this article are related to recent work in the school improvement and effectiveness field.  相似文献   

将单位管线建造费用公式转化为线性形式,先假设a为已知,根据最小二乘法原理进行线性回归从而确定b,α的值。问题的关键便转化为对a值的确定,通过对回归方程相关指数R的分析,运用消去法找出最优的a值。根据所建的数学模型编写C++程序,并通过算例证明能够准确,快捷的计算,得出较为满意的参数值。  相似文献   

在传统的劳动价值理论中,劳动生产率作为影响商品价值量的重要因素,与单位商品价值量的关系成反比,已是理论界长期广泛应用的定论。但若深化对这一理论的研究,我们还能发现,从简单劳动和社会必要劳动时间这两个前提出发,我们完全能获得劳动生产率与单位商品价值量关系的另一解:劳动生产率的变化(提高或降低),与劳动劳动量的支付能力成正比,与单位商品价值量的大小无关,与单位时间内商品的价值总量成正比。这一认识也是对商品价值量与劳动生产率间的真实关系的描述,这样的认识并不妨碍我们对传统经济理论的若干重要问题的理解,且可能提供出一个解释现代社会诸多经济现象的新视角。  相似文献   

Primary teachers, despite their critical role in fostering student interest in science, lack confidence and have negative attitudes towards teaching science, with this trend starting during initial teacher education. Though research on attitudes towards teaching science is well established, less is known about attitudes towards learning science. In order to advance our understanding in this area, this study mapped the entry and evolution of attitudinal profiles towards learning science of 108 primary education pre-service teachers undertaking a first-year science unit. Participants completed an online survey tapping on self-determination, grade motivation, self-efficacy, difficulty, interest, anxiety and enjoyment in science before the commencement of the unit (T1) and at the end of it (T2). Clustering methods were used to group participants into homogenous attitudinal profiles at both points in time. Subsequently, daughter profile analysis was used to examine qualitative changes in final profiles respective to entry. Four distinct attitudinal profiles were identified with 47% of the participants exhibiting the least favourable profiles at the start of the science unit. Migration (T1 to T2) was more prevalent from the least to the most favourable profiles, however, it did occur in the opposite direction. Findings revealed that, though pre-service teachers increased their confidence in their ability to learn science, their self-determination decreased in all but one of the eight resulting daughter profiles.  相似文献   

研究了服务台可修排队系统的最优更换策略,假定服务台不能“修复如新”,利用几何过程,以初服务的顾客数N为其更新策略,选择最优的N^*,使得系统工期运行单位时间内的期望效益达到最大,并求出了系统经长期运行单位时间内期望效益的明显表达式,最后还对结果进行了讨论。  相似文献   

We studied the normality criterion for families of meromorphic functions related to shared sets. Let F be a family of meromorphic functions on the unit disc △, a and b be distinct non-zero values, S={a,b}, and k be a positive integer. If for every f∈ F, i) the zeros of f(z) have a multiplicity of at least k+ 1, and ii) E^-f(k)(S) lohtain in E^-f(S), then F is normal on .4. At the same time, the corresponding results of normal function are also proved.  相似文献   

介绍了喷射真空泵和液环真空泵的各自特点,结合工程设计实例,探讨了茂名5000kt/a常减压蒸馏装置减压塔机械抽真空改造的工艺方案,工艺管道及自控流程,联锁控制系统等。同时对设备选型和配管方面提出了注意事项,可供类似项目在设计时参考。项目实施后结果表明,采用液环真空泵组代替二级蒸汽喷射器的改造方案是成功的,装置综合能耗降低0.334kgEo/t,改造后操作方案灵活,投资、节能和环保效益明显。  相似文献   

研究的是保费收取的次数为负二项随机序列的复合负二项模型时的破产概率.对离散的经典风险模型进行改进,讨论了盈余的性质,给出了关于破产概率的一个定理,得到了破产概率的上限.  相似文献   

Using epistemic perspectives as a theoretical framework, this study investigated Australian pre-service teachers’ perspectives about knowing, knowledge and children’s learning, as they engaged in a semester-long unit on philosophy in the classroom. During the field experience component of the unit, pre-service teachers were required to teach at least one philosophy lesson. Pre-service teachers completed the Personal Epistemological Beliefs Survey at the beginning and end of the unit. They were also interviewed in focus groups at the end of the semester to investigate their views about children’s learning. Paired sample t-tests were used to explore changes in epistemic beliefs over time. Significant differences were found for only some individual items on the survey. However, when interviewed, pre-service teachers indicated that field experiences helped them consider children as competent ‘thinkers’ who were capable of engaging in philosophy in the classroom. They reported predominantly student-centred perspectives of children’s learning, although a process of adjudication (exploring disagreements and evidence for responses) was lacking in these responses.  相似文献   

应用Ahlfors覆盖曲面理论,证明了单位圆内代数体函数w(=)满足r→1 lim sup(T(r,w)/log(1/(1-r)))=+∞时,至少存在一个涉及重值的Nevanlinna点.推广了文献[1—2]的结果.  相似文献   

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