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Biology of the twenty-first century is an increasingly quantitative science. Undergraduate biology education therefore needs to provide opportunities for students to develop fluency in the tools and language of quantitative disciplines. Quantitative literacy (QL) is important for future scientists as well as for citizens, who need to interpret numeric information and data-based claims regarding nearly every aspect of daily life. To address the need for QL in biology education, we incorporated quantitative concepts throughout a semester-long introductory biology course at a large research university. Early in the course, we assessed the quantitative skills that students bring to the introductory biology classroom and found that students had difficulties in performing simple calculations, representing data graphically, and articulating data-driven arguments. In response to students'' learning needs, we infused the course with quantitative concepts aligned with the existing course content and learning objectives. The effectiveness of this approach is demonstrated by significant improvement in the quality of students'' graphical representations of biological data. Infusing QL in introductory biology presents challenges. Our study, however, supports the conclusion that it is feasible in the context of an existing course, consistent with the goals of college biology education, and promotes students'' development of important quantitative skills.  相似文献   

通过对—二甲基—2—苯基—1,4—氧氮杂—5,7—二酮的研究,表明这一化合物及其衍生物是手性源化合物,利用它合成许多手性化合物同时找到了合成1,4—氧氮杂的方法,产率较高.  相似文献   

FEELINGS OF ANXIETY and depression were analyzed in a group of 13 mothers of children with Down syndrome (DS) aged 7 to 8 years using a standardized questionnaire, two projective tests and a semistructured interview. The experience of social support and the family situation was evaluated using questionnaires. Thirteen women without handicapped children served as a comparative group. The results were also compared with results obtained in 18 mothers of motor handicapped children and 18 mothers of children with mental retardation and psychotic symptoms. Mood disturbances such as anxiety and depression seemed to be uncommon in the mothers of primary school children with DS. Their experience of social support was not negative although the need for more empathy was expressed by some of them. There were no major differences between the mothers of children with DS and the mothers of motor handicapped children. The results indicate that mothers of children with DS fare better than mothers of children with mental retardation and psychotic symptoms.  相似文献   

追随与超越--现代远程教育理论架构中的碎思   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在现代远程教育理论架构的过程中,我们将首先直面学习理论、教学理论和课程理论.然而,当今学习理论从纷争到混合,教学理论从对立到渗透,课程理论从开发到理解,其自身嬗变和相互关联,正是远程教育理论所需要的追随与超越.  相似文献   

近20年来,人们对3,4-二甲基-2-苯基-1,4-氧氮杂-5,7-二酮(Ⅰ)这一重要手性化合物进行了大量研究工作,利用它的手性诱导作用合成了许多高光产率的化合物,这其中包括生物碱及抗白血病药物.随着不对称合成全盛的发展,对(Ⅰ)合成生物活性的化合物前景看好.  相似文献   

From blog to bebo and beyond: text,risk, participation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper broadly explores the notion that text is an artefact that encodes and displays the tensions, resistances, positioning and affinities of its producer and, further, that many of these drivers have their source in quite significant shifts in the broad contours of contemporary Western culture. Against this background, two different artefacts are analysed in this paper: a blog and a bebo page. The blog has been produced by an adult female academic and the bebo page by an early adolescent girl. These text producers and users are positioned quite differently in terms of geography, education, life experience, identity, social class and interests. They also have differential access to and experience of digital technologies. However, they both make use of the affordances of technologies, in particular Internet‐connected laptops and desktops, to create and disseminate these texts to do ‘work’ on their behalf in particular social domains.  相似文献   

This paper highlights the problem of falling recruitment to foreign language (FL) degrees in higher education, outlining some of the recent changes in secondary FL education which have contributed in part to this situation. It draws attention to the lack of research into the impact that the fall in numbers of students taking a foreign language A level is having on the quality of the intake onto HE foreign languages courses. It reviews the findings and conclusions of the only major study in this area and then presents the results of a new longitudinal study of FL learning at a major UK university. The findings challenge the prevalent view that A level foreign languages are becoming the preserve of the academically elite and raise questions about the type of skills rewarded at foreign language A level. The study confirms previous research findings relating to poor progression rates in university FL learning, but questions the assumption that poor tuition is the root cause of this malaise.  相似文献   

研究N的元素表示为,N4中元素的代数和的最简表达式的项数问题,并提出合理的猜想.  相似文献   

本文给出一类非连通图 nC_3~1UmC_4~2,并证明了这类非连通图是优美图。  相似文献   

2,6-吡啶二甲酸经酯化和胼解后制得2,6-吡啶二酰肼,再与芳酰氯反应得到2,6-吡啶四酰肼,最后在SOCl2存在下发生脱水环化反应,合成了2个2,6-二(2'-芳基-1',3',4'-噁二唑基)吡啶化合物,用'1HNMR、FT-IR、MS对其结构进行了表征.  相似文献   

Although many studies have been done on the benefits of parent/teacher‐child interactions during shared storybook reading or read‐aloud sessions, very few have examined the potential of professional storytellers' oral discourse to support children's vocabulary learning. In those storytelling sessions conducted by professional storytellers, the process of telling a story is typically not accompanied by a book, but only by the teller's well‐coordinated gestures, facial expressions and voice modulations. In this study, I perform a multimodal analysis of storytellers' oral discourse recorded during two storytelling sessions for four‐to‐five‐year‐old children. The study aims to (1) find out the specific types of vocal and visual features accompanying the spoken words which were unlikely to be known by the children but used by the storytellers for representations of events and characters, and (2) explore the potential of these multimodal features in oral storytelling to support children's inferring of word meanings. The study offers insights into multimodality in oral storytelling and implications for exploring the potential of multimodal features in this form of literacy practice to support children's vocabulary learning.  相似文献   

活动目的1.通过活动了解歇后语这一语言形式,体会歇后语诙谐、幽默、富有哲理的特点,激发学习语言的兴趣。2.激发探究欲望,培养主动参与意识和团结协作的精神。  相似文献   

This paper explores feminist pedagogy classroom conflict through looking at how time, in a psychoanalytic sense, can rupture straightforward interpretations of manifest classroom dynamics. I use the concept of transference to consider how classroom conflict is complicated by the reliving and replaying of past conflicts in the pedagogical arena, a dynamic that is more unwieldy in feminist pedagogies that rely on personal experience and dialogue. Conflicted classroom experience can also reappear and be repeatedly relived in fantasy; I examine how fantasy can work as an ego defence at the same time that it can be a location for learning about the conflict that produced it. Finally, I draw on Freud's concept of deferred action to explore the haunting of difficult classroom experience. My central concerns lie in the difficulties of crafting learning from feminist pedagogy conflict and of arriving at a tolerable afterwards to such conflict.  相似文献   

纵观中东国家现代化走过的整个历程,它们各自经历了经济的分裂时期和经济的恢复增长时期,现在已经进入一个新的也是最为关键的时期,即经济的转折和与全球化相接轨的时期.根据相关数据来看,中东国家的工业化进程似乎已经进入或者即将进入较高级的发展阶段,但是这种状况并不能够说明中东现代化已经具有较高程度,相反却反证了这些国家现代化程度的滞后性.作为一个地区而言,有很多不确定因素都可能影响到中东未来经济的发展,这些因素或者单独发挥作用,或者相互交织,不同程度对中东经济起到延缓或者推动作用.  相似文献   

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