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《聊斋志异》中《鸽异》所写主人公邹平张幼量,原型为明末抗清志士张万钟。张万钟不仅正面抗击清军,以身殉明,而且撰了世界鸽类研究史上第一部专《鸽经》。他是清初大诗人王士祯的岳父,《鸽经》赖王氏操持得以传世。蒲松龄写《鸽异》也是对乡贤的一个纪念。  相似文献   

In the delayed matching of key location procedure, pigeons must remember the location of the sample key in order to choose correctly between two comparison keys. The deleterious effect of short intertrial intervals on key location matching found in previous studies suggested that pigeons’ short-term spatial memory is affected by proactive interference. However, because a reward expectancy mechanism may account for the intertriai interval effect, additional research aimed at demonstrating proactive interference was warranted. In Experiment 1, matching accuracy did not decline from early to late trials within a session, a finding inconsistent with a proactive interference effect. In Experiment 2, evidence suggestive of proactive interference was found: Matching was more accurate when the locations that served as distractors and as samples were chosen from different sets. However, this effect could have been due to differences in task difficulty, and the results of the two subsequent experiments provided no evidence of proactive interference. In Experiment 3, the distractor on Trialn was either the location that had served as the sample on Trialn ? 1 or one that had been a sample on earlier trials. Matching accuracy was not inferior on the former type of trial. In Experiment 4, the stimuli that served as samples and distractors were taken from sets containing 2, 3, 5, or 9 locations. Matching accuracy was no worse, actually slightly better, with smaller memory set sizes. Overall, these findings suggested that pigeons’ memory for spatial location may be immune to proactive interference. However, when, in Experiment 5, an intratrial manipulation was used, clear evidence of proactive interference was found: Matching accuracy was considerably lower when the sample was preceded by the distractor for that trial than when it was preceded by the sample or by nothing. Possible reasons why interference was produced by intratrial but not intertrial manipulations are discussed, as are implications of these data for models of pigeons’ short-term spatial memory.  相似文献   

图像的传播更纪实、更便捷,大众传播媒介的广泛参与使之变得更加“受众化”。探究什么是“读图时代”以及“受众”的读图心理,对传播媒体的发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Two hundred fifty‐nine preservice teachers at a medium‐sized university in the Southwest participated in the current study. The participants were randomly assigned to a labeled condition, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or nonlabeled condition, and were presented a vignette in one of three forms: a written case study, a video clip, or a written case study with a video clip. The vignette described an elementary school aged child displaying disruptive behavior, while the video portrayed a similar aged child exhibiting disruptive behavior in the classroom. Following the presentation of the vignette, participants made judgments about the child's social skills and attentional skills by completing an examiner‐made rating scale. There was a significant main effect for the label condition on judgments of attention; participants in the labeled condition made significantly more negative judgment than did those in the nonlabeled condition. There were also significant main effects for the participants' high school location and vignette treatment. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 41: 221–234, 2004.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained in a conditional discrimination paradigm to differentiate successively presented visual arrays according to the relative number of their elements. Transfer tests with novel stimuli demonstrated that they discriminated the categories of “many” (6 or 7) from “few” (1 or 2) items. In further tests, other new stimuli were introduced that consisted not only of these training numerosities, but also of the intervening ones (3, 4, and 5). Variations in the birds’ discrimination performance corresponded to the order of stimuli on a numerosity dimension. This serial ordering was maintained when other factors such as brightness, size, shape, area, and contour of the elements were systematically controlled across tests. Smaller numerosities were somewhat better discriminated than those at the higher end of this test range.  相似文献   

电视新闻画面拍摄得是否到位,直接关系着电视新闻的质量和收视效果。为提高电视新闻的表现力和感染力,本文着重从稳、移、抓、构图等几个方面对如何拍好电视新闻画面进行了初步的探索。  相似文献   

年画是我国传统的民间艺术 ,其起源甚早 ,现实生活中极为常见。年画中蕴含了极其丰富的神话故事 ,本文对年画中的神话故事进行解析  相似文献   

通过建立同态映射方法判断多项式在Z(x)可约与不可约 ,同时推广了Eisenstein判别法  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained to discriminate the proportion of red to green color in paired stimulus displays. Initially, the stimuli were horizontal bars composed of continuous blocks of color that varied from being all red versus all green to .5 proportions of these two colors. Discrimination accuracy decreased as a function of the disparity in the proportions of the two colors. This relationship was maintained when the stimulus configurations were altered in various ways. Tests with horizontal bars indicated that the pigeons could utilize differences in the lengths (or areas) of one of the colors when choosing between stimuli. They did not rely only on this type of cue to assess proportion disparities but rather on multiple stimulus parameters. Also, the form of the discrimination function suggests that the pigeons distinguished ratio differences, so that Weber’s law applies to this type of discrimination.  相似文献   

How does color affect students’ feelings about pictures? Do those feelings vary with sex and age? This study sought to answer those questions by having 148 4th, 7th, and 12th graders rate color and black-and-white slides on nine semantic differential scales — good/bad, happy/ sad, fair/unfair, large/small, strong/weak, heavy/light, fast/slow, hot/cold, restless/ quiet — and a blue/red scale.  相似文献   

K Pezdek 《Child development》1987,58(3):807-815
This experiment assessed the effect of the amount of physical detail in pictures on picture recognition memory for 7-year-olds, 9-year-olds, young adults, and older adults over 68. Subjects were presented simple and complex line drawings, factorially combined in a "same-different" recognition test with simple or complex forms of each. For each age group, recognition accuracy was significantly higher for pictures presented in the simple than in the complex form. This effect was due to differences between simple and complex pictures in the correct rejection rate but not the hit rate; subjects were less accurate detecting deletions from changed complex pictures than additions to changed simple pictures. The older adults were no better than chance at correctly rejecting changed complex pictures. Although increasing the presentation duration from 5 sec to 15 sec increased overall accuracy, it did not increase subjects' ability to correctly reject changed complex pictures. Results are interpreted in terms of schematic encoding and storage of pictures. Accordingly, visual information that communicates the central schema of each picture is more likely to be encoded and retained in memory than information that does not communicate this schema.  相似文献   

Three experiments with students from 7th and 8th grade were performed to investigate the effects of decorative pictures in learning as compared to instructional pictures. Pictures were considered as instructional, when they were primarily informative, and as decorative, when they were primarily aesthetically appealing. The experiments investigated, whether and to what extent decorative pictures affect the learner’s distribution of attention, whether they have an effect on the affective and motivational state and whether they affect the learning outcomes. The first experiment indicated with eye-tracking methodology that decorative pictures receive only a bit initial attention as part of the learner’s initial orientation and are largely ignored afterwards, which suggests that they have only a minor distracting effect if any. The second experiment showed that despite the small amount of attention they receive, decorative pictures seem to induce better mood, alertness and calmness with learners. The third experiment indicated that decorative pictures did not intensify students’ situational interest, but reduced perceived difficulty of the learning material. Regarding outcomes of learning, decorative pictures were altogether neither harmful nor beneficial for learning. However, they moderated the beneficial effect of instructional pictures––in essence: the multimedia effect. The moderating effect was especially pronounced when learners had lower prior knowledge. The findings are discussed from the perspective of cognitive, affective and motivational psychology. Perspectives of further research are pointed out.  相似文献   

美国国家资源中心 2 0 0 0年出版的初中科学教材 ,编排了大量的插图。这些插图的内容涉及领域多 ,时间跨度长 ,空间跨度大 ,设计构思巧妙、贴切 ,插图记录的场面逼真、生动、形象、亲切。在初中科学教材中编辑这些插图 ,可以较好地体现以下五点功能 :提供学生学习科学的重要信息 ;创设学生进行科学探究活动的情境 ;符合初中学生思维、认识过程的规律 ;激发学生学习科学的兴趣 ;开拓学生的视野。  相似文献   

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