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This article explores theoretical and pedagogical frameworks for re-evaluating literary curricula and reading practices in contemporary school classrooms. Data from a study of students' responses to reading international literature in a multi-ethnic urban Canadian high school and conversations with South African high school students on their reading preferences ground this discussion of how students and teachers can cross borders constructed within discourses of race, gender, and ethnicity. Drawing on postcolonial literary theory, critical theory, and reader response theories, the article considers the questions, concerns, and dilemmas that emerge when students begin to deconstruct misrepresentations of "others" in literary texts and acknowledge challenges to their perceptions of self.  相似文献   


We examine the emergence of the ‘postfeminist’ sensibility from feminist theory and praxis, and its relation and relevance to education. Analytical frameworks such as postfeminism and intersectionality have given equal weight to recognition-based struggles, such as those based on sexual, racial, class-based, gender-related identities. We follow Nancy Fraser’s argument that these identity-based movements have been co-opted by neoliberal politicians and bureaucratic policy-makers, and become a divide and rule strategy, neglecting the subjugating power of capital. Beginning with third-wave feminism’s emphasis on individual identity, women’s struggles have been become a part of the greater parisitic neoliberal project. We consider the implications of this docile and domesticated feminism for the education of women.  相似文献   

This article uses the findings from an empirical study on Hong Kong students’ reading practices as collected through face-to-face interviews on major university campuses in Hong Kong to argue for the importance of affective and imaginative engagement with literary texts if students are to develop an interest in reading. Until now, few empirical studies have been conducted to investigate the actual interaction between the text and student readers, especially in situations that go beyond the usual classroom contexts. This student-centred narrative inquiry, which is grounded in literary and language research, demonstrates that while the notion of relevance, in terms of students’ socio-cultural background and their own life experiences, has long been considered as a key factor in the choice of texts used in a literature classroom, it is important to recognize the creativity that is embedded in students’ reading processes.  相似文献   

中国形象的建构贯穿于整个二十世纪中国现代性的自我建构。抗战文学负载着完成民族国家想象的文学表达和话语实践的重任。其文本的符号表意系统呈示中国形象的可能性形态及精神表征:重"群体"的集体主义情怀、崇尚生命"强力"的革命意志。抗战文学参与了现代民族国家地理的绘制和新的中国形象的想象与构建,确立了自身现代民族"主体性"工程的现代性意义。  相似文献   

文学泛化时代的想象力危机   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代文学较之近、现代文学体现出很多不同,表现出文学样态的多样化、文学创作主体的泛化、文学思维和技法的幽灵化以及日常生活符码化思维的渗透等新特点,当代文学进入了文学泛化的时代。关于文学想象力萎缩的问题必须在这一文化背景下加以探讨。当代中国文学的想象力萎缩既是当代中国人文社会科学原创力匮乏的表现之一,也是文学泛化背景下非文学领域与文学互动而引起的非文学想象力方式对文学想象方式影响的反映。当代中国文学并不缺少想象力,而是缺少符合文学这种特殊的语言审美艺术特质的优秀的想象力。  相似文献   

This article seeks to explore the importance of the affective politics of fear in education and to discuss the implications for educational policy, theory and practice. The aim is to explore how discourses of fear work in some educational contexts and draw significant boundaries between ‘us’ and ‘them’ through the structuring of curriculum and pedagogy. This analysis is done through argumentation and research evidence from the author's ethnographic work in the United States and Cyprus. Based on this analysis, the author draws out pedagogical openings that emerge from such efforts, and extends the space in which pedagogues might move to induce a critical interrogation of the affective politics of fear. It is argued that if educators are committed to inspire individual and social change – a change that would eventually problematise the symbolic violence exerted by the affective politics of fear – then much work needs to be done at the affective level.  相似文献   

Conclusion The Internet, the Web, and WBI are vital for learners all over the world to gather and exchange information, to communicate and interact, and to learn. Since the open-door policy was implemented in China more than 20 years ago, advocates of the Internet have continuously urged the Chinese government to adopt a less restricted policy for Internet use. However, the Internet is characteristically Western and may convey an unwanted Western bias. Strategies that will help prevent the negative influence from using the Westernized Internet are needed. It is recommended that the Chinese government reform the current test-driven educational system, provide better technological training for teachers and students, have appropriate technological resources for students in the less-developed areas, and implement more quality WBI that is conducive to constructivist learning.  相似文献   

对城市想象的言说,在“十七年文学”中由最初的欲说还休到几度变形登场,最后都不约而同地把描写的重点转向了城市日常生活的想象上。选取“十七年文学”中三部有代表性的作品,可以领略“十七年文学”中城市文学这一静水深流,触摸到城市文学在当代那微弱而又倔强的发展脉络。  相似文献   

现如今的民族国家可以称之为想象中的共同体,所推崇的民族主义是具备现代化重要意义的内容,也是一类全新的语言与历史的经验,更是一种崭新科学的世界观。创造出中国现代民族国家的因素是中国与外国的的交集,中国现代文学作品的灵感主要来自于新中国。在建设和创设现在民族国家的过程中必不可少的是中国现代文学。  相似文献   

报告文学是新闻和文学结合的产物。作为新闻,它必须保持新闻的客观真实的本质,以写实为本;作为文学,它又与其他样式的文学一样,在写作中必须运用想像等形象思维的方法来增强文学性。但报告文学创作中的想像是再造性想像,本质上是一种对客观事实的“还原”,而不是虚构,因此它也是写实的。报告文学的想像与写实应当是统一的。  相似文献   

This paper examines and analyses where and how information and communication technologies (ICT) are integrated in Singapore schools to engage students in higher-order thinking activities. Taking the activity system as a unit of analysis, the study documents the actual processes and sociocultural elements that engage students in higher-order thinking. By employing methods such as observations, focus group discussions with students, and face-to-face interviews with teachers, ICT-coordinators and principals, an account of how the activity systems within and between classrooms, and the schools are generated. Based on the analysis of the data from 10 schools, issues in the learning environment are discussed: Necessary (classroom management and orienting activities) and sufficient conditions (scaffolding activities and supporting school policies) for effective ICT integration in the classroom. The account also highlights the constraints of time and lack of knowledge and experience in the contexts that the teachers are working under, and how these constraints are addressed by supporting school policies in the larger sociocultural setting of the school. This account provides a sample of pedagogical and sociocultural issues that are discussed over the course and at the end of the project. Like a good guidebook, the study sensitizes the audience to what is likely to happen given a particular objective, constraint, or design.  相似文献   

语文活动是语文教育的一个重要途径,是学生学好语文不可忽视的一个重要环节.语文教学除了学科知识学习外,更要重视学生的语文实践活动.语文活动与其他学科活动相比,其特点、类型、组织形式、价值有所不同,我们要作好精心指导.  相似文献   

有人认为,进入现代文学时期以后,中国古代文学中的鬼魅灵异叙述传统戛然而止,传统神魔玄怪的文学想象绝迹灭踪。但实际情形是:进入现代以后,文学中的神秘想象与叙述虽曾一度受到抑制,但这一传统并未中止,它以更隐蔽的方式存在和承续着,不时在文学作品中显露出丝丝缕缕的印记。  相似文献   

20世纪的湖湘文学,在西方现代性观念和湖湘文化的双重影响下,呈现出三种现代性想象方式:以经世致用的理性精神为特征的启蒙现代性;以强烈浓郁的爱国情怀为核心的革命现代性;以神秘浪漫的巫楚文化为底蕴的审美现代性。这三种现代性的想象方式,构筑了20世纪湖湘文学历史发展的整体性面相。  相似文献   

想象在文学中的作用切实存在,但目前对其如何发挥作用以及发挥作用的特点和规律尚少有清晰论述。在欣赏文学作品时,欣赏者的想象分为三个阶段,即“知觉想象”、“再造想象”和“创造想象”,并对这三个阶段的想象进行了分析,阐明了其在想象的线性发展中所起的作用。结合文学欣赏的过程阶段,即“感知阶段”、“想象阶段”、“理解阶段”和产生审美感受的阶段,着力探究想象在各阶段的或隐或显,或灵动活泼或低沉蕴蓄的作用方式,最后得出结论:是否能创造出引发读者诸多心理因素的和谐自由运动的艺术形象是文学创作成败的关键所在。  相似文献   

文学是语言艺术,作为对“想象的世界”的表现,文学语言和普通的实用语言的不同,在于其情感性、多义性,在于其联想的丰富和多彩。文学作品的形象是通过间接的方式,通过想象的过程呈现给读者的。文学文本中语言符号与意义的分离与偏转所造成的不确定性和空白,为欣赏者留下了想象和联想的空间,欣赏者需要依靠想象的能力对空白进行独特的、创造性的填充和确定。因此,把握文本的思想深义,感悟艺术形式的表现技巧,最重要的首先是对文学文本层面的认识,然后经过想象、联想的作用,唤起具体可感的个人艺术世界,即创造性的艺术形象世界。艺术形象沟通了作品的浅层结构和深层结构的联系。  相似文献   

乡土叙事的城乡二元对立模式建构了乡村与城市互为想象的两种镜像,并且形成了乡村仰视城市、城市俯瞰乡村的一般审美传统。随着城市化进程的发展,城市与乡村之间由对视发展为对话,二者互为开放和拥抱的同时,农民对于城市的想象也发生了根本性的转变,想象姿态和审美情感的渐变在新世纪文学中表现得尤为突出,及时捕捉这些新鲜的信息有助于我们更好地塑造新的农民形象,全面把握文学在社会转型时期的律动与特征。  相似文献   

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